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Would you play house with her?
Nah. She'd probably enjoy playing with Reisen (Eirin's turn to have Medi) or Kurumi (Yuuka's turn to have Medi) more.
Yes. I'll become the town rapist.
No, I would burn her alive if I had the chance, fuck her.
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Tell that to her.
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>fuck her
Don't mind if I do!
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Medicine is a weird one for me, because I met her not in PoFV, but in a fangame, and in that fangame, she was an antagonistic force to be reconned with and had a very nice redemption, I distinctly remember when I went to her page on the wiki and how dissapointed I was her design was so lame and her character so boring.
Are you talking about TPDP? If yes then I think that game degenerates her character to a secondary antagonist for the sake of it, you don't even get to fight her through most of the game unlike with most Pokemon villains, the only times you will fight her are in the Nuclear Reactor and then on the Suzuran Field. The least I can do is respect that the guy who made the game chose Medicine instead of some random popular character, but I hate how he writes her as a complete asshole who is angry at everyone for no reason, she's basically a gag villain made to laugh at but oh no she's sad now! Let's cry for her because of how weak and pathetic she is...
Canon Medicine not like this, she is well-humored and composed, TPDP's Version of Medicine is not a character i like. It ignores the core aspects. Oh and the characters she is grouped with are a terrible choice, i theorize his original idea was having a group of idiots that don't have any purpose so basically team 9, and she's grouped with them because "oh look how silly she is"
I absolutely love the idea of Medicine being the leader of a doll's liberation gang, it's just that the way this is handled is so stupid, it gets worse when it's revealed that Yuuka is the one behind it and frankly this disgusts me. As if the creator just assumes the character he's writing is not smart enough to even plot for herself, in the end Medicine was just irrelevant and is even treated as a joke in the youma book. You know what's the worst part of this? The worst part is that I enjoyed that game, it would be perfect if the Medicine arc was actually good. But unfortunately it seems like this community doesn't respect Medicine as a character at all, they will praise everyone else and treat her like the odd one out. I hate this.
>Lame personality boring design
If you came here just to say this then leave.
No, Shanghai.EXE, I am having severe trouble running Puppet Dance Performance, I was supposed to be playing that, but that thing just refuses to cooperate, so I moved it further on my list.
I really dont like Medicine, but I know where youre coming from, the whole the character you like is poorly written and not in a very grafeul position on peoples minds thing, it happened to me, so I can respect that.
>I distinctly remember when I went to her page on the wiki and how dissapointed I was her design was so lame and her character so boring.
Touhou in a nutshell.
I actually like her in Shanghai I think they did a good job.
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I think Medicine is a rather nice character. I like that she doesn't really go out of her way to integrate into Gensokyo's society after PoFV, only ever attending one shrine festival with Eirin, but she still tried to get better at making friends and understanding people. Her character is quite open and there's a lot of different interpretations and futures you could think of, but having her live a relaxed life on the hill while trying to understand the wishes of other dolls and slowly change their lives for the better is one of my favourite views. I also like momom pancake's interpretation of her; I like how her Medi is quite irritable and tries to be mature. I think it's better than just seeing her as cute. Medicine most definitely isn't dumb; she might be inexperienced and not very social but she's not afraid of talking it out and clearly stating her views. She doesn't cower before Eiki or simply reject her like other characters, but she states her goals and her ideas.
Can I fuck her?
She will fuck you
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>fuck her
So tiny
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Certain people like Medi-chan a little too much...
Yes Medsie is perfect
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Medi's not the best at making friends, but everyone that spends some time with her ends up loving it.
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I love this guy's drawings
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I guess so, but begrudgingly, because house is pretty boring. I think I would have more fun with something like hide-and-seek, maybe tag but I’m pretty slow and that game doesn’t work well with only two players.
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Me too
makes a lot of cute Medis
Do NOT let Medicine be the seeker. She'll cover the whole area with poison to induce a coughing fit in everyone. What a cheater!
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Medicine really pairs well with green or flower fields
Her cuteness shines in nature.
It's her natural habitat
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The contrast between the artificial doll with strong colors and the gentle nature behind her is good too. It's really nice how she doesn't look out of place.
Love the colors in this image.
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Yeah, it's very nice. Medicine's red and black color palette is great at the hands of a good artist. Shame we only have one ZUN illustration of her
doll erotic...
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Doll sex
Sure, let me dress up appropriately for the occasion.
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Of course
Stalker! get out of here!
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Is it just me or has Medicine gotten an uptick in popularity recently?
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Her popularity has been growing organically for a while.
This must be the result of her recent fan game. I wonder if it will be reflected in this year's popularity poll.
I bet Medicine's popularity will increase by 1 rank!
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I somewhat doubt this, but it would be nice if it was so. The game did look very nice.
I feel like her popularity in /jp/ is a reflection of the fact that there are 3 anons extremely dedicated to bump her threads whenever they hit page 10, but they don't just post images without text and actually try to discuss her. She's had two threads pass more than a hundred days recently.
I don't really know if her popularity is growing that much in Japan... But her cuteness is undeniable, maybe more people are realizing it.
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She's more popular in Japan indeed
I would put her in a meat grinder and turn her into a new type of Medicine to test on people
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Well, she does get lots of quality art, that's for sure. Even with her 2P colors.
Which do you like more? I think the red is an overall stronger outfit due to contrast but the purple ties in nicely with her poison theme.
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I prefer red.
But I also like how her p2 shirt has a slightly purple tone
The M in Medicine stands for Morning and the M in Melancholy stands for Medium Breasts!
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Red is best but her p2 color scheme is probably the best in Touhou
Summer Medicine.
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I like Itatatata's Medicine
That is a very cute Medicine indeed
It reminds me of one image that explained that Medi's dress represents the bulb of a plant.
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Medicine holding a big flower! She always looks good like this.
>Medi's dress represents the bulb of a plant.
I can't believe I never made that connection...
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Here it is. It's not exactly what I remembered, but it's still a plant-inspired design
It seems so obvious now. I just never thought to make that association. Funnily enough I think it also applies to her socks too.
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They are friends, not dolls.
Please give her back her limbs.
now i can carry her in my pocket, wheter she likes it or not.
She's just getting some maintenance done.
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Alice should be more careful... She's touching Medi's poison body without gloves!
I'm sure it'll be fine. As a magician she's used to dealing with a lot of dangerous substances like mercury. Maybe she has a spell that offers the protection of gloves without compromising her precision.
Now if it were Marisa, you'd have more reason to worry.
Take off the suit anon, it's rude to wear it to play with her...
I'm just playing along with her!
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Not even Remilia can resist Medicine's cuteness...
The bat was later quoted as saying that Medicine has a lot of "charisma"
[citation needed]
Super cute Okuu doll!
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It was in the latest edition of the Gensokyo Review. I guess you might have missed it.
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the great Hakurei firewall forbids access to gensonet websites
you'd have to ask zoomi for help since she made an AI that can make it through the barrier
By the way, Medicine is a regular contributor on Yuuka's gardening website. But she doesn't have a computer at home, so she must rely on Eientei's facilities to use it.
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accidentally saged
Cute Medicine should solve this.
>Gensokyo Review
I only read reliable sources like Bunbunmaru.
Medicine Melancholy at her computer. And doing a presentation.
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Medicine is a very smart doll!
Although I wonder who's the audience for the presentation. She certainly seems excited, so I'd imagine it's probably Eirin?
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Medicine is best in a flower field.
Maybe she's making a video for that internet thing? She saw an opportunity to talk about how cool poison is and she took it. She's going to start a channel where she can finally talk about poison, dolls and flowers and be heard!
Aya's going to help her set up her profile!
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I personally think Medicine Melancholy is really hot
Medi's mom must be so proud to watch her give her first conference talk!
Same I want to cum inside of her
That is a very cute Medicine. I don't want any stinking tengu near her. Get zoomiereko to help her set up things.
Why Medicine?
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Why not?
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Here is why.
Surely Medicine would have drawn a lily of the valley for her flower instead.
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That's clearly something that I wrote, not Medi. It would be strange for her to refer to herself in the third person, after all. But You're right; maybe I should have drawn her flower to better represent her. I'm of firm belief that Medi pairs well with all flowers, though. Here's the template.
This Medicine is prescribed for you and good for the heart.
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But take care and do not let the Medicine make contact with your eyes.
Or your hair.
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Or your food.
This doll gives me more thoughts of lust than anything else.
Good thing Yuuka had a backup plan.

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