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Is flan-chan a nice kind girl that loves to play and cuddle or an evil mischievous big bully bat?
Both because shes socially and emotionally stunted from constant isolation, she doesn't really know how to play with others.
Flandre is slute!!!
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Flan is a sweetheart, she just likes to play hard with the roughhousing!
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What did Flan mean by this?
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I don't get it, he's clearly white in the first two panels.
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Now dress her just like she appeared in the Internet Survivor video.
touchy with Flan's flat chest!
kissing Flan's tummy!
rubbing crotch with Flan's butt!
Definitely not a pedophile
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The Flan-Chan is starting to do things to my heart...
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This always cracked me up. One of the stupid ass cable shows did a "FBI hunts Judge doxxer!!!" segment and it led off with Flan smiling.
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This but reversed, with Flan on top.
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Flan-chan is your maid now!
and she will break all your shit (accidentally)
what do
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what kind of things?
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Sometimes I wonder how flan-chan smells like
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evil brat who will kill you and have fun doing so
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Flan-chan is a brat
not as much as Wemy
Wemy deserves spanks for being such an edgelord little shit!!
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She makes my heart go pitter-patter!
Flan knows what you are.
Pretty obvious when you spend most of your time hanging out with little vampire girls.
Like a refrigerator that hasn’t been cleaned out quite often enough. Because she’s a barely rotting corpse.
Remilia is aware that she smells like this due to being a vampire, and uses an obnoxious amount of perfume to try and conceal it. Flandre isn’t really aware and doesn’t really care.
>Because she’s a barely rotting corpse.
wrong. She is a pretty girl. Only starving vampires are rotting
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We are enjoying each other’s presence I don’t see the issue?
I bet she wears diapers just like remi.
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I love Flanslop
It's no secret that I seek immortality.
Imagine the smell of her smelly unwashed vampire feet mixing with the smell of her fully loaded diaper.
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holy loli boobies!
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Flan-chan caught you spying on her, what’s your next move?
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A gross exaggeration! Flan's feet are admittedly pretty ripe but she's a big girl and she only messes in her Pichuuns occasionally and then only a little bit!
offer her an ice-cream as reparation. with chocolate flakes on it.
She will be my imouto for now on
Fuck off.
imagine floofing Flans beautiful golden hair
In a manner of speaking, this >>46350962 Fran is inviting you to do so. It just might not be what you were expecting.
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I wish I could run my fingers through her soft fluffy hair
Imagine sniffing Flan's sweaty little toes!
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deep breath!
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I miss Furandoll and his lewd Furandoll animations ;_;
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Flan-chan is so cute and adorable sometimes I wish I could adopt her, I would wake up every morning and make her a delicious and healthy breakfast, make sure she’s always happy warm and clean, play with her all the time and read her bed time stories every night
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Sleeping with flan-chan must feel so nice and comfy, watch her laying on top of me and patiently waiting for me to wake up while she startes at me with those beautiful red eyes.
I believe this young lady might be the fabled "U.N Owen".
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Was it her?
I'm quite sure it was her indeed.
I want to ejaculate inside Flan's cunny
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Imagine cuddling with flan-chan during one of those warm summer nights, the coldness of her small body mixed with your body warmth it must feel amazing
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Don't sweat it out Flan!
Oh my goodness, small Flan boobie!
Stare dead into her eyes, moving and unblinking, waiting for her to look away so I can leave and pretend one of that happened.
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Flan-chan with pointy or normal ears?
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Going to school with flan-chan!
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Do vampires sweat?
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Profusely. It smells sour and acrid, especially around their feet, which they seldom wash.
lungs getting poisoned by Flan feet
me and Flan-chan
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I want to kiss flan-chans tummy!
I'll take one Flanburger pls
would pat just to cheer her a little in her pitful position

yes i know my hand explodes then
she has the 'tism and a battle manga tier fightboner
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Flan is not as small as you think!
Don't cry Flan-chan :_:
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Do you think flan-chan likes steak? Like imagine giving her one of those big tomahawk steaks and just watch her try to eat it.
Been there, done that.
how was it
taste like pudding
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Then that means that flan also smells like pudding!
Fran smells and tastes like Flan, don't know what else you would think.
she can be a little bully but i think deep down she's a cute, sweet girl! :3
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I want to give flan-chan a surprise hug!
Oh no, Flan-chan lost all the Scarlet fortune on the stock market!
OH wait
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Going out on a date with flan-chan!
Sweet dreams Flanny.
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To watch the fireworks!
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The scarlet sisters are very fluffy!
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Flan-chan has cute pointy ears
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I wish I was flan-chans teddy bear
This little shit is trying to get me to inseminate her isn't she?
She wants to know what sex is like. Remilia talks about it all the time.
What if Flan gets impregnated while split into 4?
Or what if she splits while already pregnant? Does that multiply the babies too?
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Im assuming that the babies will also disappear every time her clones disappear and come back every time she splits
If Flan's children will all inherit her power to split into 4, her offspring will be in the billions in just a few generations.
now, this, it doesnt make any sense.
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According to the recent news bat mating season is happening right now
Flan is a cunt and she's a horrible person like her fans.
Don't be jealous Remi, she who lives in a crystal mansion shall cast not stones.
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Flan-chan is actually really nice and pleasant to be around with, you just need to get to know her, and yes she does play and cuddle a little bit rough sometimes.
Man my Flandre Fumo is all covered in filth, it looks like she's wearing blackface.
I want Flan-chan to princess carry me around the mansion.
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Summer is right around the corner go give her a bath!

Clean her. NOW.
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Can someone help me find an mmd of Flandre and Remilia dancing to a ticking clock sounding song and they flash their pantsu while swaying their hips to the beat. Sakuya joins in a few times too but her model is different. I seem to have lost the bookmark for it, but it's on niconico I remember.
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Flan-chan is the strongest
>her temperance, insight and justice
not for long she isn't
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vampires can get pregnant?
I fucked Flan????
If I'm to take responsibility I would at least like to remember such an awesome event.
Yes, they give birth to dhampirs
How many times has Flan given birth? Answer NOW!
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None, flan-chan is a pure virgin
>flan-chan is a pure virgin
lol what a loser
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I don’t know why but every time I look at flan-chan my fatherly instincts kick in, like I just want to protect her despite her being a vampire and 1000x stronger than me, I just want to take care of her, play with her and make her happy.
she's quite the cutie, any man would want to spoil her.
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Can someone please translate?
she wants you to watch and love only her.
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Flan-chan is a lewd girl
What the heck is wrong with her ass!?
not enough polygons I guess
The pleasure of cumming inside
andy sixx
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I want to cuddle with this 2 cute little bats so bad!!!!
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Squishy flan
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Flan-chan is wondering where all of her fans went?
I want to CHANGE Flan-chan!
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What do you mean by that?
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If flan-chan is so dangerous to be around with, then why is she fren shaped?
Despite being friend shaped she doesn't know how to be a friend herself
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Maybe someone can teach her how to become a good friend
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Flan is heavy..!
plumpy flanpy
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Lifting Flan-chan
we need more art of flan being drawn like this
why is Flan-chan such a lewd girl?

It must be all the dust building up on her
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She is an evil mischievous big bully bat definitely, still cute though
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Evil, sadistic and no good bat. She will not be getting any Christmas presents.
Her Christmas present is (Me)
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I love Flan-chan with a large ass
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How can flan-chan be so mean and evil yet so cute, im sure there’s a way to teach her how to behave properly.
What happened to flanfly threads at 2:00 am???
me and Furan
The feds got to him.
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would you rub her belly?
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I don't think that underwear is appropriate for Flan-chan.
how about you get her some new underwear than
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I can clearly see her navel
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I would rub her belly give it a little kiss and lay on it for a bit
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She is a predator, it is to put you in a false sense of security.
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i wanna be prey. how do i apply?
Sneak into the mansion at night, give yourself a little cut, and hope she's the one that sniffs you out and not her sister.
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what if i want both of them?
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Im sure if I keep her entertained and willing to play with her she would let me live with her
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What would you do with 4 flans??!
So when is Flan chan going to marry Reimu as promised?
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sex x 4
Keep one and sell the other 3 to the highest bidding Anons.
Why are people obsessed with the idea that flan is a psychopath? Her only appearances in games are EoSD where she simply wants to go out to play at the shrine with her sister but isn't allowed (and ends up playing harmless danmaku with Reimu) and no part of her dialogue hits at her being a psycho, and SFW where she's asked to help defeat an enemy and agrees, does nothing bad, behaves normally and goes back home. Why do people assume she's dangerous?
I don't know man, a 400 year old who behaves like that isn't all there in my opinion.
>Why are people obsessed with the idea that flan is a psychop-ACK
She is a good girl, she sensed evil inside Hong and went to exterminate it so her dear sister and friends would not be harmed by this evil. She was just mislead thinking that Hong herself was evil and not the spirit inside her.
I think the idea is that she is so innocent and naive that she will break you in half by accident while playing while not understanding why this is bad.
A 400 year old who has never been allowed outside and is treated like a child can't be anything but childish
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This is why flan-chan is the best, she’s good at sensing evil meaning that if you treat her right and befriend her she would protect you from any evil

She's calling you to ask about your Car's extended warranty
Also flandre: "I didn't sense a big evil since that shrine maiden storm the mansion" (paraphrase CDS)
I dont know if flan have a complete grasp in what is evil and not.
that's very nice, thank you flan-chan.
SHATTERING preconceived headcanon that Flan gives any kind of shit about Hong!
I assume that the evil is probably intent to harm, would make more sense and since she has the mind of a child she sees it as evil.
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that should've been me
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Anon this is a flandre thread
Flan is french
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Does she also smell french?
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Flandre's big tits!
Bust size? Outfit?
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I don't know whether to be aroused or disgusted, it might be a bit of both.
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No one can resist the smell of a little french vampire girl
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well, French rhymes with stench...
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Mama Furan will give you your bottle!
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This goes to show that flan-chan is a sweet, caring and protective girl of those around her.
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So sweet, she even made friends with that strange lady over by the mountain!
She was such a good girl she got a new skirt from her!
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Flan-chan just wants to explore the world and make friends she just doesn’t know how to!
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Silly flan
I love her edgy arc.
That would actually be cute.
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Sleeping with flan-chan must feel really nice
The wings would probably make it a bit awkward unless she can just take them off.
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She can probably bend them around to make it less awkward or she could put on a sweater and tuck them inside
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Asking flan-chan if she wants to be adopted

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