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Would you clap your best friend's cheeks if he turned into a girl for you?
Yeah I reckon I could just about do it, I could look past the softer skin and breasts for him
I don't have any friends
quintessentially British moment
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i had a friend that said i would be his perfect gf if i were a girl (that was in hs i wasnt still taking hormones) so giwtwm bc i had a crush on him </3
Built for bbc and xhe will be taking it in the future when she dumps that cuck.
also i follow her on ig and shes not dating him its was just a pic and she has an of unfortunately
British men look considerably better as women than British women do and I don't know why
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>I don't know why
because slags can't take care of themselves?
She's so beautiful
Ship her tho my home
This was a fetish of mine, but all my gay friends stayed gay men (though I didn't ask them to troon it out)
this is what childhood internet addiction can do to a boy
not good
More pics from the semen demon?
Nah he was very feminine since beggining
Yes, that is a beautiful boy. Been trying to find the source
vgh.... the beauty of the British rose shall be preserved at all cost
If one of my best friends trooned out I would straight up kill myself. My few friends are all friends with each other, so even if I stopped hanging out with him specifically I'd still have to see him or at least hear about him and I don't think I could live with that. I'd imagine it's like losing a friend to drug addiction. You can see them destroying themselves but you're ultimately powerless to stop them without destroying your relationship.
I wouldn't worry bout having friends the way you're behaving.
Mate you a crazy person
STOP Twink Genocide NOW!
is the smaller guy the trannie (manletbros....)
or the taller guy the trannie (lankletbros...)???
no, my best friend is a 6'1" jew and would make a freakish looking woman
He was groomed.
Link? Very little chance they didn't at least fuck
Just kill him yourself (in minecraft) and get it over with, problem solved
scandichuds took all your attractive women or some such
passes way too well
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I might be weirded out at first but I'd probably get over it quickly. Of course such things are not possible to it's moot.
impossible. that imply i think with my dick instead of my brain. NO. Going out with passable tranny though is a possibility considering ive been an incel for 9 years
british males all carry danish Y chromosomes which means unlike british females means they actually have some human DNA
stop tranny enabling
I think I saw somewhere that the little dude and the girl are actually brother and sister
That’s so so wrong
willing to do all that for her man... that's how you know it's true love :3
The one tranny i’d legit bone
why are there so many tranny threads on /int/.?
Could it be that she's the friend's sister?
That’s so so right!
Of course… if that’s what she wanted…
Why are Canadian posters like this?
she has the bigger dick, tops him and makes him gag on it btw
lol fucking loser
Dude shes hideous wtf
There are two types of people in this world. Those who want gay sex, and those who lie about not wanting gay sex. I represent the latter.
Shut the fuck up you vapid golem. Your smoldering crater shithole is ground zero for the type of sodomite globalist mindvirus that has plagued the entirety of western civilization. If you had an ounce of critical thinking you’d process that lack of violence is your exact problem.
I long dick her like ugh ugh ugh. I long dick her like ugh ugh ugh.
CIA controlled modeation staff o algo
HES beautiful*
wow this is just like my hentai!
pretty eyes
this entire site is obsessed with trannies and die blecks
>let your friend cut his cuck off, sterilize himself, doom his normal future for a fetish, and support him until the euphoria phase is over and the depression settles in

what great friends!
>let your friend cut his cuck off
Why would you do that? Girl without penis is like angel without wings
100% i would i would creampie her every day
sadly no case of a dude becoming a girl ever happened in recorded human history. maybe in a couple of years we'll have the technology
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