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unmoderated off topic low quality avatar posting racism outside of /b/ trolling outside of /b/ furry/mlp outside of /mlp/ /brit/ posts outside of /brit/ thirdworlder schizo spamming/flooding edition unmoderated off topic low quality avatar posting racism outside of /b/ trolling outside of /b/ furry/mlp outside of /mlp/ /brit/ posts outside of /brit/ thirdworlder schizo spamming/flooding edition unmoderated off topic low quality avatar posting racism outside of /b/ trolling outside of /b/ furry/mlp outside of /mlp/ /brit/ posts outside of /brit/ thirdworlder schizo spamming/flooding edition
prev: >>204644098
Gm /cum/mers

and he stopped listing rules like 2 points in. sad
morning bud
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Her green plastic watering can
For her fake Chinese rubber plant
In the fake plastic earth
That she bought from a rubber man
In a town full of rubber plans
To get rid of itself
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*robot voice*
push the button

also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDj7DuHVV9E
has the average zoomer weeb watched lain?
wake up, grab beer, grab bussy
get out of bed and go away
why are you in a halfway home?
femboys buns buns
cute buns buns (and cute hair- woaw!)
need Elon Musk to tweet this image
got a perfect score in connections
no but xhe has gotten the gist through tiktoks
hm, yes
i will call him buns#
my buns buns
buns buns
woaw! fat made a post that was not about me or some other complaint
this is rare
Why are French bitches so catty? This bitch during my meeting kept coming for me like she's hot shit.
good song
and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyVMH8GP0Yg
watching a video of my screen of me posting on 4chan and doing random things, it's fascinating, like little things where i take like a second or two to do which in my mind are instantaneous, like my mind fills out the blank but watching on video it's noticeable
smack my bitch up
change my pitch up

i. cant. get. no. sleep
i would go on top with a guy
today's is a 1/5 difficulty
im an extrovert
did i stutter
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Me waking up and posting gm /cum/mers
it quickly becomes clear browsing non-anonymous incel forums how many of them are momentarily waylaid normalfags
they post "another day in my shitty retard incel freak life" under a selfie with a chad jaw and thick flowing hair
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Really makes you think.
Why are you browsing in catalog
me reading mousey spam at 6am
Made one:
>best budget earbuds
>70 dollars
fuck the people that make these lists
People keep laughing that moderation has a lot of "strange" rules but this is literally a confirmation they come from gookmoot because humans could not come up with such weird ideas.
Idk what headphones they are but I'm assuming it has to do with being a quality to price ratio rather than "I'm a poorfag and just bought the cheapest pair at walmart because I didn't need a video to figure that out"
Just finished my three day ban for "disrepecting" British "culture"
thankfully chinese products have been getting better and are like 3 times cheaper than anything else, gonna get the moondrop chu 2

this is true for Mormonism though
>"bought the cheapest pair at walmart because I didn't need a video to figure that out"
Used to do this when I was a teenager with almost no money, then there was a class action lawsuit and I got $150
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>tfw I'll never have an Outback shark attack drink

Why am I even alive really?
Surely God would choose a conman from the 1800's bros! There's no way it's just another con!
I've had that
Rock n' Brews is better
I don't even know what a Rock n' Brews is but I wont have that either...
>getting big titty Korean girl onlyfans ads now instead of troon onlyfans ads
Huge improvement at least
Restauraunt chain founded by Gene Simmons from KISS
Their cocktails are better
I'm craving beef jerky but the store I'm about to go to doesn't have any...
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the only ads I get are a 460 x 60 image advertising a high res board
I don't want to wait 900 seconds to post on my PC
what difference does it make, what century he was in
Jerky is genuinely one of the easiest things to make
>thinly slice meat
>cover it in sauce
>80C in the oven for a few hours
I've make jerky in the middle of the woods using sticks over a fire
Make your own BBQ sauce too
>Tomato paste
>Brown Sugar
>Spices, Salt and Pepper
And there you have an authentic BBQ sauce
Ok but I'm tired and sad and I don't wanna make shit.
Baha'i was the last real religion to be founded
Because a lot of themes in the book are written for 1800's protestants.
Just use salt and pepper then and it'll be just as delicious
Don't be lazy
Fuck i had an interview and think i blew it. Now I'm going to have to stay at this shithole
Did they say they'll let you know?
those lists are made by people who get free products mailed to them to be featured.
Yeah pretty much. She has to "speak to the manager"
This was the 2nd time i spoke to them.
No it wont. Packaged jerky is different.
Different as in worse
The best jerky is made in the woods from an animal you just shot
>fat guy at work keeps talking about how little he eats
>says he only had an orange for breakfast
>I saw the fat shit eat one of those 750 calorie honeybuns
You should have reluctantly offered her sexual favors in exchange for employment
real men don't count calories, one honeybun is one honeybun. nothing excessive about one.
name a few that you remember from reading it
If ur fat

fuck u
I can hear you huffing while you write this
fucking your wife is hard work, she hasn't been fucked right in years so she's very needy.
let's go gambling
Please fuck my wife too sure
holy shit my gambling buddies are getting fucking cooked this season.
You've never had sex, fatty
Your penis hasn't been visible in years
She was a solid 6/10
I would have eagerly offered
Packers over 5.5 was supposed to be a stone cold lock and they won by 1 point.
This kind of thing has been happening every week.
I'm starting to think the only way to make money gambling is to countertrade the absolute schizos on poly market who are willing to put money on WW3 happening this month or Biden resigning
Fudge Packers
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that's absolutely correct
and also
He's so hot
tfw no SSRI gf
you stressed him out
i dont mean i would do that, and it shouldnt happen to anyone. it would be bad. but at the same time, if it were to happen to me with someone then i would not say no, it would be a good thing. but for me only and no one else is allowed
Damn bros I'm feelin' a little hungry rn
sex sex
*le sigh* if only women were as easy as chess...
*dancing triangle* *obama voice*
nobody knows who owns the pictograph or logo for the triangle which goes on packaging. for more information search "Obama prism"
*obama voice* um, let me be clear
[OBAMA] my fellow Americans. the idle mind is the devils playground
unless that saying ins christian
Uhhhh *shits pants* I'm gay
the electrical grids phone number is "105". you can call them. you can ask the operator for any number. hello? operator? connect me, please
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is this achievable natty?
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>walked 30 minutes to the beef jerky store
>they had no beef jerky

I don't know what a meat bar is, but this better be American. Look at my sadass dinner what the fuck am I doing with my life...

I want to knock this faggot out.
Did this shitstain really post every single minute without interruption the whole fucking day
salmon for lunch
With great difficulty. You have to subject yourself to zero physical exertion ever, and just sit in a chair all day.
how am i a shitskin you retard
don't like that any serious film got to have the obligatory sex scene
did you know the antartica is a desert
Yeah, and the mods let him do it for some reason
watership down. that would be hot
I know why but I can't say or I'll disappear.
I don't think I've ever eaten 750 calories in one sitting. My system tends to send stop signals at around 500 if not earlier.
need ketamine and also my dick sucked
the trumpets French song but instead it says "i love France" xd
and its about Canada xdddd
Holy shit this meat bar is disgusting what the fuck Americans
Obama Horse
Obama Horse
aaa these CAPTCHAs
I could break you with my bear hands, pun intended
Obama Horse
Obama Horse
never heard of a "meat bar"
>meat bar
We don't eat that
i eat like a horse
say it
say it
>I can't see reality
Because 2500 a month isn't enough to live on my own
Obama horse
They only care about deleting things that embarass jeets
horse - becoming insane
[DRINKING a can] This song is an absolute Masterpiece. No doubt about it. Transports you right back into 1999. Who needs a Time Machine. This is categorically the Soundtrack to the Millennium. Ever Thankful for this one Fatboy - Hats Off to you. I'm sure I'm not alone in these sentiments.
tiger gf
I kinda wish I had an American homie so I can visit the US and sleep over and use one of their 5 cars so I can go on Buc-ee's and Denny's runs and not have to worry about rentals.
(not a real tiger)
i bought a stroker shaped like a clear ass from adam and eve
the opening was way too tight. i spent like an hour crushing my penis trying to get past my tip
i'd prefer if it was bigger because i feel like a pedo, moreso if it wasn't see-through. but the life-sized one is like $300 regular, i'm not made of money
ayo homie, what the fuck is that?
it a motherfuckin rod, nigga
i bought a stroker shaped like a clear ass from Publix
the opening was way too tight. i spent like an hour crushing my penis trying to get past my tip
i'd prefer if it was bigger because i feel like a pedo, moreso if it wasn't see-through. but the life-sized one is like $300 regular, i'm not made of money
i bought a stroker shaped like a clear ass from adam and eve
the opening was way too tight. i spent like an hour crushing my penis trying to get past my tip
i'd prefer if it was bigger because i feel like a pedo, moreso if it wasn't see-through. but the life-sized one is like $300 regular, i'm not made of money
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tradie chuds be like
>yeah bro you make 6 figures at 25 bro work with your hands bro
>construction workers make mcdonalds wages
>apprenticeships are scarce and extremely competitive
>Only marginally better wages than mcdonalds thanks to supply and demand
>trade school is a meme
>only other option is to join the Isreal defense force
>even then you've got 6 years before your back and knees give out, requiring surgery that can possibly end your days as a tradie anyways
i bought a stroker shaped like a clear ass from adam and eve. [hilarities ensue]
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What about welding?
common white collar W
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west coast chads we eatin good
i bought a stroker shaped like a clear ass from adam and eve
the opening was way too tight. i spent like an hour crushing my penis trying to get past my tip
i'd prefer if it was bigger because i feel like a pedo, moreso if it wasn't see-through. but the life-sized one is like $300 regular, i'm not made of money
But rain fucking sucks ass?
Do you live in the Sierras?
Seems shockingly close to the weather in my town
says who?
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Normies be like
>oh my fauchi its so heckin sunny and clear out today!
>I'm so happy its 72 degrees!
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3 hours and 10 minutes until i go blow the harmonia really loud for as long as i want
We love rainy and cloudy weather in California because it's genuinely the sunniest place on Earth
How long does winter last for you guys?
Here it basically runs from Thanksgiving to maybe St. Paddy's day. Falling below freezing for the first in a couple days
this applies to every specialized trade

chuds pushing the trade meme has saturated the market beyond repair
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no, give me constant rain and cloudy grey skies FAGGOT

fuck you
not my problem
muslims own more property than even them. not my problem
We're all just standing around with our thumbs up our asses watching the world out grandfather's built be turned to shit and nobody is saying anything. You get lambasted for saying anything.
mid/late november to the beginning of march
i miss the rain
t. CT
found the picture of that girl(?) with their butt up in the air
in the uk it's jeets

in the us it's chinese investors and boomers turning them into rentals or vacation homes
boohoo, you have noreaster's every winter
hot stinkin logsssssssss slidding sliddy
Do you live in Cool?
I'm gonna move there and start a cult I think
No its still jeets here
near it. Its basically the boonies out there with a very small town youd drive through in like 2 minutes
I look like that and say that also I should go for a run
its over
I want to have sex with one of those edm rave asian girls who laugh at everything and are always happy. They seem fun
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>rain fucking sucks ass
People who don't like having their hair ruined and getting a soggy ass and wet socks.
I'm so sorry anon. Hope you can move soon.
I think that era might be over though. Nobody listens to edm anymore I think
>People who don't like having their hair ruined and getting a soggy ass and wet socks.
>he doesn't own a car
I dont see why I need to create an account on the website just to submit a job application
Through the highs and lows it is what you become

Come to the end of days
I set a new blaze
weeds out applicants
Bellamadonna Im at work and was gonna go to my car for a smoke and I realized my keys weren't in my pocket. Turns out I left them IN the ignition, with my door UNLOCKED parked on the street. I was asking for my car to get stolen. It was like this for 2 fuckin hours.
>his town takes 2 minutes to drive through
Alright city slicker
I bet you're near the I-80 or I-50 too
California is the best state in the country
sex sex (also i like EDM)
>bulgarians have never heard of umbrellas or raincoats
>Bulgarians can't afford water proof boots
> the I-80
going to watch that film later
O boy
Another anti California weirdo
Based retard
those are ugly tbf
BaSeD rEtArD
They say
In San Jose
The trees produce pure meth
nobody calls it 'the [interstate number]' except s*utherners
China, more like
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I do and it's faster than yours.
>California is the best state in the country
Tell that to all the old and decrepid boomers in my small Northern town who say it
People say "the I-80" all the time, southerners would say "the 80"
Watched Blow last night, hadn't seen it in years. It hits different once you've seen Narcos
youre thinking of Bakersfield
I still can't believe that turnips won the veggie competition over kale this year
Actually you're right, I was
t. californian
dogshit (im retarded)
You're Bulgarian
no country for old men
Hard to believe it was 110° 3 weeks ago.
It's getting cold, boys
I have never once heard people call it "the I-80"
shut up dude
Californians make low quality posts because they are low quality people
I've heard it, especially around Sacramento, Stockton, and Modesto
it was in the upper 90's even in San francisco by the ocean when I went to the Air show. Fucking nuts
Don't respond to him, he spends all day spamming talking to himself
Now he's gonna convince himself that you're his mortal enemy who's consatantly targetting him
no country for old men.
euros should be banned from posting in this general

jannies clearly watch us like a hawk already considering anything remotely political gets you banned in minutes, so this shouldn't be hard
Women of /cum/. Is it true you think about dick all day the week prior to your periods?
Based me.
I would agree but only if you made America only for Americans. It would make sense to mimic the actual culture on 4chan, but right now I'm visiting and staying as long as I like.
women are horniest the week after their period albeit
Are you the Britfag I recommended those Half-Life 2 animations too

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