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Reitaisai 21 will take place on 2024-05-03 at Tokyo Big Sight.

Tickets for Reitaisai 21 are on sale now:

The account creation process for Livepocket is a little time-consuming and you need a mobile phone number. Works without any problems with European phone numbers and credit cards.
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Y-you have already purchased your ticket, right senpai?

That's surprisingly expensive, I already got used to ~1500 yen price for Comiket and Comitia
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That was only for the fast passes. They are already sold out btw. It was a good idea to get up extra early to purchase one just after the sale started.
No other convention bros here?!
Nigga do you really think anyone here goes to jap conventions
Well, there usually are Comiket threads here.
Welp, I plan to create a new thread in three weeks. Maybe then more people will be interested.
Remiflu honestly killed it and all other forms of long travel for me. Killed a lotta things for me actually, though thankfully not in the literal sense.
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Where did Corona-chan touch you?
>people are more interested in a CD than in the event itself
Yes - generally people are only interested in keeping it bumped during Golden Week

I've been to comiket and Reitaisai (in Taiwan), but visiting Japan from the states just for a doujin convention alone would be underwhelming - would have to make a proper trip for it.
I'll be cosplaying like last year, see you Anons there.
Went to both last year have to miss spring this year, lots of fun and going to miss it but gotta go cosplay in scandinavia for a bit
>gotta go cosplay in scandinavia for a bit
Are you going to cosplay as Spurdo?
Are you the Parsee anon?
Yup! How'd you guess? From last Autumn, I presume?

For Reitaisai, if I can get the wig, shoes, and tail finished fast enough, I want to be Doremy. Parsee will be my fallback though.
>Tokyo Big Sight
>it's actually like 3rd floor or something
what did they mean bythat
Is the big sight even open during conventions at all? Or is it just the halls as always?

A-are you a cute femboy?
There will never be another /jp/ meetup.
The combined meetups of /jp/, /a/ and /trv/ aren't that bad.
Are you seriously that thirsty for human contact?
When he is wearing a dress, he is a girl!
Yeah some people like the stuff ZUN makes.
Then they could also attend Reitaisai.
No, cirno
Nice. Nothing beats short dresses.
No pantsu time?
True, but only during Comiket. Not a month before it takes place.
Nice. Is that part of the new Zun CD?
I don't understand what you mean by that.
Make sure to buy some stickers when you are there:
They also offer an official wine brand.

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87aH8SCnLOI
>They also offer an official wine brand.
>4500 Yen for a bottle of random wine with a Reimu drawing on it
Any new shit from EastNewSound, Alstroemeria and Shibayan?
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>more Bossa Nova
Are you fucking shitting me, man.
I want off this fucking ride.
Where are the good ol' days of Kokoro Vibration and Magico Catastrofe...
Lol, move with the times, boomer
I will try to get one of those stylish towels.
>go to reitaisai
>finish the day getting drunk at the comfy touhou bar with the cosplayer bartender and singing karaoke with the locals
Second year in a row going bros, I can't wait
I'm gonna be in Japan during this time but I'm not super into Touhou nor into waiting in line for a very long time.
Who are you quoting

Then why are you even in this thread

I hate tourists so much
Fuck yeah can't wait to have a good time in Japan!
Nothing from Mopata.....
nice XFD
>you are a tourist
>you are speaking English

Should I get a Welcome Suika card and keep recharging it if I want to explore around some?
The only real limitation with a welcome suica is that you can't cash out any remaining balance on it and it only lasts 28 days. Other than that it's just as good as a normal suica.

Yeah gets hot as balls especially if lifting
>Who are you quoting
Do you even lift?
I only lift cute imaginary mango girls. They don't weigh that much.
I'll see you there anon
I'm going to Japan at this time but wtf would I go to this? Maybe I'll just walk around near the bay.
You are posting on /jp/ which is overwhelmingly a Touhou board and you would not go to a Touhou event even though you are close to its location anyways?
Well, I mean... Why? I can buy doujinshi and merch from here in the US. Unless there is some super unique thing there that will never get put online to buy, I can just walk around doujin shops hell, I don't have to even do that. Just buy on mandarake, suruga-ya, alicebooks, toranoana etc. I never even considered going to some convention. Stand in lines, pay money, for what? I could literally just get goody-japan proxy to do the footwork for me and I have. I played PCB a year after it came out and that got me into touhou and a few of its characters. I did conventions when I was a kid in the 80s/90s. Star Trek actually, but anyways, it seems like there is at least one or two people who are over this shit. This is me. >>46620904 and I just don't see why. I fuckin love Ran, Chen, Momiji and have followed this shit since like 2005 or 6 but at least I now know I am not alone when I say I'm not gonna get sucked into wasting a day in Tokyo.
>for what?
For the experience and the meet liked-minded people.

It's similar to the difference between listening to a CD and going to a concert.
>and the meet
*and to meet
Eh... that's a kids mentality. Look... go there and have fun or whatever but this stuff doesn't even deserve a thread here IMHO. I've spent more money on touhou related crap over the years I could get a brand new f-150 not even including the time. Enjoy their cash-grab if you want. Make Jun'ya richer I guess even though he has neglected and has been blowing off his fans for years.

Wtf listening to a CD is exponentially better than a concert. Just like being spoiled by having the best seat in the house watching football/sports in your home theater. You can see and hear tons better.
Well, to each his own.
I hope you will enjoy your vacation, just like I will enjoy mine.
You as well, you are going to actually go do stuff in Japan since you are flying over there I assume right? You're not just going there for that are you? Share what you are going to get up to to make the trip worth it.
This will be my 6th trip to Japan, so I have already seen most of the standard stuff. That is why I will do the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route and some hiking tours. I also plan to fit in the obligatory onsen visit.
In addition, I want to see how Japan is during Golden Week. I have already been there during Obon and the New Year's week. So far Golden Week is the only one of the three main holiday periods which caused me problems with booked-out hotels.
Where's the newest Sakuflan by Yassy ;_;
In our hearts
I'm coming in the very end of golden week by choice. I am hoping the crowds will be a little less, before summer vacation for families and just before rainy season. Had no problem with booking hotel room for that end weekend. The price was jacked up high but point redemption with my hotel was dirt cheap for some reason. Like 150 dollars was about ~40 dollars. Yeah, hot springs are great I always try to hike out to them and relax or at a developed one. Have fun.
Do you guys (male) usually shave your legs if you cosplay a character wearing a dress?
Only if we plan to attend the gay orgy afterwards.
One day I will foster the courage and book a plane for Reitaisai
Maybe next year...
New minimum electric design album sounds great.
Why not this time?
Do you currently have Covid or are you afraid of it?
I just want to wait a few more years till it blows over. I've been inside since like February 2020 I think. They told us to stay home. They never said we should go outside yet.
I was really confused by this because it's everyone except reimu and hisami, until I saw a comment from the creator saying that they're not included because they were the only characters who didn't get controlled by zanmu during the game
which is clever, I guess, but it does just mean I feel like I missed out on a reimu and hisami section of the medley
The guy just posted the XFD of the album the song is from. All TH19 arranges.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhhvbtObgNo [Embed]
Sound Refil is selling 2 albums. This one is a TH19 arrange album.
Huge ZUN-style album with 27 collaborators.
>fan music is better then most modern professional video game music
I've got the standard ticket for it, and I also plan to go to 東方音歌宴 vol.4 (live event) afterwards. since I love toho eurobeat and I helped make some of the music for one of the performing circles, pretty hyped
Sounds interesting. I just googled it, but only found information on last year's event. Do you have a link?
I plan to attend Anison Matrix on May 4th, so I'm not sure if I would survive another party right before it.
She's back :D
Oh cool. Some of these tracks are remixes.
Nice medley
Y-you too
the twitter for the events (and the announcement for this one) is here: https://twitter.com/touhouotoutage/status/1781657132917743838
in case you dont wanna use twitter here's the livepocket ticket site for it https://t.livepocket.jp/e/kwshi
its pretty close to big sight so idk depends if you have the energy after reitaisai ends
>Camera registration is required when taking pictures of cosplay and Itasha.
>It is prohibited to take pictures without the permission of the subject or without the people around you knowing that you are taking pictures.
Thanks. Sounds quiet interesting.
So Reitaisai ends at 15:30 + 1 hour to bring my stuff to my hotel room + 1/2 hour to go to Gotanda. Would be possible.
Do you know when the event will end?
Not sure. There's 6 performers so if each goes for 30 mins (about 5 songs and a speech) it'll finish at around 9pm, 3 hour sesh. But this is just a guess from other live events i've been to, where they end quite earlier than in the west.
That's surprisingly humane. I will probably buy a ticket in advance and then will decide shortly before the event will start if I will actually attend it.
It just crossed my mind that there might also be a /jp/ meetup after Reitaisai ended which would make the schedule a little bit busier.
Just skip the orgy. You butt hole will appreciate it.
>or without the people around you knowing that you are taking pictures
I wish everywhere did this. Public execution for anybody who gets more than an inch of me in a picture that ends up online.
EoSD OST arranged in the style of the PC98 games.
It's not just 1:1 though, the songs have been arranged pretty heavily.
Okay, I purchased a ticket. It's not that hard a decision with the current weakness of the Yen.
Lol at the venue for still asking for covid contact information.
nice. hope you'll enjoy it if you decide to go.
i'll likely be easy to spot as a white dude in the sea of japanese music fans, if you want to cheer em on together.
I may post here in case I will go.
That's good to know.
>arranged in the style of the PC98 games.
Note really my taste.
What are the recommended clothes for Reitaisai? I just checked the weather report and it is supposed to be surprisingly warm on the day it will take place: 16-22° C and a 0% of rain.
Anon, it's a convention. Just wear something comfortable, don't look stupid and bring your favourite Touhou clothing.
He probably wants to be prepared in case he will meet a cute femboy.
New RD-Sounds
So much talent. Very sad that such people cannot make a living on their creations.
This shit gets more corporate every year...
Same as last year.
I understand that you should ask cosplayers for permission, but without registration you are not even allowed to take photos of cars.
Cars need their privacy too
That rule has been standard not just at Reitaisai but at many Japanese events
For reasons ...
Cba. The third is a Friday, I'm working.
Just use the machine to buy a commuter pass and you'll get a regular Suica instead if you plan to visit often or live here. I recommend buying a route like shibuya to your hotel since you'll travel it a lot.
New Fuling Cat Mark.
I won't make this one guys...
New COOL&CREATE with lots of guest arranges. Every song is Saishuu Kichiku Imouto.
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>me not caring and recording everything on my Google glasses

"Oh these? Yeah, they are my prescription glasses."

"Go ahead sir..."

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this is very cute!!!!! very cool take on UN owen
I have arrived

Very nice, I'll have to get this
This is very good, thanks for sharing
Shit definitely broke this rule last year. Weird that I don't remember seeing any signs or anything saying that. I only took pictures of some of the cars and I'm a huge gaijin so they must not have bothered/cared.
I saw USAO live at a tano*c concert almost two years ago now. Instantly became a huge fan. Guy absolutely demolished his set, blew the roof off the place.
I'm sure nobody would notice
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Luna Rainbow arrange
Hifuu style album with mainly original songs and a few arranges.
At least the beginning of Golden Week isn't as bad as expected. Just like during Obon it is sufficient if you book shinkansen seat reservations 1-3 days in advance. The crowds at the train stations are similar.
Another original hifuu album.
anyone also going to M3?
do you know how big the crowds are at that one?
it starts 10:30 tomorrow but should I arrive how long before so I can get in smoothly?

I'm torn between Comic 1 and M3, they're held at the same time
let me guess, canadian?
At least I'm not Australian
Hey, no bully plz!
Make sure to post some pics
>Comic 1
>2000 Yen just so you are allowed to take photos
It's getting ridiculous
So ... got some pics?
New Zytokine.
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i took a picture of the queue but i refrained from taking images inside the venue... Theres just no cosplayers at M3 anyway so no point
Surprisingly few cute twinks
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I think, assuming postage doesn't mess up the delivery of a crucial part at the less minute, I will be Doremy for Reitaisai! I'll be giving out candy, so if you see me feel free to say hi!
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>a bunch of Orientals
Why is this thread so full of cross boarders?
>I'll be giving out candy
Sounds like it is party van time.
Pretty good
Original ZUN-style album.
Tumeneco hifuu arrange album.
Vocaloid album by Dennou Gensou Ongaku.
Touhou vocaloid arranges are relatively rare so this is interesting.
Hifuu arrange album by Aftergrow.
Amateras Records.
UM/Bulletphilia arrange album by Avenue Room.
Stop spamming shit
Keep posting gem
Just post this playlist
Metal album by Sworn to the Black.
You know you can make one post right

You know there's a thread dedicated to Touhou music right
I'm just posting Xfades I like the sound of when I come across them.
Stop being obnoxious and autistic dude use twitter if you feel the need to liveblog about this

This one sounds great
Post something on topic or just shut up about it.
Different anon but guess I'll post some that I'm looking forward to




Are you even going to Reitaisai?
Leave them alone. They are keeping the thread alive until Reitaisai starts.
Are you? Checkmate!
I've been waiting for this.
Hey fuck you, dude.
Great time to go to Japan my dude. Have a great time!
U.N. Owen arrange album from Chocofan.
Yes. Which is what makes the spam obnoxious.
The amount of works that I want to get is actually really low. Very happy that Imizu is releasing a new work.
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I'll show you who's the boss of this thread.
It was year 2024, Kuroneko Lounge never went back to making Touhou House sets
Good luck!
When should you actually start queueing? Is it like comiket where it says entry is at 10:30 so start getting in line at 8:00 or is it slightly more relaxed? No I'm not on Cirno fastpass

My previous experience with Reitaisai is that you shouldn't stress about arriving early enough, the lines are not going to be long enough that it'd take a long time for you to get inside
Alright, sounds good. I'll probably aim for 9 anyway just in case I get lost which will inevitably happen.

Given I want to buy a daki, there's probably a low chance of it selling out, no sweat there
I will probably arrive there at 10. But I don't want to buy something specific anyways. Just going to do some spontaneous window shopping and ogle at the cute cosplaying twinks.
Is this the leather club?
So how many people are actually going, can we get a roll call going?

Also, anyone wanna go to the Touhou-themed bar afterwards? It's called Bar UN Owen, open till midnight

〒136-0071 Tokyo, Koto City, Kameido, 6 Chome−56−8 中銀亀戸マンシオン 2F
I'll show up with a seija t shirt from mystia izakaya devs
Doesn't it get horribly crowded on reitaisai day and the day after?
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I'm looking forward to sharing the Buh with everyone here! If you see me (Gaijin Doremy) tell me you're a super cool /jp/ poster so I'll know to give you the respect you deserve

Pretty sure you need reservations for Reitaisai week, unless you already booked them

Probably, but that'll be fun in its own right. Also it's the day where anons will be most likely to actually meet up for it.

Well shit, didn't know that but I should've figured.
Going as well, first doujinshi event I'm going to so I'm looking forward to it.
I'm only going to get ~6 hours of sleep...
I'm going! Ill be in a remi shirt
You definitely needed reservations, its going to be packed. Same with Saturday i think
I'll be the fairly generic Asian guy except for the Aussie accent
I'm only arriving at 8:00 since I gotta help set up a space inside the event. general admission can arrive later no problem
yeah me look for leather jacket aussie skinny white boy
If you have any other places in mind, I'm happy to shoot the shit for a bit.
Another anon going here. I never meet up with /jp/sies though and usually end up leaving the event early.
Are you afraid of the butt sex orgy? Your anus will only hurt for 1-2 weeks afterwards, so it is bearable and totally worth it.
Yeah, gays give me hives, actually.
I have plans already today, but usually I just get tired around 2:30 or 3 and have already seen/bought everything I wanted, so I just go home.
Just passed you on the train, hello!

I understand not wanting to meet with other westerners but why leave early? Do you just go to shop?
currently waiting in line near east hall. no idea when and where to use the cirno pass
lol hi
Mostly. I've stayed other times watching the bands play or the other events going on, but I don't really hang out to talk to anyone at the event, so after I've walked through all the booths and seen the itasha for the third time, I'm unsure of what else to do. I go home and start ripping my music or something.
I'm on my way. Where does the line start? East hall 4?
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nah it's quite further than that. already past the tunnel area leading to it
It starts outside. I'm happy I got cirno line since the general admission line seems insane. I'm at position 47 in line
How does one locate the fast line?
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get on my level I'm already in
which circle are you part of

Nice, I'll come buy your stuff if you share your space number
It's outside , past the general line. Wearing a seija shirt, yellow shoes, and a purple backpack
A08ab selling ero hon right in the back corner of the hall
Is that going to be the /jp/ meetup spot?
>He gets in line at 8 for comiket
Shihatsu or bust, loser. That being said reception only starts at 8:30 for reitaisai so 8 is fine.
Debating if I should go for Gift's booth since I don't really feel like standing in another hour long line like last time. And Cirno's going to sell out in a flash anyway... What circles are you guys hitting so I can buy them out before you get there?
Would but I've got to go to Akiba and pick up a catalog for futaket tomorrow first
Isn't that a wall position?


Thanks for reminding me about this, guess I'll have to do the same
It's a double-wall. We're talking to a bigshot
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queue for zun's line is already growing and it's just circle members lining up
Certainly sounds promising
Damn nerds
its happening?
Standing comfly in the shadow in the fast line feels so good
I'm glad the weather is so nice. I feel like it's rained on the recent Reitaisai and Comikets a lot.
ZUN乙 mou dame da
Gift is already outside but it's moving fast ヽ(´・`)ノ
Is there a Tenshi fumo? I think I checked last time and they didn't have one
Wow, the line is definitely longer than last time I was here
Official stream.
>wearing masks

Fuck off Orientals God damn
People lining for Gift now are going to show up to the booth blacker than tanned Cirno
Not this time
Nigga reservations were full a month before Reitaisai lmao
Not even mentioning the absolute fleece that are the prices for the weekend. 4000 initial 2 hours, 600 for character themed drinks, etc.
Most I've paid there has been around 6.5k, don't think I'd enjoy it as much if I have to pay at least 10k
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I'll be in the cosplay area! Say hi if you're here!
Photobombed by slutnae
Just got here. No line to get in. Ippanshas rise up.
ZUN line too long though. The dude staffing the end of the line is telling people it might be muri
You missed the heavenly first 30 minutes when you could walk around with a decent speed. It is horrible now.
Fumos porn and sake purchased. Maybe my bags are getting a little heavy, but my wallet? Lighter than a feather. When's the karaoke stage start?
Do they not mind western gaijins being there? I thought japanese would find any excuse to arrest foreigners or something
Are there also like events or other cool anime-con type stuff to experience here besides shopping? Came here on a whim and I know like nothing about it
Where are people getting those bags from? Like that one with Satori and Komeiji, and the one with Youmu (by that one youmu-obsessed artist in all the myonmyon youtube thumbnails)
Myonmyon is probably straight from the artist herself. If it ain't sold out already
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If you're polite a lot of circles will be really happy. Had a guy just smile at me and go HELLO! WELCOME! when I asked for his 新刊. But I definitely hear a lot of people talking about it when they let their guard down cause they assume I don't speak jp.
Stage in the back has different events as the day goes on. There's also the festival games corner, the arcade corner, you can donate blood and get a special poster, and you can take photos with a bigass sword (where I am right now). There's plenty more, just check the Catalog.
Satori Komeji is the official 紙袋 you can buy at the front. The entire linup is also listed in the Catalog.

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