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>16,000,000 Brits (24% of the population) live in poverty.
>10,000,000 of those live in families in full-time work.
>5,200,000 children live in poverty (36%).
>1% have more wealth than 70% of the population combined.
Inb4 some Labour voting English pussy reports this post as a NCHI (non crime hate incident) while looking the other way as a pajeet grooms an underaged girl
>How Do We Fix "Great" Britain?
tax the billionaires out of existence and give a universal basic income. nationalise all essential services and utilities with safe jobs for life. make university and trade schools free. it will take a generation to undo the damage but the change would save your country.
Thats communism
Import 30 million Indians.
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The UK needs to switch to a land based tax system and reform its land allocation and regulation policies. Clement Attlee made it almost impossible to build any infrastructure, factories and housing for private industry and then Margret Thatcher privatized everything. Also they need to stop being so obsessed with protecting old people and minorites and instead focus on developing the regions full of there own poor people.
Import more pajeets and build more shoeboxes to shove them in so the GDP goes up and pray no one notices that real wages and living standards are declining regardless
they deserve it for being evil colonisers
Repeal the disastrous law passed by Attlee that has led to nothing being built for 60 years
This country is utterly done and everyone here knows it.
Literally not a single Brit will deny how fucked things are, even my normie friends are planning their escape.
All children are poor, they don't make any money, it's a sensationalist bullshit statistic whether it's UK or Argentina
Zhangu izu hero knee dead two zeibu
Ukgours! Han Chinese is me!

zeibu UK raike rayke it! yis yis? know know?! yez! ~ * > ~ < * ~
I forgot to add to also kick out the browns.
>tax the billionaires out of existence
they immediately flee to switzerland

>nationalise all essential services and utilities with safe jobs for life
quality drops like a rock as people realize they can just do nothing in their job and still get paid

>make university and trade schools free
everyone now has a worthless degree and has wasted the first 25 years of their life

congrats, you actually made the UK third world
The UK needs to cut back on government waste and make the country a more attractive place to do business
who made this picture?
I am guessing "gentry" basically means 90% of landowners i.e. normal people that own a home
>The landed gentry, or the gentry (sometimes collectively known as the squirearchy), is a largely historical British social class of landowners who could live entirely from rental income, or at least had a country estate. It is the British element of the wider European class of gentry.
Its basically old estate owners who don't hold official titles.
You can implement capital flight restrictions like China does.

Nationalizes many industries makes them better, like railroads for example.

I agree that shit-degrees shouldn't be free, only business and STEM degrees, but it still shouldn't be incredibly expensive.

Almost every developed European countries have these laws, and they have a much higher quality of life than we do.
>Nationalizes many industries makes them better, like railroads for example.
Railroads are nationalized because defining RoWs without federal authority is impossible, which in turn makes long distance rail impossible. Private local rail networks typically outperform public ones.
"Safe jobs" instantly cease to function. If people don't have to give a shit to live, they won't.
>I agree that shit-degrees shouldn't be free, only business and STEM degrees, but it still shouldn't be incredibly expensive.
If everyone has a STEM degree then a STEM degree is worthless. Degrees are distinctions that indicate unusual capabilities, if everyone has that credential than you can get any fucker off the street to replace any given guy and the value of STEM labor drops to the market floor.

Fortunately that particular failure mode is impossible, because most people can't be educated to that degree no matter how hard you try. Human capabilities are not evenly distributed and are not unlimited in their ability to be refined. You will, however, waste a lot of time and money trying to polish turds, and lose some skilled labor who are repulsed by the imbeciles your ideology demands be packed into the classrooms with them.
When I realized that France is utterly done, I felt sad like I heard that grandmother living in far away place but I know she was so kind died.

But when I heard UK is already under sickness unto death, I was like "lol ok"

Am I the only one who feels like this?
Why do poor people have so many children they can't afford?
>working class family have three kids
>husband works on a low wage, mother doesn't
>husband fucks off
>single mother now has three kids to raise and no job
>kids grow up in a shit environment and become a new generation of povvos
>cycle continues
I knew UK was done for when the dumbasses voted for brexit and went "wait you weren't actually supposed to vote for this" but I still feel for them.
Yeah but go where? France, Germany, Italy? Fucked. Australia? Same 1984 pozz we have here and far away and big spiders. US? Ok you get better salaries, lower taxes and free speech but you also can't go anywhere without a car and you'll get shot by a jogger. Also American "women" are the most mentally ill. Japan, Korea? it's impossible learning the language and culture enough to not feel completely out of place. Poor countries? Maybe, but you need some business or remote job in the West to have good living standards.
Why do you want to completely destroy your own race?
I don't want foreigners or endless povvos
Indians blacks and arabs are good workforce that does the labor cheap
I am in poverty. It's cold and i'm hungry. Please send help.
looks like a rich country, indians keep moving there
what you are suggesting is white genocide

yes every british woman needs to have 10 kids each.
Import more Nigerians and Indians
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here's another chart for you, cancer survival rates, all the UK countries are on the bottom
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you dumb lard, switzerland barely has lower tax rates
they cant flee, only to shithole or micronation (which wont exist after upcoming wwiii)
why do jap man get so destroyed by prostate cancer? too scared to a finger up there? don't they do that arse fingering thing as a prank anyway?
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yeah I bet it's a culture thing, like you are too bushido to admit to ass cancer
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Just move to Canada and your life will be amazing
Interesting thread, thanks for posting all those charts and other stuff.

I think the problem lays in what your government did in the 60s to 70s. I mean, when they sold industries for very short term cheap benefits, when they allowed an unregulated free market, when they screwed up former colonies, when they removed nobility industrials to replace them by more evil pieces of shit that killed them, when they fucked up with the stock exchange, the thatcher years... All those terrible moves that seemed so great for share holders, fucked up your country and gave the worst example to the test of the world.
I don't have a solution but to strat form scratch implementing socialism and deporting brown people.
>voted for brexit and went "wait you weren't actually supposed to vote for this"
Literally didn't happen outside of the minds of retards
Learn to read yankee. Homeowners is that 5% at the top of the left graph.
Yeah the language is hard but the streets are safe and clean, the economy is booming, the government doesn't despise it's own european people
Kind of ironic that brits are now moving there than vice versa but oh well
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If you are a bong you need to get the fuck out now. Leave western europe. We Dutch are 10-15 years behind you in how fucked we are but in time we will follow you. It's over.
do not come here
its just as hopeless as in rest of the world but you have corruption and poverty as bonus
UK still mogs any ee cesspit I'm moving back there soon
Left-wingers who want to import these people are crazy.
straight up from black mirror
Being a Brit is basically the worst fate imaginable.

>Country is collapsing
>Literally everyone despises us, even more so than Indians or Israelis

Even if we do move abroad we have to face the real risk of being brutally murdered for being British.
Privatisation has been a fucking disaster here. Every single thing that has been privatised (such as the railways and postal service) becomes more expensive and less reliable.

Neoliberalism. Not even once. It amounts to nothing but widespread plunder of the economy.
Forgot to say, nationalise industries ans essential services, stop selling out your country.
Nobody actually hates Israelis.
You know what will fix this? More immigrants and more hate speech laws that only punish white natives.
Poland has no future, it's just another EU shithole
Brexit means Brexit
Good morning saar
fix what exactly? They voted for this.
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Britain is literally everything wrong with America cranked up to 10 without an entire continents worth of resources within its borders and global hegemony to bolster it up, all with a populace utterly buck broken by its class system.
That's unfortunate, but Britain was the primary force behind the spread of globalism and liberalism in the world for at least 200 years, until the disintegration of its empire. They created Israel and bolstered Islamism in the Middle East.

You reap what you sow.
>everything wrong with America cranked up to 10
we're not at that stage yet
how are you so dumb

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