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Why didn’t Satori sealed away her third eye to be with Koishi if she loves her so much? Kind of a dick move to let her little sister be all alone without her.
>Why didn’t Satori sealed away her third eye to be with Koishi if she loves her so much?
If your brother lost a leg, would you chop off your own leg as well? No, it wouldn't do any good: in fact, taking care of your brother would get even more difficult.

Talking about canon obviously, not sure if this question pertains to the narrative of a doujin this picture comes from.
>Koishi tells satori if she stabs her third eye, they can be together forever
>Satori contemplates doing it
>Koishi tells Satori she will hate her if she does it
What the fuck did Koishi meant by this? I'm being serious, the fuck is Satori supposed to do to be with Koishi if Koishi will get mad if she does it?
Why do artist always make Satori and Koishi’s doujin with Yuri undertones?
Works with the typical melodrama stories these two get, no one else to pair up with Satori since their pets are a more a popular pairing together, popular characters get paired up with popular character, regardless of incest.
Incest is epic.
Satori could have saved Koishi…..
Name of this doing?
Koishi gave her eye a circumcision...
Koishi is the most canonically unhinged character in the series. She made a joke about Yukari’s dead friend to her face with zero remorse.
Not a doujin, it's canon.
Where’s the canon I want to see Satori cry. Tvy442
I don't think she meant how her only real friend is technically dead? I'm pretty sure it was just the "Nobody likes Yukari" running gag.
She's said way worse stuff anyway.
> She's said way worse stuff anyway
Like what?
>That's boring! I'd use it to do something a lot more fun. I'd start a love-stricken massacre! Or maybe pillage from a bunch of peaceful humans. (SA, ReimuB route)
>If I can take you alive, you'll be a great pet who can do the cleaning work of tons of spirits! (SA, ReimuC route)
>If I beat you and take you back home, I'll definitely become the talk of the house! (SA, MarisaA route)
>Then that makes us rivals. My sister is always saying that you can't make your dreams come true if you can't beat all your rivals. I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death. Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place! (SA, MarisaB route)
>We'll decorate the entrance of the Palace of the Earth Spirits with your corpse! (SA, MarisaC route)
>Even if you say you have everlasting youth and life, you actually die, don't you?Everyone does. (vs Miko, HM)
>Even if you say you have everlasting youth and life, you really will die, right? Everyone does. (vs Miko, ULiL)
>Even if you say you’re immortal you’ll die eventually, right? Everyone does. (vs Mokou, ULiL)
>Hello, hello! Right now, I’m stepping over your corpse as I try to advance into the future. (Generic victory quote, ULiL)
>Do you really not die? I want to test it out~! (vs Mokou, AoCF)
>Rabbits die when they get too lonely, right? Good thing we have perfect possession! (vs Reisen, AoCF)
I can fix her.
I’ve always wondered, are all of these direct translations or just some fuckery happening in fan made patches?

Not doubting the newer ones as much, but the SA ones feel a bit off.
I miss fuantei...
One is an irrelevant schizo, the other is a smug brat.
>Not doubting the newer ones as much, but the SA ones feel a bit off.
It’s rather consistent with Koishi’s characterization
The Komeiji sisters are made for endless ryona!
Seriously though, what is the name of this Doujin cause it looks interesting
Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
The more I learn about Touhous lore, the more I start to dislike a lot of its characters.
Welcome to the club, buddy.
Now you'll either start loving evil women, or write fanfiction where they're not. Sometimes both.
reverse search it retard
So she just has no filter?
I'll say more mentally broken since she's a mind-reading youkai that cannot read minds
Nah I choose the third option, liking Cirno.
Souki no Michi
Pretty much. This is what Akyuu writes about her unconsciousness:
>Instead of considering her own actions before carrying them out, she often performs them on-the-spot.
>Just like raising your right arm, without intending to do so, she performs all of her actions unconsciously. Because of that, it is impossible for even herself, much less other people, to know what she will do next.
>This doesn't mean that she lives purely following her desires. She probably never had any to begin with. Like a piece of cloth fluttering in the wind, she goes with the flow.
However, I'd say it's incorrect to think she isn't capable of midterm planning at the very least: she does so when she climbs Youkai Mountain in search for the gods that granted Okuu her powers, so that she can get some for her own pets.
Byakuren too says it would be wrong to liken her to an animal only driven by chemical reactions (leaving aside her more strictly religious speculations):
>Normally, without thinking anything at all you wouldn't even be able to move. But being able to stroll about and have conversations means that she is behaving completely true to herself.
Akyuu is a huge liar and a propagandist for the youkai regime. Can we really trust her when even Satori herself doesn’t know how Koishi functions?
more or less, but her actions aren't really consistent with that because ZUN never really seems to have decided exactly how she functions, so her level of unconsciousness and not thinking varies in every appearance
>Can we really trust her
It's kinda evident when her biases or misunderstandings seep through her narration, especially if she (or Yukari, her "editor") has a reason to insert them. There really is no reason to lie about this fact: she's just attempting to describe (I quoted her precisely because of the descriptive nature of the passage) what an individual lacking the Ego functions would act like. Koishi being the instinctual type is something that is repeated throughout the entire series, including her spellcards.
>when even Satori herself doesn’t know how Koishi functions
I'd say the bigger question is how they know what the concept of "unconscious" is in first place, since Koishi herself brings up the word.
Did they come across XIX century German philosophy books in Gensokyo? lol
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I like to think she’s a womanchild.
>Did they come across XIX century German philosophy books in Gensokyo? lol
Probably, they mention the berlin wall collapsing so most likely.
I thought she could still read minds just on a subconscious level since she manages to conjure their subconscious fears.
Pretty sure you're thinking of Satori. She's the one who awakens traumas.
No Koishi does it too.
Mind sharing a reference?
>The danmaku that lurk in your subconscious are danmaku that my sister has never seen!
This is from Reimu and Suika's Extra.
Oops, here’s the full quote

>Why? I can act against the subconscious that she can't read.

>The danmaku that lurk in your subconscious are danmaku that my sister has never seen!

This for me, reads like she can read the subconscious and Satori can’t.
Hold up, can Koishi actually read the subconscious mind?
Can someone please explain this. I’m too dumb to understand
You know, that explains why she is a savage, she picks up peoples subconcious insecurities and brings them up, like what happened to Yukari.
I thought that was just hating on Yukari
Koishi cant "hate".
She cant "feel" anything.
Koishi is the opposite of Kokoro; Kokoro is expressionless, but has a constant surge of emotions in her, Koishi is very expressive, but shes empty inside.
Although yeah, that was part of the "nobody likes Yukari" joke.
>Koishi cant "hate".
No I meant the running gag of characters hating on Yukari. I thought Koishi's quote alluded to that.
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>Did they come across XIX century German philosophy books in Gensokyo? lol
I mean she IS Hartmann's youkai girl...
This is why Satori is a bad sister. Her sister just suffered a mental breakdown and she doesn’t do anything to help her overcome it. Just asks why she did it and hesitates when her own sister ask her to be with her. Terrible older sister.
God I hate the Komeiji sisters so fucking much. Especially Koishi.
>boohoo I can read minds and see people are uneasy about me knowing their darkest secrets so rather simply trying to explain my side I'm gonna shut off my third eye, and leave my vulnerable sister all alone.
Weakest willed characters in existence and I hate that. We're never even shown them trying to make nice or explain themselves, tiniest bit of pushback and they just go full blackpill and isolate themselves. Fuck 'em, shit characters. I don't hate them because they'll know my darkest secret I hate them because they're weak willed.

Know what I'd do if I was a Satori and I knew people were uneasy around me?
>"Hey I want to be your friend. Before we get any closer I need you to know, I literally know all your darkest secrets. I can't help it, I'm trying to learn how to control it at will so I can shut it off at will but chances are that'll never happen.
>I want to be your friend, you need to trust me that your secrets are safe with me. I understand you'll have secrets you want to keep to yourself, but that's impossible around me, all I can promise is a won't comment on them or divulge them to others.

Know what I'd do if a Satori tried to be friends with me?
>"Listen, you know all my darkest secrets and still want to be friends with me. That's actually pretty fucking neat considering I- Nevermind!
>I want to be your friend, but first I need you to know that 'intrusive thoughts' exist. Just because I'm holding a knife while cooking and you annoy me, I imagine myself stabbing you in the head. Doesn't actually mean I want to stab you in the head.
>I am going to think your power is fucking annoying when exposed to it all the time, and I'll always be a little uneasy about it. Doesn't mean I hate you.

It's not that hard.
They were bullied though
Presumably it was a long-endured situation, and Satori just had more tolerance for it than Koishi did. Shit happens. They're not pod people. She never explained herself after that for obvious reasons - not in a position to anymore.
As for the rest, great theory, but I expect you'd find it a lot harder than that if it actually happened. To prove it, gather up all your darkest secrets, your most fucked up random sexual fantasies, all the various times you've looked at someone or something and had a random ass urge in your mind to stab it with a kitchen knife, etc, and present it on paper to everyone you know and everyone you meet, with the assurance that it's all true.
I expect you're not very eager to do that at all.
Bully the weak.

>gather up all your darkest secrets
Rarely I'll "kamehameha" to "see if it works". Never does, and it's a bummer every time.
Most people into Orc women want to get dommed, not me, nothing turns me on more than the idea of subjugating and domming a strong woman.
I got drunk one day and was raped by my biological mother.
With my inner monologue I've concocted this elaborate space adventure in my head that I'll sometimes go back to, can't publish it as a novel or whatever since it's literally just lifting ideas from other media and merging it into this one grandios thing.
I was the one who threw the fresh fish into the ventilation on my last day of high school so over the holiday it would rot and stink the place out.

Wanna be friends?
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Don't forget she's terrified of Koishi
Why can’t artist just drawn the satori sisters normal. Why is it always this yuri, Abel and Cain dynamic
brain damage makes people violent
Because they aren't normal
Bro you make it so simpler when it isn’t. Pretty sure Satori and Koishi were attacked by other youkais.
How did ZUN get away with it.
Better than constant incest I guess
Subtle incest is still incest.
Satori is a bad sister
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Hey, she got what she wanted in the end.
Really makes you think why Satori would want Koishi to close her third eye.
Is that how Koishi closed her third eye.
You have an idealistic view of the world and it shows. Most people would loathe to have their mind read and would react with derision if someone was reading their mind. It's not far-fetch to see Satori and to a lesser extent, Koishi hated by onis and youkais alike.
Outside of the oni, I doubt other Youkai could hurt them since satori has Rin and Okuu, not to mention other pets who are powerful. Seems like anything, Satori and Koishi should have been protected from the hate they got. Or are we talking about the sages bullying them?
Don't forget about the hoomans, who thought these frilly and elegant girls were ugly annoying monkeys!
Yeah, but she is a good satori.
She takes pleasure reading people's hearts and blab about their secrets for everyone to hear. These creatures are meant to be hated,
and Koishi was a terrible youkai for forsaking her very being for existing.
She’s a good satori but a terrible sister
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Explain this satorifags. How could she say this about her own sister?
because she cares
cares about who? She doesn't even know where her sister is.
Doesn't Koishi live in the same mansion as her?
Koishi has decided to stay on the surface full time, with Satori going up to find her without any luck.
That's why she's worried.
Satori should have force Koishi into her room.
That’s abusive
I want to force Koishi onto my bed
Don’t lewd the koishi
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>Koishi cant "hate".
>She cant "feel" anything.
If she can't feel anything. Then how does she love her sister?
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why is koishit like this?
actual brain damage has her acting on intrusive thoughts
She just wants to love her sister.
Rekindled 「The Embers of Love」
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Holy shit guys kkhta episode 19 part 9/9 section 1 and 2 are out
Fucking kino
Wait, is this for real?!
Don't be silly Koishi isn't real.
I wonder if a human confesses to her, how would she react to it?
She'd ask you for a fishing rod.
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She'll get intoxicated and go mad.
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It's here and it's real
Section b3 is out too
It says "last part 9/9 currently in production" at the end, so I guess these 3 shorts were teasers?
Who? Huh?
Magnum Koishi
Nothing screams red flag more than having Koishi as your favourite 2hu
What's wrong with liking Koishi, huh?
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Do you really want Satori to stalk you and kill you for having a crush on her little sister?
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That's not Koishi's problem, that's Satori's!
There is nothing wrong with liking Koishi!
>There is nothing wrong with liking Koishi!
Do you really want an overbearing sister in law?
Hey, you would be like that too if Koishi was your sister, you don't know what kind of men she's drawn to.
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Satori needs to let go and come to terms with her sister being her own person. She doesn't need to try and steal any man who are interested in Koishi
What’s satori doing.
Being a jealous bitch.
Sassy lookin' sussy
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I want to have an Embryo's Dream with Koishi, if you know what I mean
What do you mean?
Koishi is a rapist.
I wish I was Orin in that situation
>Why didn’t Satori sealed away her third eye to be with Koishi if she loves her so much?
Because she looks down on Koishi. Why save someone who's so weak?
Koishi is a damned shota huntress
Would you blind yourself to match someone else who's blind?
nah its a doujin where koishi opens up her eye for a little while and it ends like that
Nah, that's a doujin, in promotional materiel for SA it was mentioned Koishi did it by accident, which seems to be true as she's offhandedly mentioned trying to reverse the process before.
So while she didn't want to read minds, lobotomizing herself was probably an accident.
I see thanks. Is it any good or is it edgy? You know, other than Koishi lobotomizing herself.
its like a 10 minute read, just read it
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That isn't Kooshi
Why is Koishi teasing the male janitor?
fuck off idol tumor
Name of this
>Every porn doujin where Koishi finds a man, Satori is their cuckqueaning her.
But why?
Older sister's prerogative.
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She's mad that Koishi gets action and she doesn't.
Komeiji Hand by Tomobe Kinuko.
How do koishi’s boobs feel like?
I wish I was that guy.
Like a soft pillow

So do I
Pretty fucking great.
very sensitive
How lucky of the.
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when is he going to make the third instalment of this where koishi wins him back from satori
Satori is a stacy and koishi is a becky.
A Koishi doujin
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Sono Seiheki Mietemasu yo? and Sono Seiheki Mietemasu yo? 2 or I Can See Your Fetish, You Know? in english
>Anon falls in love with Koishi
>Satori pretends to be Koishi to cuckquean Koishi
>Anon gets to fuck satori while pretending to be Koishi, therefore cuckqueaning satori
How many layers of cuckqueaning is this?
That's retarded, just because you love someone you shouldn't lobotomize yourself just to be the same as them
But Satori left Koishi all alone with no one to help her.
Several once you realize that satori is doing this because she's low-key jealous of koishi.
Is there more of this series.
Only two doujins.
Is there a third one in the making?
Possibly? Its a really good series.
When will it be released?
Not soon enough
Is she jealous? Or reads like she’s trying to protect Koishi.
What’s wrong with idols?
It gives people false hopes.
Satori is trying to protect her sister from a creep who lusts after her body. For fuck sakes, all Koishi did is say hi to him and the dude is imagining himself fucking her.
Might check it out later.
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Satori is an idol.
She’s a sheltered neet.
And? Idols can be meets.
No they can’t
>Section b3 is out too
>It says "last part 9/9 currently in production" at the end, so I guess these 3 shorts were teasers?
Jesus I remember loving these when they came out, are they still any good?
>Why didn’t Satori sealed away her third eye to be with Koishi if she loves her so much?
Why would she do this? And does Koishi even gain by Satori even doing this?
Koishi gains a sister who understands her point of view.
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A prequel just came out, shame its in chinese.
Why Chinese.
It's how it was uploaded.
I hope it gets an English translation
It will. We have to believe.
What point of view? I thought the whole point is that she doesn't think.
Koishi does think, but she's cursed to do things short term.
That's not thinking.
God that art is awful
Because Koishi is an insane bitch and who would want to be with her?
Me. I can save her.
Let go, anon. You can’t save her.
I will, and we will have a happy family together.
No you won't.
This, it's no use denying it.
After all, I am going to be the one to save her and start a family with her.
Won’t she be abusive.
Youkai are never abusive. It's one of many reasons why youkai are simply better than humans.
Youkai are beasts, they are abusive.
Youkai are subhumans, so it's okay to do whatever you want to them.
Isn't Koishi being the cuckquean here and not satori? Or am I missing something?
satori is the one pretending to be Koishi to get a man
I'm a big fan of this one. Imagine finding your sister seething about your existence and every fiber of her consciousness is telling you to basically fucking kill yourself because she's jealous.
>ends with the same words in the beginning
Top notch.
Well, I think it's more sisterly as we thought if Satori feels confident enough to leave Koishi in charge of the Palace while she's out.
Yeah, I just read it and its pure fucking kino. Satori just seething about Koishi having a good life while she suffers was the cherry on top
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One take I read is that losing the ability to read minds also made her unable to read her own.
Kino ending
It's abuse.
It's not abuse, it's love! LOVE!
I do
Whats the name of this one? can't seem to find it.
Not really. Koishi just needs to learn how to toughen up.
Koishi-chan is Popular - UU UU Zan
I love the cain vibe that Satori gives.
What the fuck is her problem? She wanted to return to normal and now that she is, she hates her.
Jealousy is something else.
I could save her.
No you can’t
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Why cant people depict them as having a healthy sister relationship? Worst you can say about them in canon is that they are kind of distant and even then Satori worries about her all the time and Koishi is willing to step out for her,
I dont get all this edgy wanking when even the Yakumo house gets portrayed as a loving family even though in canon they are anything but.
Koishi being insane and Satori generally being shown as a miserable person probably has something to do with it.
Because Satori and Koishi are supposed to be Cain and Abel of Touhou lore.
Lobotomizing your sibling is a pretty Cain thing to do ngl
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mfw Koishi makes her manga debut while I'm on a rare break from 4chan, thus missing out on the chapter discussion.
Do you think ZUN did it on purpose? You know, just to screw me over specifically? It wouldn't be the first time.
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Bad timing? Could be ZUN never intended to have Koishi since she's rarely mention in print works.
I don't think ZUN realises there are Koishi fans.
>Bad timing?
No, he definitely stalks me and has made it his mission to screw over me in particular. I can tell.
He is aware of the popularity she received thanks to the fighting games, he mentioned it in SCoOW.
Like Clockwork.
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Not all Koishifags are schizoid
You lie
Why is this bitch so much
Check the catalog.
I like CDS koishi because she's more like SA koishi and not like whatever the fuck ZUN was doing with her in the fighting games
Random unnecessary panel of smugtori made me laugh
What did they mean by this
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My wife.
I can save her.
no you won't
How much of a psycho is she in there?
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Why is Koishi like this?
Bullied until she was made into a psychopath.
Broken women are psycho.
Can we save her?
No, she’s a lost cause.
Why would you want to save her?
Because she needs saving
No she doesn’t
God, she's so cute bros.
Seija honestly was right to revolt against the entirety of gensokyo in DDC and ISC, everyone is awful and the whole place should probably be flipped upside down and trampled upon.
>Seija honestly was right to revolt against the entirety of gensokyo in DDC and ISC
Starting a revolution was not the right thing to do since it causes anarchy.
>anarchy is bad
American education
It really is though.
I love my murderous retard wife.
It isn't you tard monger
God this is is so true it hurts, I hate it.
Can we save them and make them good?
If you like Touhou you write fanfiction where they are evil and rape you.
She's just getting in the mood and talking big
youkai can't kill vengeful spirits unless you're kasen, and even humans have to exorcise them instead
Remember the time Satori fucking dies? Not really.
from a doujin
Cute autist.
How is giving herself brain damage cute?
A girl with brain damage looks sexier than a normal one.
And where do you based this from?
Based on Koishi herself.
Koishi is sexy to you?
Of course. Only faggots think otherwise.
My brother in arms
Years of edgy fanon depictions have bleed into canon.
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Gesugao koishi is best koishi.
Can we change her?
Why does she look disgusted?
She's looking at you
What part of my body is she looking at?
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Koishi if she school
Your subconscious
She looks like a nerd.
Is she ok?
I wonder if Koishi hangs out at the school since it’s mention that she befriended kids before.
Would people outside of the kids even know? And ZUN had many opportunities to show Koishi messing with Keine whenever there was a problem in her school and never took it. So the answer might be no.
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>with Keine
Anon, you have to let go... Keine's face was not your fault...
No, there's still a chance of that happening
Sad to see her go full mob.
Next time she won't even have her hat.
That's a good thing
Everyone else fucking hates Satori
I love her
Who actually hates her?
Faggots & schizos
is she being bullied?
Do you sleep with Koishi and give her a child or would you take the stab wound?
>Do you sleep with Koishi and give her a child
Only after marriage you pervert
Koishi doesn't believe in marriage.
Well we do, so she better conform.
The fuck is wrong with Reimu?
Her disgusted look is so hot.
Why is Satori jealous?
small tits.
She will stab you anyway so fucking her senseless is the only way to survive
Oh no ahahahahah you want me to pound your cunny senseless and fill your belly up with my kids?
Woah there, I'd never agree to such a preposterous notion, I'm saving my purity for marriage hahahaha
But if you wave that knife at me I guess I have no real choice ahahahahhaha I hope I can return home to my family after this and pretend like nothing happened hohohohoho
I sure do hope that you don't kidnap me to use as your personal love doll lollollollollolololollolol that'd simply be awful
And imagine if your friends found me and had a go on my weak human body because they know I can't resist their advances heheheheheh that'd be so wild lol.
She’s a blood knight
Honestly, that's a blessing in diguise. I hope my favourites will never appear as anything other than cameos outside of games.
Who's your favorite.
>that's a blessing in diguise
This, imagine if Keine got reworked into being an "actually shes an asshole" character like everyone fucking else.
Grassroots Youkai Network. They're fun, are unsulied by ZUN's need to grimify everything, and too smalltime to be brought back as anything other than background mobs or minor roles, like in AFiEU. All info that we have on them is great, and any blanks are filled in by the fans, as God intended.
You can bet he'd think of something retarded, like having fake history courses where she beats students for correct answers.
>Grassroots Youkai Network
They eat humans.
Z*unose thread is two blocks down.
It's canon.
Yeah, they "eat" humans.
About as canon as Kaguya busting balls.
She’s a Virgin.
Yeah she telks every lost village boy that to help his performance anxiety.

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