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Rumia-chan's forbidden skirt predation technique
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she can eat me anytime
Skirts should be banned, they are a cringe garment
>What do you propose as alternative
Idk, not long pants either. Shorts or something.
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Wriggle Nightbug detected
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Rumia jam.
Haha he's going to have a horrible agonizing death!
Does anyone have that first person POV Rumia skirt predation webm?
Conceptualize the olfactory profile
She's learning fast... They'll need to find more measures to stop her soon before everyone dies
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Time to teach the little brat a lesson.
Petting Rumia's head while she gently gnaws on your hand like a teething puppy.
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heh, nothing personal kid
Who are you quoting
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Rumia coffee.
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Rumia smile.
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Rumia pet.
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It ain't right for a man to be ridden like that.
Such a little delinquent, what does she get out of this?
That exists? Source
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It was an MMD video from Nicovideo but I couldn't find it even after hours of searching.

It was this video
but in first person.
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Imagine the ASMR-triggering, meaty "Kupaa" Rumia's puffy cunny lips would make from pinching them apart!
I like shorts. They are comfy and easy to wear.
kek, anybody still have the source?
it isn't what your looking for but i found this
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>Hey mister, I've got a lot more chocolates in the van. Come on.
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The Rum has eaten too many shotas and now must go on a diet.
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I like this
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too lewd, needs more monster daughterpet fatherly love
My beloved daughterpet
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>User has left pixiv or the user ID does not exist.
it be like that
Don't force her to eat the cabbage she needs human meat...
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Bullying the Roomba
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Love bites are part and parcel with owning a roomimi of your own
As you can see, this one is very attached to her owner!
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I love Tummia
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Please do not feed the wild youkai.
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It's eat or be eaten~
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god I want to hug her so badly
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Rumia dance
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I-it's so girthy around the middle!
That's a weird looking dick.
Is the author a woman?
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Is she a good girl?
I think she is
hatalegs... nice.
My beloved daughterwife.
It's nice to see some thick juicy penises on /jp/ every now and then.
Isn't it from a pokemon game
It seems it's taking a while for her to finish her meal
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Sleep Rum
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Rumia has a new friend!
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Nun Rumia
needs editing, hitora-kun should look happy as well
The perfect predator
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Rumia-chan claims another victim...
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hmmhmh what a nice thread
>captcha: KYSJK
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yes, yes, we've seen cute and funneh roombas countless times. can we also post some spooky rums too?
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Cute and funi rumimi is also spooky rumimi
Blood only makes Rumia more cute though.
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You're telling me you wouldn't die for that smile? Smdh...
My fantasy is drinking the hourai elixir and letting Rumia eat my flesh only for it to regrow as good as new. I would be Rumia's infinite buffet.
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Wabbit season.
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darkness paizuri
I think she is cutest when she is spooky. It's the fantasy of having such a spooky creature as an adoring pet that does it for me.
Truly horrifying.
But Rumia is flat.
darkness naizuri!
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Look how happy she is...
You wouldn't give your life for that???
Not like you're doing much with it anyway...
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I think you should kill yourself first before you tell people what to do with their lives like that.
This isn't a grimtard thread. Make one yourself and please just get out of here already
you're no fun
And you're actual anti-fun.
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*sigh* fine...
Have a compromise as a gesture of goodwill. Goodnight.
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Getting devoured by Rumia's lower mouth...
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It seems skirt predation is spreading
Now why would I kill myself for Rumia? If I'm dead then I can't enjoy her smile. I would much rather feed her others so I can watch her happily eat instead.
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Biggest dork...
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soft and healthy slop
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Rumia is so cool
Hehe two gentle pats on head.
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Aww, I would throw her a nugget.
Well now I've got a concerning erection.
Hope you're happy anonymous.
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Still would.
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From the thumbnail I thought she really had a large mouth under her skirt, with giant teeth and tongue
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Wow rumia made a new friend
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I throw a chicken nugget into her mouth.
You're supposed to put your hand in there.
Don't think about the consequences, just do it.
what would happen if I put my hand on her head instead?
Can I put someone else's severed hand in there instead?
If I were to kiss Rumia as violently as she kisses would she be happier?
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Dear god, my heart is going to explode from moe overload
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I want some coffee
I am retarded, what's going on in that picture?
She's getting ready for her date.
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What do you think Rumia tastes like?
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Roomba looks more disappointed in you than anything else
BUILT for Big Bear Cuddles
>"Not this shit again"
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wake up!
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Would feed a piece of jerky to.
Im not a Rumiafag, can someone explain to me the whole "roomba" meme?
It's just a funny spelling of the name.
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its the chorus from the third opening for the anime "Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei"
how the tables have turned!
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Roomba on a roomba. Funniest shit I've ever seen.
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The Darkness and T-Pose loli
I want to keep a Rumia like a pet cat that I can take out to get ice cream with
She's just the cutest little gremlin ever and I love her
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Rumia is a vicious man-eating monster, not a pet. You can't domesticate her.
She's my pet man-eating monster.
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nice butt
Not him but I have the opened mindedness to cater to her unique diet and purity of intent, as I simply want to see her fed and happy.
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wtf is her problem...
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No father figure, which I hope to change.
At least she gets some extra
I'm willing to be her father + husband figure. Instead of human flesh, she could eat my smegma every day.
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My beloved daughterwifepets
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I want to bring Rumia back to live with me and my youkai wife as our daughter! I want to say pet too but I don't know if a youkai would be okay with keeping another one as a pet.
>cater to her unique diet
How do you intend to do that?
Surely you're not going to invite people to your house and let Rumia eat them, right?
Now that would just be silly. I would take her to a national park to eat lone hikers and campers since they are known to go missing in such places anyways.
I would drink the hourai elixir and cut off parts of my body for her to eat.
Why don't you just feed her hobos, junkies and latinx? Sounds easier IMO.
Wouldn't you feel bad for those people?
Keep in mind that many anons from /jp/ like to hike alone.

That's dedication.
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Hobos and junkies are gross and probably don't taste great on account of their diets and amount of drugs in their system. I would not want to feed her such low quality meat if I could help it. Illegal immigrants on the other hand are probably plentiful if you know when and where to look, and no one would miss them either. The down side however, is that they tend to come into the country in large groups and I don't think we can manage such numbers unless Rumia can play up her youkai nature to scare away the extras that she isn't eating and then the problem would be that there are witnesses. There is also the danger of running into authorities who are trying to catch those immigrants for their reasons.

Now with national parks, hikers and campers tend to either be alone or travel in very small groups. It is not unheard of that they go missing, seemingly without a trace sometimes, so it would likely be considered an unfortunate accident at worst if one did not return. So long as we move around between different parks across the country, the missing will not pile up so high that proper investigations are made. We probably wouldn't even need to sneak up on them either if we just play the part of a father and his daughter on an outing. Having a kid with you already disarms most people you meet because they usually assume the best of you and don't think that you are going to hurt anyone.
>Wouldn't you feel bad for those people? Keep in mind that many anons from /jp/ like to hike alone.
Hell, I'm one of those people. They would be an unfortunate sacrifice that must be made to keep my youkai daughter happy and fed. I am sure most others here would gladly make the same sacrifice too. It's difficult to properly care for a monster without shedding a bit of humanity yourself, after all.
I think you could probably use sorcery to find a replacement for the chi and vital energy that rumia usually gets by eating human flesh.
But meat tastes better.
That would be like asking a human to replace their diet with onions.
Plenty of youkai are able to live just fine without eating people.
But why deprive a simple creature like Rumia of one of the few luxuries she has in her life?
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I will provide her with the finest gourmand food as a replacement.
Can't you just make all those fancy dishes but using human meat instead?
Reimu would cut me in half if I did that.
Just cut her in half first and use her flesh to cook Rumia a delicious dinner.

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