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Seven-Colored Paizurist
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Alice should have medium breasts.
They are not that small.
Imagine the sex
is this like the containment Alice thread for gooncord troons or something? If so please stay here and don't encroach on the other Alice thread
"gooncord troons" dude listen to yourself
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Built for breeding
t. trooncord goon
I would like a paizuri from Alice, but the dolls looking at you would be really creepy.
Ignore the dolls or just cover your eyes and focus on enjoy the pleasurable pressure
Alice should stop feeding her dolls with gunpowder
I want Alice's giant fat cheeks giving me an assjob
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I want to cum in her bra.
someone repost that booby shanghai
why was it deleted? it's not nsfw
Shinki would not like this.
Nakadashi in Alice please.
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Shinki pumps Alice full of cum every chance she gets. It's why she created her in the first place
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Its /d/ shit, man
Hey why is she colored if she's blonde and light skinned??? Not only that, SEVEN-colored???
why do so many people find such copious amounts of fat and sweat to be arousing
No point trying to explain fetishes, you either get it or you don't.
I won't accept that anon, you made me look at it and now you have to explain yourself
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Too small.
clearly isn't
why the double standard?
Recently, a few 2hus have been getting their own boob threads. Remi, Orin and now Alice.
Post bigger if you have them then.
There's so little Alice chounyuu art out there
It might be too /d/-ish but there are bigger Alices out there.
Alice also has a good booty
Like here
New alipai just dropped
the natural consequence of sitting around while having dolls do all your work
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Buuuuuutttt can it go bigger?
She looks great with huge tits.
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too lewd...
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man it took me a while to find a sfw pailice pic in my pailice folder
She certainly has good genes.
I used to be afraid of dolls as a kid, now I want to attempt reproduction with them. I think I'm still scared of them, but I have the courage to fight and fuck my fears. I think I'd get along with Alice, though she's not a favorite of mine. She can even treat me like one of her dolls!
makai mammaries
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fuck those paizurers
Wish Alice was my mommy and she cooked for me in nothing but her apron. Then put me to bed, kiss my cock tip, and whisper me a lullaby while she paizuries me to sleep
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>kemono not updated in like 2 years
its so fucking over
Yeah it really sucks when there's not updates in kemono, im still waiting some updating for the artist of picrel and here:
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useless dollmaker only good for paizuri
Even the dolls themselves think so
Anyone have that old set of PC-98 loli Alice getting paizuri'd while she's asleep? Don't know why I can't find it anywhere anymore.
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puberty has finally hit lolice...
built to paizuri beast cocks
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What would Alice think of this thread?
probably flustered (yet horny) for all the hornyposting around her body, but relieved and comforted (and horny) that people arent mean at her
Frustrated because her boobs aren't that big.
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so alice is a sex-starved dork, clearly
but in a hypothetical situation like if you were spirited away to gensokyo and accepted her offer of safe shelter in her home, how much danger would you be in?
sure, her dolls could restrain you, but I don't know if she has the guts to take things further herself
probably would just record your clothing measurements sneakily and then build a lifesize replica of you once you're gone, imo
>sure, her dolls could restrain you, but I don't know if she has the guts to take things further herself
She controls the dolls.
I don't think you are in any risk of being raped. Alice knows that raping you means blowing any chance of having a romantic or at least platonic relationship with you. She'll just try to convince you to remain in her house for as long as possible.
She would feel too bad about actually doing anything to you for moral reasons. So yeah, the replica/doll theory is the most likely outcome.

But if her magic allowed it, she would just dehumanize you as much as possible in order to feel no remorse. Probably by taking away your speech, and all human biological needs. So that she really sees you as not a living being, but just a sex toy.

At that point, you'd be kept as a sex slave and shoved into her attic or closet, only to be allowed out whenever she feels like using you.
sorry Alice, I only like you for your tits.
I love alice for everything of her
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You can have Alice for life, but only use her for one of these things. Which do you pick?

this choice would have barely any effect, alice would use anons however she pleases
it took me a while to realize what I was looking at, you're fucked if you see that
paizuri is the only correct answer
Shanghai onahole (vaginal)
>but I have the courage to fight and fuck my fears
This is so inspirational.
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