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I like the Dragon girl
I like her more, filthy Serb
The leghu!
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I'm not a Serb and I surely like her more
those are some powerful legs!
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Her boobage is not that large...
how big is it?
Even larger
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I love Meiling!
I love her legs so much
I wanna snuggle them and put my head on them
I dreamt that I met Meiling, and went up to speak with her, but she gave me a quick two hit combo that must have broken a lot of bones even though I tried blocking. She's scary for humans...
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Meiling wouldn't do that
she's friendly with humans
even if she was like that it still wouldn't stop me . I would seduce her through share determination alone!
Meiling's two hit combo for humans is a hug and a pat on the head
Perhaps dreaming outsiders manifest in Gensokyo as kedama or other minor spirits.
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She's going to catch a cold wearing so little
It's may!
No, it's Meiling.
I want the tall, redhead, martial artist monster girl to take my virginity by force
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I sure hope she won't try to bill cosby me with this delicious looking bowl...
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Meiling's hair smells nice
it must give the food a nice aroma
I remember hearing a good rock cover of the DPP version of Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17 and now I can't find it anywhere :(
Can't say i know what you are talking about, but have this as consolation
It always was a bit strange to me that none of the big groups ever made a song with Meiling.
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If u find it please link it
i'd love 2 hear a good shanghai alice of meiji cover
>It always was a bit strange to me that none of the big groups ever made a song with Meiling.
maybe Meiling doesn't wanna make a song with them
also meant for >>46755306

I'd like her to crush my head between her thighs.
Was it this?
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anime Meiling is so sexy
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Meiling is always sexy. That's what's so great about her, she doesn't even have to try, she just naturally is.
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I bet she's an excellent hugger
How tall is she?
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In my head cannon she's at least 185
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what is going on here
translation please?
No, but thank you for trying. I fear the video may have been taken down which is why I can't find it.
Have you tried niconico?
No, and I don't know any Japanese so I wouldn't be able to use the search function.
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Everyone loves Meiling!
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How could you not?
She's so lovely and hugable!
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I want to cook with Meiling.
hong strong
dragon girl
I'd like to be Meiling's human daki
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When will the Hong ever get a chance to be officially cool?
I want to wash Hong's face so that she looks cool again!
I want Meiling 2 teach me cooking!
Name 5 reasons why
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She's cute
She's strong
She knows martial arts
She's tall
She has goofy moments
She enjoys tea (probably)
She's friendly
She's a great snooze partner
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I love scarredling like you won't believe
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you mean *this* Meiling?
Me on the left
you're a big guy
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i thought those were her muscles
This is absolute Slander, Meiling is very tall! At least 12 inches.
imagine 69ing meiling and her thick thighs sandwiching your face with her bushy pussy in your face and her huge tits on your lower abdomen and she strokes and sucks your cock while she massages your prostate
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>a great snooze partner
You wouldn't sleep with Meiling..!
how could i not when she's so inviting... I wanna be her teddy bear!
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Today is Meiling day!
Happy Meiling day, Meiling!
Is it?
It's pretty much impossible to hate her
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Happy Hong day!
She's not a dragon
15th is meiling day
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Meiling day!
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It is/was. Today is Meiling day, yesterday was the Koishi day, and tomorrow will be Marisa's day.
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Meiling youkai form!
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I told u she was a dragon!
Any theories as to how she came to be in Remilia's service?
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some ppl say she's actually Scottish
Shared manga interests, they met at a con.
I remember reading a backstory for this, here on the jay
I didn't save it, but I remember the salient points
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I wish i were Meiling's little fairy maid
I'm not in love with the Chinese girl like you guys but she still has a place in my heart.
I love the idea of training with her as she encourages me to improve myself. Meiling really seems like a great friend...
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Oh I bet you do~
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don't mind me just checking if meirin is hiding anything suspicious
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POV:you are standing in front of Meiling
No, you're not a child.
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I would hug her leg!
I know I'm short, but holy shit
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POV:you are hugging Meiling's leg
What happens when she feels the little boner poking her leg?
Doujin logic would lead me to believe sumata followed by seeding sex, but outcomes may vary
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Long Hong
What is being depicted here
Bad posture?
I imagined a zipper was in the back
I think it's a corset being tightened
Meiling is being lifted from her armpits
zero consensus...
troublesome anons...
as already stated, long hong
need hong correction
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The picture contains Meiling and Sakuya, we can agree on that
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meiling, i thought you were at hong kong
You probably are going to have a few broken bones if you wanna be a teddy bear
she's a gentle giant
If it's the one I'm thinking of, which is to say the one I did, I had half a mind to upload it somewhere and expand each section it had. Then again maybe a story based on a meme isn't worth that kind of effort.
Which eye color?
Blue, green or red?
It's absolutely worth it.
the spirit of touhou is the spirit of creativity.
I prefer them closed
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Green please
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Blue probably
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What a nice big sister
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Meiling wishes she could cradle Flan and not get pulverized
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god i wish that were me
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up there with Komachi, not quite Okuu or Yuugi levels
Theres literally no reason to believe that Okuu is abnormally tall. Just like a spine, theres barely anything there that supports it.
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What's wrong with your foot Meiling?
maybe she broke it and that's why she has 2 stay in bed
It just doesn't feel right that I'm taller than all of them.
The fairies too?
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She seems a bit different today somehow.
should've been darkness instead. She's tall and strong just like Meiling
Hong with thong is hot
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Diversity hire
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*dodges that*
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Meiling-sama is so cool!
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y would u do that?
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Making tea for Meiling
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having tea with Meiling...
How many of you learned Chinese or are working on learning Chinese due to her?
But is Meiling a honkmimimi or a honkshoo girl?
HOOOONG meimeimei
one good thing that comes from being chinese is that i can pronounce mei ling's name immaculately
There's special intonation to her name? I figured it was pretty straight forward as far as Chinese names go.
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"Caught a pervert~"
"Pull your hand away and i'll break your wrist"
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for a moment i thought this was a real meiling and not a drawing
what happens next? Post more please
Naughty girl
As an apology for groping her breast an entire afternoon as she berates you in front of the mansion and ever passer by you become a nice and obedient house husband for her.
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Cuddling and falling asleep with big sister...
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I fucking love Hong's delicious legs
I don't like Chinese people but I like Meiling, is this normal?
Yes. She lacks many of the traits that make modern Chinese people so annoying.
Hong Hong
Don't do it Hong!
U know that smoking is bad 4 u!
If it's a good enough vice for Ip Man it's a good enough vice for Hong.
Need to fuck the Hong
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All that for like 4 views in 10 fucking hours. Tewi is the real victim here.
How clingy is she?
tewi fell off
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tewi's numbers fell after the controversial "blowing up the scarlet devil mansion" video
>video series
You become her living teddy bear
Meiling would NEVER smoke this is fake news
shes Chinese
Seems like a good deal
ok, just curious, what are the positive traits that modern chinese dont have?
Good day Meiling
I wanna!
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neck getting snapped by Meiling thighs then having to worship them as a ghost
I wanna sex the Hong
I like the idea that Meiling has a comfy little guard house to take a break in.
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if you die, then only in this way
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i hope it's not painful
very very painful
but very nice
and before that I want Meiling to crush my dick with her feet.
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just end my life with ur thighs in the most efficient way. I've suffered enough
i really hope that in paradise, Meiling will always squeeze my head with her thigs
I think this is the best reward for my holiness life
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it will be just like how she kills you but no more pain
that's right, only the endless buzz
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being with Meiling for eternity
and before that, I will have to suffer all my life in this reality, but I will endure...
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just get Meiling to suffocate you with thighs
i can't force my mistress to do anything
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she is so mean. knows our lives are terrible but refuses to end them and give us paradise
of course, we can only wait for the paradise of meiling thigs and boobs
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life is so hard
Nonsense, she's the same as always
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You've been tasked with telling Meiling that dinner is ready, she is currently in her room meditating as you informed Sakuya, however she just waved it off as Meiling being dramatic and told you to just go.
At first you knock on her door and call for her name but after a couple minutes of silence you finally walk inside to be greeted by her completely naked raising one of her legs upwards perfectly, her faces looks completely concentrated, almost like she's in a trance.
A couple of seconds after her eyes finally snap open as she notices your presence.
"Uh...y-yes?" is all she can muster.
I wanna suckle on those thighs and those tiddies so badly~~~
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I want to befriend Meiling via our shared passion of cooking and then get her to train me in martial arts so I spend as much time as possible with her so that eventually we fall in love with each other.
Cute picture and cute fantasy!
Intensive breed
what is your cute Meiling fantasy?
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she smokes opium.
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Would you step into the ring?
If I can fuck her in that position yes.
There is no way I could tear my gaze away from such a hidden trasure. I might even try to ask Patchouli to print out the mental image with magic so I could hang it on my wall.
And I would definetly start "accidentally" entering her room for random errands whenever she's meditating.
Anon's going to get kicked out of the mansion for sexual harassment...
I want to better myself, can I join master Meiling in training my body and mind?
Sweaty sex with Hong
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*nom* *munch* *munch* *munch*
*munch* *munch* *munch*
*munch* *munch* *munch*
*nom* *munch* *munch* *munch*
......*nom* *munch* *munch*
........*munch* *munch* *munch*
You want some?
Is she really a youkai or what? She's more normal than most of the humans
My personal interpretation of her is that she is a youkai in the same way that a magician was, only instead of ascending through knowledge of the occult, she did it through dedication to martial arts and cultivation.
Meiling-sama is so fucking cool, I bet she has a secret fanclub in the village.
junior has eyes but cannot see mt. tai...

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