>>204745557why do Arabic women have such unjustified princess syndrome? I have been working with German, Korean, and French teams lately and I find them super cute and funny to be around
>>204745587They're goddesses
>>204745779>Iran worked with Isreal in the open agaisnt Saddam. I'm not fully informed on that part so I can't comment, but I do remember the old Iranian monarchy used to be allied with Israel.To be fair it sounds like a very short term alliance given that both Israel and Iran are close to declaring full war on each other.>But they're never portrayed as a great vilain by you or palis.2bh Egypt is already being portrayed as subhumans by everyone in mena.Me, personally I want to like them, but they always ruin any good reputation they have.Even the most religious person from my family always portray any Egyptian he meet as scammers.I think what the other Saudi anon said >>204745117Menanoids view Saudi Arabia to a higher standard.>All states care about themselves and will pursue their own interests no matter what.Sure, I understand that, but countries like SA shouldn't be assisting the West to destabilise mena.
أغنية تصفكم يا كلابhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8ATsDqXPF0&pp=ygUWZmVhciBvZiBhIGJsYW5rIHBsYW5ldA%3D%3D
>>204745587Parents were too busy love bombing them, and enabling their shitty behavior. That's how middle eastern women are raised.
>>204746259>but I do remember the old Iranian monarchy used to be allied with Israel.are you dumb? Saddam and the Mullahs came to power around the same time. I'm talking about the Iran-Iraq war. The Islamic Republic you currently think is your friend worked with Isreal against Iraq.
>>204746358I know. I'm saying that the only information I have where Iran and Israel were allied were during the Iranian monarchy.Stop jumping to conclusions.
My honest reaction to the """""""Palestinian""""""" American poster
>>204745587>why do arabic people*fixed it for you. I've lived near whites, blacks, spics, jeets, arabs, and chinks, and arabs have a unique strong guy persona. Unlike the primal negro, or the dumb spic, yours seems artificial, and there are some big tells. Underneath, you guys are as prissy as the women
>>why do arabic people*>fixed it for you. I've lived near whites, blacks, spics, jeets, arabs, and chinks, and arabs have a unique strong guy persona. Unlike the primal negro, or the dumb spic, yours seems artificial, and there are some big tells. Underneath, you guys are as prissy as the women
>>204748142I look like picrel though.Are you a dearborn arab? I might've seen you and correctly psychoanalyzed you before, hence your seethe
>>204748222Fuck Mishitgan
جاني حظر وسائط من جديدأنيك مدير المنتدى
>>204749343ابط إيمي آدمز
أوصيكم بتقوى الله عز وجل
صباح الخير. اليوم الثاني من ايام حظر التجوال، بديت امل شوي بس الالعاب مونستني
>>204750583حظر ليه؟
أثناء إجراء التعداد السكاني في بغداد.. تسجيل 94 شخصاً مقسمين بين 6 ذكور و88 أنثى يسكنون بمنزل واحد.
هذا التصريح البارحة، واليوم بدت تتسرب المعلومات قبل لا ينتهي التعداد أصلًاكلها كم يوم ومعلوماتنا تلگوها بالبوتات مال التليغرام نفس داتابيس العراق
الأكراد گلولك ماگدرنا نضم كركوك للإقليم خل ازيد عدد الاكراد بيها علمود تزداد مقاعدنا بالمحافظة ونسيطر عليها إداريًاطبعًا كلها تحت انظار السوداني وحزب الدعوة، قدموا تنازلات للأكراد حتى الگحا'ب ممقدميهااهم محافظة بالشمال هي كركوك، التنازل عنها بمثابة التنازل عن البصرة، محافظة عبارة عن بحيرة من النفط والغاز والموارد الطبيعية الاخرىاذا تريد تكسر ظهر الأكراد الانفصاليين اطردهم من كركوك، اربيل ودهوك مابيهن شي بطرگ الجبال الترابية والشلالات الاصطناعيةكل خطط واهداف الأكراد متركزة على كركوك، الي ديسويه الدعوچي السوداني حالياً بمثابة كارثة بحق العراق
>>204750652التعداد السكاني>>204751036صوچ صدام انطاهم اقليم. چان المفروض يخليهم يستقلون بعد ما حصرهم باربيل وسليمانية ودهوك ونرتاح من شرهم
او على الاقل المفروض يصير اكو قانون يمنع سكان الاقاليم من شراء العقارات خارج اقاليمهم
>>204750967بيت دعارة
تسجيل 54 ذكراً و4 إناث بمنزل واحد ضمن التعداد السكاني في الانبار.
>>204745609TRUE. I first had a crush on Asian bitches, then on white hoes, then ventured to Latin America only to develop a hijabi fetish in the meantime and realize our bitches are literally the best.
All you 3ajami women worshipping niggas are seriously missing out
Let your mothers know I LOVE them
Cuz you can't denyYou've blown my mindWhen I touch your bodyI feel I'm losing controlCuz you can't denyYou've blown my mindWhen I see you babyI just don't wanna let go
Sho cute
I still believe in your eyesI just don't care what you've done in your lifeBaby, I'll always be here by your sideDon't leave me waiting too long, please, come by
>>204745587Arab men are pathetic incels, who have never seen a women in their lives. If it wasnt for islam and oil they would be raped into oblivion
>>204752558Does type of make up on the one on the right have a name? It reminds of her and makes me sad…
هيه هيه
>>204752695what are you doing with the oil diddy
Do you think she's just تتمارض?https://www.youtube.com/shorts/euCkKszuWDQ
>>204752695He is not Arab, more so a Spanish rapebaby. He practically has the same genetic makeup as a Mexican .
>>204752813Bro I am fucking serious I am going to kms looking at her
اكبر خطر على جمهوريتنا العظيمة هم اعاجم الداخل عجم الكرد والتركمان. هؤلاء العلوج يستنزفون ميزانيتنا ويسرقون ثروات شمالنا ويحوكون خيوط الخيانة بينما اعدائنا يضاجون اكابر هؤلاء الخونة. هؤلاء الحثالات لا يعترفون بالهوية العراقية ويحاولون سرقة اراضي العرب وضمها لاقاليمهم الشيطانية. يجب اجتثاث هؤلاء المتطفلين من جذورهم قبل ان ينتشر سرطانهم في جسد العراق العظيم. واياكم والتحجج بخيانة الساسة، بل انتم يا ابناء الوطن الاصالى عليكم بمقاطعة الاعاجم، فلا تصادق الكردي او التركماني ولا تشتري منهم ولا تبع لهم ولا تسافر لاقليمهم ولا تزوجهم ولا تتزوج منهم. عليكم بالقطيعة يا ابناء العراق وعليكم بانتزاع هذه العلقات التي تشفط دماء العراقيين ودماء ابونا العراق. وحينما يحين الوقت، حينما يجوع العجمي ويلجئ الى الجريمة، ستحشد العراقيون ضدهم وسنقتل الكردي حيث ما نجده. عاش العراق! عاش الشعب! الموت للخونة
>>204753328Egypsie tell me you share my love for hijab wearing women
>>204753328Kurds are sunni while Ewaqis are shia.I'd side with kurds any day of the week over shia.
good morning everybody>>204745587masculine personalities on female bodies, it's the same with any society that bolsters female confidence and vanity
>>204753741Gm saar
>>204753590محد طلب رايك يا الغجصري. انا اخاطب العراقيين وليس الخدم
>>204753850Relax, nigga. Your ass is always malding over someone shitting on shias.
>>204752669Oh man... The female creature in ur image is ugly tho
>>204745557>government relents and allows christmas clothes and decorations and other things like advent calendars and cardsit’s fucking over
>>204753909الكلام موجه للعراقيين. على اي اساس يرد بصفة عراقي وهو مو عراقي؟! صاير ياهو اليجي ويلزگ روحه بالعراق. ما ناقصنا اقراد وتردمان انوب يجونا الغجصرية يصيرون عراقيين بروسنا
>>204754254who gives a fuck stop being such a chud
>>204753328>عليكم بمقاطعة الاعاجمما دام اغلبيتكم شيعة ما راح يصير ذا الشي ابد
>>204754469الكلام غير موجه لك يا عبد تعوس
Hello we are FULL stay in your war ridden dirty hellhole and never ever try to come here or to even say our name thank you all bye
>>204754624Who in their right mind would go to Italy
>>204754541لا بس كنت حاب اذكرك انك مستعمره ايرانيه
>>204754624No one cares about your shithole. People go to real countries, not poortalia. Go back to selling your ass for tourists.
>>204754694راي العبيد غير مهم، لازم تكون حر قبل ما تبدي رايك
Dead generalEven /isr/ is fasterWhere have we seen this before?
>>204754698>>204754652Good. Stay out, not welcome. Enjoy your lige
>>204754624I will come, fuck you.
>>204754624stop invading and bombing thanks
>>204754973Why is it always a Saudi crying about being bombed and shit?
>>204754881Btw I've seen videos of historic Roman cities and most of them are in disrepair and full of graffiti and seem to be filthy. You poortalians dishonor the memory of Roma. It seems modern Italians are mostly gypsies and unrelated to ancient Romans.
>>204754995We feel like we're missing out
>>204755004Roman niggas loved their dirty graffiti doe, could be theirs.
>>204754995لأني أحب أخواني العرب أخاف عليكم
>>204754973Those poortalians couldn't even invade Ethiopia, let a alone bombing anyone, they're a joke XD
>>204755039Perhaps. We can't expect non Semites to be noble, Romans or otherwise.
The Germanics were invading half of Europe during WWII while the Italians were struggling against some Ethiopians in the jungle kek the absolute state!
>>204754881How do you feel about this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aghlabid_dynasty
>>204754624If it’s any consolation, your countrymen, as well as Spaniards and Australians, are moving here in droves and living as immigr- oh, sorry, the politically correct term is “expatriates”, and shoving their Christian culture and customs onto everyone everywhere. Even worse, you guys made diversity and inclusion a mandatory tenant of almost all major corporations in my country, and you’re now an officially protected “minority”.The Indians and Filipinos you replaced are much more pleasant to work with and respect the fact they are foreigners. Please fuck off.
متى البيض ينقرضون
>>204755408And what use might you have for Italians? They're not as obedient as those short people from southeast Asia. I would rather have a nigger who cleans my desk and thank me for it than have an uppity Europoor who thinks he deserves more than what he's worth.
>>204755408ايام كوفيد كنت اشتغل بمحل جوالات و جا واحد برتغالي ثلاثيني جواله معدوم, فهمته انه مستحيل اسلم له جواله الا بعد كم من ساعه قام جاه انهيار عصبي انه شغله بيتوقف عشانه ما يقدر يتسخدم توكلنا و قام يعطيني محاضرة عن اخلاقيات العمل و مدري وش وانه في شركته مستحيل يخلي العميل ينتظر اخر شي قاموا الزباين يهدونه كنه طفل متوحد
>>204755786وانا هنا اشكي من الهنود والبنگال اللي يسمعون الكلام بدون اي تذمر كيك
>>204755905انزعاج الناس من حقين جنوب اسيا سببه الlookismالخطر الصدقي هو العبند و بعض الجنسيات العربية
tell me about Yemeni wives
>>204755501They work as engineers, senior technicians, service industry managers, or worse… HR consultants. The Indians, Africans, and Filipinos I worked with are getting replaced, one by one, by whiteys.Italians are the absolute WORST to work with, their accents cannot be understood and they’re seriously uppity, even when wrong. Indians, Africans, and Filipinos are easy to understand, have good work ethics, and even the most stubborn of them can be persuaded on most issues. Australians also have an awful accent, but when they’re not complaining about having nothing to drink, they’re alright, I guess. I don’t have that much of a problem with Spaniards, but they notoriously operate like a hivemind, a dental clinic near me hired a Spanish dentist recently, and now it’s suddenly FULL of Spaniards. A restaurant with a Spanish manager? Full of Spaniards, too.
>>204756475Off to dota you go GTAB
>>204756475احبهم بس مشكلتي عنصري
>>204756490الإنقليز ديك هيدز بعد من تجربتي انت في الرياض؟
>>204756490Meds have a mob mentality. They take over anything they lay their hands on. If you must get whiteys, get the ones with the individualist mentality like Brits, Nords, or Americans. Meds are like the Mexicans of Europe, they operate like a cartel.
>>204756605how is that a problemyou want a chud conspiracy theory wife