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I love Yuugi, she is equal parts cute and sexy and a very memorable character in SA.
We need to have a thread where we discuss both her cuteness and sexiness
Was looking for Yuugi threads in the archive and holy shit it is criminal how little love she gets here
She's so cool
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Would she let a tiny human like me suck her breasts
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Threadly reminder that being able to see her crotch through her skirt is canon.
She kicks my ass into a pulp nearly every time I encounter her in SA but she's still so cool about it and I know she just wants me to get stronger & I can so that's okay
Dick-crushing paizuri
Canon amazon.
My headcanon, and dick, grows stronger everyday.
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I am currently in Japan and I went on a pilgrimage to Ooe mountain in Yuugi's honor. It took me 4 hours longer than it had to because I was unaware that there was a bus that took you to the start of the actual hiking trail closer to the top of the mountain (which later turned out to not even be running on the day I went anyways) so I walked three and a half hours through the mountain via an isolated road to get there.

My initial intent was to buy some alcohol before I went up and do it with a buzz to really get in the proper mood but I did not plan any of this out and only had a rough idea of where it was based on google maps so I underestimated just how far from civilization (convenience stores) this mountain really was. Given all the walking I did through uneven terrain and occasionally raw uncleared mountain, maybe it was for the best.

Nice view from the top though.
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Big Oni feet
She uses these to step on shota cocks
I want Yuugi to beat me up...
I had this made https://x.com/kasuya_baian/status/1796345855475437812?s=46
I'm sure Yuugi apreciates the pilgrimmage even if you were sober.
Yeah it means more Alcohol for her
Yeah exactly
Also considering Yuugi's amount of raw influence over both the unexplainable and unfathomable I'm not terribly surprised to hear it turned out as such anyways, I'm sure trekking through raw nature was beauteous in its own right
And I have been rewarded with stronger legs.
Shrines and temples are great too but something about Japanese nature hits a little different.
Onis are easily the worst race in touhou, they are arrogant, brutish, dumb, and can't accept someone stronger than them
Yuugi broke the mold by becoming a responsible business owner.
What do you think Yuugi’s braps are like guys
Even though I am one of the people that prefer her with some muscle definition to her, that has become one of my favorite images of her.
The Gensokyo Chronicle actually proves that they're one of the best races in Touhou, and objectively the most wifeable species of Youkai.
Go on, what does it say?
>Their personalities are both cheerful and ferocious, and they can be quite belligerent with those they dislike. However, they will be warm hearted and considerate to those they recognize as friends and will absolutely never betray them.
>Always honoring their promises, they can think of no other way to behave than to be fair and square.
>There are no youkai who are as forthright as the oni.
As wives, oni have no rivals in heaven and earth.
Suika seems a bit dastardly compared to the average oni.
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I don't like her lips
Suika is an outlier
Damn I wanted her to snu snu me and leave lipstick marks all over my sexually devastated body
Turning loyal oni gf into loyal oni wife......
And so is Kasen.
I think those qualities are cute! Big dumb barbarian women are cute!
Yuugi zajebała mi szlugi
Now make her bald.
That's beyond my skill level
Excuse me??
Give her two horns.
that artist drew loads of touhou stuff, then in the space of one day deleted all of his accounts, made new accounts, and only draws blue archive now
The unhinged nature of fan artists is why I always save anything I even just kind of like, in the off chance that the artist loses their shit and nukes everything in such a manner. Never count on always being able to come back to something that you like.
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I want to get drunk and smooch that adorable oni despite having nasty alcohol breath by that point!
Alcohol breath isn't nasty
You'll never improve if you don't try anon
How about giving her a mohawk or some other hair style instead?
It is strange knowing that while they may not know what she is called or what she is from, both my parents have an awareness of what Yuugi looks like due to a key chain of her I have on my bag.
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How much weight do you suppose that horn can handle? I would like to hang off of it like a monkey.
>she is equal parts cute and sexy and a very memorable character
This but the opposite.
She's a very memorable character with equal parts sexy and cute?
Speaking of Yuugi and being memorable, it is kind of funny that she was more or less ignored for years until suddenly she made an appearance in a side game along with not just one but two appearances in official manga. Is a Yuugi renaissance upon us?
I'll keep praying.
Shitty fake oni! Don't show your face around here!
Don't do that to her. She was just messing around.
>it is kind of funny that she was more or less ignored for years
This is most touhou characters, no?
You know what, that's true. I'm sure Ichirin fans were pleasantly surprised too, when she popped up in a side game.
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Cute business Yuugi
Learning a thing or two about the business to help out and lighten her workload!
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I give her relaxing foot massages
Favorite combination of Yuugi looks? Like out of t-shirt, yukata, ponytail, loose hair, height+level of musculature, etc.
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T-shirt, ponytail, at least 7 feet tall, buff but not too beefy. I still really like her yukata.
>I still really like her yukata.
I agree. The yukata is nice and all but the T-shit is iconic. I think the hair styles would make more sense swapped too. Ponytail for the sporty T-shirt look and loose hair for the relaxed yukata look.

For me it's ponytail, T-shirt, around 6'5", and muscular but not chiseled. She should definitely have definition to her muscles but she seems like she probably enjoys drinking and other dietary vices too much to be chiseled.
Imagine Seija becoming jealous of you being infatuated with Yuugi, so she sabotages your chances with her, only for those efforts to backfire and cause a Yuugi that was indifferent to you previously to come to like you a lot!
Enough with the shotas!
It could hold you anon don't worry
Having Yuugi help me maintain a respectable level of fitness by having her let me use her horn as a pull up bar!
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The only rule is that every time you pull up you have to give her a kiss on the horn, otherwise it doesn't count.
Sounds like a deal!
Yuugi threads are rare, but when they happen it makes them even greater
That's just something that should be done by default without being told to do it...
I want to be abused by Yuugi :)
Alternatively, putting in the bit of extra effort to lean over and give her the smooch directly.
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I wonder just how much different top shelf sake tastes compared to the cheap stuff.
I doubt the oni even drink top shelf sake. They probably drink shit that’s practically pure alcohol.
Most sure, but Yuugi's dish turns it all into the top shelf stuff. If she's drinking moonshine then she's drinking the finest moonshine in former hell.
Imagine Yuugi forcing you to drink alcohol. Imagine Yuugi laughing at you because your weak human body cannot handle the alcohol she drinks.
Joke is on her, if I don't fast the entire day before drinking it takes me an irritatingly long amount of time to get drunk!
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ZUNart Yuugi!
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does she hate being stuck in old hell?
No but she has some jealously that Suika is allowed to roam free.
I was always under the impression that she along with everyone else down could leave whenever they wanted and just choose not to because they like it better down there. How did the Komeijis get out?
Satori has a hall pass. Koishi is unstoppable.
Does old hell have a good work life balance?
Maybe it's just because she's the top dog but Yuugi seems to have plenty of time to sit around and drink despite apparently running the place now.
pretty much, the hot springs and entertainment are there to make people not want to leave even if they could. the moment they get locked up for real is when they start wanting to leave
I still wonder how long Yuugi has been the boss of the district. Did she already hold that position when we first see her or did she come into it some time between SA and the spin off game?
All of the above.
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Would you still love her in her true form?
I would unironically, I already get hard at DOOM demons
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She would be happy to hear that.
I'd love her but I wouldn't be able to get it up.
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She would understand that love is a two way street and not be in that form all the time.
This idea rarely gets brought up in character threads but what do you imagine her voice sounds like?
Probably deep and husky, like Romi Park’s voice.
I went to go look up who that was and wow, she sure voiced a lot of male characters. Perfect voice for a gruff woman like Yuugi.
I feel as though Yuugi speaking with a Kansai dialect would be fitting too.
Yeah, that would fit.
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Affectionate drunk oni speaking to you with a Kansai dialect...
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Would you still kiss her on the mouth?
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This dude HATES Yuugi with defined lips!
I wonder what sort of entertainment is down there that made everyone want to stay there
I imagine it was like Vegas with hot springs where they had the springs, bars, gambling, brothels, and every other form of debauchery you can think of.
Hmmm oni brothels
Truly a hell one can thrive in.
I don't think they would have gambling, for one thing g it's meant to help the spirits there as well as keeping them there.
And a second thing is that unlike in Vegas they just can't force them into the sewers and drown them since spirits can't die from drowning.
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ZUN wrote this flavor text for Former Hell in the TTRPG which included the hot springs
Most efficient way for a mortal man to ward off evil spirits?
I always saw it as underground youkai were hated by sirface youkai so rather than dealing with their bullshit they made their own hell with hotsprings and hookers. Someone like Yamame couldn't go up without being accused of starting some disease shit every step so why bother?
Explains why Satori is down there too. I wonder where her European palace came from though because something tells me it wasn't always there.
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Would you screw it into your own forehead to gain the strength of an oni?
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Yuugibros, our response?
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Rather than staying by her own will she's more like forced to stay in old hell. It's why she likes to leave when she gets a chance
I don't give a FUCK what some rando thinks.
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My response is that he's certainly right about you.
But at least you're not representative of all Yuugi fans.
Yeah I'm thinking yuugi is reddit
I'm now #kasenmissile
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SMALL horn!
You hate to see it
Yuugi's horn size fluctuates more than Reimu's gohei
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I like it best when it has a little bit of a curve to it.
It's cute.
>yuugi's stomps are enough to destroy nearby buildings
Yeah but they're probably talking about the primitive buildings in gensokyo that break easily, i don't think yuugi is that strong
You just need to rub it a little and it'll get bigger
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It worked, thanks for the tip.
Lip anon is so determined to tear off her lips every time he sees them, I wonder what he does with them afterwards though
He eats them.
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If any of you haven't read this, do so now
Man, I used to love that artist and that was one of my favorite depictions of Yuugi too. Shame he went full coomer and never came back.
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Unfortunately it's one of many such cases for Touhou artists. Either they go all in on porn, abandon Touhou alltogether for shit like Kancolle or some other Gacha, or both.
Though there is still a fair share of artists and animators that stick around simply because they love Touhou.
You hate to see it with artists as talented as that guy. His ability to draw tacticool and action scenes were top notch but I guess if you're an artist it's ultimately going to be porn that pays your bills.
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I personally think Romi Park is too gentle and refined and I've never heard her play a role quite like Yuugi before. Somebody who can speak like a punk Yakuza and is comfortable with shouting like Kobayashi Yuu (Noi) would do the character best.
When Romi Park shouts her voice turns quite feminine imo which is wonderful obviously but not quite Yuugi.
Both of these people have asmr voice works and Kobayashi has a certain other 2hu under her belt.
>im not pansexual BUT
>edit2: nvm i think im actually panromantic lmao
>someone plz make a genderneutral term for king/queen
Please don't ever post this abomination again, ever. You will never be a woman.
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I can picture her sounding like Baiken from Guilty Gear too.
lmao what the absolute fuck
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One honk each.
I remember an artist that claimed Yuugi as his wife only to leave her for some gacha slut
Was the art good and out of curiosity, which gacha slut?
>Was the art good
It was decent
>which gacha slut?
Blue archive of course
Grim on both accounts. There are too few artists who draw Yuugi as it is and losing them to coomerslop is a pity.
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Hate to see that.
She'll do the same to your balls, little honks
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Dinner with the oni...
Feel like the amounts of food and alcohol there should be reversed.
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Helping Yuugi with her bindings, on the few occasions she can remember to wear them. No bra can contain her (for long).
I would stab it into my forehead for sure if it means getting Yuugi level strength then proceed to bleed but that's just a minor side effect
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Patting the oni on the head!
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I don't know if my hands are big enough to give them a proper honk...
Baiken has such a hot voice...
Oh shit, this was one of the first touhou doujins I read way back when. ;_; It has a special place in my heart. I love the way Imizu drew Yuugi! Cute and beefy!
Yeah, tell me about it. I got a folder full of all her voice lines.
Sometimes I've thought about what would happen if they met. There would certainly be a huge fight, but they'd also get drinks afterwards, as you do. That's how Yuugi prefers to make new friends anyway. She would definitely like her, but I'm not sure if Baiken would want to be chummy with an oni.
I was just about to comment that I'd like to see Yuugi in Baiken's outfit when I clicked the image and saw that is exactly what it was.

I am not exactly well versed in Guilty Gear lore, why wouldn't she like an oni?
Her family was killed and village destroyed by creatures called Gears when she was little, which turned her into a vengeful samurai hobo. It's easy to draw parallels between demons and Gears, and it would make sense for her to see them as similar monsters. She's very righteous and hot-headed, and I don't doubt that Yuugi has kidnapped, killed, or eaten some people in her heyday, so I wonder if she would hold that against her. In GG the Japanese are almost extinct so she feels a duty to protect her people. Still, as of Strive she's mellowed out considerably and even given up her revenge quest, so I like to believe there's still a chance they could find kinship together as fierce warriors who have since settled down into a more modest life. Perhaps Baiken might consider she's somewhat of an oni herself. She used to be quite bloodthirsty in the earlier games.
Oh, fuck, her VA also voiced Zinaida in Armored Core Last Raven.

And yeah, I think I fuck with that voice for Yuugi.
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Baiken speaking with a Kansai dialect, that would be the ideal Yuugi voice for me. I know she is never known to speak with such a dialect but it somehow feels right for her.
If Hifuu Activity Record ever does an episode on Former Hell, they ought to hire Mayumi Asano to do exactly that.
Be unbiased for a second, does Meiling stand a chance?
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To win? No. But she would give Yuugi one of the best fights of her life.
>meiling fighting the oni who leveled and resculpted mt ooe in 2 swings
Not remotely.
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I like to imagine that what really set her apart from other oni and shot her into the top 4 was technique. She managed to gain the title of "The Strong" among a race that is already known for their strength because she was one of the few that bothered with something like technique and when the time came to prove herself among them, was able to beat their asses in ways that they have never experienced before. This isn't to say that she isn't also freakishly strong for an oni, just that she knew how to utilize that strength in ways that most oni simply didn't consider.

She's probably fine with just smacking around most enemies with nothing but brute strength but if you're strong enough to be worthy of it, she will start using that technique and show you what she was holding back.
I might've had a dream where Yuugi was really into BDSM as an M and I've come to the horrifying conclusion that this fits her character way to well since she likes to handicap herself so she can have a good fight.
She's not the pure Oni I thought she was...
BDSM Yuugi as the M (or really just the M in general) is something I love more than anything when it comes to Yuugi smut but unfortunately artists don't seem to share my enthusiasm for it because what I have seen of such things are few and not the best of quality. Beggars can't be choosers so I save it regardless but I really wish there was more of it and in higher quality. Hell, I'd even settle for AI slop of it if it's done passably well.
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I NEED oni!
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This is my Yuugi.
There are many like it, and most of them don't look like anything close to her.
But this one is mine.
Yuugi feels like she has a lot more variations in her depictions and how people generally them compared to many other characters.
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