Harrasse politics
schnoz don't lie
>>2058855711. You shall lie only to evil-doers.2. You shall not harm the innocent.3. You shall not murder.4. You shall help the needy.5. You shall honor those who promote goodness.6. You shall follow the law unless breaking the law results in more good.7. You shall not betray others.8. You shall bring evil-doers to justice.9. You shall steal only to promote goodness.10. You shall seek unlimited good for others.
>>205885405Nigga wrote a thesis on Bach? What's your favorite piece bro?
>>205885804Anything in Minor
>>205885900Too trve, king. Too trve.
https://youtu.be/BLpb3NcJR54?si=PWixoVL_7666xGtwThis is my new anthem
>>205885804bachelors bro>>205885900trvke
>>205885900You listen or play?
Dont know anyone celebrating on 6th of January and my family is the kind of family that sits on the floor and burns thymian to scare away evil spirits. Plus prayers and everything else for 24th
niggas really do be celebratin the death of the sun, the 3-day plateau of day length and its rebirf and think dey celebratin some nigga on a stick
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