The dream of every latinx family
>>204742118>Baby comes out darker than the father That literally defeats the whole point though
Latino self loathing is detestable and off putting. I don't like it and I don't like then
>>204742118Common Latinx L's
>>204742118this is fanart right? its not in the actual show right?
>>204742858>this is fanart right?nope
>>204742858You've not heard of the bean mouth art style
>>204742118hnnng buceta rosa... I think we're winning brazilbros.
>>204743529Please be male please be male
>>204743538This generation is doomed
>>204742118>>204743529Oh no no no latrine sisters...not like this...
>>204743603oh no some fat whore on tinder is BBC only and doesn't want Latin kings. boo hoo
>>204743568shut up woman worshipping nigger
>>204742118that nigga wears a dress in a lot of those episodes
>>204743636Your zoomer brain is so rotted by being online all day, you need professional help
>>204743668>waah I love women so much waah kys zoomer Fuck womenFuck simps
>>204743619>bbc onlyShe didn't say that.>>204743603>19>only scat playGrim, much prayers to la Virgen MarĂa for her to become a proper Apostolic Roman Catholic woman!
>>204743698>She didn't say that.She literally said scat only
>>204742845then what?
>>204743603How do we respond without sounding mad?
>>204742118success in brazil is measured by how white is your gf
>>204742809it white out when the skin stretches after it grows up.
>>204742809That's the older woman's baby she's holding
>>204743752Eat shit and die
>>204743730You are correct, my bad.
>>204743880I'm not a white female who hates latrines sorry
>>204743603>Only scat playGermans are so back
>>204743915Blow it out your ass
>>204743603>fat roastie>"white" americanno thanks, only branquinhas from europe and russia, I wouldn't mind picrel pooping on my mouth.
>>204742118>The dream of every latino family is to never be called latinx by a bunch of racist white people thinking that they can just change their cultureftfy
>>204742118if the girls on the pic are racist loyal Argies then yeah this is my main goal. My ninja way. my purpose in life
>>204743603>latino poo is too spicy for whypipo
>>204743698>She didn't say thatShe has blond hair
>>204742118My (SiberiARYAN chad) dream isa latinx woman.
>>204744638Yes, the proper term is latino
>>204743655He's south american coded
>>204742858Yes it's the actual show but the baby is not the blonde girl's as this implies, it's from the couple on the right and the little sister of the guy in the red hoodie
>>204743752Why would you be mad over a girl whos into poop
>>204742118>The dream of every latinx familyYes :3