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I want to the Goat woman
erm actually Yuuma is a sheep
You just know she's the blowjob queen of the Animal Realm.
jaws like a vise
Every time you cum down her throat she gets lewder and demands more.
OP you probably should have put "Chinese Girl" somewhere in your OP as a further hint to people that this isn't a plain old Yuuma thread

Anyways considering Yuuma's power of being Kirby, it's weird that there's virtually no TF art of her at all
Two threads? Truly the GOAT gote...
Now that you mention it, yeah that is weird.

That bring said what's stopping her from pulling a Rumia on somebody and becoming more like them through biting?
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Marisa stayed up all night making a potion, and now she needs someone to drink it! She already had one person earlier try it, but nothing happened, so she wants a second opinion.

Unfortunately, what Marisa either neglected to mention or simply didn't realize is that she had made a body swap potion, so now with two valid targets, it can begin it's work...

Oi, kisama, make your own thread
i'm gonna punch this stupid retard goat in the face
On one hand, staying a human is pretty boring, but on the other hand, I'm the cutest human in the village! The absolute cutest! Time to read more funky youkai books!

Anon, I hate to tell you this, but this is not a Goat thread. >>46843360, For Goat and Goat accessories, please head to >>46603950.
Oh no...
What a massive fucking downgrade for her. I will at once to reverse this. Poor girl...
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How does this work with Aunn's two bodies? Do you become both Aunns, or just one, and the other remains normal? If that's the case, congrats on the new sister Anon!
Have you considered naming your threads properly instead of expecting people to be clairvoyant
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Don't blame me, blame OP. Here, have this Sanae as compensation for the confusion.
You seem confused.
Downgrade for her? Don't you mean downgrade for you? Being Alice is a curse...
Cheer up anon, I can think of two upsides to being a simple Jiangshi! Also, Yoshika can pursue poetry again now that she's not stuck as a Jiangshi, thank you for that!
Noooo I don't want to be a braindead sex slave to a taoist cum witch! I have hopes and dreams! I want freedom! Nooooo!!
Hey, look! You shapeshifted into a dead girl!
>I want to the
So that's how I can filter these AGP threads. Thank you.
You still have hopes and dreams, don't worry! They just revolve around Seiga now! Isn't that nice of Seiga to handle all the hard thinking for you?
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>I want to go at the woman
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I am enthusiastic to announce that Chapter 3 of the Urumi Kig fic is now out! Hope you all enjoy
And also big thanks to all 900 of you who've checked out Chapter 1! Not sure where all those newer views are coming from since I haven't seen my stuff reposted anywhere else but I appreciate them all the same.
Poor Anon, could you imagine ending up as a fat cow? What a tragic fate!
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Fuck you
Unsmalls your goat
These kig stories gave been really out there and weird, what gave you the inspiration for them instead of something more traditional?
Oh damn, good work on the delivery kiganon. Hell of a concept this has evolved into
lmao A lot of the things I create usually get called "weird" in one way or another. Guess it's just my specialty.
>"what gave you the inspiration for them instead of something more traditional?"
The seeds for this first got planted when I did something I shouldn't have and clicked on the /kcs/ general for the first time and found out that it's basically an IRL version of one of my favorite branches of Transformation.
Then like a month later OP makes the unnecessary duplicate Meiling thread and it spiraled downwards from there when I made THAT post. Decided to include general /jp/ stuff like Kigs and 7th Expansion because I thought having it be only Touhou Project (which is already like 75% of the board) was a little boring. Should find a way to include Monster Girl Encyclopedia soon
Thank you, Guy with blessed trips
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How the turn tables
I will now find her in my body and proceed to torment her(myself)
I want this to happen to me, then I want to be brainwashed by my body into liking guys.
Yamame. I did get bit by a spider recently.
>hisou tensoku
I'm not sure how you got a giant robot to drink a potion but I'm not gonna complain about becoming the incarnation of justice.
Trait swap yeeeeees
If you're back, I should probably write again too. Feeling in a bunny girl mood. Maybe something going wrong at the Yorigami casino.
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For some reason I suddenly feel like I'm in danger
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Nice. Fox onahole = best onahole.
Endless ojisan dick for these anons
Does this mean Reimu is no longer poor?
like the /trash/ thread's poll, here's one for which 2hu you to the most
you add whichever one yourself as another answer
Wait, we have a trash thread?
Is trash where all the extra views have been coming from?
top heh
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Being in the Piece's body without knowing how to defend yourself or even fly. I guess this could only have one result, shit.
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Skibidi Nitoilet
I hope you die
Why? The joke is quite funny, though.
lol, enjoy outliving the universe, loser!
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you want HUH???!
This awaits every changed anon in this thread
Everybody wants to be the girl, but realistically speaking Anons are more likely to become the toilet.
>Smiting you with his omniscient power
Omniscience has nothing to do with power. It's being all-knowing, not all-powerful - that one's omnipotence.
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I become the 'mu!?
Where are the stories? Come on, you guys can do better than this. You're not even shooting ideas or discussion topics for people to hook onto, like the Yandere thread did with Renko and Maribel. Here, let's try this: With your rolled 'hu from >>46845517, how would she react, and how would you react? Would you bug Marisa to make a potion to swap you two back already, or would try to convince Marisa to keep you like you are for longer? Assuming Marisa is even able to do that, maybe it was a one-of-a-kind mushroom she used, and she doesn't know how to replicate the recipe.

Building on this, who is the first 'hu you'd kiss while you're in your 2hu's body?
We're currently like 4 threads in and there are still somehow many good 2hus I wanna see something made for. Kasen's arm is one I've had on the mind recently.
That's not even getting into other /jp/ series. There's a treasure-trove of stuff to do with Monster Girl Encyclopedia
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I don't want to body swap because I don't want to steal someone's life, so I rolled for twinning instead and got someone fairly realistic given the nature of dreams.
>Kasen's arm is one I've had on the mind recently.
Not much of a writer, but...

Imagine finding the mummified Arm, and ending up with her grafting herself in place of your own arm. The initial panic will subside as you adjust to the strong yet feminine arm attached to you. Then after a few days you will notice that your left hand is looking a bit feminine. Or maybe your hair is turning red, or you're feeling small bumps under your hair. A calming voice will assure you that this is fine and you listen to it, like a good host. Weeks or months later you'll have transformed into a copy of Ibaraki Douji herself, and feel perfectly acclimated to this body, having given in to the voice, as it cheers you on, giving you new instincts about how to be Ibaraki-Douji, and a sense of spite towards your ... former body? No, towards Kasen. She won't know what's coming to her, rejecting you, her arm, her better half.

Then Reimu comes along and cuts off your arm, leaving you to repent on your actions and seek ascetic training from the original Kasen. Both of you will have to keep the arm more secure this time, or else a third Ibaraki-Douji will emerge.
A potion, hop, skip, panic, and jump had landed you in a strange void of blue with red lines and geometry around you. It was all so sudden, your poor mind barely had a chance to comprehend it. Your body had changed into something much different, resembling something you swore you might've seen while you slept, though who can say with how fast dreams fade?

You took the moment to look down at your body as you floated, not sure whether to panic over your newly female body, or the fact you were now in some strange void alien to you. While you were examining yourself, a figure flickered into appearance nearby you. Her appearance was identical to the one you now bore, blue hair tucked into a long nightcap, a shapely figure hidden under a tight yet comfortable dress. "Hmmm... What an oddity." Her voice was calm, sounding like someone who had just woken up 30 minutes ago yet remained a bit tired. "Have I gotten my own dream self? Are you a rogue intent on causing me trouble?" You quickly tried to plead. You didn't know who this lady was, but you figured she was probably powerful. And appearing as her exact duplicate wasn't likely to endear yourself to her. "So, you're saying you are a man in truth? From the human village, and you... somehow ended up here?" The woman yawned as she circled you, eyeing you like a predator. "Can't you notice just how absurd that story sounds? Surely you recognize that people don't just magically teleport. Witches don't just find mushrooms that turn people into others." You knew your story was absurd, but it was true! You tried to assert yourself, but she had none of it. The strange youkai floated to you, grabbing your identical body close to her's.

"You're a funny dream, I'll give you that. But you're a dream, I'm certain of that. I can't identify the nature of your anomalous being, but the idea you are a man is patently absurd." A hand went to your newly made womanhood, pressing the fabric of the dress and your panties against it. You shivered and gasped. "Is this that iconic wood all men are born with? Because it feels rather soft to me." Her hands reached up to your body, tracing the sides and making you squirm with how sensitive and soft your skin was now. "And these breasts." Hands groped both of your mammaries, kneading and squeezing them as if attempting to milk them. "I know these things quite well. And I know that they belong to no man." You were a victim to this doppelganger, entirely at her mercy. Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say you were the doppelganger. "You're no man, anyone with eyes could identify this. You're nothing but a dream apparition. A dream apparition I should probably deal with the appropriate manner." Realizing the implication, you panicked. No, you weren't a dream, you were a real person! A man! Please, have mercy!

The youkai pondered as she floated above you. It was hard to decipher what was going on in her mind. Finally, she stirred. "Alright, alright, enough of that. It's unsightly of me to terminate something so pathetic, usually you dream entities are far more arrogant." She sized you up, yanking your new tail and causing you to yelp. It was clear she was treating you like a toy as opposed to a human. "I'll keep you around to test on, your strange existence is a bit curious to me, perhaps understanding you will allow me to understand something about dreams I previously was ignorant of. However, I'm not interested in trying to fix something defective." She floated close to you, her twin. "No more of this weird fanciful story you seem convinced of. You are to admit you are nothing more than a clone of Doremy Sweet, master of dreams." Doremy Sweet, is that her name? "It's your name as well, as you are a dream fragment of mine."

"Now, admit that your delusions and falsehoods are just that. You are an imitation of me, Doremy Sweet, and will permit yourself to exist as my thrall, to do with what I please. What say you?"
I had a draft for an idea but it's lengthy and a bit ambitious by nature. I might write something shorter if an idea hits me, I'm not horny enough right now.
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The emergency operation was a success, but Eirin never specified what the payment would be.
Wtf I just needed a check up
What does Eirin gain from making you a chubbier and bigger breasted version of herself though?
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She couldn't possibly test the new cosmetic procedures on herself due to the immutability of her physiology, so she thought she could at least preview how they'd look on her. Of course, that also required her would-be-model to look exactly like her. She promises she'll turn you back (right after she figures out how to get around the aforementioned issue).
In the meantime, could you cheer up? Eirin's trying to get better pictures of your new body for research purposes, but your frowning is really hampering things.
I'd voluntarily be her test subject for this...
>She promises she'll turn you back (right after she figures out how to get around the aforementioned issue).
6 months later and no return in sight
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mandatory giga boobhufication is what gensokyo needs
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Agreed, which is why I wrote this. Not taking requests currently, but I do plan to write a follow-up involving Youmu getting a third sword.
She's fucking insane, dude.
Oh fuck nice, I'm already anticipating the sequel!
That story where anon turns into Seiran and falls in love with a guy after being in denial about being gay is living rent free in my head.
You had me at possessing a big titty ghost, and you had me even more at that planned follow-up. Excellent work anon, pretty interesting premise too. I wonder what happened to our poor 'Yuyuko' that got him in such a state.

That's inevitably what happens to all bunnies. They're only good for their sex appeal anyways.
Marry the bunny.
Reproduce en-masse with the bunny.
Expand the bunny population with the bunny.
Become the bunny.
Repeat the cycle as the bunny.
Took a bit to find it in the archives, what a sickly sweet story. In a good way.
Oh yeah, that reminds me. Did that one guy ever set up the collection?
No, though I imagine it shouldn't be too difficult. It's so far only 4 threads including this one to scope through.
>She couldn't possibly test the new cosmetic procedures on herself due to the immutability of her physiology
Ugh it's the fucking soul that is immutable, not the body. If her biology were then she wouldn't move speak or think since the body is in a constant state of change. And if it were immutable she and Kaguya would be impervious to all danage. And this is assuming a God even has "biology"...
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Fuck, I'm already a chubby chaser, I don't need this autogynophilia...
Well I'm a grandma now
>anon turns into Ringo and ends up becoming strongfat sumo wrestler from eating lots of dango
That's kinda hot...
The Seiran story is about an Anon finding love and making more moon bunnies. The Ringo story would just be about Anon being a fat fuck eating dango all day.
You gave me an idea.
This was kind of rushed and all over the place but I didn't feel like revising the draft.
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Haha, right when I was going to start my own small story on the idea. Insane timing. Holy fuck I can't wait to read this anon!
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Meant for >>46946098
The hell is the timeframe to delete posts these days?
>timeframe to delete posts these days?
You must wait ten minutes before deleting a post.
You are a bloody legend mate
Reading this, I love how it interweaves with the Seiran story well. Well done. What if every Touhou in Gensokyo is just a /jp/ anon who's pretending because they don't want to be caught? What if this was Yukari's 4D chess plan, make more Gensokyos and fill them with /jp/ anons.
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Was on the fence about making it myself but it doesn't seem like anyone else wanted to so eh screw it. Behold, The archive is finally real!
I've only gotten down the first 2 threads, but I plan on getting the rest down soon. Thoughts, Concerns and Criticisms are heavily encouraged. I feel I could use a second opinion on the tags and the descriptors.
For character tags, I think it's best to limit it to just the character bing tfed or tfed into, unless you have a way to write side characters while making it clear they aren't the character in question involved in the tf. Maybe have their names in paranthesises or brackets? Additionally, for stories with implied offscreen tfs, you can do something similar (Implied: x, y, z) because I know a few stories have those, if you want to be extra thorough.

"No Identity Loss but severe Ego Death" can just be "mental changes", which encompasses more and is more descriptive of things that are less than identity death/loss."Sexual preference corruption" can just be "Orientation change", since the former can extend to mean (and imply) more deviant changes, as opposed to just liking men/women now. A Happy End/Bad End tag would also be great considering the stories with those (neutral endings don't need them since they're generally implied or can be left up to reader interpretation). Also what might be helpful is to note if a story uses a self-insert/anon character or not, and if it's in first/second or third person.

One thing that would be nice to have is if we could have a tag to specify if a Touhou is being TFed, or if (you) or something else is being TFed into a Touhou. Honestly though, I have no idea how you'd label that. Also the comma between Shiki's name and title will probably cause trouble in the tags, you don't need it anyways.

I feel bad for writing all this feedback without having been the person to actually make the archive, so let me say that I appreciate your work Anon, it's been a long time so it's good someone is compiling these works to keep them from getting lost!
I forgot some of these thanks
>I feel bad for writing all this feedback without having been the person to actually make the archive
No problem man! I already encouraged sharing your opinions in the post. Added some of the stuff you suggested like Ending tags. Thank you for the inquiry!
Anyways, Barring the Yuyuko story (Figured I'd wait for the apparent Youmu follow-up first) content from threads 3-4 have now also been added to the Rentry. feast your face.
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Universe where instead of getting killed by Reimu, the fortune teller just ends up getting turned into a girl because Reimu says them's the rules.
You think he ever got his wish?
Just replace the art at the bottom with something else. I have a hard time ignoring the frog lips on the last bit of it.
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"Wait, please lady!" Anon backed up, his arms up in a defensive position. This wasn't how it was supposed to go down. He had dreamed of somehow finding his way into Gensokyo, and he had finally done it! He was going to live out his dream and get tons of youkai pussy! That was what was supposed to happen!

Yukari looked down at him, a bit disinterested. "Sorry, but this isn't up for debate. I don't know how you snuck into the border, but you're not exactly supposed to be here. Besides, you should be thankful. If I didn't do this, maybe some scary youkai will think you're food." She made a mock biting face and chuckled. Her taking the situation so lightly didn't seem to alleviate Anon's concerns, as he decided to take this moment to dart away. Where to? Who knows. He knew Yukari could gap anywhere, that running was futile. But that primal part of his mind begged him to run, flee. And Anon was happy to oblige.

Anon ran as fast as his legs could carry him deep into the dark woods. He stumbled and tripped as he ran, something that he attributed to the roots and undergrowth plaguing his path, unaware that his legs and stature were growing shorter, his thighs thickening with womanly fat. He brushed branches away with his hands, not noticing that they were growing softer and smaller, any signs of work from them fading until they could be safely called dainty. Anon chalked up the increase in pain and cuts to unnaturally harsh foliage. Why did he decide to come here, it was a mistake! He should've stayed back home... Back in... Well... Where did he come from? It was somewhere in the West...

When a human was spirited away into Gensokyo, it was an intentional act that the human hardly had a say in. Most had no idea what was going on, and a few would enjoy their situation. Some would even be able to return to the outside world. The common factor amongst them all though, is that they did not arrive on their own, they were invited, or dragged in. For humans like Anon here, who sought Gensokyo on their own and entered successfully, there was a price. A price they often never even considered, but perhaps they should have. After all, why did they think all of the powerful youkai here were women?
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The border of Anon's gender was manipulated further, as his hair grew out longer. Interestingly, it also began to change color, turning a deep black. As the hair on his head grew, the hair on his arms, legs, everywhere but his nether region fell off. The sensitive skin Anon chalked up to the night air. Though Anon couldn't see it, his face also begn to reshape itself. However, it did not grow just into a female shape. For Anon would need to belong to Gensokyo proper, and this would require more extensive changes. His face took on a more Eastern aesthetic, as his lips plumped up and eyes changed shape. Even his skin changed hue so slightly, from pale white to a more almond tone. Whatever DNA was given to Anon by his parents showing his European ancestors was irreversibly changed. No one would ever look at Anon again and think of him as anything but Japanese. What were his parent's names again? He could remember their faces, but finer details... They were growing blurry.

Anon had been ignorant of his changes thanks to his own panic, but when two breasts surged forth on his chest, he stumbled and tripped to the ground. His panic abated itself, as he instead took a more profound horror in the situation. He groped his tits with his hands, looking down at his body and noticing how the clothes which one fit him perfectly were loose on his increasingly shrinking frame. His new breasts weren't particularly large, but they weren't small either. They were perfectly adequate breasts for a Japanese woman like him. Or her now, as the final touches began. Anon's once-narrow hips widened, causing her pain as she gritted her teeth. These hips would be able to bear children comfortably, but to do so there would need to be a final touch. Th last trace of Anon's masculinity, her penis, retreated inward. Her testicles shrank and all that was left beneath her now-black pubic hair was a slit that would be able to push out children and take in penis.

Anon's hands groped her body, as she realized her transformation was over. At least, the transformation of her body. Anon was realizing that Yukari seemed to have changed her mind too. She couldn't remember much of her old life, outside of the fact she had one. She knew she was from the West, but could only name things like McDonalds and Eagles from it. She knew was a man, but her old name alluded her. What magic she used to arrive in Gensokyo was completely gone. Years of school study of math and science wiped. She knew she could speak English, but not a single English word came to her. Yukari left her with just enough memories of her past, but not enough to do anything about her new situation. For all intents and purposes, Anon was now nothing more than a Japanese village girl, largely unremarkable in every way.

"Ma'am, are you OK?" Anon looked up. A human guard wielding a spear looked down at her. "It's not safe for any human to be outside of the village walls at night. You don't know what youkai could be out there, how they could hurt you. Get back inside the village." Anon tried to argue she wasn't supposed to be here, but the guard had none of it.

Anon would rarely ever leave the village walls from that point onwards. She was nothing more than a village girl after all, why would she? She couldn't fight, she couldn't use danmaku, she wasn't particularly smart. Because of this, she hardly got to meet any of the Touhou characters she had hoped to when she arrived in Gensokyo. After all, what could Anon offer to any of them? The best Anon could hope for was reading the Bunbunmaru and living in her own fantasies inside this fantasy land.

Anon used to be a bright and clever person, using magic and science to find Gensokyo and breaking in to live out his dreams. But now, all that's there is a mundane Japanese village girl, who will eventually marry a mundane Japanese village man, and have a mundane Japanese family as is her duty in this land of magic and mystery called Gensokyo. The fate of which is likely to befall any who enter Gensokyo without the permission of its mistress.
I want to watch anons struggling with their new touhou bodies. Be it because it has stupidly large breasts, too tall or loli. Or maybe they gain a touhou body that has non canon body type like an oppai loli Remilia
Weakening from TS is pretty nice, kind of reminds me of the one Okina story. Girls are meant to be pretty and vulnerable.
>touhou body swap ficthread
>no one's mentioned THE bodyswap fic

my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
From 2008? Good lord that's ancient
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Oh I am a fucking menace aren't I
I could do some yuri action, or get dicked if I felt like it, either way I'd be painting the town white like a slasher villain paints a town red, just with pleasure instead of pain. Every 'hu will know the feeling of pleasure when I'm done with them
>>no one's mentioned THE bodyswap fic
I'm a pretty big geek for this swapcontent and I've never seen this. Spent the last hour reading and I'm not even sure if this is body swap cause it seems more like possession if anything. Pretty good story though.
damn this shit a decade old
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There's been a lot of out-there ideas I've brainstormed about on and off like a Gyaru version of a regular 2hu but I think the oddest one I've gotten thus far is fulfilling this particular man's quest to become meido kigakuya.
The transformé being willing and consenting for once isn't something I see done often, could be cool.
That's not fair, getting her is basically getting a free-for-all your choice.

>The transformé being willing and consenting for once isn't something I see done often, could be cool.
Who would ever want to become a Touhou though?
>"Who would ever want to become a Touhou though?"
The guy who has posted that he wants to be the medio several times
Enjoy messing with random men who try to get with you anon
>anons want to be Touhous
kinda hot
dumb gote
It's somewhat of a spectrum. I doubt there's anyone here who is both mentally well and who wants to become transgender, identifying as a Touhou. However, hypothetically, if Yukari showed up in your room and told you that she could painlessly transform you into a Touhou of your choice, complete with her fully female body, her powers and sending you to Gensokyo to live her life, with a reasonably easy way to reverse it all and return to male human life outside Gensokyo, I think like 99% of us would gladly try it out at least once, like a vacation from a mundane life.
I just found out TouhouTW has a Seija transformation scene in it if she becomes a boy via cheat shenanigans. Fucking wild seeing an amanojaku become a slave to her new toy. Why do Touhous inevitably lose to (their own) cock?
>Why do Touhous inevitably lose to (their own) cock?
Well, beyond the novelty of the experience and perhaps if the innate kink value of the transformation if the girl would happen to be a pervert... Have you ever tried to abstain from playing with yours for so long that when you finally use your dick it feels like it's brand new? If not, I recommend trying it.

Anyway, imagine that feeling, but you have never experienced it. You've never experienced your dick getting rock hard, throbbing, pulsing, oozing precum and finally shooting a hefty, pearly load. You've never experienced the overwhelming desire to thrust it into someone, to pin someone down, to fuck them properly... You'd most definitively be chasing that feeling over and over again!

But maybe you've experienced what it's like to be on the receiving end of a cock. Wouldn't it be even sweeter, even more alluring when you just know how good you could make someone feel? To know badly you would have once craved the seed that you can now spill?

Of course a girl would lose to cock if she suddenly had one. And they really can't get any fascimile of the experience in their bodies. Let's face it, a guy could, if he wanted to, take it up the ass and get something similar to the experience of vaginal penetration. But a strap-on just won't do it for girls. You can't solo play with it and it's just not the same. They may give the experience of being the one who penetrates, but not the sensation.

In the end, it makes perfect sense why they would lose to their own cocks. Especially a pervert amanojaku like Seija, who would be ecstatic at the prospect of inverting her own gender.
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The characters being overwhelmed with new, forgein urges and feelings are somehow both overdone and underutilized. There's so much stuff you could do with it yet sadly I never see much beyond like sex. Just off the top of my head:
>Ditzy Slimegirl swapped with Human quickly learns how to speak competently despite never having vocal cords before today
>Wakasakihime struggling to even move around due to having new human legs
>Man trying to escape Sexy Monster can't due to the venom generating a new chunky ass that keeps slowing him down
>Two bros that's TF'ed into Furudo Erika and Seija manage to not get identity death'd but can't stop themselves from being bratty little bitches despite best wishes from their normally kind hearts
>Weresheep swaps with Human Male and learns what it's like to not be constantly mentally baked meanwhile The guy is currently experiencing what he can only describe as the worst hangover in the history of anything ever
>Kana possesses Anon and ashamedly some of the junkfood-loving aspects of him start rubbing off on the poltergeist
>That one caption of Alice and Marisa laughing at this panicked guy-turned-stringdoll trying to move by himself
Thank you for this story btw, I kinda forgot how much I love shit like this.
"She knew she could speak English, but not a single English word came to her."
Mwuah. Chef's kiss.
For the rest of the hus, it would seem like nothing has changed
As the old saying goes...
>Can't beat the cock
>Not the cock
what would you do, if it turned out your horns were sensitive?
What refined and composed touhou would lose the hardest to becoming a boy?

Imagine becoming a touhou and discovering a certain part of her body was way more sensitive than you could have predicted beforehand.
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I don't know my touhous yet. How did I turn out? Do I at least get huge tits?
Anon stroking "his" horn at the flower viewing party.
You're a lesbian maso bottom with an one-sided obsession towards her boss now. Congrats!
Well, you've got the big tits at least, but you're a masochist now, and you probably have far more degenerate fetishes for Zanmu than you'd feel comfortable with before
Turning into Hisami must come with some if not a lot of inhibition loss.
I have a bit on my plate but honestly be down to write this. World can always use a bit more costume-related tfs.
If the guy who posted these are currently ITT then tell me what TF method is your favorite I'll try and see if I can whip something up eventually
Imagine Suika's horns, or Yuugi's horn...
Could be worse, you could become Kasen and lose you ability to accept no as an answer
I hope anons who turn into them will let me play with their horns
You joke, but Kasen has had many long years to quell her instincts while living as a hermit. Any Anon becoming an oni would probably instantly succumb to them.
That's an unfortunate side effect of likely any Touhou that's very old. They've likely mastered all of their deepest impulses and controlling them, so an Anon stuck as them would have no idea what to do. It's like that one Seiga story, where Anon was flooded with lots of Seiga's desires and he had to balance them and slowly succumb and accept them.
There are some 2hus that would be truly terrifying suddenly missing their inhibitions one day
Oh boy you are in for one hell of a ride anon...
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Fun fact to renrty.org users: Rentry entries can be hijacked. Please keep this in mind when archiving.
They can?
Not them, but as far as I can tell, the only "security" on rentry is the edit code. If you use a weak one that somebody guesses, they can edit your entry as if they were the owner (Including changing the edit code).

Sumireko is having weird dreams, good thing Doremy is there to help!
Could you just catbox this? Not feeling like making a X account and what's left of nitter barely works.
it's doremy jerking off futa sumireko while licking her nipples
Considering Sumi has a flat chest and no vagina, it's genderbent, not futa
Awww... Looks like >>46905706 finally got over her weird fantasy about being some male from the human village. Good for her!
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I want to turn into a cute 2hu and get princess carried by a cute strong guy. Why is science still failing us in this aspect?
You can always take more estrogen and buy a frilly dress.
You're not doing enough.
Anon you and I both know that's not going to work. We need Eirin to make the 2huification potion.
Nearly everyone in this photo has received a form of tf smut here and that's funny.
I guess /jp/ is a boobs board
I wonder how long it would take a /jp/ anon turned into Minoriko to coerce Shizuha into sex
Imagine expecting to turn into Minoriko, and instead turning into Shizuha and getting massive breast envy.
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Life as a harvest goddess could be tiring, but Anon had to admit he was enjoying it, as he sat on the front porch of him and his (new) sister's home, stretching out his feet and wiggling his bare toes. He never suspected that he would end up as Minoriko, she wasn't a Touhou he thought about that much. Well, no one did most likely. She was a bit on the shorter side, and there was a bit extra to hug in her center, but her figure was undeniably soft and good with impressive assets front and center, along with an undeniably cute face and button nose. Minoriko wasn't that powerful, sure, but she was well-liked by everyone enough. Villagers adored her in the harvest season, and no one really had any beef with her. Even Anon's interactions with Letty, the only possible rival Minoriko could have, were more a playful rivalry than anything.

Right now, it was summer, and Anon hoped that the weather would begin cooling. The sweat dripping between his breasts felt a bit uncomfortable. Maybe he could try and borrow Cirno, assuming someone else hadn't already done so. There was a part of Anon that waned to go around and test out all those lewd fantasies anyone would have in Gensokyo, but... Anon just hadn't been feeling those urges. Everything was so nice and idyllic. For lack of better word, comfy.

Shizuha exited their abode and sat next to her plumper and fuller-figured sister, smiling. "Hey sis, enjoying the season?"

"Bah." Anon spat, which earned him a chuckle.

"Chin up, our time is soon, don't you worry!" Anon smiled. He didn't know if it was just the heat being so bad, or his new nature as a harvest goddess affecting him, but he couldn't wait for fall to arrive.

"That's so true, dearest sister of mine, so true!" They shared a few more laughs, before they sat in silence, listening to the cicadas. "Shame we don't have anything to help cool down though, this heat suuuucks."

"Oh, as a matter of fact!" Shizuha raised a finger up with pride. "I do happen to have grabbed something from the village earlier! I put it in the fridge, they're some otter pops! The kappa nabbed them somehow from the outside world, they're really good! Grab some for me too while you're up!"

Anon nodded as he stood up, and Shizuha playfully patted his butt as he headed in, giggling more. Anon had worried that they might have some rivalry, but as much as he experienced, they were close and true sisters, through and through. Anon headed into the kitchen of the goddesses' shared home, and noticed something odd - the attic door in the kitchen had been left open. Anon had never actually been to the attic before, he just knew it was Shizuha's personal art studio and intended to be kept private. Anon had always respected her space (she locked it anyways), but it looks like she had forgotten to do so today. Anon could just grab the otter pops and head right back outside, and tell his new sister that she left the attic door open. Or, he could be a mischievous sister and take a look in Shizuha's private office without her permission. Choices... Choices...
The board that has had regular boobhu threads for at least a decade or so? A boobs board? No way.
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Very comfy. You've got me a little curious what Shizuha could possibly have up there
Sheep fuck
Birb story where?
>Kasen's "younger sister" returns to her after committing horrible crimes to pursue the hermit's path and try and absolve herself.
Anon is like a reverse Sega, asking her family for hermit training to be a good person.
When you get around to writing it, silly Anon! Hurry up, or do you need to be Akyuu to get the urge to write?
Imagine becoming Akyuu and ironically misremembering your life as Anon as you transfrom, as you're being flooded by conflicting memories of various mutually exclusive lives. The more you transform, the more of these "false" memories you get, and the more you realise that they are real memories of your/Akyuu's past lives as the Maidens of Miare. Of course you still remember your old life, but it's hard to remember quickly because it's vying for rememberance with 9 other sets of past life memories on top of the current Akyuu memories. Never forgetting, but somewhat muddled. It's probably for the best if you just don't think too hard about your lives before Akyuu, right?
Don't worry Anon, you'll only be Akyuu for a few more years, and then you'll get to roll the gacha and see what your new reincarnation's body will be! Maybe you'll get to be a boy again! (Probably not)
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Are all writefags anons who have been transformed? Would that make the archive a digital youkai book, like something from Forbidden Scrollery?
What a terrifying idea, imagine being turned into Akyuu exclusively because someone else wants you to write smut for them
Don't worry, you can balance it by having the reader turn into Kosuzu. Then everything will be right with the world!
In this world, there are Akyuus and there are Kosuzus. You, my friend, are a Kosuzu
The Gensokyofication of /jp/ continues in a viscous cycle....
The thread has really begun to recline. I haven't seen a rentry link in months and the thread constantly hits Page 10
/jp/'s metamorphosis phase has truly fallen...
>I haven't seen a rentry link in months
Anon, the last story was written a few weeks ago.
which 2hu wuld u be
All the writefags got spooked away by complaining. It really takes just one or two people to shit up a good thing.
what complaining?
The complaining he's imagined in his head of course, in his mind projects can't slow down naturally every bump on the road is a carefully orchestrated conspiracy.
Sumimasen, I had a few drafts but got distracted on another project.
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Stolen from an Aya thread.
From my experience, Ayafags are most likely to want to be her out of any 2hufags. I don't know why this is.
Tengu propagation through Tengu propaganda.
Eh, I'm not sure where your perspective is coming from cause I think Sanae, Orin and maybe Kogasa outweigh her
Be the change you want to see. Either write your own stories, which encourages others to join, or discuss interesting topics and ideas. Also make sure you're actually encouraging writing that you like when it does appear.
That Sanae is definitely doing some outweighing. You know, if you become a Touhou, it's best to be mindful of your diet so you don't ruin her body.
Becoming aya is a terrible fate. Imagine being stuck as an obnoxious bird. Now Hatate...
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Terrible, but seemingly hard to avoid. What's a flock of Ayas called?
>a guy could, if he wanted to, take it up the ass and get something similar to the experience of vaginal penetration
No. Just no. Do not compare a man's asshole to a vagina, it's not even remotely similar at all. This is very wrong. Women who have done both can testify to that. And women do cum hard from pegging men, even with no vibration or anything, so clearly they do get something out of it that you can't comprehend.
YOU should prepare for your own future 2hufication and take HRT. You might even grow some nice breasts that way.
Yeah nah. I'm staying a man until I get 2huified, rather than try to turn myself into a ghoulish parody of a woman as an "in-between" stage.
You should buy and wear frilly dresses if you're too pussy to commit.
FUCK ME sorry if I did a cringe double-post, damn buffering on my end. Gonna go throw my head in the shame bucket real quick, feel free to throw stones…
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i am sorry to reveal that HRT is not the magic gender serum you make it out to be

at best the anons ITT will commission a kosuzu or a hina outfit and cosplay in it, at their local touhou convention i guess. you'll be unfortunately subject to your own genetics and all of the garbage that entails, if you're not a fetishist it's a lousy case of crippling dysphoria and if you are it's an existential crisis that you will NEVER, and i mean NEVER, be your favourite touhou character. even if you lot made it into Gensokyo, it's straight to Muenzuka for you because no way were you gapped in as anything but youkai food

either way unless you put in actual effort into changing your appearance (which none of you will, what am i kidding) it will never happen. keep your fantasies relegated to here, ao3 and niche rentry sites instead of becoming the next chris chan
>And women do cum hard from pegging men, even with no vibration or anything
Fumofication is no laughing matter!
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Black. You are hereby sentenced to become your absolute least favorite 2hu.
Fair, explains why when I tried the randomizer a while back I got fucking Mugetsu. I'll accept my sentence of being a fake-maid in a soon-to-be-obliterated dream world. That aside, considering the double post didn't even occur I guess??? (literally don't know what happened there, sorry for the confusion) I think I should at least explain myself. Last night I finished writing a 4000ish word Ran Yakumo story that's had me in a vice-grip the past few days (first time posting this sorta thing and I can generally just be a bit nervous & easily excitable) and I was just trying to ask if Rentry would be the best place for it. I've since committed to just posting it to Rentry now that I've made the final edits in my own file, just gotta format it properly first and then I'll have it up in the next few hours or so depending on other irl circumstances. The following anons are relevant to what I've done in a way:
>>46905001 >>46951391 >>46982298 >>47025121 >>47090404 >>47099388
I love all 2hus though...
Ok, here it is:
The tags might be a little funny cause it's a bit hard for me to fully judge the extent of all the subjects involved here on my own, but please feel free to let me know what you all think in any way you see fit. I'm not exactly going for "broad appeal" or anything, just writing what I like & felt compelled to. Archivists can go ahead and put it alongside the others if they'd like to as well. Enjoy! (for those who can)
Holy fuck Anon that's massive, you really went all out for this
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Koishi drank the snail plasma...
No wonder she keeps getting Leucochloridium.
Using pastebin, cause I don't have time to figure out a new website right now.
Thanks to Kasen anon for inspiring me. Even if I can't write English to save my life I still enjoyed this thread.
Thanks for turning my quick and dirty shitpost into an actual story.
I really like the idea of using established parts of touhou canon to facilitate anons transforming into 2hus, especially when it's not simply using their innate abilities. Nice work
holy fuck anon, good shit
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Much appreciated~
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Oh hey there's a Sakurai Energy doujin with almost this same exact plot. It's called Reverse×Reverse. Read it pretty recently, 10/10 would fap again.
>and then she turned suika into a watermelon! Funnies shit i have ever seen.
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Holy fuck this story was something else, and I mean that in the best way. Ran's love handles... Great work anon!

I'll read this tomorrow but I gotta say damn it's nice to get new content after so long, thank you both!
Oh no, is that what Alice does to the Anons she seduces and lures into Gensokyo?
Reminds me of Magical Camp Alice. Even has similar expressions.

That's sick. I want to be turned into a cute doll. Better than a mortal body, that's for sure.
There's something about a transformation where the transformee is forced to symbolically destroy a part of their original identity. Not mindbreak or mental changes or anything, just forcing the acceptance of the new identity

Also being Alice's doll wouldn't be that bad, I still love that one caption about it
Being Alice's doll!
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The twist: you've been turned into Spamton.
Which would be your preferred fate in Gensokyo?

Body Swap into a Touhou
Turn into background Youkai/Fairy/Human Villger (female)

I'd want to become my OC, personally. Better existence than here in the real world.
Turn into a background character. I'd feel too guilty about a body swap to enjoy it.
File deleted.
i don't like the idea of body snatching, it's immensely disturbing and just... no thank you

at the same time being a human villager would suck. i like my indoor plumbing and aircon thank you very much, drowning in my own sweat isn't my favourite activity. also being relegated to being a farmhand/whatever else preindustrual infrastructure has to offer seems bleak. maybe i could help keine with lessons or something?

being a magician sounds like the best outcome, so background character it is
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There's some potential to be had in being a background character, some of the mobs wouldn't be too terrible
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Updated the archives with the recent new stories. Enjoy!

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