>born to be a confederate soldier laying siege to fort sumter>born to fall for my home state of virginia defending the south from northern aggression at the battle of gettysburg>born to expel the lincolnites at bull run>forced to be a brown person from nyc>i will never meet stonewall jackson>i will never meet jefferson davis>i will never be part of lee's armywhats the point
what percentage of the american flag on /pol/ and /int/ is brown?
>>205847512>le northern agressionthe south attacked first
You lost bro. Deal with it
you forgot>im bangladeshi
>>205847599>>205847932Might be. This is my phone wallpaper after all
>>205847932dont remind me>>205847996kek
>>205847996>>205848133how do you feel about the fact that white southerners hate your jeet kind?
>>205848203As a white southerner I officially declare the pajeet to be honorary aryan. The fedora skull smoking a joint confederate flag wallpaper is so insanely based it qualifies him alone
>>205847512>Winfield Scott offered command of the Union army to Lee on April 17, 1861, but he refused. Lee said, “I cannot raise my hand against my birthplace, my home, my children.”
>born to be a union soldier laying siege to atlanta>born to fall for the preservation of the republic defending the north from southern autism at the battle of gettysburg>born to whip the redneck traitors at antietam>i will never meet ulysses grant>i will never met abraham lincoln>i will never be part of sherman's armywhats the pointhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAFEWL0-1sc
>>205848556dude you're mexican
>>205847512You were born just in time to fight in WW3 against ChinaGreatness awaits you, private anon
>>205848556>>205847758>barely any factories>barely a navy>5x less population>no foreign involvement>barely supplied>on the offense in most of the major battles>still lasted 4 years >still inflicted twice as many casualties
>>205850361Who won?
>>205850438The blacks
>>205850361dunno, ask them personally