How many fat people are there in your country? Do you see a lot?
The East has fallen
all of them
How do people find the motivation to eat more than one small meal a day?
I remember seeing fatter people on my first day in the US when we went there when I was a kid than I have ever seen here.Lots of fat people here too, but the Jabba the Hutt mobility scooter walking blob thing is super rare.
If I see one fatass, it's one too many.
>>204751065Yes my entire damn country is obese. Only ones who aren't lardasses are white people below the age of 30 and Nigerians.
>>204751591It's not only hideous, it's a waste of space, ressources, a weight (lmao) on the health system, they stink, and it shows how little self control they have.Lardasses should me made to run to exhaustion each day until their bmi falls to at most 25.
>>204751808>hideousThats your opinion
>>204752164An objectively correct opinion.
>>204751065world without whales:too terrible to imagine
>>204751591Pure SEX. Does this fuck puddle have a name?
>>204751808How the fuck do you even get fat in Japan? Like, I feel like you’d actually have to try and work fucking hard to even accomplish that
>>204751065Please tell me she has an onlyfans
>>204752448 retriever
>>204751065this is literally impossible for east asian physiqueShe will die soon
>>204752605she needs to go on sharp caloric deficit. one bowl of rice, one fish, one soup, thats it. everyday.
>>204753703I have been deceivedBut I still would