Do you agree with the pope here? Internationally speaking
>>204746442Catholic here.Yes the Pope is always right
Pope HATES this
>>204746442CEO of blue pilled
>>204746442Catholic here.The Pope is always right only when he speaks ex cathedra
Here's my gameplan:1. Invent an AI god2. Remove all weapons3. The AI god kills anyone who uses a weapon to harm another human
>>204746442Who will then enforce that others don't have weapons?
>>204746617AI god.
>>204746442no. the pope should stop being a gay nigger and read saint augustine
>>204746442Yes he's right, fists and rocks arent that deadly
>>204746595Based. The ai god also kills anyone who knew about it, but didn't help to bring it into existence.
>>204746442then you'd have people killing each other with giant boulders!!
>>204746767Wear a helmet.
>>204746767You mean medium sized boulders at bestHow would they move them otherwise if not with weapons?
>>204746442We already banned murder; by all means, we should be living in a post-death world by now.
Grug ban rocks because long nose tribe say time for berry picking no more rock throwing
>>204746442One of the most significant arguments made in De Civitate Dei was that people who oppose a just war aren't Christians, they're just cowards. Francis is the perfect example. He's constantly trying to appease the enemies of Christianity, who will hate him regardless.
>>204746442Fake pope
>>204746442No, I'm not a retard.
>>204746442He should start first and disarm the swiss guard then hypocritical pedo faggot
>>204746832Conquest for necessity I understand. Conquest because someone insulted/scammed a state should be a matter of diplomacy rather than war since every state has different laws. Responding to every infraction with war gives bad actors incentive to do things like false flag if they want to make a land grab.
>>204746571What happened to Jesuits not being able to be clergy? Why is one named Pope? Didn't the Pope dissolve them in 1773?
>>204746442but then someone will make new weaponsand no one will have weapons to stop t hem
>>204746442not my popehe's not yellow enough
>>204746467not only do i say this but this looks like bruce campbell so i look like that
>>204746442He's right you know.
People here is missing the point, he's just pointing out the hypocrisy behind the countries currently preaching for peace while simultaneously stacking up nukes.
>>204746442whatever the Vicar of Christ says, thy will be done
>>204746442>When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace>They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease>But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,>And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "Stick to the Devil you know."
>>204746442smartest argie
>>204746442My arms, legs, head are weapons. Knife is a weapon, so is a spoon a fork and a frying pan. Screwdriver, axe, scythe, electric hammer, etc. all weapons. Another moronic hypocritical statement by the globalist kike tool heretic, usurping the cathedra of the archbishop of Rome.
>>204746442>DERRRR HURTING PEOPLE BAD>HERRRRRR BAN WEAPONS DERRRRWithout a monopoly on violence who will enforce a weapon ban? Who will enact violence to confiscate the weapons? How many people will need to die to remove all the weapons?Is this n*gga actually retarded or just doing this for attention?
>>204746442Damn, I didn't know the pope was retarded like that
>>204746442Do we really want to be safe? Let's just ban crime!