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Previous threads:
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Why did she sit?
can the next thread be like a 2hu edits in general instead of just sitting reimu because I found this extremely funny >>46869808 and want to see more
She returns!
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On her way to her second job.
She's posing for the title screen of ZUN's hit game that will release this year in 2002
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>2002 was 8 years ago
time fucking flies
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sakharov's assistant
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This is my seat, get your own
I miss the /jp/izza party already.
How do you pick up the sitting 'mu?
Just starve marisa for a few days and have them switch places
But does Marisa sit?
that's a damn good 'mu
worthy of trips
My arch-enemy...
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She can wait her damn turn
Can Sanae sit as well?
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Yes, she can.
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This is really fitting on a number of levels. But who’s going to be V1 here? Even better if they can match the blue color theme.
there's no foolin'
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Another 2hu joins the sitting.
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Reimu will race today
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Mike's here.
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Everyone is curious how things will unfold.
Sitting all the way to page 10.
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The 'mu always sits.
now I want to see her on the edge of the pit on pl_frontier
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this entity will continue... and this entity, will not.
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I love sitting, do you like sitting? Do you have a special way of sitting that differentiates you from other people?
You're free to make a thread for general edits, this one is for sitting reimu only and shouldn't be sullied with normalfag-tier edits.
Oh no, reimu is a subpar driver
i can feel it, the day coming. of another pizza sitting party, it will be glorious.
Can Reimu sit on the pizza?
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she can sit anywhere she wants
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How did I do?
Where can I buy that outfit?
It's custom made.
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Why did Stalin make her unit :(
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>that look
Mario took damage and lost his mushroom, thats why he is not appearing at second picture.
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This one took work
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I like sitting cross-legged because it squishes my penis gently. Sometimes, i shift in my seat to increase friction.
Goddammit lol. Nicely done you cheeky guy.
9/10, would be 10/10 if it had the same smug reimu that turned him on
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I couldn't be arsed to align it better, so that will have to do.
How many offerings to sit next to Reimu?
You are forbidden to sit next to Reimu unless she personally allows you to sit
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I need more sittin' 'gasa
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>original sit
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Have you tried the moon? There's a similar trending over there.
Put a drenched Reimu next to Tatara
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she is greatly displeased, you better do something to cheer her up.
Now put her in a dryer to dry and warm up
I think there was an edit of Reimu with an afro, but I don't have it saved.
Would she mind sitting on my dick? I'll make her as comfy as possible.
She'd crush it
somebody should dry her off as soon as possible!
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I'm on it!!
giant sit
Oh no! She's going to end up all wrinkly.
This is NOT what I was expecting when I posted that image.
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I love it
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Never mind me I'm just messing around in GIMP
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Did you expect her to be under it?
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Gotta get this on camera
i mean, canonically speaking, i guess it wouldn't be impossible for reimu to appear in the zone, she'd put out some rads though
lookin' good
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Hey what's happening in here guys
White people be like: I'm going to post it again and this time surely will be funny, am I right?
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Yeah you tell em' homie
Well, I wrote this song for the Shinto youth
I wanna teach kids the Shinto truth
If you wanna reach those kids on the street
Then you gotta do a rap to a hip-hop beat
So I gave my sermon an urban kick
My rhymes are fly, my beats are sick
My crew is big and it keeps getting bigger
That's 'cause Hakurei Reimu's my nigga
it's not about the funi, it's about Reimu's Sit
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If something moves I'm sure I can slice it
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A faggot's answer!
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Ticket for one?
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I have got to see this!
Please do not post this shit ever again.

t. an actual nigger
You really just leave your Reimu sitting around the house like this?
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It's okay, she's potty trained.
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POV: You are scrolling through sitting Reimu thread
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I heard the moon sand is very rough, not good for sitting.
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It's so hard to hit Reimu with her tiny hitbox
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She's literally behind you
she is literally behind you
Wheres the gif of Reimu standing and walking but without the blue background, I have a perfect idea and require it
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I'm working on something big and require it
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she's right behind me.. isn't she?
Nothin' personnel...
Thanks Anon
Heres the finished product, it's masterpiece
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I approve
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Great stuff anon
Thanks guys, heres a webm version
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Very nice anon
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That was amazing, thank you!
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These really are some of the best /jp/ threads.
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Really nice
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Page 10, its over..
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Why be the monster when you can just channel one?
Reimu would never channel youkai
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me and reimu
Looks more like a dragon god to me
True, youkai have to be cute girls
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I sit like this. People try to push me over but they can't do it.
Why do random people try to push you over?
They think I am precarious while actually I'm incredibly sturdy.
I imagine the tails really help you keep balance.
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wait, I was reimu all along?
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One last sitting.
Rei Woo.
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what is your problem
Reiuji gave her leukemia
not even master spark can fix this
At least she's still smiling, right, guys? She's still being strong...
it's alright, Bijiri somehow converted Reimu into buddhism
Wow she has a very nicely shaped head
I can't believe Reimu sold out the shrine for a bowl of rice. Oh well. She'll revert back when Yukari inevitably offers her two bowls.
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Needs Yukari in the driver’s seat for that little bonus.
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Ah perfect. And Yukari even brought the rest of her “family” along as well to “train” her favorite shrine maiden!
Chen gets to blow the whistle!
Does anyone else see another sitting Reimu in the train headlights?
she's not sitting there anymore i suppose...
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread, shitting reimu is 2 blocks down
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Is Reimu Delicious?
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I made a mockup. The two lower lights are her bloomers, the top light is her face and the white markings below that are her shirt and neck ribbon.
Reimu is the train, I tell you! You've got to believe me!
yooo ms hakurei, we gotta cook ze
Kaguya will support Reimu during this trying time.
Psychological evaluation with Eirin for the John Anon was scheduled for tomorrow, at exactly 4 PM.
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Go ahead and have a seat. The doctor will see you soon.
Bald Kaguya is very kyute. I want to caress her skin dome and plant a kiss on her forehead. And then, i'd pull her onto my lap (no lewd though).
You even changed the magazines? This is next level sitting indeed.
Reimu? No, my name is Reisen. I'm the only that has sat at the front desk today.
Please take a seat. The doctor will see you soon.
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It's a busy day, there's a bit of a queue...
Is this the youkai waiting room? I might be in the wrong area.
I hope those hags don't bother me while I wait..
Reisen is very polite.
I wonder what Kanako and Yukari are here for.
we're all mad here
I uhhh.. I'm hearing voices.. in my skull. I came here for a check-up?
At least you'll have someone to talk to while you wait.
Kanako must be restless if she can't sit normally.
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It will probably be better to wait in a different section.
...Or maybe the youkai section wouldn't be so bad after all.
Maybe her butt hurts??

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