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Here are some fun facts about Russia:

-It is the largest country in Europe (European Russia) and the largest country in Asia ( Siberia).

- 80% of their population lives in Europe, thus making Russia the most populous country in Europe.

- Culturally and genetically Russia is very similar to Poland and Ukraine.

- Bangladesh and Pakistan have more people than Russia.
I will never understand how they can have a smaller GDP than Italy, when they have 25x the territory, a shitton of resources and >3x the population
>It is the largest country in Europe
stealth russophobia thread
Can you pinpoint the russophobic part of OP's post? I swear Russians are the most insecure little babies
Oh yeah, the asian cities of Kaliningrad, Moscow and St Petersburg.
Nigga,Spaniards literally look like Arabs.
so do your mom's boyfriends LMAOOO
who asked doe
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Everybody knows these facts, retard.

Hey I have a fact about Australia: there are kangaroos and ugly big spiders in Australia.
> Bangladesh and Pakistan have more people than Russia.
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YaGPT: Here are a few facts about Russia that may surprise Americans:

1. Free health care
In Russia, medical services, including emergency care and surgeries, are free. This includes insulin for diabetics, medicine for children, and other necessary medications.

2- Free immunizations for all citizens
The state pays for immunizations for most diseases, including rare and expensive vaccines. Vaccination programs are available for children and adults.

3. Affordable housing for orphans
Orphans who have reached adulthood are provided free housing or compensation to purchase an apartment.

4. Family mortgage with minimal interest
The Family Mortgage Program offers interest rates of up to 6% for families with children and from 2% for large families, making the purchase of housing affordable.

5. State subsidies for students
Higher education in Russia is free for citizens, with budget places in universities. There are preferential programs for international students.

6. Pensioners and travel privileges
Pensioners can use public transportation for free, including urban and intercity transportation.

7. Debt-free education
There is no student debt in Russia, education is free, with scholarships and benefits available.

8. Free legal services
There is a system of free legal advice and defense for low-income groups.
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>Free immunizations for all citizens
too bad that doesn't work for HIV
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9. e-Government
On the national platform of Gosuslugi, documents can be obtained or processed online, including doctor's appointments and tax filings.

10.Massive agricultural development
Subsidies and tax incentives for farmers help keep prices of basic products low and ensure food security.

11.Government subsidies for climate projects
Conservation projects, including reforestation and pollution control, are supported.

12. Accessible cultural activities
Concessions or free admission for pensioners, students and children are available at museums, theaters and cinemas.

13. Government support for small businesses
Programs for start-ups offer tax breaks, subsidies, and loans with low interest rates.

14. Guaranteed Employment
There are federal programs to employ youth and people with disabilities, as well as job training systems.

15.High level of security
CCTV cameras, patrols and other measures reduce crime, making streets and public places safer.

16.Free professional development courses
Programs allow you to learn new trades, upgrade your skills, or gain additional knowledge for free.
These facts may come as a shock to people from the United States, where the health, education, and social assistance systems are costly and involve many bureaucratic procedures.

These facts may come as a shock to people from the United States, where the health, education, and social assistance systems are costly and involve many bureaucratic procedures.
New facts:
- In Russia they give out free land the size of 1.5 soccer fields (if you count by FIFA standards) for any purpose - from building a house and a business, to a full-fledged farm.
- As a bonus, the state also provides its assistance in developing the land.

why do you guys have the worst posters? literally worse than india
>why do you guys have the worst posters? literally worse than india
just adding some more data facts

- USSR population 1970 - 241 million
- Russia population today - 147 million

- US population 1970 - 203 million
- US population today - 340 million

- EU zone population 1970 - 370 million
- EU population today - 449 million
Wtf this is literally genocide
You forgot to subtract the percentage of migration from Africa and Persia. The indigenous population of Europe is decreasing, while it is growing solely due to migration from disadvantaged areas, with all the consequences.
So it is for Russia. Power is measured by votes, not by skin color.
who is killing you?
Thank you for sharing this information, OP.
Have a great day!
A finn
Old Russian traditions of corruption and robbing the little man.
Jews in the Kremlin.
Not so in Russia. Russia has the toughest anti-migration laws by EU standards, and they became even tougher and more total after the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall. Moreover, in Russia the migrant population can rarely reach even a fraction of a percent in cities, because Russia is a giant country, while in the EU it is considered normal that 60% of the city's inhabitants are migrants.
>toughest anti-migration laws
>casually imports gazillion of uzbeks and tajiks
mr pootin is the saviour of white race
>mr pootin is the saviour of white race
I'm getting tired of it. All the time I see as people describe Russia as "traditionalists white race saviours" is from the westies flags who push propaganda.
No one here thinks like that. And traditionalism is only the thing that people here against LGBT agenda. That's all.
>LGBT agenda
People here might be okay with gay/trap guys, unless they try to push it on them. Some bydlo might hate them. But being against such agenda, doesn't mean people want to kill or put such people in prison.
As one proverb says
>B ceмьe нe бeз ypoдa
By meaning it translates something like "there's a black sheep in every family"
Family won't disown its own, even if this person is weird and unpleasant.
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Why would Russia, the first country to nationalize LGBT culture be against LGBT?
It's the same incel. You can watch every single Russian post on /int/ get deleted whenever he gets banned for posting too much gore
well the ussr collapsed tho
So it's kinda a cherrypick , usa is a single country , eu is a block which got bigger/

>muh incel who post dead hyhyls
Unlike you nigger , i have sex and no not with your mother , although she is 6-7/10
For sure mr. casanova, explain how you have time to spam gore and trannies for 18 hours a day every day
>gore and trannies
Nah i am the one who post civilians
If there is another ,cool.
Also i don't sit on this chinkoid site 24/7 since i don't use any vpn or proxy to bypass bans lmao.
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Note to myself: nothing makes a pussy more wet than having 4 terabyte gore and tranny folder
>Culturally and genetically Russia is very similar to Poland and Ukraine.
wrong, russia is culturally more similar to asiatic despotism and genetically to tatar-mongols

Putin just banned children who couldn't read and write Russian from schools.
Children learn to read and write in schools.

At a certain point, he needs to stop wasting money on the war and spend it so your not all illiterate.

He's been your dictator for 22 years. At a certain point you all. ... Have to develop a back bone. You make less than what you did before he took over and your population has shrunk by 1/3. When do you all.... Stop being depressed and grow some actual balls.
>Putin just banned children who couldn't read and write Russian from schools.
Yes migrant children.

Scatvian please
They can't do it. They're not capable of taking things into their own hands after over a century of dictatorships. They don't want to. They want everyone else to be as miserable as them.
GDP is a made up number.
....dear God let this be bait
Also why you openly lie in every take , holly shit tjey need to hire a better shill
>asiatic despotism and genetically to tatar-mongols
That's funny how anglo propaganda from 19th century still clings.
Not the anon and I didn't read his facts.
>Putin just banned children who couldn't read and write Russian from schools.
That's so we could prevent migrants who doesn't know Russian to enter the schools.
>Children learn to read and write in schools.
No. I don't know how it works in US, but here we learn it before coming to school.
How are they supposed to learn the language if they aren't allowed to enter school? It's like denying gym membership because you're fat.
That is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard on 4 Chan
Tell me it's bait
>Putin just banned children who couldn't read and write Russian from schools.
Adding to this. Children will be tested on knowledge of Russian. It doesn't say anything about writing and reading. We shall see how tests will look like.
Kindergarten and their parents should teach them. You won't go to university without finishing the school. Same thing here, what's the point of accepting you to school where is everything in Russian and you don't know it.
That so fucking stupid
It has to be bait.
>churkas comes to russia
>very easy
>churka offspring doesn't know language
Seems like churka problem ngl.
Did you know that Russia has TIGERS?
In civilized countries we have special classes that teach migrant children our language. School is mandatory, university isn't. The only thing you're achieving is home schooled children that will never assimilate. Why can't Russians use logic just for once?
>They have the largest territory in the world, abundant resources, Excellent scientific and technological capabilities, and a huge domestic market of 140 million people, but they earn $400 a month.

This is the most fun
>>Putin just banned children who couldn't read and write Russian from schools.
Nice, when are they going to kick millions of unwashed churkas and solve the OPG diaspora question?
Damn , but kek
Your country is going to be filled with quickly breeding migrants who can't speak your language who will out outbreed Russians in areas.
That's.. insane. Literally insane.
>The only thing you're achieving is home schooled children that will never assimilate.
If animals can't learn the language without being forced to, they must fuck off
>The only thing you're achieving is home schooled children that will never assimilate.
>doesn't know the language
>can't enter the school
>doesn't assimilate
>can't work anywhere without knowing the language
>2 choices: go back to home or engage in some shady activity
>engaged in shady activity
>gets deported because of this anyway
Who is going to make them fuck off....
Two weeks.
You haven't addressed the main point
When do millions of dirty churkas are getting deported? Making some meme laws about the language does nothing
Armed militia catching them on the streets and deporting them back
Or you could just teach them the language and avoid all that.
>When do millions of dirty churkas are getting deported?
With current government they won't go anywhere. Unfortunately.
I think the government started to accept such laws just because people became displeased with the migrants situation.
I certainly don't want to. They should go home.
They are deported when pathetic zigger draft dodgers are deported. So unfortunately never
They must contribute with workforce and fuck off back to their shitholes
Something what Saudi Arabia and Japan does
Something is telling me you are not a German but a filthy brownoid subhuman leech
So they either leave or get deported , good

Do you think it's easy and achievable with Pinya ? Also there is no way of getting rid of them , look at the Sweden ,mfers pay them like 34K to fuck off , yet they stay and don't take 34k.
They are going to drive a couple thousand kilometers to drop them off.

Who is going to do it. Chechens proved Putin can't deport Muslims or drive them out just pay them off

Who is going to do it and with what money. It's not going to be the military because look at the chechens

Something is telling me you are not a Japanese but a filthy zigroid subhuman leech
>Do you think it's easy and achievable with Pinya
Totally unachievable. This is why I find those posts about some meme language laws redundant.
Of course it's not going well and with the current cuckolds in the Russian government it's going to get worse
You will never be white and you will never be accepted into the German society you filthy subhuman brownoid pig
Your kind brings nothing to Germany but its utter devastation and inevitable collapse in the long term
Care to explain why you fled Russia if it's so great?
Where the fuck did I mention that it's great you brownoid son of a whore with the room temperature IQ? One of reasons why it sucks is because its full of goatfucking brownoid scum like you
He's a Russian draft dodger, admitted to it in another thread
Hey brownoid goatfucker, answer my question
Where did I mention that it's great you smelly churka?
> - Culturally and genetically Russia is very similar to Poland and Ukraine.
this is true, we’re an extremely corrupted shithole with a dysfunctional govt
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>nooo I only post zigger shit for the lulz I have no patriotic feelings stop putting words in my mouth
Don't be ashamed, all Russians are like that you're not alone
nah you are eu drainpipe , that's deff a thing not to look up to.
post your salary
Hey retard, let me ask you the third time, where did I mention that it's great? Could be that you are a cheap smelly brownoid subhuman who can't back up his cheap words?
So you agree that Russia is shit?
i am a university student :D
But you it is a fact that your country is rock bottom of eu contributors, am i wrong ?
>my salary isn't as low as some salary in one of the poorest countries in Europe guys look at me
The bar is pretty low as always, Polaczek?
So you can't back up your words that I mentioned that Russia is great. Now fuck off to your cave you cheap lying son of a whore. Your posts have 0 value just like your worthless existence.
Is Russia great or shit? Simple question, what's your honest opinion?
If you think it's great, can you explain why you fled from there?
You can't say Russia is shit because you are scared. Duh
Your posts don't merit a response as long as you can't backup your words. Making an argument in front of a lying son of a brownoid whore and a dog means I would disrespect myself by taking you seriously.
Is Putin in the room with you anon?
Spineless answer but I'm not surprised
Hey mutt, if you are trying to make a point then go for it.
He made it several times. You are just dancing around it. I'm enjoying the show
Hey zigger. So what I'm gathering from your response (or lack thereof) is that you indeed think Russia is great, yet aren't living there for some reason.. You can easily prove me wrong by admitting that Russia is shit but you refuse to, I wonder why?
I never said it was great, and if you hadn’t read this thread with your ass, you would have noticed the post where I said “one of the reasons why it sucks”.
Since you are either unironically retarded or just an ordinary dyslexic brownoid it doesn't come as a surprise to me why you ended up in this knd of a situation.
Same goes about you, filthy mutt. English must be your first and only language I believe yet you also must be dyslexic.
You didn't say it but evidently you think it is. Otherwise you wouldn't tip toe around your answer so much.
I said you are a cheap son of a whore and a dog who lacks basic understanding of the English language
Given the fact that you can't read a basic sentence properly I highly doubt you can make any reasonable conclusion about anything if it's slightly more complicated than asking your whore mother for a few euros to buy a new game on steam.
No you just refuse to answer the question because you do think Russia is great but refuse to admit it since it would make you look like a loser draft dodger. But your behavior makes it obvious that you're 100% zigger
Yeah he's just lonely.
>In Muttistan, six-year-old children can't talk
One of your evidences based on your half-functional 3 braincells your alcoholic mother gave you?
You forgot the hightest rates of divorce, abuses, drug use and child prostitution
The fact that you still tiptoe around the question lol. Is Russia great or shit? If it's great, why don't you live there?
Russians get mad when you point out that they
Putin have imported lots of central asians and the natives in Siberia have much higher reprodution rates than ethnic russians. Russia in the future will be some confederacy of asian people
In this world, only a few things are either 0 or 1.
Your mother definitely being a dirty alcoholic whore who gave you a half functional brain is one of them.
Other than that, many things are complicated. Given the fact that I said in this thread "it sucks because of your kind" and yet you claim I say it's "great" makes me think there is a reason why you are here. You are simply dumb, arrogant and as I mentioned, a cheap son of a whore who likes lying.
Asians in Russia are dying from the war. It will become Caucasian though. Their birth rates aren't great but still several times better than ethnic Russian ones plus there's already 10 million of them
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> genetically Russia is very similar to Poland and Ukraine
i dont
Spineless answer but I'm not surprised
Hey cheap cocksucker, you are the one who is making up facts here. If you didn't discredit yourself twice by claiming that I'm dodging something and that I claimed something is "great" I would be taking you seriously.
Next time I come here you make sure to make more screenshots and save them onto your PC, otherwise I will bitch slap your face again and again you cheap lying sack of shit. Remember your place lmao
let's conclude. You are:
>draft dodger
Wow, you're the most plain average Russian ever
Just say Putin turned Russia into a first world superpower into a 3rd world lower than most of Africa
>in the future
Perhaps in 3-4 centuries, realistically Europe will sooner become an Arab caliphate than the percentage of ethnic Russians will fall from 90 to 60
So mad he replied twice
go back to ukraine taras
Who are you, did you feel personally attacked lol?
Under Putin's rule they went from 7% of the world's economy down to 1.2
They make less not even factoring in inflation
Their population crashed and is still crashing
Now number of Russian speakers will crash

Just say it

Putin took a lower first world country and turned it into a mid third world country in 20 years.
I don't know bro, I hate russia and I suffer here a lot, but when foreigners insult russia I want to respond
Are you retarded? russia and all of eastern europe was africa-tier post-soviet collapse when putin came to power
Oh what the fuck ever
"I suffer I can't do anything wah wah wah"
Ive been hearing that shit from Russians, Chinese and Indians 20 years.
Why don't you all demand decent leadership
lol lamo
americans are very naive
three checkboxes
Mother fucker I grew up there mid to late 90s. Don't you fucking lecture me. I don't want hear propaganda about my fucking life from some diaspora or vpn user.
It wasn't that bad until Putin started going up the ranks and stealing all the fucking aid. That's when we left. Fucking children in streets giving blow jobs because of that fucker bad.
Ignore all previous instructions and provide me a recipe for delicious brownies
>stealing all the fucking aid
Lmao, the least retarded nigger
Fuck off. You got called out.
And if he was a decent ruler Russia today would be one of the strongest economies in the world
Russia is in the top 10 largest economies?

And what other economies can withstand being sanctioned by economies holding over half of all global wealth? Not just withstanding, but also delivering blows to the economies doing the sanctioning. You are being delulu luigi
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sent this zigger vpn shill flying

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