Iroha's birthday. Happy birthday Iroha edition
wakey wakey
>>204607395How are you?
>>204608746my favorite camgirl
>>204608746If I were you, I'd have stayed in America. People want to leave the region, and you willingly migrate here?! Dumbest decision ever.
>>204608992>People want to leave the regionNot were I live materialism aside I'd say we have a much higher qualitie of life here than in america
Can't get over this song, my heart aches for the people of the Levant
>>204609549Her fluffy hair covers her
>>204609282What kind of song will they play when they get defeated?
>>204609015You had 50 states, an entire continent. Don't tell me Israel is better than all of America! There are some parts of America that are far better than Israel. You had lots of choices, countrysides, forests, huge cities, suburbs. While Israel is a small country with limited choices.
>>204609015And this looks like a wasteland btw
بداية خرا كالعادة
WaitLinkin Park released a new album? And they have a woman now? Wtf?
>>204610799Yeah, but it's my wasteland.
>>204611670On a clear day I can see the mountains of the ocupied east bank across the river jordan and even make out buildings in amon, one day it will all be liberated and the land of israel will be undivided like our holy capitol the eternal city of yerushalime is after the 67 war
هك تو
>هك تفو
>>204607395>>204608183>>204609569birthday correction needed
>>204611637>And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed.I wonder why Shem didn't do the same for his "chosen people" XD
اليوم صادفت صديقتي السابقة بالكلية وشكلها متضايقة مني، برايكم افك الحظر عنها واحاول اطيب من خاطرها؟
>>204608746Hey Matthew
السام عليكمتسجيل دخول عشان أعلمكم أني حأجلخ
Is this the slowest general on /int/ ?
>>204615525على حسب شكلها
ذلك الشعور بدون حبيبة عراقية تقول لي "شكو ماكو ؟" كل يوم
كس امك يا ابن المارونية
>>204617097هي حلوة لكن من ردت اخطبها اكتشفنا عندها اخ معوق وخفنا من الجينات الوراثية وسحبت عليها
i open this 3 posts/24h general after a week hiatus and now i see the iraki who thinks meningitis (bacterial infection) is hereditary and the maronite who thinks arabic doesn't have punctuation as a last post and the tranny poolestinian diasporat as an OPgreat thread you guys have
آخ أبى أنيك سمرةحسافة هنا في السعودية كل حريمنا بِيض
>>204618060الله يعين
>>204618060>meningitisI'm not even sure it was that. But it was described to me as a horrific condition. That was enough to scare me away from marrying her.
>>204616231Waz up
>>204618380Good you should've carried the celebrations that someone as low iq as you isn't breeding ever
>>204618612Why don't you find a girl with deformed genetics and show us how smart you are by breeding with her? Oh wait, your ancestors already bred with Senegali sex slaves XD
>>204618693>raping slaves and breeding any past puberty age pre-menopause woman....le bad !!!!that's why your family tree is a full circle
>>204618759And that's why people call you Senguli, you ugly mutt. Gentlemen with high standings in society have to be careful with whom they breed. Only the best stock of genetic lottery are fit for my seeds, and I have the money to afford it. Now move along, peasant.
Is this retard actually using chatgpt to make these corny ass posts roflmao
Yu'rub, take the L and move on. You'll never be not retarded for leaving her for that stupid reason.
>>204619091Probably, I did like her. She's such a nice girl who loves me. But the idea of my deforming my lineage and destroying hundreds of years of heritage scared me to the bones. And even if I were stupid enough to get blinded by emotions, my family would never support this union. It was never meant to be.
>>204619257You rushed. 7amroki told you before you leave her that meningitis isn't genetic. You should've made sure it's genetic before leaving. But that's life. You learn from fuck ups.
Thank god everyone in my family has at least a bachelor imagine if i went to marry a girl and everyone puts the kibosh on it because her 4th maternal cousin has type 1 diabetes and they mistake it for genetic type 2 or type 3 if they were highschool dropouts
>>204619384No infection can mangle a human like how he was described to me. His condition is absolutely horrific. It was probably something genetic.
Moroccans are friends, because they catch the sardines for Lidl.>140kcal>18g protein>good amount of EPA/DHA>low pollution for a marine product
Thank god everyone in my family is a normal human being imagine if i went to marry a girl and someone said their opinion negative out loudImagine letting your father decide who you marry
>>204619543Oh yeah, because you just ask about the health conditions of the family tree during the engagement lol. That's just something you observe and try not to bring it up as avoid insulting people or hurting their feelings. You absolute autistic retard.
>>204619684الله يرحم ترابك يا اشكره خبر كنت تحب بوستات السردين المغربي وتعيش عشانها
>>204619721>Imagine letting your father decide who you marrythis too>>204619754no one mentioned asking them about it and bringing it up, you just outed yourself you insecure imbecile
>>204619804Then how do you which type of diabetes they have? You have to ask them about such information.
بالمناسبة، عندنا بالعراق فحص دم الزامي قبل عقد الزواج بالمحكمة. لكن المشكلة غالباً العقد الشرعي يتم قبل عقد المحكمة ولازم تطلقها اذا اكتشفت عندها مرض وراثي
صاحبتي (not gf) فجأة راسلتني أمس تقول تبى تقابلني عشان تكلمني و ما قالت عشان ايشتتوقعوا ليش؟ ما أشوفها الا مرة بالسنة (اخر مرة سبتمبر 2023)
>>204617353خارج السياقغالبأ بسبب زواج الاقارب
>>204620252اتطاوشت مع حبيبها وبدها picrel
راح اصارحها بالموضوع وانهي السالفة للابد. اذا المرض وراثي راح تعرف السبب. واذا المرض مو وراثي راح احاول اتحقق من الموضوع واحاول ارجع وياها
>>204620286ما عندهم زواج اقارب بالعائلة حسب علمي. لكن اعتقد الجينات العاطلة من طرف والدتها
>>204620341tell her this >>204618927>>204618693and screenshot for us all to laugh
>>204620341>واحاول ارجع وياهامستحيل ترجع العلاقة زي ما كانت مهما صارIt's over
>>204620313ما أظن عندها حبيبهي بنت قبايل (أبوها و أمها عيال عم) ما عندها ذي السوالفقالتلي مرة أنها تزوجت واحد عمياني (و ما زبطت و تطلقوا)
>>204620494بس عندها صاحب بتطلع معه عادي؟
Milena Velba
>>204620402اكل خرا انا حرفياً لا طلبت رايك ولا نصايحك الخرا>>204620436هذا خيرها وراح احترم خيارها مهما كان
>>204620566Do it you faggot, give her a monologue about eugenics and then post it here
>>204620522كل عيلة لهم خطوطهم الحمرا و عيالهم يتعدونها بخطوة وحدة
>>204620661>eugenicsMost Iraqis know and accept this concept. I don't need to teach her about the dangers of genetic illnesses. I will tell her I was scared of her brothers condition and didn't tell her about this to avoid hurting her feelings then ask her if it's genetic or not.
>>204618554Keep up the good work.
>>204620784if that was true iraq would have a population of 0
I have a friend who divorced two wives because they have genetic conditions. I don't remember what the first one had. The second one had epilepsy.
jakiś ziomek na /polska/ kazał nam rajdować tą (tę?) nitkę
why do people keep posting chinese cartoons
>>204621561TRUEEEEE I was saying that at the mosque like an hour ago and no one believed me
دشوا علينا الزنادقة
صدگ اتوقع الماركت جابوا من هذا (صنع في المغرب)آراء؟
>>204621801>in vegetable oilRuins the omegas, to be frank. The Lidl brand ones (and probably others) in the tomato sauce variant have no added fat whatsoever. Tasty with some lime or onion.
انا فعلاً اغبى شخص بالدنيا
>>204622442حقك اضحك علي انا استاهل
اريد اليوم اشرب الخمر لحد ما انام على الرصيف
انا الغبي اللي سوا اكبر غلطة بعمره
اعتذرت قالت طلعت متأخر من الدوام (دوامها 12 ساعة أو شي زي كذة)قالت الجو حلو و ودها تشب حطب
يگلك اليوم ذكرى معركة القادسية، الي هزم بيها العرب إمبراطورية الفرس سنة 656 ميلاديًا بس ترا والله عيب امبراطورية شگدها شكبرها وحضارة وتاريخ يجي كم بدوي مهتلف من الصحراء يسقطها وينعل والديهم وياخذ نسوانهم سبايا قبل هاي المعركة چانو الفرس محتلين العراق لفترة طويلة جدًا، خلال هاي الفترة طمسو إرثنا ولغاتنا وثقافتنا فرضو كلشي فارسي علينالذلك چانت معركة لابد منها، لولاها هسه احنا فرس كاتلنا الوصخ وريحتنا ثوم
>>204623793يوم التعداد السكاني ما كنت داري أنه بيصير أصلا و جاتني بنتقالتلي لازم أسجل في موقع مدري وشو و أكتب معلوماتيقلت طيب و كنت متوقع أنها بتروح للشقق الثانية و ترجعلي, بس لا قعدت فوق راسي لين ما خلصت
>>204624164هه من اته گلت هاي اجم ربع التعداد
>>204624815الترجمة من فضلك
>>204624815وهو يسجلهن بنفسه بس تنطيه الجنسية هسهوبعدين باجر عگبة يجون يسألون على الأغراض يعني كم ثلاجة عندك كم سبلت كم حمام وكذا
>>204607395cute >.<
>>204624858يعني من كتبت هذا الرد انت اجوا بتاع التعداد السكاني دقوا الباب علي
Cheers to hackers
>all Muslim countries unite into a caliphate>"it's Islamophobic to criticize us because we're the only Muslim country"This is how retarded kikes sound
ينب بنت جحش
خرا بالگواد جاي ادور عرگ وما احصل هنة من يلتمن يلتمن
بيدوتروون ثريد
>>204626156قوية ضلع
ahdndifbdkmxjwwkskcbekeiNo not white kys
خرا بالله الگواد رايح لبسمايا اجيب عرگ كون سيارتي تنگلب واموت
>>204619684Wish they exported it hereSardines are very expensive in this shithole
>>204629227fish is expensive here as well despite being big producers of ittho sardines got slightly cheaper lately
>>204629299They cost from 6 to 8 usd here
>>204625356More like>All Muslims get thrown out of every place they've ever been>They set up a caliphate in Switzerland>It's anti-Japethan to criticize us, non- Muslims. We're allowed to kill kids ok?
أنا الوحيد اللي يستمني بدون اباحية
>>204630505>everyone from 5000 bc to 1900
حالياً سكران ما اشوف دربي بس ابن عمي لزمني وگال تبات يمي
هنه النسوان هم بشر
انا الوحيد اللي لا يستمني
Is elon musk a good or a bad guy? I’m really confused it doesn’t seem that he likes jews to me but pol says he do
>>204632018واضح من منشورك أنك غبي فلذلك المعلومة ما راح تنفعك
>>204632018>it doesn’t seem that he likes jews to me but pol says he doHe has a picture where he's hosed down by a jewrat friend of his, and they joke that muh rich elite is still getting shot with water by a jew
>>204632118فهمني طيب ليش توتر صاير معادي سامي اكثر من اول والمنشورات ما تنحذف
>>204632696مين سامي ده؟ صاحبك في المدرسة؟
أرحنا بها يا بلال (يقصد البي بي سي حق العبد بلال)
>>204633572الله يقرفك يا اخي ارحمنا
ابراهيم ارحمني
Muh حسين
>>204632018good guy
خرا بالله الگواد
يابة تهون تهووون
I hate this country so much it's unreal
I love BBC so much it’s unreal
>’s /mena/ take on UAE?
>>204634416Most based country in mena
>>204633928يا تهون حتى السكارة سولفتلهم وضحكوا علي
رايحين نتعشى
>>204635325that’s Iraq?
>>204635403No, it's Arizona. I'm drunk on the highway.
>>204635567I see
>>204634416عارف الناس اللي بتقول ان الدول الحديثة منزوعة الوطنية و عبارة عن مجرد تقسيمات اقتصادية؟ الإمارات هي المفهوم ده 100%، منطقة جغرافية موجودة عشان البيزنس
>>204636100Are there any failed meme states like Algeria?Most meme states are successful like Belgium, Kuwait, UAE..etc
>>204636579مولدوڤا/ترانزيستريا، بابوا نيو غينيا، معظم إفريقيامتخافش انت لست وحدك
>>204636579algeria is holding itself together well and isn't a meme state by any metrica meme state would be like angola or liberia or any autonomous region/state, belgium is far from being a meme state as well
>>204636679Oh good >>204636761>algeria is holding itself together well LolLmao even>and isn't a meme state by any metricIt is a meme state by every metric >belgium is farBelgium was created by UK like most gulf countries
>>204636953did you skip highschool
>>204637063you should've done it to learn a trade instead since it seems the time you spent there went to waste
>>204637103>no argument I'll accept your concession >If I had discovered an Algerian nation, I would have been a patriot and not ashamed of my crime. I would not die for the Algerian nation, because this nation does not exist. I searched for it in history but did not find it. I asked the living and the dead about it and visited cemeteries to no avail.First president of Algeria
>>204632018People are complicated. Are you 12?
>>204637147I don't have to explain to you why a 200 yo (if we throw everything before the kingdom into a trashcan) country in Belgium isn't a "meme state"Go back to highschool my nigga
>>204637286So 200 years from now (if Algeria still exists) then it would cease being a meme state?Belgium just got a head start
>>204637156>People are complicatedHe learned the opposite from every day being around you.
وش رايكم في أفخاد أبو دراع؟
Suggest movies
>>204638043I always recommend Predestination to my friends to fuck them up.
>>204638043ZERO (2012)
>>204638043The PrestigeThe Revenant
>>204618060(Classical) arabic indeed didn't have any formal punctuation, retarded NAFRI faggot.
is prometheus goodreading about the series and movie in a wiki or just the lore makes it sound like a masterpiece but everyone is relentlessly shitting on it as mid everywhere i look
>>204638267kys NAFRI scum
>>204617276I'm actually half Greek Catholic. My dad is Maronite.
>>204638258btw now i decided that english doesn't have it as well
>>204638043Jean de Florette
>>204638317الكفر ملة واحدة
من اللي اخترع فكرة لعبة فيفا ع البلي واحنا سكرانين
>>204638420Even Beowulf had punctuation, in Old English (a completely separate language)
>>204638528merry jolly information my dear sir now i shall make it so that old english shan't be using punctuation as wellhow will thin bitch ass nigga proceed to vanquish me from achieving this
>>204618060>t. Incel loser
>>204638219>The Prestige>The Revenantholy normie plebevery time i learn something about this kike cuck it makes him look worse than before
>>204638258المصحف فيه علامات ضبط من 1400 عام يا جويهليأبى النصراني الصاغر إلا مكايدة المسلمين و التنكر لهم
طرد أبو الوليد والمارونيقي من الخيط
need for 6eez
طرد المشركين من جزيرة العرب
>>204638074>>204638171>>204638429Thanks>>204638219I treat The Prestige like I treat the Godfather, something to nap when it comes on TV.Will watch The Revenant though
>>204638671nice to meet you
>>204639235Nice to meet you too
>>204638856هل النصارى واليهود يعتبرون مشركين؟
>>204638647Shakespearean English isn't Old English, ser.>>204638732Fucking stupid idiot moron sophist, no one is talking about the fucking Quran. The Quran had its own fucking system. Name one book outside of the Quran that followed the same fucking system. Idiot moron.
Would I be murdered if I was living in the middle east and people found out I worshipped Ishtar and the other Mesopotamian gods?
>الكفر ملة واحدة>هل النصارى واليهود يعتبرون مشركين؟
>>204639484Hey! I too worship Ishtar!
>>204639494-بتحب الشيوعيين ولا الاشتراكيين؟ =كلهم ولاد كلب. صحيح، فلان شيوعي ولا اشتراكي؟ وين التناقض؟
>>204639494أتكلم عن التصنيف الفقهي يا حمار. "الكفر ملة واحدة" مَثل حديث يقوله الإسلامجية, ماله علاقة بالفقة الإسلامي.بعدين لو كان اليهود والمسيحيين يعتبروا مشركين, فليه هم موجودين بعد الإسلام في اليمن وشرق الجزيرة؟
>>204639484>عشتار>>204639577المسيحيين مشركين عشان بيشركو عيسى بالألوهيةاليهود على حد علمي (الي ممكن غلط) مشركين بنفس الطريقة الي الصوفيين فيها مشركين، التوسل بالموتى والصالحين
>>204639426اذلف بس ابن قحبة نصرانيةهات الجزية ولا يكثر
>>204639484We have an island named after her
>>204639484>>204639540ليش الكفار كرنج كذا؟
Do /mena/ people know about 40k? What's your favorite faction?
>>204639577برضو إيش التعريف الفقهي لجزيرة العرب؟ ابن عباس وصفها بأنها بلاد الرافدين, الشام وشبة الجزيرة. معناها أنه بغداد اللي كان فيها بوذيين زمن العباسيين كان المفروض تكون خالية من المشركين
>>204639484>Ishtar She's literally a massive slut.Even a coomer like Gilgamesh didn't want anything to do with her.Also, it's very weird. Why would you worship weird deities when God is greater than these weirdos?
>>204639777cringe reddit franchise bafflingly unoriginal
>>204639577>أتكلم عن التصنيف الفقهي يا حمار. "الكفر ملة واحدة" مَثل حديث يقوله الإسلامجية, ماله علاقة بالفقة الإسلامي.I don't care about your fucking pilpul you ape.>>204639695>المسيحيين مشركين عشان بيشركو عيسى بالألوهيةYou're allowed to marry them, ergo they're not "mushriquuuun" according to your own fucking logic. It's not for retarded muslims to make decisions that relate to Christian theology and Christian doctrine. Using muslim terms and muslim logic to talk about another tradition comes across as extremely arrogant, doubly so when done by bedouin sand monkeys who eat their own toenails.
>>204639788Because divinity has many faces, not just one. I figure the divines will understand if I worship them in the form my ancestors prefer, even if the names are not accurate, or their sovereignties aren't the same. They're smart. They'll get it.
>>204639786بلاد العرب هي جزيرة العرب و الشام(العراق ضمن الشام تجوزا)جزيرة العرب هي شبه الجزيرة العربية
>>204639857>let me tell you about the religion you studied since birthKys
>>204639857نعم يجوز للمسلم تزوج النصرانية ولا يجوز للنصراني تجوز المسلمة, و من حكمة هذا تذكير النصارى بصغارهم تجاه المسلمين و تبعيتهم لهم
>>204639857>I don't care about your fucking pilpul you ape.You do, otherwise you wouldn't (you) me even tho I wasn't even talking to u. You realized your reply was fucking stupid and now you pretend you don't care.
>>204639862كيف تفسر وجود المشركين طيب؟ الأخطل مسيحي كان صديق عبدالملك بن مروان ويدخل مجالسه وينشد شعر
>>204639998الأخطل بالجزيرة الفراتية يا تنكةتفو على هيك جهلة
>>204640016خنيثي, عاصمة الأمويين كانت في دمشق ((((الشام))))) والأخطل كان يدخل على مجالس عبدالملك هناك
>>204639862>>204639918Your Quran says you can't marry mushriqun. Hence they're not mushriqueen. Get it, or is basic logic too much for your sahara desert brain to handle, hm?> و من حكمة هذا تذكير النصارى بصغارهم تجاه المسلمين و تبعيتهم لهمoh no! anyway>>204639959Don't tell me how I fucking feel you inbred ape. Know your place, sal3oumi worm.>>204639786The word "mushrikeen" makes 0 sense outside of an Abrahamic concept you uneducated ape.>>204639862Nice fanfic, moron
>>204640091طيب؟؟ الشام مو بجزيرة العرب يا سفيه
>>204640141Abrahamic context*
>>204640141حك أيري يا فتى
>>204639859God of Abraham proved to be the stronger God. I doubt any sane person would choose a coomer bait like Ishtar.It will be just a larp reilgion which won't be taken seriously.
Also you literally You'ed me you stupid moron>you wouldn't (you) me even tho I wasn't even talking to u.
>>204640141>The word "mushrikeen" makes 0 sense outside of an Abrahamic concept you uneducated ape.who asked? like every dumbass, you sure love giving opnions.
>>204640188I hope prophet muhammed makes you choke on his penis when you reach jhannam
>>204640238I hope the rashidun caliphs gangrape you when you reach jhannam
>>204640271When is the sequel, do you think?
>>204640248أيور الشياطين النارية ستقتحم شرجك في الدرك الأسفل
Give me one good reason why shouldn’t jerk off to BLACKED right now
>>204640357It's owned by Jews
>أيور الشياطين النارية ستقتحم شرجك في الدرك الأسفل
>tries to insult someone >gets fisted>tries to insult again>realizes his insult was garbage>comes back with "also," and another shitty insultWhy is maroun so pathetic?
Mass literacy was a mistake.
>>204640423TRUEEEEEI blame the French for trying to turn you into humans
>>204640357you can't be horny for BBC 24/7 you're probably a shill
>>204640460We..I explained this before
>>204640505Sounds like you have low T
>>204640318who knows really, back in the civil war Israeli society and the perception of the war were a lot different then what it is now in current daysfor one society as a whole was a lot more left leaning, and there were lots of unhappy voices about our questionable conduct during it saying we're going too farThese days not only has society shifted a lot more to the right but even voices among the left are supportive of the war, The leader of our biggest (actual) left wing party said operations in Lebanon should be expanded further, Everyone here sees (or saw I guess...) Hezbollah as a genuine existential threat and has no sympathy for them, I mean the places where they shoot rockets are mostly arab druze and bedouin, even when they shoot at the center of the country they hit arab cities like tira.. I think there is this misunderstanding among foreigners that the left here wants to end the war in Gaza because they care about Palestinians, which is pretty inaccurate, might've been true a decade or two ago but not now, Leftists here simply believe two things: Netanyahu is responsible for the failures and should step down and that the lives of the hostages are more important than the war aims, they couldn't really care less about the palestinians... In the case of Hezbollah, they really don't have either of those things going for them.
>>204640598Well it took you long enough. We understood palis to be an existential threat ever since Damour (1976), and hezbollah since day 1 (never trust a shiaoid to act like a human being)Also, thanks for the effortpost.
This is the retard you're replying to btw
>>204640699Screw you marouni If you accepted Israel's peace deal you'll end up keeping all the Pali refugees who are in Lebanon.
>>204640386Jews are based for promoting BBC retard, we hate each other but we agree on some things
>>204640786الحرب بالسودان بدت تبرد. متى ترجع يا أنون؟
>>204640786>>204640357يسطا عملت ده البوست عشانك >>204633572
Goddess, please forgive the Mohammadeans, they don't know that what they do is evil.
تحية للقصمان على اختراع الحنيني
>>204640404I hope Alex and Ghassan spitroast you when you reach jhannam
>>204640784>you'll end up keeping all the Pali refugees who are in Lebanon.The ones who convert to Christianity can stay. The ones who don't will be sent to the ovens.
>>204640882That's not a reasonable solution, marouni.You could try being genocidal, but you'll most likely be stopped unless Israel is the one doing it.
>>204640784This war has actually decreased the number of foreign refugees in Lebanon afaik no?If the number I saw are correct a 5 digit number of palestinian refugees left lebanon and a 6 digit number of syrians went back to syria
>>204640856>Alex and GhassanNigga is on first name basis with them :skullemoji:
I hate Arab diasporat and rich kids so much it's unreal
>>204641034>If the number I saw are correct a 5 digit number of palestinian refugees left lebanon and a 6 digit number of syrians went back to syriaSource? I'd love that to be the case.>>204640996It's a win/win. It's a one way ticket to "jannah", guaranteed, for the muhammadeans. If anything they'd be thanking us.
>>204641114Seethe, poorfag
>>204641034Like I said, you are the only country that can get away with ethnic cleansing.Not sure how accurate the Palestinian refugee part since many Palestinians who are living in refugee camps in Lebanon have no where to go.>>204641119You're so dumb
yeah normal average people should be completely banned from discussing politicsyou all sound like nerdy faggots arguing over a tabletop game from an outsiders' pov
>>204641157I actually have genius level intellect.>>204641163I agree.
>>204641119>The Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) reported that, between September 24 and October 22 2024, about 440,000 people, 71 percent Syrians and 29 percent Lebanese, fled Lebanon to Syria through official border crossings. Others are believed to have crossed unofficially.>As of October 14, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) reported that 481 Palestinian refugee families in Lebanon, some 2,400 people, had contacted the agency while already in Syria. This is only a fraction of those fleeing, as not all of them register and remain off the radar.
>>204641176actually it's :skull:
>>204641209HOLY BASED Thanks for sharing!
>>204641218Jordanians are retarded.
oh no!!! mushrikuuuun!!!
>>204641267>>204641284Take a chill pill you fag
Assyrian women.
When will arab muslims realize that "god" has abandoned them due to their historically subhuman behavior? Did they miss the last part of surah muhammed?
>>204641318belong to babylonian men
>>204641163>from an outsiders' povthe only one whose technically an outsider here is the american flag, not that I dislike him or anything hes cool in my book>>204641157>Like I said, you are the only country that can get away with ethnic cleansing.Maybe I could see your point about the palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon but Israel is on an 'operation wrath of god' era against Hamas and those Refugee camps are indeed hotbeds for Hamas activity with Al-Arouri who sat at the top overlooking it all, and this is without mentioning this lmao>> how is Syrian refugees going back to syria ethnic cleansing?
>>204641324so the holocaust means jews are subhuman
>>204641386i'm talking about the debate and arguing about things beyond your reach in first person, imbecile
>>204641318Belong to black men
>>204641413Fair enough I guess
>>204641411the holocaust was a test from God for his chosen people
>>204641324You should know by now there are like 3 Muslims here.Most mena posters are atheists.If you want to piss them off just shit on Arabism and Arab identity.>how is Syrian refugees going back to syria ethnic cleansing?Because a lot of them are going to get prosecuted by thr Syrian government, my main point is that many Palis will be screwed over more than they already are.
>>204641547Nmp Syria is subhumans run by a subhuman. That's why we wanted our own state from the beginning.
>>204641547>Because a lot of them are going to get prosecuted by thr Syrian government... and they weren't prosecuted by Hezbollah who is a close ally of the assad regime? I mean I'm not here to discount your post, there are almost definitely a lot of syrian refugees in Lebanon who are FSA sympathizers/supporters, maybe even some former fighters although I doubt hezb would let them in lebanon, but I think those guys know they are dead meat the moment they enter assad-controlled areas so its much more likely they either stayed in lebanon, heck, I don't doubt that some of them might be doing recon for Israeli intelligence in Lebanonas for the palestinian refugees, who knows really, the assad regime supports palestinians on paper but fought against them during the civil war, so its really up in the air as to how they'll be treated there
>>204641581lolI'm eating homemade Sfiha
I'm halfway through this movie. It's insanely good so far
tldr second libyan civil war? libyan national army seems like the good guys to me
>>204641761Second? When did the first end?
>>204641845wikipedia says 2nd started in 2014 and ended in 2020 although wikipedia is retarded so take that with a grain of salt
>>204641690Sounds delicious desu
>>204641740Okay now I'm seethingThey really couldn't bring an Arab from a falafel shop near them to make sure it's said correctly?Wtf is "راج قوي"?
>>204641881I heard that Aramaic is still used in Christian prayers in Lebanon. It this true?Also, Pic of the Sfiha:
>>204642043Holy fucking retardationThere's an Afghani warlord called "rajqawee" in the movieFucking kill me
>>204642047Did you know that kikes pray in Aramaic because they believe angels don't understand it?
>>204642047Every day, any respectable church in the world will have at least one mass. And in every maronite mass in Lebanon, around 25% of the liturgy is in Aramaic. The rest is in Arabic.
>>204641324>Did they miss the last part of surah muhammed?
>>204642881Fake news, kys
Fucking turd comes shitting up the thread with his crosscuckery and trinitardation, then whines and tries to report everything showing his joke of a "religion"
>>204642961You post the exact same /pol/ slop every time. Are you mentally ill?
>>204642959Tfu, idol worshipper
>>204642983You post the exact same crosscuck slop every time. Do you suck jewish penis everyday?
>>204643007>You post the exact same crosscuck slop every time.No I don't. Take your meds ASAP.
>>204643003>>2004>I know how to read a 4 digit number!!! I have genious levol intelloct!
بغير اسمي, اقتراحات؟
>>204643025I don't either, crosscuckGo worship your idol, you piece of shit
>>204643030You support gay rights now? Is your brain completely rotten to the core by /pol/, you mongoloid? You humanoid piece of garbage.
>>204643037SalaheddinMehmet Al-Fatih
>>204643060You worship a crucified jew while they've raped crosscucks for 1000 years
>>204643045Yes you do. You are posting the exact same images again and again. Like anyone even cares.
>>204643093No I don't, crosscuck. Take your meds and sit on your dildo
>>204643092>You worship a crucified jewStop saying this like it means anything outside of /pol/ you fucking subhuman. How many times do I need to repeat this for it to penetrate your skull, ape?>they've raped crosscucks for 1000 years???GO OUTSIDE
>>204643135>How many times do I need to repeat thisYou already repeat the same stupid shit every day when you disgrace us with your crosscuck presence
Didn't expect the new Linkin Park album to be this good or The Secret Life of Walter Mitty to be a kino. What a good night this was.Bow I'm going to jerk off to the great porno I found 3 days ago
He's going all out with the scary images! What ever shall I do?
>>204643174Worship the vagina image and cope eternally like you usually do
>>204643171oh nonononon plssss have mercy on me!!!christ?!!! a woman?!!!! NOOOOOOOO
> (6)
>Look at me, I'm a crosscuck! I'm so cool because I'm le shaved by the king of the jews!>Noooo don't make fun of me! I'm the one that makes fun of you chud!! I'm le genius ok?
>>204643232>>204643257IMBECILE. For the 1000000000th TIME GO TO POLI don't care about your fucking memesI AM ATHEIST.
>Look at me, I'm a crosscuck! I follow a guy that says to turn the other cheek and let evil people rape you!!>Nooooo why are you (((worshipping))) a prophet that didn't get crucified like the pedo jew I worship??
>>204643275You're a worthless little crosscuck bitch
>>204643309You are mentally ill and I hope you don't get the help you need since so you don't pass on your mentally ill genes.
>>204643325Keep worshipping your pedo jew
>>204643361I don't believe in God. Again.
>Maaaan the bible says a lot of things>I don't believe in god actually>Yeah, I'm actually a non-practicing christianwhy do christcucks always do this when you tell them what christianity is actually about?
>>204643437stop starting the threads tranny. you're the wrong flag.
>>204643422The tem Christian is just an identity rather than reilgion to some people.
>>204638317Why do crosscucks have 0 dignity?
>>204643453Not my fault that menanoids like you are too slow>>204643470Greek Catholic is both a reilgion and an identity tho.
>>204643422>>Maaaan the bible says a lot of things? meds>>204643422>>Yeah, I'm actually a non-practicing christianNever said that. I said I'm culturally Christian. Are you allergic to nuance, bedouin monkey?
>>204643460>an identity>>204643484>an identitySo you've come to the part where you can use your fancy made up words. That's why I'm sure you're a crosscuck by "identity"
>>204643536You're culturally a bitch with no dignity
>>204643536Who talking to you you rodent? I meant christcuck in general behave like this and you're not much different.
>>204643569Greek orthodox and Greek Catholic are a little culturally different.You won't consider a sunni Iraqi and shia Iraqi as the same culturally now would you?
>>204643610Bro, you were raised in this country. Your head is up your ass and your way of thinking is soy-basedThere's no such thing as "identity". You are what you do, not what you "identify as". Now fuck off
>>204643635Why is Egypsy so mad
>>204643671Why are you an attention-seeking little fly? Every time somebody swats you away you come the fuck back and buzz around saying some stupid pozzed-ass nonsense, and posting your same faggoty anime girls
>>204643703It's heckin cute
Maroun, the Palestinian in the US, and the egypsy are the most retarded posters of all time. The fact we have all three posting at once is fucking awesome >>204643602مرجت قبل شوي
>>204643754استمنيت على ايش؟
>>204643671He's Egyptian? That explains so much?>>204643578Hilarious coming from an incel.>>204643635>There's no such thing as "identity".Yes there is. People identify with their in-group. Thats just a very basic fact of human nature. You are a disgusting sophist and I really wish people like you didn't muck up our gene pool, waste of oxygen.
>>204643754>O Maroun, the Palestinian in the US, and the egypsy are the most retarded posters of all timeYes, I know.>The fact we have all three posting at once You mean all two?
>>204643772>incelYou mean like the crucified jew you worship? At least I don't hang around with little naked boys
>>204643795>all two?
>>204643802>At least I don't hang around with little naked boysOh, I thought you forgot about that one today. Are you planning on taking your meds anytime soon, or not?
>>204643814>Are you planning on taking more jew dick anytime soon, or not?The first part of your post was incoherent as usual, btw. What should we expect from a worthless jew worshipper?
>>204643813Are you posting this image ironically, or..?
>>204643834It's quite clear actually, you illiterate mongrel.
>>204643835Are you sucking jew dick ironically, or..?
>>204643852You keep thinking that, Catholic jew worshipper
>>204643856Your obsession with jews is fascinating. Like your mother's fascination with my semen. She swallows every load.
>>204643880Did you learn that erotic talk from your smut book, the bible? Your erotic book talks about BEC going into levantine prostitutes like your loose-pussied cocksucker of a motherYet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
>>204643926Oh no!
>>204643953That's what your mother says when she's getting pumped by all the dicks running trains on her. What a good little crosscuck slut, like you lebshits train your whores to be
I remember a quote from a jew porn mogul that said they like making porn so they can break open Catholic whores
>1+1+1=1This argument destroys maroun
>>204643962Egyptians are servants who work menial jobs in my country. Know your place, dog. We don't even bother with Egyptian prostitutes since they're all fucking fat. Your mother is the exception of course.
>>204643979Until he remembers he can just say he's atheist and then he's saved again from the consequences of his actions
>>204643996That's all you're good for. Insulting others, fantasizing about cooming (because you're an illegitimate child from a cheap lebanese prostitute), and claiming you're a Catholic until you start taking Ls as usual then you become atheist. Then you project and pretend the Muslims that cover up are the whores, not your crosscuck sluts that literally suck dick if you smile at them
>>204643979Yes all the greatest European minds never considered this, until facebook memes came along of course.>>204643997Nigger you need to have sex asap. Is this general your whole social life? Actions and consequences? Really? On an anonymous imageboard? I can't believe I'm starting to pity you.
>>204644037Lol egg head hijabi
>>204644039>Actions and consequences? Really?A son of a lebanese prostitute can't grasp the concept of consequences. What a surpriseThe real surprise is you even have internet
>>204644064Have sex hbbYou're coming across as more and more pathetic with each post
>>204644055Lol golem cocksucker, son of an uncovered whore and one of her cuckolds
>>204644087Are you having an episode? It's time to let go now, sweatie. You're sad I insulted your mommy right?
>>204644086I already fucked your whore lebshit mother, but her pussy is so loose it's impossible to feel anything. Ask any guy from your neighborhood, he'll tell you the same thingMeanwhile you've never even held hands with one of those whores roaming your godless jew territory
Little egypsoid can't handle having his mommy insulted on the internet! He needs to make 1000 posts in retaliation, so brave!
>>204644039>European>mindsLol. Lmao even.Imagine thinking whites are capable of thinking
>>204644103>You're sad I insulted your mommy right?Why would I be sad? It's clear you've got absolutely shit as usual, and since your religion is a pedophile/cuckold religion I know nothing is beneath you
>>204644125Anyway, I enjoyed fucking your lebashit mother's loose crosscuck pussy. Tell her I said thanks
>>204644138kek ok sand nigger what ever you say dawg!>>204644142Your mom is beneath me right now, fondling my balls! Walked right into that one!
>>204644158Oh no! Not my mommy! Not on the internet! I shan't not allow this! 1000 more slop memes from /pol/, now!
>>204644171Lol you're so funny! All of us now agree with you that we should worship a crucified pedo jew but say we're atheist! Wow you're such a GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh, and your mother is getting fucked by 2 guys right now. Good thing she's not a hijabi
My Faith shakes with every post he makes! Dawkins! Harris! Peterson!!!! Save me from myself!
>>204644184All your religion is good for is saying that whores like your mother are saved while they gargle cum, then project it onto everybody else
NOOOOO anything but PEDO. PLEASE PLEASE not PEDO!! ANYTHING. BUT NOT. PEDO! PLEASE don't call him that!
>>204644230My dick shakes with every move your lebanese whore mother makes
My faith... My poor faith... What have they done to to you. Look how they massacred by Faith!
>>204644256lol virgin detected
>>204644251>>204644265Keep trying to pretend it's everybody else that's the clown and not (You), son of a cheap lebanese prostitute
He insulted my mommy again! He can't keep getting away with this!
>>204644279Why are you talking to yourself, crosscuck? Are you bored while your mother has her friends over in her bedroom?
>>204644307You chose the only post where I actually You'ed you to say this? What's wrong with your head, dawg? Sand nigger much?
>>204644305>He insulted my mommy again!Pretty sure I'm not the first one to insult your mommy. Only she gets insulted more for fun because she likes it dirty
>>204644324I love eating the coagulated blood from your mommy's pussy when she's on her period. Not many of those left, so I cherish each and every one!
>>204644323>You chose the only post where I actually You'ed you to say thisDamn, those guys must have fucked your mother so hard they gave you a concussion in the womb. Good thing she's saved, so she can be as much of a little lebanese slut as she wants
>>204644345You didn't address my argument. I accept your concession.
>>204644343You've literally never touched a woman outside your family in your entire life. Which is an amazing achievement, since all you need to fuck a lebanese slut is to smileWhich is why your whore crosscuck maronite mother was run through by at least 100 dicks before she pissed you out
>>204644357Your crosscuck mother accepts everybody's dick and money. Typical maronite slut. Even now in her old age she still dreams about dick
Get a room you two
>>204644459Eat shit you fucking turd, you're the one that came in with the identity card, hoping he'll give you a turn on his mother if you defend him
>>204644489I'm not defending anyone you sillyI'm just pointing out how people often choose religion as part of their identity. It doesn't necessarily mean they truly believe in the religion they identify with.Blame it on the rise of secularism.