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Sakura Aoi, Fuuka Rin, Tsukiguma Nowa, and Yumeno Neru thread. AHOGE LOVE, APEX HATE.

Previous thread: >>46438010
oh last thread was archived. feels like it’s faster
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We hit the bump limit.
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I'm really glad Nowa is doing things with Neru. It still seems so strange that the other two just pretend she doesn't exist.
Nowa and Neru are playing Gartic Phone.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcOXlQKwdBQ Nowa PoV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFbeInY4MB0 Neru PoV
Was it worth watching? Anything good happen?
They are great together. Definately worth watching.
Neru's zatsudan.
so umm
what's this gacha about? situation voice?
Is that one thing a diorama or are they all digital? I don't get what these things are other than voice clips.
I think it's to give neru a chance to appear in a booth in akihabara.
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She's gangly and awkward like Taylor Swift
I looked at the Neru gacha. カノ has already spent 500$ on it. That's wild.
Neru is playing Tears of the Kingdom.
She might actually have a chance of winning... She's not that far out of 1st place.
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Pico Park collab.
Neru is playing Fall Guys.
that's a lot
New stream:
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holy shit she's gonna win this thing
kano's fucking wild
Last screenshot I saw him post he's spent over 500$ on it.
Why does Nowa laugh like Goofy
Rin cover
Nowa is streaming making noises to songs
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Aoi's utawaku.
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Kanosan...we've got more work to do
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Nowa is a bad dog
no... kano...
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Neru's within range of 100K... 2 days left.
neru dropped to 4th...
I'm just gonna wait until the last day just in case.
Not for long...
She doesn't have to come in first. She just has to get over 100K donuts to get featured by herself on the Comiket screeen. She's already eligible for the group feature because she hit 40K. I think she ends up in a video or something if she ends up in first?
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I fucking kneel, kano and ridgebro.
Nowa is playing Valorant.
Neru is wrecking the competition she's up over 22K on the next person and still rising.
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Going to bed. Hope Neru stays on top through the night. She really might win it all.
Neru is playing Tears of the Kingdom.
horror season is back again. I guess more 3d games instead of rpgm games this time.
I wish she would stream the horror games instead of prerecording them. I was sad that she did The Closing Shift like that.
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Neru is playing Fall Guys.
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Ahoge utawaku
Nowa is playing Platform 8.
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Ahoge utawaku

Looks like she got into the algorithm again when she opened the stream but immediately dropped out when people saw that it's not even a vtuber stream and swiped away from it.
Why did she do it htis way? I feel like Pngtubing with live chat on screen would be better than that.
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She has been using her opening for every lazy stream for a while now.
The stream got back into the algo after my post but I feel like it didn't perform as well as the 3D one. She needs to learn to strike the iron when it's hot if she's going to set ridiculous goals like getting 100k subs this year.
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100k is really ridiculous considering that we're halfway there and she's still less than 50k. Especially when her usual streams are competing directly with bigger chuubas in the same timeslot compared to her 2020 schedule of noon streams.
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cute sickly tapir
>posted this yesterday

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Aoi's utawaku.
Neru is playing Tears of the Kingdom.
These hours are really rough
compared to her noon stream yesterday which got like 100+ viewers?
Yeah. There's surprisingly still some new viewers and the ones gained during these hours are no doubt higher quality than the morning/noon ones.
what's this, 2020?
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Neru is playing Splatoon 3.
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Aoi singing for 45000 subs
Nowa's zatsudan.
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This chuba is sleeping WRONG
This chuba is deceased
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New outfit tomorrow.
what a wide hip
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Aoi 4th anniversary
Aoi's 4th anniversary and new outfit reveal.
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Haruyuki-sensei did it again.
so fat
Pretty good. Best alt by far.
ayo, she stripped
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New era begins.
its perfect
Best AHG outfit by a mile
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A green cat!
where's the tail attached to tho?
Plug in type
It feels Miku-inspired.
Aoi's new cover.
>30k worth of merch released at once
And I'm going to buy none of it.
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Cat girl ahoge in a sports bra with little green shorts and cute sneakers. Haruyuki-mama is a goddamned genius.
Does Aoi not actually have a fan name? Like Rin's komainu? What are we? Dads?
It has been あお汁 since the start.
and that's aojiru right not aoshiru?
I really don't care for this art there's something very offputting about it. I wish we could have just gotten a standard acrysta of her new outfit.
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Neru is playing Tears of the Kingdom.
Neru love!
Man you can't sneak into these indies chats they always notice...
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sideways neru!
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What's Ahoge's best song overall? If you could only show someone one song from her what would it be?
Depends. I would show Phony because it has the best MV but if I was showing it to someone who doesn't like listening to multiple covers of the same song then I would show Zange Mairi.
Neru is playing Suika Game with Mishiro Yuno.
The set bonus for Aoi's anniversary merch is some random thing she bought from somewhere else and not even her own merch.
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I know who the one on the left is but who's that on the right?
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rin no stream
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Nowa's zatsudan.
Neru's V-cone collab.
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please come back sad girl
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Aoi and Nowa collab.
Neru is playing Tears of the Kingdom.
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Neru is reviewing fan-made trading cards.
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Nowa's zatsudan.
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Aoi's new cover.
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Nowa is playing Pikmin 4.
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Neru is playing Tears of the Kingdom.
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Neru is playing Q Remastered.
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Singing relay Aoi's in is starting
what's the grouping theme
"Cute and cool singing voice" which doesn't seem like much of a theme because it kind of just includes everyone.
Rin's new cover.
what the hell, that was sudden
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She had a bunch of videos that were supposed to come out shortly after her anniversary
Rin's new cover.
Aoi is participating in the Doomsday Vtuber Summer Battle vol.2.
This one looks winnable looking at the participants.
does ahoge have whales like Neru that would actually spend on something?
Some people were buying stuff in the previous game but I don't think anyone would really qualify as a whale.
Two of the participants seem to have a bit more dedicated fanbases than Aoi so this might not work out after all.
I think at least 3 people threw 600+$ on Neru for Eternal Medal
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Even Rin is helping out
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What kind of game even is this
Just the typical pay-to-win mobile "strategy" game where you're mostly waiting on timers to upgrade your base and unlock stronger army units.
Aoi would easily win this if even a fraction of the people that watch her joined, but there's only 11 of us right now.
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