How did they become so universally hated, their people literally are CEOs to the biggest companies in the world.
victims of their success. expose middle class whites as lazy and unambitious and other minorities as incompetent. I say this as a saudi.
>>205722569their worst mistake was giving the retarded hindutva population cheap internet
their worst mistake was not annihilating Paki and Bangla scum when they had a chance
Afraid of speaking out against Indians since I'm using Chrome mobile and google CEO is an Indian(chrome is fucking retarded dogshit btw)
>>205722600You're a sir. Don't lie to us.
anyone can be a CEO. did any of the indians invent the companies? no? they just came in after the white man did all the work?curious
>>205722773cope harder
>>205722569People usually don't like CEOsSome manged to create a cult of personality around them but that's itI don't know why indians bring this up>one of us is this guy much richer than you that is rasing prices, you live us now, right?
>>205722837>>205722842>no argumentsmust suck being a white NEET, you're BTFO by FOB lungis in a matter of months
>>205722569Maybe you don't realize that the hate-sphere of 4chan and similar websites isn't the real world.Hateful memes born in this shithole aren't even well known in normieland, where the relevant things about the real world actually happen.No one hates the Indians irl except for pockets of hardcore racists, naziskin, etc.
>>205722569They're annoying to look at
>>205722569All those flags are really just Muslims. Muslims are everything jeets are accused of and more. If you're not a Canadian then complaining about Indians reveals you are a Muslim. It's like how people say "even the UN hates Israel", no, again it's Muslims and their cucked leftist vassals. If you're a European flag replying negatively to this post, you are a Muslim, if you are a Muslim flag replying negatively to this post, you are a well disciplined Muslim. I will support Indians and Jews to my dying breath if it makes Muslims upset because they need to be made uncomfortable and blow themselves up.
>>205722956I have job saaarhow come non of you "great CEO's" are in indian? Is india a country where stuff can't be made? also majority of jeets are gas station attendants and uberjeet drivers lol stay coping prakesh
>>205722569>their people literally are CEOs to the biggest companies in the world.99,99% of their people are living in shit in a third world country THOUGH
>>205722983golem moment
>>205722569They are retarded on and off the internet and smell bad
>>205722961every company I've worked in hated jeets
>>205722983do you mix cow shit with your curry
those CEOs look down on their fellow indians more than anyone here could.
>>205722569Think it's the smell
It is hilarious how India went from an exotic Asian country that was associated with meditation, myticism, a vibrant culture and friendly locals to being a backwards society associated with squalor, phone scams, rape and dystopian urban hellholes in the span of 20 years.
>>205722983Where is the jeethunter when you need him?>FMJ referenceLook saars I am totally American saars. See I like Hollywood movies like true red white and blue blooded American which I am saars.
>>2057225691. Population of 1.4 billion2. No internet firewall3. Nominally "English speaking", just enough so that they somehow feel confident enough to all post in English discussion spaces4. Their dalit villagers are just now getting internet as wellThese factors combine to make them the most overrepresented and annoying group online by far. At any given moment when you read a retarded post with somewhat offputting English, just know that there is a pretty good chance you are interacting with a dalit posting with his Motorola 3G connection.
>>205722569VPN kangali thread >>205723029>>205723109>>205724847found the muzzies gayallah tongues pig anus
>>205722569They got internet access before developing properly. They are unironically the worst posters of any nationality or race on all platforms. Case in point>>205722600
>>205722569even more than niggers they represent the horror of mass produced human sludge and people in contact with that immediately recoil instinctively, which is perfectly understandable
CEOs are just servants of the shareholdersIndians are absolutely subservient to everyone above them and absolutely controlling with everyone below them so of course they're perfect lapdogs to empower over workers.
all your countries belong to jeetland
>>205724995The funny thing is that China has all of this and they aren't even half hated as Indians are, so it's most likely beheavor
>>205722983This is my biggest gripe with Indians. It's their general delusions, they actually believe that anyone who hates them could only ever be a Muslim. You can post the palest white hand, denounce the Quran and Muhammad as a pedophile, or post the most lustrous A10 eye in response - they will not reverse image search it, or inspect the filename for a timestamp, they will just call you Muslim due to the overwhelming cognitive dissonance of being the world's laughingstock.
how to repel a vpnjeet :
>>205722826Make this per capita, or better per capita working in silicon valley companies
>>205725106>They are unironically the worst posters of any nationality or race on all platforms>tf>tp
>>205727452Nah they have a firewall, that's why I specifically added that line. I still agree that they aren't nearly as annoying though, even when they DO come to English discussion spaces.
>>205722826theres billion pajeets, not impressive at all
There's barely indians on /int/ nowadays
>>205727452China has their own internet and don't really interact with outside so they're far less obnoxious despite similar massive population
>>205727452Chinese don't really speak English and they mostly use their own websites, they're more parochial than Americans really.
>>205728491Check /bharat/ saar
>>205728491They post under every flag. You not velly smart
>>205722983>All those flags are really just Muslims.can you prove your point with empirical evidence?
>>205722569>their people literally are CEOs to the biggest companies in the worldThanks for ruining Google and Youtube, I guess?
>>205727452What planet do you live on?
>>205728895Kek ytboi mad that he didn't think up ways to make more money. Chad indians figured it out....
>>205722826Non-Indians shocked, faints!! Indian rocks!