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humanity edition

OLD: >>204693977
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Pale angel bros......
Smells like cream and elderberries
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My brotha used to break into our house and steal da TV!
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>my fascist government will literally f*cking execute me for even attempting to run this pinnacle of gaming on my pentium 486
how cope?
move to japan
wait I forgot you're a degreeless neet
suffer then
Ordered some pork gyros alhamdulillah
what's the current hot take on this goyme? I remember when it was first announced it kinda looked like shit.
>opened up v to check what's up with stalker 2
>negro dicks threads
>closed tab

I just wanted to see how much butthurt over the ongoing war have the devs inputed into the game
This one is for Sashko.
Blame Bumgaria or sommin
slovenian communists make music with nazi aesthetics

Sashe in a few weeks
>what's the current hot take on this goyme
2 more weeks and it'll be fixed to goty bro

it had putler grave pre 2022 so now he's probably the final boss like adolf was in wolfenstein 3d
foids seething at this
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doomerjak r9kposters are so pathetic they make me giggle
I don't get it

>doomjak inceloid
>poopestine flag

Oof, both comments ignored
Kek, I expected as much
I wish I could switch off Windows 11.
more than 2 seconds between your birthdays means there's an age gap and therefore it's gross icky grooming and pedophilia
also grooming bad even though every single piece of media aimed at women is about an older guy and a younger woman
lol, they actually believed that woman was not full of shit?
there's at least 3 layers of passive aggressiveness here bro, you wouldn't get it
Seek up some videos talking about Anthony Kiedis (the lead singer of red hot chili peppers) who's 61 and his current gf who's like 24, you'll gonna love it
purposely seeking rage bait is pointless
I always select not interested for these type of posts
al jamahiriya al bulgariya
jas ke bidam vistinski ruski turcin
this is wholesome on the other hand, along with the simp in the comments yelling in all caps about THIS IS WHY WOMEN PICKED THE BEAR
>vegan swede arguing about male chick rights
why are they like this
why do you care, mah niblah
the imagine of some 20 year-old sven arguing about veganism on 4tsannel while grenades explode outside his window is hilarious
swe crackas live in nearby villages called bybybyby or some retarded gay baby shit like that
villageboys don't post on 4tsan, it's commieblock dwelling incels on permanent autism disability larping as tradwarriors and debating about national policy
villagery in swedistan doesn't have the same underdeveloped peasant connotations as it does here
>it's commieblock dwelling incels on permanent autism disability larping as tradwarriors and debating about national policy
ok dude you dont have to insult me like that
also urban commieblock shittery is for the poor crackers, they are too busy seething at browns to be vegan
imagine being vegan
i can't, i'm already malnourished eating the mutant store greens and antibioticsmaxxed cagecattle meat
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>heavy rain outside
>time to order goyslop so the jeet has to get pouring wet
What are you ordering, chief?
Nojkobvll here, just had a debate about marxist theory with my gf
I really need to denazify and debougeoise her. She is a passive supporter of nafo, capitalist "american dream" tier propaganda and disagrees on key issues like executions of all criminals (rich people) and their families
Diagnosis: lack of beatings from daddy and no class solidarity
Can't say I expected more from Janis
>after a hard days work of watchign others change my flooring and assemble my bed
>felt somewhat good
>immediately come to this shithole general and see some ytoid whore wanting to get shat on on and some desperate amerimutt trronjak wanting to be groomed
>mood ruined and i already feel like shit and depressed and angry at the world
Guess maybe having soemthing to do or at least not having muh pc is better for my mental 'elf
did i miss anything funny?
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>did i miss anything funny?
Good evening Kelly, how was your day?
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Alhamdullilah pseudonojko
Najbeskorisnija sluzba za obicnog coveka je policija, ne pomaze ti, spremna je da brani vlast i da ti lomi picku ako treba, a placas je ti
eslaam is communistic, akhi

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im sorry for spamming him here and hope he detransitions wallah
yor menbuubs ar biggar den mine
old news bro
still hilariously backwards
You don't understand you must rent to make GDP go up and work a dead end job that won't even get you pussy and you might get shanked by a migrant too because... GDP... line must go up!
hahahahaha based chads living with mommy and having excellent relationships with them
they'll just leave italy
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Also this happened
Even in death the nigga preached forgiveness
Really makes u think
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is he identitarian or surviving 9/11 terrorist
he gay
u can tell
First time seeing a mediterranean?
iki already in her dms
When his ancestors had built the Colosseum and the Ancient Rome, yours were eating grass alongside bulgomacedonians in the steppes near your home
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That guy looks suspiciously Arab.
>twin tower painting behind me
you tell me
ngl if he walked past me in the street I'd think it's some maghrebian who traveled here to study and ravage natrashkas
>ravage natrashkas

imagine typing this unironically


Quiet, faggots

We gave you an whole new alphabet and you managed to lose it to Russians. You aren't allowed to speak anymore
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>whole new alphabet
you stole it from phoenicians shut the fuck up
>you stole it from phoenicians shut the fuck up

Do you have any phoenicians around to corroborate this claim? Nope

Keep seething, newfags of the peninsula
slavoid women are despicable beings, why shouldn't I mock them for their promiscuity
actually that's all women
except my mom of course, she's a saint
If they're so promiscuous why are you still a virgin hmmm
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>i let the spider live in top corner of the room
>few days ago he suddenly dashes across my bed and goes missing
>he's now back at eye level at the door

bros why is he getting zesty? I don't like it

those yuuuge front two legs are cool tho
because he's only attracted to bridges
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You need to save russian pale devils bro, run for presidency in 2030 (big vlad will be almost 80 then so you'll have some chance)
>why are you still a virgin
why would I be
btw those homosexual projections that you're already planning in your next post? keep them to yourself bro
No woman likes a man who can't defeat plastic and can't extend a wire bro
heh i guess that's why he still can't get past his ex
even though she's been run through
Jaguar ad in 1970
womanoids would fuck mentally handicapped 45iq primates who can't tier their shoelaces if they looked like that one convict who went viral
Jaguar ad in 2000+24

>if you don't want someone with previous relationships then you're insecure
I'm split between saying that's a reasonable extrapolation and calling that fag a massive projector because he cannot legitimately comprehend a reason beyond insecurity to not want used goods
>I'm literally just letting you know that you're insecure if you want a girl like that
seriously why is whoretok like this

krasnolad is a pure soul
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Νόμιζα οτι τα Παρατράγουδα είχαν σταματήσει να παίζουν εδώ και χρόνια
you ain't gonna find syrizoids here, bro
So true king.

Only KKE bvlls here

>I’m a bonafide relationship guru cuz I notice a ton of trends cuz of the tism, most people who don’t want their partner to have a previous partner either physically or emotionally are insecure bro
holy fucking shit kill all failed normalfags larping as autists
If only he was a girl. Tsundere qween.
So true, Autism King!
I'm the least autistic poster ITT

I'd grape him and force him to buy me bus tickets and paint my walls
I have a few around the house, they're harmless. They can stand still for months. They're scardy cats though. If get near them with your hand they run for dear life.
In school they taught us that archaic greek is our old alphabet.
That my Mongolian cousins were forced to adopt Cyrillic is proof that Russians hate Bulgaira
>Many Greek Orthodox populations, particularly those outside the newly independent modern Greek state, continued to refer to themselves as Romioi (i.e. Romans, Byzantines) well into the 20th century. Peter Charanis, who was born on the island of Lemnos in 1908 and later became a professor of Byzantine history at Rutgers University, recounts that when the island was taken from the Ottomans by Greece in 1912, Greek soldiers were sent to each village and stationed themselves in the public squares. Some of the island children ran to see what Greek soldiers looked like. ‘'What are you looking at?’’ one of the soldiers asked. ‘'At Hellenes,’’ the children replied. ‘'Are you not Hellenes yourselves?’’ the soldier retorted. ‘'No, we are Romans,’’ the children replied.
KKE fyromians in the making
There is also a version of Macedonians with this. The greek is translating to a britbong and the Macedonian says "Makedonec" whilst the greek translates bulgarian.
You should try and get a job you loser pidor lmao
ai em roman

classic roman translation skills
Balkmoons can never even conceive of a line going this high.
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mrsno kopile ne zamaraj
Any Bulgarians ITT watch this?
Haven't seen it yet but an planning to.
only once you step foot in a proper city can you realize how provincial the balkans are
I'll pass
That's the entirety of Europe, it's a provincial continent.
boring shithole, sad I have to waste all these years here
here where? Albania is a part of lybia?
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ihihi TATAR
if tatars were forced to make coherent posts they'd die
>tfw no one to force me to make a coherent post
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fruity post
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What's so bad about being a Turk anyway?
no idea, we should ask ikilad about why he wants to kill himself so much
poorfag scraps
Those look like authentic and artisanal items, dumb peasant.
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cheeky put on nvda before the ER
buy a call you downer
The nasdaq has fallen.
Millions must be margin called.
the line will go up a minimum of 35% a year now that the reds are in charge
my 2.5k in margin will never be called
A piece of shit, neatly cut, is still a piece of shit, poorfagbro
>random shit thrown in different bowls ny itself
much quisine very wow
This reminds me of the '90s/early 2000's for some reason.
5 dishwashers were bought for this, shame on you
>muh nasdaq
>muh ftse

Nope, I don't care about those investment hellholes

The only investment I care about is pic related
goldbugs are hilarious
physical goldbugs even more so
t. Scared or gold because of Jewish brainwashing
Now I know why commies invented shopska. It was because we were poor and the average household did not have the extra bowls to put the ingredients separately. Genius
>5 capitalist bows equal 1 communist bowl
Remember back in school we used to call girls with long or hooked noses 'bougatsokoftes'
*hits pipe*
You can see the fathers disappointment.
He should've appointed more slaps to her face then
dad's just eating chips and thinking about buying a beer
Yes, fatherlessness comes in many shapes (literally and figuratively)
another incoherent post
He's fat and passive
>being thin and active
how tiring
Go to Tbilisi
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Being autistic in a neurotypical world must be even more tiring
all good, whats up?
Do you have k15 in your country?
So here every worker in December receives double portion salary and we call it 13th salary
Albovlach will have a great laugh at this.
he's pretty chill and the yuge front legs are cool but a few days ago he went rogue and dashed across my bed. that's a breach of our non verbal agreement

looks like the lil nigga relocated
Yeah sometimes they move around. He won't bite you. His teeth are too small to pierce the skin anyway. Don't be a pussy, bro
don't hurt the lil nigga, he's there eating mosquitos and flies, these spiders are beneficial and won't hurt humans
plenty of snow in the town of Kleisoura in Kastoria
>better caption it with my literally who name, don't want Skai Kairos using this masterpiece without paying me royalties
Where do you find all these mentally ill incels to watch?
not just skai, most greek media do that shit
why would I hurt him?
You sound scared is all
Wtf is this wind
kiss my tbibisi bro
the screaming souls of 100k makkkedonians denied eu candidate status
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>still no dodi or fitschizo repack of Stalker 2
It's dogshit.
has 4k mostly positive on Steam but regardless of this I wish to try it for myself
>"Today we are demanding that the government gives us back what they and the previous governments took from us in the last decade. Our buying power has been reduced by 50%, inflation affects everything," said pensioner Giorgos Skiadiotis.
lol, average balkmunic understanding of economics, the gov waves its magic wand and we all get more money
does he know he can just vote bro
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>yeah bro just download my russian magnet url from 4chan
>200 gigs

nigga scared by rutracker
>the gov waves its magic wand and we all get more money
Except that's literally what happens except it'w not the government waving the wand but the central bank and if it's a weaker country than the IMF
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How this little piece of paper became so worthless dates back to the outbreak of World War I. The first steps towards severely devaluing the mark, the German currency at the time, began in 1914 at the outbreak of war. While other belligerent countries raised taxes or sold bonds to help pay for their war efforts (which some are still paying off), Germany, on the other hand, took themselves off of the gold standard and decided it would primarily pay for its war costs by printing more and more money. Where in 1913 there were 13 billion marks in circulation, by the end of the war there were 60 billion marks floating around. Combine this with a scarcity of consumer goods and rationing of food due to the economy solely focused to winning the war, it would lay the foundation for hyperinflation in the postwar era.

Policies implemented by the leaders of the Weimar Republic*, while providing short term benefits such as full employment, would have devastating impact on the value of the mark. In addition to these policies, in 1921, Germany was saddled with reparations payments of 132 billion goldmarks (tied to the value of the mark in 1913 when it was backed by gold) as part of the Treaty of Versailles. The Allies required Germany to pay the reparations in either gold, which they didn’t have much of, or goods, such as wood, coal, etc. In early 1923, after Germany was late on one of their payments, France retaliated by occupying Germany’s Ruhr Valley, a vital coal mining region that provided the majority of fuel to run Germany’s industry. This proved to be the final tipping point in sending the mark into a death spiral.
Public confidence in the government and the mark began to wane, and with it the value of the mark. By March 1923, one US dollar was worth 20,000 marks. By August, when the above mark was printed, a dollar cost more than a million marks. At the height of Germany’s hyperinflation crisis in November, a dollar was worth 4,210,500,000,000 marks. It would take 42, 105 of the above 100 million mark notes to equal one dollar. Printing of marks was a 24 hour a day operation, and, at the printing zenith, there were 1.2 sextillion marks in circulation. If you like to look at zeros, here is what that looks like: 1,200,000,000,000,000,000,000.

During this period, the mark’s value was constantly sliding downwards. On payday, workers would receive bundles of cash and then race to the store to buy anything tangible before the prices could change. There’s a story of a student who ordered a cup of coffee at a café for 5,000 marks a cup. After downing the first cup, he ordered a second and asked for his check, which totaled 14,000 marks. He asked the waiter why the bill was so high, and was told the price had gone up between his first and second cups of coffee. He should have bought both cups at the same time. Petty crimes increased dramatically as people resorted to theft since they could not afford the rising prices. The mark basically became useless, and people found alternate uses for it.
it's 200gb of tsipi bro
Not how it works.
It's literally how it works.

No, it isn't you absolute midwit.
>cyberpunk just crashed twice

umm... am I gonna uninstall this right at the end?
Okay then tell me how it works rather tham saying absolutely nothing
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Here, have a chuckle.
>bumgarian genius.jpg

3-4 years ago the police busted a group of 4-5 bumgars down the road from where I lived, I saw after the raid the 10+ police vehicles outside

turns out these niggas were responsible for a huge amount of credit card skimmers on ATMs, they actually did it for a long time because their strategy was to only steal the €€€ from tourist cards and not touching the locals cards but in the end the retards got greedy and broke their rule leading to them being caught because simple logic that poorfags are going to notice when some unauthorized 10€ is yeeted from their account.
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ok ill terrorize you with politics then
this shit is gonna go on for like 2-3 more years
this one is different because half of the west evacuated their embassies in anticipation of this strike, which they don't usually do

99% of a nothingburger but we're about to see in the next minutes
because they "escalated" with the recent missile strike in Russia situation, if the Rusnigs strike any embassy and kill foreign citizens people will larp its an "act of war" and they risk having to either doubling down or have to lose face so its better to pull everyone out
>he busts out the serbian squiggly letters

aight man ima go to bed, gn
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i wouldnt want to be this guy
>escalated in quotation marks
women do that shit anyway

why wouldn't it be in quotation marks? this is an escalation but it was obvious from a thousand miles away and it's not that big of a shock, people are too biased
Because it makes no sense to put it in quotation marks when it is an escalation. You don't say some "punched" someone no matter how obvious it was it gives the wrong idea, it's deceptive.
I just think it's pushed too much that this is some sort of escalation that happened literally out of nowhere and everyone is shocked :O while it was just an entirely normal expectation of how things will evolve
Crazy how i know a guy who bakes pizzas for 1500 eur while office drones barely make 600 eur
The nukes are coming! STALKER
> Tpъмп нoминиpa зa миниcтъp нa oбpaзoвaниeтo бившaтa кeчиcткa Линдa Maкмeън
is it good
быг блэк джыг-джoгc тaнг мaй йэнyc
Can you talk in Serbian or Russian?
здapoвa кaк дилa мoй мaлинкий шиптapaбьюpмит
Rains wiff heavy weends in the fo'cast
Good thang I plant them garlic yesterthang
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u only sayin this cos he's a baldin jawlet wiff a long face
I feel Xpozed's presence itt
>t. proxpozed
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what did they mean by this
You feel the presence of money for the first time in your life poorfag?
They say money can't buy happiness but it bought your moms and assertiveness training therapy
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What is money good for if your wife walks away with your kid
He can just buy a Malay wife
Hi! Thanks for the message, we are currently working on resolving the issue
what legal excuse does a wife have if she walks away with your kid and asks for money if you were not abusing them and were providing money?
>like yeah your honor chad's dick just tasted better but im used to the lifestyle i have so i need alimony and child support even tho i decided to walk away and he wasn't a bad father he has to pay for it
0 logic
if a woman leaves and takes the kid she has to pay on her own
He's livin the best of both worlds
Reproduced, now he's free
Fatherless daughter more likely to be promiscuous and pass on his genes etc etc
cos the court is looking for the best interest of the child and you are still the babydaddy
We open the skiing season this weekend bros
Iki could have gotten his daughter if Xpozed never divorced
Are you ready for the taard warld war, saars

if you're so retarded you can't comprehend the difference between an expanding money supply and getting more money as in increased salaries then you're too retarded to be talking about these topic
go vote instead
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A gypsie a bulgarian and a romanian walks in a bar and the barman yells GTFO gypsies!
>albos arguing about pensions systems in westoid countries
>there everyone gets the same pension in old age from the doctor to the cleaner, the government gives you as much as you need to live, all their pensions are high
these animals vote
I asked once a Macedonian man what is his greatest nightmare

He replied to me "to wake up one day and be Bulgarian"
I would just kill myself
...should we tell them?
Ikibey once asked "tell me why Bulgaria should exist and I'll leave this thread forever"

He never left the thread because nobody could come up with a reason of why Bulgaria should exist
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New Bulgaria lore just dropped
Last two digits say on how many seas Bulgaria will lay once HRE Kostadin Kostadinov takes office
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Notice the stark contrast with the Serbian thumbnail
Like asking why hell should exist, to punish the evil
Dont look at Romania, those retards westies do hate us lol
Bulgaria is a country that’s often MISUNDERSTOOD, OVERSHADOWED by stereotypes that don’t capture its true essence. Located in Southeast Europe, bordered by Romania, Serbia, North Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, and the Black Sea, Bulgaria is home to over 6 million people. While it faces challenges, including being the poorest nation in the European Union, it’s a place rich in history, culture, and hospitality.

Join us as we journey through Sofia, Bulgaria's vibrant capital. The city is a fascinating mix of Ottoman, Soviet, and European influences, and we begin our exploration with a surprising ride on the efficient metro system. We stroll through Zhenski Pazar, one of Sofia’s oldest markets, and witness the multicultural society that gives the city its unique character. The Roma community, often marginalized, plays a vital role in Sofia’s culture, adding color and life to the city’s streets.
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The thumbnail doesn't look that bad
Bitch said she's going to a Gypsy ghetto in Northern Macedonia next, can't wait
Nevermind, I saw the first minute kek I'll have to watch it later
the one in skopje google maps didn't show? I'd watch that actually
Orizari something, she mentions it at some point in the video

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