>>205355666checked and i need this
japan is healing
>>205355666that just means they'll have 4 days of official work and 2 more days of non-official unpaid wwork
>work 12+ hours for 4 days instead of 8 hours of 5 day waging
>>205355666Their terrible work-life balance is cultural. You can give them as much time off as you want but they'll never take them because doing so would be shamefur dispray
>>205355666Japanese people (including me) simply love working though. Nobody wants this change, only our politicians say this because they want to look as globalists.
>>205355666Based. Don't think it'll do much for the birthrate, but probably more than what they've been doing.
>>205355666I think it's retardedJapan has no resources and relies on human capital to create a first world economyThere is no correlation of the fertility rate to work life balance, or salaryThis can be seen in european welfare statesThe only factor that accounts for the fertility rate, is the education of women.
>>205355666Anything that means less slaving at work is based to me
>>205357304>The only factor that accounts for the fertility rate, is the education of women.Yeah, they're becoming more retarded.
>>205357304line must go up: the post
>>205355666Japan will cease to be a powerhouse thanks to this politic. Hopefully this works out
>>205357446I am not against it if they want to take it easy, I would love working a 4 day work week tooBut specifically, people talking about reducing work hours to increase birth rates are stupidNot acknowledging the negative effects of the policy is stupid too
>>205355666>your country introduces a 4 day workweek>you now get paid for 4 days of wages instead of 5>you now have less money yet your expenses remain the same>but at least you get to spend one less day of work out of the wage cageI don't know, is it really worth it? I hate my job but I think I'd rather be a good slave for one more day than have less money.
>>205357304Contraception is a huge factor as well
>>205358343cattle to the very end
>>205358411good afternoon Ahmed
>>205358411contraception have existed for 4000 years
>>205358343Gah dayum, we ain't needin' no stinkin' work-life balance in my gah-fearin' country! We ain't no friggin' cummunists. Dog bless.>>205355666What party did this come from? Does not sound like something the LDP would do.
>>205358590>We ain't no friggin' cummunistsThat's the point I'm trying to make. If the United States ever somehow mandated a 4 day work week absolutely nothing would change to compensate for the lack of wages. You'd just get paid less and have to deal with it because the government forcing companies to compensate for the lost wages would be evil communism.
>>205358490The electric car was invented in 1888
>>205355666How can I find work in Japan? I know SQL
>>205355666Tokyo*governot my prefecture...(ヽ´ω`)
>>205359044it's Tokyogover...
>>205357251speak yourselfI fucking hate working,baka.
>>205355666Take women off the workforce, cut welfare state expenses and everything should be alright. It's just unpopular as making any change is seen as unpopular.
>>205359062how disgraceful takeshi-san
>>205359143Japan wouldn't exist without a female workforce.Japan has always been short of labour and many companies have had to stop despite strong sales.
>>205357141Well currently it’s 12 hours 5 days kek
>>205357141It's like 12 for 6 days a week rn. Don't know how much it matters considering that the karoshi meme is outdated since many Japanese are taking part-time contracts for work now.
>>205357141I would greatly prefer 4 long days to 5 days of 8 hours.
>>205355666Japanese already work unpaid overtime and on days they shouldn't be working. This'll change next to nothing as most will still adhere to collective company social pressure to come in to work on the day they should have off.
>>205355666They need job protections for mothers to not lose them or have it cuck their career path if they want women to open their wombs.
>>205355666Someone in the know, tell me why not add a shift, fewer hours, higher pay, and better benefits? From 3x8 shifts into 4x6?>better productivity spread>increased spenders economy>more jobs and higher employmentA four day week feels like they'll just make 10-15 hour days normal and leave you with a 3 day burnout to recover with, making the weekend longer but not any better. I want a good work-life balance where I can care to do other things, not this drug addict schedule.
>>205355666Companys will just "request" that you do over time for a day.
>>205360232wouldn't overtime laws change though? if a concept of a 4 day work week is held, you have 4 days to do a full time job which is 40 usually, so 40/4 = 10 hr/dayBut if you add overtime into the mix, and the 4 day change is held, lets say 40+10, so 50/4 = 12.5/dayif you live paycheck to paycheck and need a 60/hr week, I've done this many times, then 60/4 = 15/dayShit isn't getting cheaper, so how likely is it that it will shift to a 12-15 hr normal?
>>205355666this won't work, the main reason nobody is reproducing is because of all the chemicals in modern food and liquids we drinkwe have less energy for our day to day life, less sperm count, and overall we are more effeminate, no social ruling will change that, we need to take down the companies that supply the water in our countries and start feeding our people real food
>>205358590Why do jews type like this?
Just Tokyo, not all of Japannot a bad idea though
>>205355666As if anything would change
>>205360416>Fucking Honduras chimes in with this shitDude I hate highly processed foods too, but this is a you problem1st world countries have access to quality foods, the US is a outlier in obesity for shit diet education but is otherwise highly livable and recoverable. 3rd world is dying of malnutrition because your industries are being pimped and all you eat is seed oils and takis because a banana costs 10 dollars and among other reasons your suffering is a complicated mess more than just what your eating
>>205358490>what should we put on our coins, a king? an ancient hero?>I know, a condom
>>205360577>access to quality foodsthey do but people dont know what quality foods are most likely and are eating complete trash thinking they're doing the right thing
>>205360719Manosphere grifters have done wonders in making the newer gen be obsessive about health. Gym culture in the US is having a renaissance.
>>205361092see that's what im saying going to the gym does the opposite for your health
社畜起きろオラァ!!!!月月火水木金金‼!GO TO OFFICE!!!出勤‼奴隷!!出勤!!奴隷!!しばくぞ!!!!!!!
>>205361116anon, if you're not a roidtranny, not egolifting and not doing bad lifts that damage joints/court snaps, going to the gym is very good for your health
>>205361173>roids badpussy
>>205355666Only Baka gaijin have been still believing Japanese ppl are working to death 24/9 But after all Japan has been under recession for 30 years and our working style has changed during the time Moral of this story is, many foreigners are really slow, never looking up even data of average working hours by country by themselves
>>205357251Happiest goy
>>205361192>>roids bad>puss- ACK! My heart!