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Gays use poo as lube haha x
My freezer broke months ago so I just don't have one now
I have depression and other mental health problems. Life isn't easy but I try my best.
Mad how the average "state name + city" city in the USA is 10x bigger than London

And even then, those cities are dwarfed by Chinese towns
You go girl!
Do us a cheeky nighttime Vocaroo lass x
Don't need one with the weather we have been having haha
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Gaytown Tenessee populaton 500,000
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Hideous skyline
My friend is the project manager at a company and he’s been trying to get me onboard at his for a while

I applied for a recent job opening they had available and he said he’ll definitely try to influence it but that it’s ultimately up to corporate/HR


Why the fuck is HR involved with the hiring of specialists when they’re clearly not qualified to be involved in the job at all?
feel like you could very easily skew the data through personal bias or just cherry-picking popular right-wing pages and unpopular left-wing pages
both KCs are wonderful, quit your slander at once dumb britmong
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meon the right
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The Alps
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Guy at work seethes about america
You mention any state or town and he will say it sounds like the most racist place on earth
Said that about sugarland texas and north dakota
yblya you're shit
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One of the harder things about Russian is that verbs come in pairs. One is imperfect and one is perfect in meaning. Well it's not hard but makes learning verbs slightly more tedious.
>many reasons to hate america
>chooses rednecks
Sugar Land is majority non-white lmao
Who woulda guessed that one
Give us an example lad
Maybe he meant racist against whites
Lying in bed reading horror stories out loud. Reckon I'm a pretty good reader, you know. Might start doing all my reading out loud. Get a bit more punch and emotion from the words that way.
Its like Frostpunk but in real life!
Please respect peoples gender identity
you're a "pretty good reader"? like, you read all the words on a page and understand what they all mean? well done you
Texas has a diverse population with 59.14% White, 12.15% Black, and 39.8% Hispanic residents.
plot twist it's mostly Asian and Hispanic. not that many blacks
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having a conversation about chatgpt

crying while i do so because i never feel like i have anything to look forward to in life
Brown nose
I was at a toastmasters session one time and they started ranting against america for killing off all the natives.

Not that I have an issue with that. Just nodded my head and said yeah fuck em. Preddy based.
Can hear my neighbour reading wheres wally out loud and he sounds very happy with himself
No like I'm good at reading them out loud. Like, remember when you were in school and some lads were asked to read the next paragraph and it was like pulling teeth? The opposite of that.
i mean with chatgpt
That building looks absolutely fucking hideous
whats your point? get a hobby
As a true faggot beta bitch ass niggerloving inferior white boy, I, faggot white boy, hereby dedicate the hard work of my caucasian ancestors to forever to please the mighty ebony member that is a giant big black cock. I worship niggerdick as my true lord and savior, and would gladly slurp up yum yum nigger cum any time any where from any big black penis. I pledge my beta bitch ass to alpha male African black sacred seed semen that the superior BBC cum daddy muscle black man will ejaculate into my inferior bitch ass filling my bum with his liquid love. I shall spasm in absolute faggot ecstasy, as I acquire the closest thing to heaven on earth, a huge black ding dong squirting its warm baby batter deep into my desperate hungry faggot ass. All hail large African nigger doinkie dongs for all eternity
Typical irish
Alexander Jackson Davis (July 24, 1803 – January 14, 1892) was an American architect known particularly for his association with the Gothic Revival style.
leftypol wants primary school children to be taught about anal fisting and he thinks you're 'weird' if you disagree
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Someone join my game on openguessr
Room code is gttaw533
how does that affect me on the day to day besides of course having to read you type about it incessantly
this fucking sadact is on here 24 hours a day 7 days a week screaming about leftypol are you getting paid to do this you sad sad cunt? it's 1 in the morning ffs
Revolting, no wonder America is spiritually empty and hollow
Told you lads about my fit teacher teasing me about fisting when I was a teenager, didn't I? That was a good thread that. All of us sharing embarrassing anecdotes from our past.
They eat the poopoo.
>t. screams about rorke here 24/7
Seems like a big deal
Has he been to the dentist?
on reddit and 4ch?
Kek ktim with my front teeth grinded down
Bидeть means to see with an imperfect aspect meaning the actions (that is seeing) was not completed or is currently in progress.

So you'd say
>Я вижy кoтa
>I see a cat
Because you're in the process of seeing the cat and the action isn't finished.

Likewise in past tense
>Я видeлa кoтa
>I was in the process of seeing the cat
This suggests that you saw a cat but something interrupted you

And in future tense
>Я бyдy видeть кoтa
>I will be in the process of seeing a cat

The perfective form of видeть is yвидeть. Увидeть means that the action (seeing) has finished. Because the action must be completed it can't be used in the present tense.

So past tense
>Я yвидeлa кoтa
>I saw (and finished seeing) the cat

And future tense
>Я yвижy кoтa
>I will see (and finish seeing) the cat
looks like something a paki would build
A blind paki
Someone join my game on openguessr (FREE Geoguessr)
Room code is gttaw533
eating cereal atm
Won £9 on the lottery guys :)
Chat GPT spam
Was in the process of wanking a nigger but something distracted me
damn i kinda need two weeks off to do fuck all lads x
So you have to remember each verb form along with conjugations?

Hope the conjugation rules aren't irregular
wanking a roodypoo
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>Adam has a scheduled sleep pattern for each of his personas
Newt gingrich wont get this reference
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The verb forms are generally quite regular and very easy. Russian verb conjugation is actually one of the easiest aspects of its grammar.
Once had a job and there was a girl there who i hated and so before i quit one day i got her lunch out the fridge and threw it in the bin container and everything
You get what you fucking deserve
i bet there are people in the tranny discord that have the peak highlight of their lives posting images like this in this general
so sad
>You get what you fucking deserve
Sounds like a man that's truly at his breaking point
what was she like
>it's 1 in the morning ffs
that is the least sad act thing ive seen here
What's the subjunctive like? Might unironically pick up Russian sometime
Going bed soon team
g'night. learn to invest your money instead of wasting your time learning russian stupid faggot
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>Going bed soon team
*sprints up to you from a distance before punting your tranny skull into a brick wall*
Doesn't have one. It only has past, present and future. Imperfective and perfect are expressed through the verb themselves not the conjugation as I explained above. There's a gerund which is very easy. Verbs in Slavic languages are quite easy with the exception of Macedonian and Bulgarian which despite lacking case inflection have a very complicated system of verbs.
Acted like she was hot shit even though she was dumpy looking and had a huge forehead
Was always going on about her boyfriend who was some bigshot sys admin but i heard from somebody that they ended up breaking up
beans and wieners: down the the gullet
You know we really are friends here on /Brit/.
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>Woman, 33, was mauled to death by dog 'she loved like a baby' after pet launched at her neck when she 'suffered epileptic fit at home'
yeah it was a joke, cheer up
and the dog's breed?
>Doesn't have one
>Has a gerund along with the imperfect
Actually sounds half decent. Spanish has a black art in its subjunctive usage but has some of the nicest sonnet forms and literary translations. Always thought Russian was brutal by comparison
rubbing my pathetic little yt clitty to cuck porn again lads
The Lonely Dollhouse
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Every single on is his.
Every single post just replying to himself and posting awful shit all day
His entire life
poor little white boys rubbing their wet little clitties oh dear
Kill yourself you demented piece of shit
meds lad
take them
bet the dog was too
this clity is out of control
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Its funny how he doesnt even take a break when everyone goes to bed
Because hes here like 16 hours doing nothing in his bedroom rotting away
poor little white bumhole little begging for bbee bee cee
pooing a do
just saw a bantu male walk by, clitty swollen
might eat some food
might not
Why are rightoids incapable of using technology, /brit/? It's almost as if art, technology, science, literature, and so on were low IQ filters for rightoid rubbish.
the and wouldn't extractor was a he on black out
and at the dad pig able fucking wasn't a to
has fan today pitch car obviously faggot for wanted without
because sce it fucking and with shit leave order wants
with cold he the about though took piss again because
and the I pig was food heater go and could
fucking a which bathroom my how devil me hours piss
heater nonce even anywhere twelve listen stove anytime to to
couldn't he work and has fucking complain pellet power
might quit smoking weed for a while
smoking nonce stop right weed bitch you that's faggot
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intend on doing the same l8r
big black cunt
cunt so right face in faggot the now shut not
your dirty your mood shit for fucking
now this is a bbc I can get on board with
mmm puffy black girl snatch
tight little shitpipes
2020s: According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix could increase from 16% in 2020 to 77% by 2050.
Shitlump bogfart is not my president
You're a subject of the Crown matey.
think dick so any about a needs fuck you than
cunt man women it more need now
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well said
didn't think we had bogfart antis here
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the read
Pissed out me fuckin mind
just finished and started charles mackays book but stopped myself. i need something better on investing so still looking
Climbing Everest
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blunt time
get their shit pipes gaped
What you wearing
Broke up with the girlfriend because she said I was dyslexic.

Final straw was when she told me she loathed me.
Mascara and your sister's underwear x
Bent cunt
Your dad won't fuck me otherwise

We UK now.
oof i bet he had a sore neck the next day
christ almighty im fucking freezing. might have to put the heating on.
wanking and quite possibly farting
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you used to hate employed woman and now you're casually talking with her. what happened to you brit? have you lost your edge?
most of /brit/ have that freak filtered
I never hated her
Shes the queen of /brit/
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>watching a streamer
>she's been live for 30 hours
>she has like 10 subscribers (so making $30/month)
how do these people afford it? are they on the dole?
fancy a cig myself but its too cold to get out of bed
ever shag her up the arse?
would love to bum a fag right about now
Yeah I'll have a fag after at least half of this blunt
too right
cunts always complaining about spammers yet they always talk about them and respond to them
not worth coming here any more
>c++ books as a stand
>programming in rust
I have a fag end you have so long as you don't mind it being dirty and small
wish i could still smoke the wacky baccy
loved it in my younger days
makes me too anxious and uncomfortable these days
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the skyline, as it were
Because you want the day to come sooner
You want the day to come sooner
You want the day to come sooner
When you've settled the score
>and the dog's breed?
>>Kelly Reilly suffered 'severe injuries' to her head and throat after being bitten by her American bulldog at her maisonette in Wexford Road in Wood End on July 22.
>Ms Reilly's sister, Kirsty Reilly, said the 33-year-old had loved Mendoza 'like a baby' and, having adopted the dog as a puppy in 2022, had never shown aggressive behaviour before, heard.
might listen to every Beatles studio album tomorrow. why? prefer not to say
might jerk off and do a self facial then eat my own cum
relationship goals
seems like the thing to do
Melbourne is crazy man.
why didnt the worker just shoot them?
dont think so lad
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ermmm...what the scallop?
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just teared up watching rocky scenes again
Get the trannies bummed
The part where he takes his shirt off?
Tonight's the night
It's gonna be alright
'Cause I love you girl
Ain't nobody gonna stop us now
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OOOOOOooo fuck yea
70s and 80s all week here
Doing this at this hour is just sad mate
im scared
Let's hear it. How would you get rich in america
buy a house, sell it for more than i bought it for

rinse and repeat until rich
air jordans squeaking x
Your nans a bender
And so are you,
It runs in the family
But that's not true.

You weigh twenty stone
Your dick doesn't work,
If you pull it too hard
It begins to hurt.

You sit there wanking
Day and night,
Soon you'll be dead
And gone from the light.

But whilst you're here
All day long,
You'll spam BBC porn
Until the day has gone.

So stop crying because
You're from belgium too,
Pack it in now
And you might gain a clue.

And if it seems like
This poem won't end,
It's because you're rereading it
Again and again.

O kill yourself kill yourself
Belgie boy,
Your mother doesn't love you
And beating you's a joy!
injects 5x the test that the average /brit/ poster has
10x for spainfag
Sucks for you I’m even in Florida lol
had a pair of jordans when I was a kid and I liked running and stopping suddenly on the gym floor to leave skid marks on it
Charging rich milfs for my hot British chad sperm and injecting it into their pussies daily
Had to break up with my last gf because she said we were having too much sex
she’s got a black boyfriend rn for sure x
Come home American man
Pooshited States of Cumerica
It's more humid there too right? Can't stand the humidity it's awful
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Come get ya slop
got the Joe Rogan on
Whaat? This is celsius?
haha wtf i just realised it was 3am
thought it was waking up time
What did she want like once per week?
cant tell if you're a detatched neet or if that's what winter is doing to you
2.8k replies
starmer really gets the bots going for some reason
lol he is getting completely roasted in the replies
North Dakota is so obscure. I don't think anyone goes there for any reason
We used to have sex two or three times a day and she'd cum at least once.

She was nice and all but I've met someone better. She sent me a text yesterday practically begging to see me again, I told my current gf and she laughed and then got angry at me for no reason whatsoever.

I'll never understand women.
always found the leftypol cope of calling everything right wing "russian bots"
Leftypol just pretends to call russia communist and brown or something
Trips of truth
>I thought you said advancement at this company was about "who gives a damn"!?
oooh no no, you misheard, it's about "who gives Adam a blowjob!"
*points to door reading 'CEO: Adam'*
anyway, I have a meeting to attend
*straps on some kneepads and knocks on the door*
Doont trust anyone called adam or lewis
Everyone with my name is solid
Everyone with names like adam, morgan, lewis, keiran or ryan is a little twat
alright Gaylord Jones
You can just call me Gale for short you unfunny prick
Name's Cleetus
Cleetus Bond
you basically told her "hey look I have a broad that I used to fuck and I can always fuck her again if I don't like you"
Gale you gibbon, get that willie out of your mouth, we're out of fags! Let's pop down to the pub and shank a nonce to see what he's got in his pocketses.
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zuck on the ropes
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eating a jacket potato
>Anthony Kiedis and Helena Vestergaard dated for about two years. They were first seen together at a Lakers game in 2013, and their relationship ended in late 2014.

Kiedis was born 1962, so in the photo he was like 52 not 61
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mmmhhh das nice
jacket potatotoil concluded
corr, just got back home from night out

just shagged second lass of the night

both consensual

both vaginal

both without condom

breddy good bros
fuggin ell he looked great there

used to be a big fan
I actually think the most disgusting part of that is the white blob of unrendered bacon fat
people who eat bacon like that are nasty fuckers
Thinking about getting a clue
Is that a castle?
Mi tink me gwaan get a clue
nibba you never had crackling? love dat shidd
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I think you're very confused
Botswana's 2024
>First ever Olympic Gold Medal
>Qualified for Africa Cup of Nations for only the 2nd time
>Discovered the world's 2nd largest diamond
>Ousted their ruling party that's been in power for 58 years
>Threatened to send 20,000 elephants to Germany after Germany criticised their poaching laws

What an excellent year it's been for them
Congrats all round.
Computer, generate an orchestral score of Greensleeves performed in a G minor key by a lactose intolerant Deanna Troi defacating having drunk a gallon of milk.

Computer, run program.
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>First clade 1 mpox case detected in US, in California
why did he do that to that burger. i like burgers, they dont deserve that
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>Trudeau is limiting immigration for 3 years
hahaha what the fuck
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this is my world today
I'm back!!!!!!!! You guys were probably wondering where I went.
got the hour long minstrel horror video essay on
might start exposing myself to strangers
None of you are particularly stable with the menthol elves
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mine curves the other way
drank and dope turned me into a superhero

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