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Youmu is too cute!!!

and she can duel wield katana
best gardener in Touhou

the only gardener? At least the only one followed around by a giant floating sperm
Youmu is slute
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The power of Youmu Sanae!!
youmu strikes me as the kind of girl to be easily coerced into sex by random men when she goes shopping in the village

just like Sanae
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Machigai. She's the cutest!
She strikes me as the type of girl to be loyal to me alone while you remain sex-starved
Yet she welcomes not only men but also shotas and youkai too.
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Adorable Youmu <3
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Again, just like Sanae.
no no, the difference is sanae welcomes anyone happily, youmu wouldn't but she's too retarded to realise what's happening until there's a cock inside her so she's an easy slut
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Youmu is a good girl
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"Come back my place Youmu there's something I'd like to show you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "

Youumu and Sanae would both follow you without question
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Nibble nibble
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Why cant these threads be normal.
Why does every time these threads get made it always ends up in degenerate hornyposting.
The fanon/canon thread had better discussion about her phantom half. Topicless threads always devolve into hornyposting.
everything always ends in horny.

I don't think there's enough people here that like/know her to do anything more than be horny.

I love her and Sanae the most. They both have bizarre thinking patterns and I think it'd be funny if they both got together to try and resolve an incident.
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>I don't think there's enough people here that like/know her to do anything more than be horny
I like Youmu because she's cute and her brain doesn't work well.
>when the OP is lewd
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YES YES!! Sanae x Youmu! <3


Satori doesn't even bother to read Youmu's mind.
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It's not her fault she's a little slow.
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Youmu: Oh no, Lady Yuyuko! It's completely dark when I close my eyes!

lol lol lol

OMG I love her <3
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Cut her some slack
She is hard working, dedicated and loyal
She simply can't help her autism
There's a belief that human souls actually have two parts Kon and Paku. There's the immortal "higher" soul (Kon) that either becomes a ghost, like Yuyuko, or enters the cycle of reincarnation and the transient "lower" soul (Paku) that animates the body and houses the earthly passions and which could, after death, become an unintelligent evil spirit, such as those seen in Subterranean Animism.

Youmu's phantom-half is apparently her higher soul, while her lower soul remains in her human body, giving it life.
>Like people with autism, people with Asperger's syndrome have a dreadful time understanding what is going on, socially.
Example, a complete lack of interest by the person listening to them ramble being misunderstood due to being polite, leading to endless monologuing and persisting on the topic, (unlike Satorin does here noticing Youmu doesn't care).
>This kind of evidence suggests that children with autism will have difficulty discerning the playful intent of a tease that is typically conveyed in an ambiguous, non lit- eral fashion. This diminished capacity to recognize social intentions may serve to make the true meaning of a tease remain opaque.
OOf. Kind of a weird way to find out you're different (which isn't bad), anons. But this is a thread for the cutest girl ever, so take a clue and get help outside!
Now this poster here understands that the most precious girl to ever exist is being a fun tease. Sasuga Youmu
What if shes just joking like when Yuyuko does with her? We are talking about Touhou here.
Her eyes end up hurting because she keeps them open. If that was a joke, she was a little too dedicated to the bit.
37! Youmu sucked 37 dicks!
I just find weird, ZUN tends to make these extreme jokes that suggest that the character is barely sentient, yet he also writes them like they are very capable of doing their jobs and are very well capable of functioning properly, Sakyua being the prime example of this.
And since people dont know about middle grounds they always tend to reduce them to non sentient fuck meats. So annoying. I like to pretend that these extreme "look how stupid she is jokes" are jokes within jokes, and just take the ones that are more "normal dumb" seriously.
Her body is animated entirely by passion you say...
this is not the type of person you want handling sharp tools
Meiling takes care of the SDM's gardens too
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Youmu is a little too loyal sometimes
"Don't get the wrong idea, these aren't for me, they're for my master"
In a row?
But Yuyuko is a Ghost,I doubt she can get pregnant

Also why is Youmu in the outside world?
She's just like me!!!
>>Yuyuko is a Ghost,I doubt she can get pregnant
That's what makes it funny, at least to me. Imagine her trolling Youmu to buy these.

>>why is Youmu in the outside world?
Because Sanae?
what does sanae have to do with it? you could have at least said yukari
<-- Youmu obviously

visible panty lines <3

Anything lewd involving the outside world also involves Sanae.
「Last night was great wasn't it!?」
[ Who are you? Where am I?! ]
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too cute
To be fair it didn't end up as horny posting, it started that way

If you want a "normal thread" feel free to jump in and say why Youmu is a good girl.
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Youmu fought with two swords before duel wielding was cool
Swimsuit Youmu...
That's actually really interesting
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I've had enough with you, Youmoo
I could CRUSH an oji-san rapist with my bare hands
I'll make you pay for the mid-life's you have destroyed
Kyaaaaaaaa Pervert!!!

Youmu saw me naked, I'll never get married now...
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Not that she cares. She'll just rape you herself.

you can't rape the willing
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Me and Youmu eat Pointy Corn the same way!
I'd eat pointy corn straight from Youmu's mouth
In a column
I want Youmu to sit on my face with her BIG FAT BUTT

I don't know why I can't stop thinking about this. It's sounds weird but also erotic.
Youmu's secret to gardening
It would involve sucking out items of food straight off her tongue, you'd practically be licking her tonsils. Can't get much deeper a kiss than that.
Just imagine the utter confusion on her face when you do it though. Like Yukari, Youmu is also susceptible to the charisma-break technique, with extreme gains to be had in theory.

Actually I was thinking more like Youmu has a mouthful of chips and you passionately deep kiss her and saliva and chips drip out of her mouth and down in between her breasts and on her tummy.

It'd make such as mess, but since I created it then I have no choice but to clean up it ... by licking it off her cute tiny tits and kissing her navel. chu chu youmu love you
Youmu is too loyal for her own good.

Starting an entire incident by herself just to please her master
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ohh the things I'd do to sleepy youmu
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yeah, I'd tuck her in
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Youmu power stances with Rivers of Blood and Wakizashi
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youmu your pantsu
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Youmu would be the perfect wife. She can garden, cook, clean? and she's super loyal so she's always have dinner when you came her to her
>and she's super loyal
to yuyuko
not to you

Youmu is a nice girl. She'd be the same way to her lover too.
Youmu is a bit of a naive girl
I would be too if Yuyuko was my master...
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Useless fact: JP fanbase nicknamed Youmu 'Myon' because of a single (unmemorable) line she says in Perfect Cherry Blossom. While Western Fans call use that name for her half-spirit.

yuyuko would just hold her down for me
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It's not a sword, it's a Katana.
Why is Youmu being so pretentious?
Well she's not wrong, but sword is such a vague term that's she's not right either.

Roukanken is a katana and Hakurouken, the shorter back-up weapon is a wakizashi.

Both are technically 'swords' but different in design than the long sword that most people usually think of. The same with a Rapier, you don't usually hear people call it a sword.
>The same with a Rapier, you don't usually hear people call it a sword.
You do, all the time. Specially when two HEMA nerds are talking about which sword is the best.

I just took a look at the raw. The reason why Youmu said that is because Lunasa calls her sword a "剣", which is the word used for double edged swords, while "刀" (katana) is used for single edged.
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My life has gotten to the point where I can only feel affection to fictional woman. No irl person makes me feel the same way girls from anime or games make me feel.
Yeah Deliver on the sauce Anon
You guys know about the Youmu bondage cookie clicker game?
>Youmu bondage cookie clicker

Of course!!! I've fapped to it many times.

... I was trying not to upload any pictures from it cause I din't want to get banned.
I know about the game where Yuyuko spanks Youmu's big butt until it's bright red.
Pooner up and let’s have a group goon session
Drop the goo
No, post a link.
damn, Youmu's onto something, I never heard of this
t. brazilian
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Youmu would be the sweet caring, possibly overprotective, type of girlfriend.

「Thank you for the cake! Here, you can have the strawberry」*feeds it to you lovingly*

Just don't be stupid and ask her to pick between you and Yuyuko.
What If you fuck Yuyuko behind her back?

I'm not interested in Yuyuko so it wouldn't be a problem, although you could just tell Youmu that Yuyuko made you do it and she'd probably believe it.
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Dead thread
It's half-dead, just like her.
but she's so lewd, I mean cute
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5/30 is Women's Shogi Day!
Youmu.exe has stopped working.
Can I make out with your half dead self?
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Youmu fumo came today. Now Sanae has a friend!
There's 72,000 pictures on Pixiv so some people like her, just not that many here.

That's actually more than Sanae.
Because she's an autistic nerd. ...Shit

wouldn't that just make her more popular here?
Good taste. Those two are my favorite.
I k kw of youmu spanking. Konpaku youmu and the dungeon of lewd creatures has good scenes but you are better off ripping the scenes and playing them during jerkoff sessions. returns are diminishing in that game.
Go outside and breathe Oxygen for at least 30 minutes anon you don't have to speak to anyone but it will help
Youmu says don't feed the troll
My June bride is Youmu
Do you have a bride for each month?

I worship one Touhou girl every month like so ...

JAN - Sanae
FEB - Patchouli
MAR - Youmu
APR - Sanae
MAY - Patchouli
JUN - Youmu
JULY - Sanae
AUG - Patchouli
SEP - Youmu
OCT - Sanae
NOV - Patchouli
DEC - Youmu
Can I at least offer them a drink if I can't feed them?
Why would you do that? Do you want to date a desperate loser or something?
Some people have a loser fetish
I know there are many people interested in loser girls, but I didn't think there were people with a fetish for loser guys.
I didn't specify of what

There's a lot more than you'd think.
Loser guy = ATM machine that's easy to control/manipulate

There's a guy a work who got married after dating for 6 months and she did it just to trap him in the relationship. Now she just spends all his money and does what ever she wants.
That's not having a loser fetish, that's just women being cruel and heartless monsters.
There are def also woman out that that hate themselves/have a mental illness but are a 12/10. (Look up goth girls with daddy issues). But unfortunately, most of them are fat ugly bitches that think being goth makes them more attractive lmao
>>and she can duel wield katana
>posts fat butt in pantyhose
based coomer
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Sorry what? I don't understand zoomer netspeak.
Youmu is slute
No that's Byakuren, Sanae and Kasen.
Honestly if Yuyuko was my mistress, I would be too. Hell I would have taken Youki's place in a heart beat
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I knew a girl during college, she cut her hair short like youmu does, she was introverted and autistic like youmu is, and she was short and barely had any breasts just like youmu, also wore tomboyish clothes. She was a year older and on a racing team (mechanical engineering) I was on the same team for a while, wish I knew how to make moves. Kamisama literally sent youmu my way and I didn't do anything. Then again she was probably seeing someone already, but it would not have hurt to try
She would be proud
ask the OP next time you RETARD
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You'd regret meeting her mom most likely based on this description
Villagers are too nice to take advantage of her.
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What did she do?
ate all the drywall
I like her tank top.
So molestable...
She pissed on the carpet
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He draws the cutest Youmu.
I wish he also did a non lewd Youmu doujin.
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Artist name?
Cock Robin
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God dammit Youmu not again
Anon, it's time for you to kill yourself. You've had enough fun in life.
Half-human, half-phantom, half-bladder capacity.
Since when is being 2D-only troll behaviour?
Is she just peeing herself or also cumming?
Doesn't matter, it's all going in my mouth anyway
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Wait a minute…

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