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Mugetsu :D
the patron saint of paizuri
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Looks very soft
You better start posting in Muge's thread or else.
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Makudonarudo Nuggetsu
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Nuggetsu with fries and a large Genge-cola. And a Mugemilkshake for dessert.
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Behold, the forbidden valley AKA Muge's cleavage !
How to unforbid the forbidden:
Step 1: Ask Muge's permission to explore.
Step 2: Rev up the motorboat and dive in.
I'm more of a flatlands type of guy
Genge's Minkowski space...
It's fake maid time!
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The main difference between Muge and Elly.
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What pokemon would Genge add to her team? based on her personality I'd guess that she favours fast and hard hitting tactics with defence being a secondary concern.
Definitely feels like she'd be the type to spam glass cannons everywhere.
She probably runs both an Alakazam and a Gengar, and harassed Muge into getting her own copy of the game just so she could get them
Muge running nothing but walls and stalling the match so bad that Genge loses patience!
>Don't underestimate me! Together the two of us are actually a full-fledged competitive team!
Swept by Sacchan on turn 6!
The prudish, thirsty auntie vs the loose coz.
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Elly... so much competition...
Yuuka is very popular
Muge's attitude towards sex is probably very casual and carefree. She wouldn't make a big deal out of it unlike Elly.
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Alternative LLShus...
I love them
The fluffyness of S-A's Yuukas are out of this world.
Fire Red or Leaf Green real question here...
Fire Red:

Leaf Green:
I wonder if he has a backstory for her eye colour being different there.
Muge's Muges are nice and all, but what about her butt?
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Smugetsu :D
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Ready to do play house with her?
Why is Elly like this?
No sense of self-preservation.
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What kind of magic is "icemilk magic" anyway?
mugetsu_(touhou) lactation
How does Muge play house? What would anon's role in that be?
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(your) role is the screaming captive as they hold you for ransom while threatening to A. Ruin you for marriage and B. RUIN you for marriage!!
mugetsu: wet nurse
anon: baby
the duality of man
let's be real, they ARE ruining you for marriage, that went without question
the ransom is for if they'll return you afterward
This is why Nephew-kun is scared to visit the getsus and spends most of his time at Mugenkan...
Wrong, this is why Nephew-kun isn't swayed by the promise of Elly's sloshers.
Is Elly filled to the brim with milk, though? She might be big, but does she deliver in the drink department?
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let's just say that MugeMilk continues to have no real competitors.
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Sex with Makai Mom
not only did Kananaberal win the nephewbowl, but she's also the biggest bully of them all
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Kana had the initiative but failed to capitalize. Then she was set back by getting exorcised out of Mugenkan giving Elly basically a free playing field.
Elly, please! You can call it "callisthenics" if you like, but we both know you're still supposed to wear something down there!
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Nope, only cola for you.
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Sorry, these are all we have.
Kana's gloved hands are the ultimate hands experience.
Ahhh! I want Kana-chan to [DEDUCTED] with her hands and then [DEDUCTED]! AND THEN [DEDUCTED]!!
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Time for another Muge lucid dream.
I love this artist's heavy mascara style Muge. It's insanely hot. And his Genge is kinda cool too I guess.
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>And [...] Genge is [...] cool too
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A spoonful of icemilk to make the Mugecine go down!
Given the chance, which LLShu head would you pat?
For me it's Kurumi, even if it cost me a few fingers and half of my blood.
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There is only really one answer here, although you may not like it:
I want Lady Kazami to sit on my lap so I can hug her with one arm and gently pet her head with the other and nothing will get in my way.
Short or long hair?
This is important.
you know how she clones herself in LLS? My headcanon is she modified things and made the clone have her PC-98 look while she switched to her windows look
basically fuck you I'm not choosing all Yuuka's are perfect
okay maybe short hair, but green eyes and the 98 outfit
>My headcanon is she modified things and made the clone have her PC-98 look while she switched to her windows look
What if the reason she's so tame now compared to her PC-98 self is because her personality splits with her?
So she got the serene, plant-loving side of herself, while somewhere out there there's a PC-98 Yuuka whose main hobby is trolling along the lines of domestic terrorism
Not limited to that!
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The fucked up Yuuka from Seihou
Kurumi if she big
pure sex
Boobs not big enough.
She kinda looks like Koakuma here...
Wait a second, both Kurumi and Koakuma start with K! Koincidence? I think not!
OL Kurukuma wearing her old school uniform...
Well, LLS was released 26 years ago...
A lot o cute girls in this thread
Kurumi is a hag!
Milk tavern Muge or Makai throne room Yumeko?
Bedroom Yumemi.
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I like how this cosplayer's Mugetsu is getting own fanart

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Anon! You will drink with Louise at the beach, won't you?
You'll pay too, won't you?
I guess I will. I just hope she won't order anything too extravagantly expensive...
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Elly's lust and how she views nephew-kun is well known, but how does nephew-kun see Elly? He must respect her to some degree, as he obeys his aunties rules like sharing a bath to save water, or sleeping in the same bed to paradoxically keep warm and save on AC costs at the same time, and doesn't question them even when they make no sense.
In my mind, he used to be completely oblivious as a child and, growing up around Miss Yuuka, conditioned never to say no to an older lady. So, for most of those years, he simply went along with whatever Elly said, thinking not much more of it than he would've of passing the salt at the dinner table.

Once, however, he'd turned of age, moved back to the village and reopened his parents' florist shop, becoming independent and breaking free of Westermarck's iron grip, a lot of it got recontextualised and turned into, ahem, enjoyable memories. Nevertheless, although he finds Elly quite attractive these days, he doesn't want to succumb to her charms for fear of making things awkward on those occasions he visits the Mugenkan. It's bad enough that she firmly influenced his preferred body type.

... Actually, this gives me an idea, but I'll save that for when an Elly thread pops up.
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So if Genge got the rapey part, did Muge get the gentle loving part or is it all the rapey part?
I feel like at this point any LLShu thread (and Kana, but curiously not Yuuka threads for the most part) counts as an Elly thread, or a Getsu thread, or a Kana thread or a- you get the idea.
my headcanon's not all that different aside from thinking that he had a massive crush on Miss Yuuka for most of that time that she was completely oblivious to, and although he finds Auntie Elly very attractive, he's just completely incapable of imagining an actual romance or sex with her.
Loving paizurirape
Nephew-kun realizing what's going on and trying to fight back against his conditioning!
Nephew-kun deciding that he can't just let Elly always tell him what to do and blindly obey her!
Nephew-kun being resolute and practicing saying no to Elly in front of a mirror!
Nephew-kun feeling confident that he'll be more assertive from now on!
Elly walking into Nephew-kun's room to fetch him for their daily bath time, gently but firmly grabbing his arm while starting to walk him towards the Mugenkan baths and asking him if he's ready to get washed up!
Nephew-kun folding immediately and just meekly replying "y-yes..."!
Genge is the gamergetsu.
Muge is the slightly weird and aggressively attentive and caring getsu, who will make you play house with her.
Hm, if you say so. With that in mind, all right, here's something I made the other day.
If I may pat myself on the back here, I think the auntie quotient is satisfyingly high in this one.

Was going to make a related Yuuka picture, but couldn't decide if she ought to be on the smaller or bigger side. Or maybe I should do Muge next. Feels like I've never done Muge...
>auntie quotient
>satisfyingly high
You have captured the beauty of hagsex fully within one image anon "anon" lol
If you made a 4koma out of this, you'd probably ascend to auntie godhood.
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Elly having that delicious auntie physique is the factor that elevates this from a great image to an exceptional image.
wonderful aunt energy!
it only makes sense for the master of the mansion to be bigger, right? maybe she gets bigger during spring and summer and smaller during autumn and winter as the flowers wither.
oh also I really liked that picture you did for that THP exhibition of Yuuka talking to Nephew-kun!
Yuuka probably has a fit and a somewhat toned body from all that flower related work she does outdoors, so it would make sense for her to have good sized breasts, but still smaller than Elly and Muge.
Would you a Louise?
I would every MShu except Alice (Doll Weirdo), Mai (Traitor), and Yuki (Mai)
the real question is did Louise ever visit Mugenkan?
Alice and Yuki have their issues, but are they really a worse choice than Yumeko? She makes even Reimu look like an enthusiastic and proactive partner.
My hearth
My dick
Dear god aunty Elly is so hot
I'm no Yuukanist, but I confess these were more fun to make than I'd expected. Think I can get behind the big-but-smaller rationale, too.
Maybe should have posted these in the Yuuka thread, but eh, probably best to contain Nephew-kun nonsense.

... Sorry, was I supposed to be making titty Muges? Damn. Distracted by the greenery...
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Yuki is a great girl! It's just that she's too innocent for her own good, doesnt have anyone to rely beyond Mai, and that one friendship is as toxic as it can get.
She's got some appeal. Ever since Shinki, as part of the MNMR (Makai's natural mixed repopulation), practically forced her daughters to all wear exquisite lingerie, it seems to have been a step in the right direction.
Of course, while one could argue Shinki's education has been... less than stellar towards some of her daughters, it's still salvageable enough that none of them will randomly flash any man passing by as a means of getting a date, however, that's where Yuki comes to play...
You see, Yuki is perhaps the most successful girl on Makaider. Yumeko brings fear to most of Makai's citizens from being this close to the big boss, plus the rumors about her being this emotionless doll aren't helping. Louise would be a good shot but she's hardly ever on her phone, she's always just busy traveling and doing her own thing. Mai gets more enjoyment out of ruining the lives of people she matches with than getting an actual date. She might send a hint of a bra string, claim she's open to you sending dick pics, and bam! She's got you on her ropes. The rumors were quick to spread and Makaider faced a 33% drop in attendance, which even Shinki heard echoes of, but of course, when it comes to being with Shinki, Mai's just mama's sweet little angel that can do no wrong, so she gets off scott free every single time.
That leaves Sara and Yuki. Sara's a little more busy than Yuki which doesnt help, but in the same vein as Yuki, she's not the brightest tool in the shed, nor does she know how to market herself. There's an almost noble aspect to Shinki's lineage, but with that comes a hierarchy, and sadly for Sara, she's never managed to beat the allegations of Shinki's least impressive daughter. Bold as they are, the citizens of Makai and its few lost humans don't really want to settle for her.
Anyways... back to Yuki. There's an anonymous testinomy on Makaichan from one of her dates regarding her general attitude - it reads:
>So I managed to get hooked up with that blond witch. I arrived at the Pandemonium Mansion, to be frank that place gives me the creeps, and so did the look the head maid gave me as I presented myself. To think she also has a profile on Makaider... Anyway, as she coldly accompanied me to Yuki's room, I was utterly lost in thoughts at how much of a chance this would be for me. Dating one of the daughters of the creator of our world? How could I possibly go bigger than that? I had high expectations from these girls, despite the rumors, and what little discussion I had with Yuki.
>Here I was, right in front of her room, I opened the door, and was welcomed with a beautiful woman, with a bright smile, and magnificent clothing. Perhaps she wasn't the most stacked of the selection, but it didn't matter, I already made it this far, and I wasn't gonna complain. She looked so cheerful and happy to see me, she immediately held hands with me and hopped around. Such childlike innocence... I may not be able to have the most thought provoking discussions with her, but at least she could become my ray of sunlight in this dark world, or so I thought. I did my best to be on my A game, and so I told her how well dressed she was. She looked happy, so much so that she lifted her dress to show me what's behind that skirt of hers... Fancy garters and white, lacey panties with golden ornaments. Had I been more strict or educated, i'd be repulsed by her lack of manners, but I, and most prominently, my manhood, didn't care as much, and were rather happy about the sights, as Yuki went on about how it was a gift from Shinki and the panties felt all ticklish on her butt the first time she wore them. It took me a little while to snap out of it, and try to bring her back to her senses, and so, we sat down and had some tea.
>The tea... tasted horrible! I don't know what kind of horrid ingredient she put in there, but I was on the brink of vomitting, just as Yuki came to help me and asked what's wrong. More than help, all I wanted was an answer. What was that horrible aftertaste that took my stomach to the lowest levels of hell? Thankfully, the girl was honest, for whatever reason, and so she said "My best friend gave me this recipe! She said antifreeze was a great way to spice up the tea!"
>ANTIFREEZE?! I... I couldn't stay with her any longer. Beneath that candid look of hers lies a demon, i'm absolutely sure of it. I don't care that she claimed it's her friend's suggestion, I almost died in here!
>I ran away as fast as I could. Thankfully, I wasn't chased by anyone, nor have I heard of Yuki, or anyone else from the Pandemonium Mansion. The conclusion? DON'T.DATE.THIS.GIRL. It's a trap! a beautiful girl baiting you into bringing your own demise!
That testimony was stickied to the /m/ (Makaider) board of Makaichan for 3 months...
Finally writefagging in the lls
>She said antifreeze was a great way to spice up the tea!
She didn't lie
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Honestly, how could Nephew-kun resist?
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Good morning Getsus!
Good morning Anon!
>... Sorry, was I supposed to be making titty Muges? Damn. Distracted by the greenery...
How about making one about Elly "tending" to Yuuka's "greenery" as one of her duties as her "lower gate" guardian.
A good morning with the 'Getsus...
Sorry. Girls touching girls is icky.
... Unless they're Moon rabbits. I'll make a dispensation for sororising Moon rabbits.
A getsu scene is fine too. And I sure hope that Genge manages to film that new commercial of hers.
Where is Kurumi's dinner, anon? You DID remember to pick up the blood packs, right? She's getting pretty hungry already and Elis is coming over later as well.
No packs. Only a tube.
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Gengetsu in L*st W*rd

Blood packs.
She's not joking around here.
Aunty is trying out Muge's new look and put on extra mascara today.
Does Mugenkan maintain diplomatic relations with other nations like Makai or Hell?
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They maintain healthy diplomatic and commercial ties. Diplomatic as in Genge goes around to explode things in rural Makai when she's bored and commercial as in Muge goes to Makai City to buy tea supplies.
Hell is so big that Heca and Zanmu can't really control who visits, but Genge is known to come to play sometimes. It's said that every time she visits 20% of Hell's budget has to be redirect to reconstruction efforts.
Genge films Genge Cola advertisements there. She's very particular about the destruction shots in the advertisements being real
it's like red bull, but instead of giving you wings, it gives you genge rape tiem
The head of Makai customs and border control is so incompetent that Genge-cola doesn't even have to be smuggled in. It can be freely imported. What was Shinki thinking appointing Sara for such a position?
what do you think is getting Sara through those boring gate shifts without her becoming an even worse version of Meiling by falling asleep all the time?
I have a feeling that 20% of Hell's budget is allocated to reconstruction efforts at any moment anyway, whether Genge has recently visited or not. Their other visitors and especially Hell natives probably rampage quite often. Whenever a Makai delegation visits, an entire district burns to the ground. Whenever there's a soccer game, there's a riot. Whenever Heca increases taxes, violent protests break out. Whenever Heca lowers taxes, violent protests break out. To Genge, Hell is just one big rage room where she can destroy stuff, but for free.
There is an Elly hiding in this image.
I spotted her, now all the sudden I'm wanting a Where's Waldo thing with Elly
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You never know where you might spot an Elly. She's always close by, keeping an eye on Nephew-kun, wherever he may be and whatever he might be doing.
Very well hidden Elly
damn, nephew-kun, where'd you get a tan like that?
Same place Cirno got hers.
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What a fluffy little bundle of sweetness, I cannot imagine the owner of that face being a deranged sociopath!
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I can fix her
imagine the soft
Got lewd aunties on my mind again, but promise I'm going to make that Gengecola ad the very next thing. Have an exciting new flavour to unveil, even.

In the meantime, have this generic Elly porn:
It can't be helped, the auntie is just too erotic to ignore.
lick lick lick

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