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She awakens.
there's already the haya thread, we dont need more unpopular imas on jaypee.
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what's her best song?
if we're talking about image songs, otome yo.
great pick, but it's not an haruka' song.
I Want is the absolute best
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Taiyou no Jerashii and Waratte are underrated and I'm yours is pretty good, but I want is iconic
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why is haruka EVIL
you cant have a perfect butt like hers without a deal with the devil.
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I want a Harubun in my life
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Ok, but what's her best cover?
I stare at this cover the most >>46437892
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Classic Imas always give me a homey feeling. I love these sluts.
It's a shame that most likely we won't see this song live again
I really like the slime dress but I wanted to see her with the skeleton or succubus outfit
slime dress raise her jigglin power
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the fuck man
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suteki happiness
Because she's boring so fans had to invent different personalities for her, she wouldn't even be recognizable without her ribbons!
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You are wrong! The real answer is that Eriko, her seiyu, is a crazy bitch, and really sexy
sounds like a seagull
It's Haruka's birthday right now (in Japan), say something nice about her!
otanjoubi omedetou, daioshiri idoru-san!
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Happy birthday
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I love triangle mouths
big gorgeous harurun butt
post her vibin gif
The psychopath idol.
Haruka really has a lot of bikinis
Harurun needs to show those curves off!
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Haruka in college!
haruka amommy
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She looks round here
Harurun sending her photos to me!
Why are they changing clothes in the classroom? They are idols
Ritsy made them do it.
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Erotic Harurun
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Erotic shoulders
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Blue suits her well
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This blue suits her well too!
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Hey waitamminute
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Stop posting christmas Haruka, we are in the middle of Spring
Haruka the cutest bride
I want to sniff her bra
How can she be so cute and sexy at the same time?
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what's her gimmick
Butt and Falling down and showing butt.
I like "Taiyou no Jealousy" and "I Want" but I've always felt like they didn't fit Haruka's character that well. Is this supposed to be some kind of gap moe?
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is she the buttjob idol
the sweaty pussy idol
Yes kind of, well maybe not that much with taiyou no jealously because it was the first song of the franchise and they gave it to the main girl, but with I want it's a little more related to Haruka's character.
Yeah she is a nice and kind girl, but she is pretty serious with her dream of becoming a top idol in the first games plus her seiyuu's personality added more to Haruka, like her liking to act in villain or serious roles. That's why I want is kind of gap moe at first sight but it makes more sense if you know more about her character.
She is also the main red with more music genre variety in the franchise
>She awakens.
But she's not Miki!
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I want to suck on them.
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Of course I would choose Harurun
haruka's sweaty pussy roast beef for lunch
In Early Spring.
Haruka does not have roast beef.
boobs just big enough for paizuri.
Haruka always wants to give her best to her producer
*her butt
Such a careless girl!
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butt idol deep throat
There are a lot of 765 in /jp/ now I've noticed.
Never enough 765.
Haruka and P should have a dozen children by now.
Gorgeous belly.
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they're too many. some imas must go.
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She belongs to Miki
The wife
sexy harurun wife
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Gorgeous harurun thighs.
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good friends
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Nervous buttidol.
I love this outfit.
She needs to move closer to her job
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XBOX Haruka is the moest
every haruka is the moest
Yuhiko sex.
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She's a famous jobber.
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This thread is not about her
I want Harurun to look at me like this.
go back
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what a delinquent
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chihaya is the cutest one
biki and mami and ami are cuter
chihaya is the cutest one

chihaya is the cutest one
Fanged Okinawan my beloved.
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love images of these three
They are the big three after all
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not bad, harurun
bikini harurun is SEX
bra harurun is SEXXX
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she is pissing
All your posts are very intelligent
Nice panties harurun
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Being Haruka's producer gives many advantages

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