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Is your president a redditor? Ours is.
Meloni asked to see the mini Milei >:))))
But Milei is an autist and gave her that.
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jeebus beleebus that's gay
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>ancap funko pop
Jesus fucking fuck FUCK all politicians must die, democracy must be abolished and institute global islamic sharia law right now
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Government employees are getting paid in Mileidolls as of late. The one they gifted Meloni looks nicer though.
Is this le palais de l'Élysée ? Italy has the money to have such nice rooms ?
Soy Right
what is the milleidoll to chacho exchange rate?
It looks like a weird homunuculi
Thinking about someone else's penis is pretty gay
You need to come back, Matías Tenembaun
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Those already defaulted and can't be redeemed.
Milei is so uncool its actually impressive
Elon musk effect
how can u be so cringe
like you can dislike the orange man but hes funny asf but that ancap bro is just like elon musk, cringe as fuck
can't...be redeemed..?
saar....you can't do this to me
Yes, he said thanks for the gold and the updoot kind stranger to me when I met him. Then he said the narwhal bacons at midnight.
he can do whatever he wants now, Europe and the US is occupied with a nuclear war now. they even don't care about him making a new deal with China instead of the US
Okay so how many women own a figurine of (you)?
She's cute. I'd consider having sex with her.
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does she have the ick face right there or is she autistic herself? I can't read social cues in my country.
There was some webm of her meeting Erdogan and she was looking at him like hes prime Alain Delon
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She is having fun with her little autistic brother :)
so is she a major slut or is she just a lonely femcel who would go out with even loser nerds like an unspecified user of this forum
They make a cute couple ngl
I hope she redpills him to kick inmigrats
You mean Argentinians?
Never. Those will never be real Argentinians. No matter what document they have.
Do you consider Mexicans/etc Americans for having the Green Card?
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this nigga on the spectrum there is NO WAY a normal human being wouldn't see how weird a gift like this is
The chvd alliance
I consider myself American, FUCK Timmy gon do?
Timmy gon kneel while also seething
Post basado
cute sperg couple
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same vibe
This can't be real
What makes you think she didn't throw it in the bin as soon as he left
She will put it on her office and you'll see it when they share a picture of her at work
The right is so cringe holy fuck

How come the only non cringe governments are LATAM left wing authoritarians like AMLO, Maduro, Lulu, whoever is in charge of Cuba, etc. Sick of rightoids and libshits
She will give it to one of her aids who will either give it to their kid or(hopefully) throw it away
>not cringe
Maduro is cringebased
The only statuette she keeps in her office is a giant Mussolini bust hidden behind a secret revolving wall. That serial killer-looking thing is going straight in the trash
Yeah I know she's pretty but don't be so jelly
It was (probably) a business meeting
What a weird toy to give to a newborn lol
You literally tried to annex Paraguay and Bolivia used to be part of the Vice-royalty of River Plate, the reason your country exists was because of the commercial route to Alto Peru (Bolivia) when Buenos Aires was backwater. The only proper Argentinians are the ones that live along the River Plate basin, kinda like Gambia, everything else should be part of a different country
porteños ruined my country
No satire stands a chance against reality anymore.
The only reason your country exists is because a guy with asthma felt like it
>Perú es clave
There were other incarnations of my country before the Spaniards came, modern Argentina barely existed before italian refugees found about it, it's like the difference between Alverso (pureblooded argie) and Milei (italian import)
>we wuz incas
>t. Alberto Yamamoto
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/the office theme plays
lolwut, every italian ministry palace looks like that
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If he wasn't such a kike worshipper I'd actually support him, but democracy proved itself to be fake yet again so alas.
>whoever is in charge of Cuba
lgbt privatization barons
Meloni is such a qt
so when does he get de la rua'd?
2 more weeks
Lula and AMLO aren't authoritarian at all
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Jew worshippers
>Do you consider Mexicans/etc Americans for having the Green Card?
Yeah, cuz America has no effin culture and no main ethnic group. America had a bunch of different ethnic groups (English, Dutch, Swedish, French, Spanish, Italian, Yoruba, Igbo, etc.) even during the days of the 13 colonies, so that means anybody can be American. There's no such thing as too yellow, too brown, or too uncivilized for America.
Chat is this true?
Georgia looks so cute there, imagine her with her petite body in lingerie.
I can't hate this guy after that interview where they brought a photo of his dead dog up on-screen, and he got entirely distracted just being excited to see his dog again and seemingly forgot about the interview for a few seconds.
how short is he? Meloni is a dwarf
You have to post it now.
>Milei brownses 4chan
How you doing dude?
Lula doesn't control Brazil, Alexandre does.
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Ok but Meloni-chan figurines would sell out
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ours pretends to be a 2005 neoliberal while being a secret chud

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