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"Gifted and Talented" edition

Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Fumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides (a bit dated)- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html
Gift Closet: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nuigurumi_costume/
Online Shop: http://giftshop.jz.shopserve.jp/

Fumo: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=ふもふも
Deka: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=でかふも

Fumo: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=フモフモ ふもふも&lang=en
Deka: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=デカフモ でかふも&lang=en

Tokyo Otaku Mode-

Solaris Japan-

Fumo: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=ふもふも+東方ぬいぐるみ
Deka: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=でかふも+東方ぬいぐるみ

Amiami- Amiami is currently the only place for non-jp people to buy Fumos during official sales, check Gifts twitter for sale dates
Fumos: https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=touhou%20plush&s_sortkey=releasedated
Gift Closet: https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=gift%20closet&s_sortkey=releasedated

Proxy and Forwarding services-

Do not buy from JP Figures. They are a scam.

Where can you get Fumos in Tokyo?
Akiba Hobby, AmiAmi, Lashinbang, and K-Books in Akihabara. Animate in Ikebukuro. Mandarake and Surugaya have multiple locations.

#/fumo/ irc available on irc.rizon.net

link to the op text: https://pastebin.com/jJsKV0QJ

Previous thread:
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As always: check AmiAmi for current pre-orders (there's 9 different ones right now)
Are Fumos even sold in physical spaces? I scoured every place that would sell that kind of thing in Japan and did not see a single one. I saw some like 10 years ago but not this time.
Yeah, this is from like a week ago, K-Books in Akihabara. But as was said in the other topic, they are sold at outrageous prices
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f r o g and
I saw it on a listing alongside Reimu, Mari and Tenshi just searching touhou plush and anime plush, try also searching Madoka.
This chart is fucking ridiculous and 90% of the space is wasted, surely we can do better
i was backreading the thread when i realized i can and probably should help you. here
shes a bootleg, but shes very goddamn good. better than the one on aliexpress and bigger than a normal fumo too. heres homura as well
godspeed, meguca loving anon
fumo fumo?
A suggestion has been made for that, here's the story so far.

In short, it looks like someone with free time and a bit of motivation will have to take care of it.
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She's my only favorite whose Fumo I'm missing. I hope that she gets a rerelease soon, because those 18K JPY + shipping on Buyee are just too much.
At least I can cope with her Mini for the time being.
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Looks like Chen, Ran, & Yukari are now up for pre-order and won't be shipped until
>January 2025
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oredered 4 of them what's cheapest but not trash like registered air packet
beautiful place, anon. where is this?
I have been banned from amiami for like a decade, is it worth using a proxy site to order?
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The fuck did you do
I just missed paying for too many orders when I was a teenager trying to dig up money.
Can't you just make a new account?
I did it for a previous fumo drop when it was free for all ordering and I managed to get one but they canceled my order and shut down the new account and refused to unban me when I asked. Right now I'm just begging them to unban me again and if it's another no I'll figure something out I guess.
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Is anybody here able to tell if these Bocchi the Rock fumos are authentically manufactured by Gift because Aniplex went out of their way to hide the name of the manufacturer


Anime "BOCCHI THE ROCK!" Plush [Hitori Gotoh] Fumofumo Hitori.(Pre-order): https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=GOODS-04483921
They have been reposted by the official Gift twitter at least so I assume so.
Can't link reposts, but if you scroll down a bit it should show: @gift_news
Also Cloverworks did list Gift™ as the collaborative company in their tweet
Lolo Forest in Montana!
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I had enough money to buy a Nue fumo but I didn't have enough to pay for the shipping, thankfully, my mom agreed to lend me money for it. I will soon be getting the nueners fumeau.
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Don't forget you only have a couple of days left to order Okuu, Orin, Kogasa, Parsee, Sagume, Nue, and medium Remi, Flan, and Maid.

Looks like I'm working overtime baby!
Are these only sold by CloverWorks and AmiAmi?
the prospect of choosing between the kitan~ and the nijika fumos brings me physical pain
I remember they saying somewhere they don't allow proxies, so you'll probably have to try using an obscure one.
Anon they come in a package deal, you can't just seperate kessoku band like that
It's so weird for the mini fumos to take as long as the regular ones to ship, even though they're not preorders
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According to CloverWorks tweet, Bocchi the Rock fumos are only available for purchase at Aniplex Online and CloverWorks Branch Office in Amiami

From the anime "Bocchi the Rock!", Goto Hitori, Ijichi Nijika, Yamada Ryo, and Kita Ikuyo appear in the fluffy stuffed animal series. Reservations will be accepted until around 23:59 on Tuesday, August 20th. (Plush toy manufacturing cooperation: Gift Co., Ltd.)



their bond doesn't prevent my government from taxing the shit out of them and making me go bankrupt
unless I go for an entire month eating nothing but weeds and grass...
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Cute snaae
Cute froggs
pantira >///<
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Thank you for the info!

Dang, you found a bootleg goldmine. They even have customs of 2hus who never got actual fumos. I'll definitely keep this place in mind for later.
Thanks a lot!

Another dumb question, does anyone know if you are able to change the address of an Amiami preorder before it ships? Or are you locked in when you purchase it?
hitori already preordered, I really want kyo (and all of them) but i'm already nearing $100 in canuckville with one.
I had a dream she was available, is this true?
Even as a bootleg
I'm going on a trip tomorrow and I want to take some pictures with Eiki but I can't sleep because I'm terrified that I'll lose her somehow. Do any fumo photographers have tips for keeping them safe?
what kind of dangers are we talking about?
I don't know much but I'd say just don't take your eyes off of her, be aware of animals (dogs in particular) and don't try to balance her near a cliff or something like that. other than that, the worst that could happen is getting the fumo dirty.
>weirdly modified fumo eyes
>blush stickers
>general non-fumo design
why even use fumo to describe these? no hate on bocchi just it feels like some kinda bastardization
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Guys, I need her. You don't understand.
that's just Nejikiro's new artstyle, they're canonically FumoFumo 2.0
I feel like if you add too much detail to a fumo it becomes something else. It doesn't look bad but I'd consider this to be Nejikiro's art style inspired plushies instead of classic fumos.
>why even use fumo to describe these?
They're not proper fumos, but calling them so makes them look more legitimate.
I want a >_< fumo
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Okay but do we get fumos of the 25 variants too?

God willing.
I agree. Fumos have always been characterized by having extremely simple faces.
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I feel like these don't deviate that far from the fumo look. All they really have extra is two-tone eyes and blush. I think it's super cute.
However, I'd be against Touhou fumos adopting this look as it would make them inconsistent with all the preexisting ones.
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I think the blush can look cute, but it should be subtle. Instead of thread embroidery maybe putting a stain to the fabric? I do agree the eyes should stay the same.


It depend of your country and what you call trash.
I used Surface (Boat) when i ordered 4 Fumos at once. It's slow, but much cheaper given that I'm in a country where i have to pay VAT & taxes on my imports.
How will your life change when you finally have her?
they will sleep better (worse).

My dreams will finally consume me entirely, leaving only a hollow shell of a body behind.
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RIP so that dodge charger deka collector crashed
what I dont know is did he take any other cars out with him?
RIP to that guy but I will say the emote use is bizarre to me. Is Discord just facebook for zoomers/millennials?
Some kid and their mom yeeted too, I feel for the father more than the community’s loss. Seems cops took his phone for evidence of stunt driving, some claim that’s why he couldn’t let people know when fighting for his life in the hospital but what condition do those retards think he was in to just hop on trannycord to say brb gensokyo

on a more serious note though, somewhat. some use it as a replacement for forums or niche groups, some treat it more like a literal facebook alternative, probably a number of other viewpoints too. most the ones treating it like facebook are literal and unironic facebook normalfags so do with that as you will
they're a painful group to deal with often thinking just because you share a sliver of mutual interest clearly we all should be the best of friends
Who gives a shit? How is this even relevant to the thread? So an attention whore killed himself and possibly others by doing attention whoring activities. Wow.
1 hour left for pre-orders
will they auction his fumos?
According to his family, they will be buried along side him.
Shredded and mixed in with his ashes to be spread into the ocean
Based. I would want the same
I'm new to this. I already have one of these pre-ordered; when do I actually pay for it?
They will send you a payment request email when the fumos are available. The recent ones are expected in November, so you should expect an email then.
i wanted this fumo O_O
cleaned all my fumos last friday
yukari's white hat gets brown very easy
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if you have to ask, you dont deserve an explanation crossie
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Leaks from the war planning room
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>I fucking forgot to order
time to pay the idiot tax with resellers again
Funny pic. What's that on the screen anyway?
It's more like an irc+skype alternative. facebook is mostly open, dicksword is divided into mostly segregated communities and is chat-based rather than post-based.
Battle plans in our Factorio game. Our extermination plans require some expert help.
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The thread's reminder to give them a dusting every now and again
Space exploration mod?
Anyone keep their fumo in sunlight? If so do the colors fade easily?
>Space exploration mod?
Yeah. It has finite-size planets whose enemies can actually be systematically eradicated.
Cool I'm currently playing a bunch while waiting for factorio 2 to release
But I probably will only get space age once (most of) my modlist is compatible with it.
I wouldn't risk it, there's very few things which don't lose their colors when exposed to uv rays
I recently moved a shelf so that I can put fumos on it without them ever being in contact with sunlight. I’m a new fumo owner so I still have much to learn.
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now make a 2D reimu in front of 3D reimu in minecraft
i like the blush. I think it's very cute
Can any of you actually beat the games? I cant, stage 4 or 5 in any game fucks with me.
Try playing LLS, it's the easiest game.
If that's still too hard, play Crimzon Clover, it's a gentler introduction to the genre.
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She will be thawed soon Alhamdullilah
It's called a rhetorical question, no one was actually asking anything. But I guess you wouldn't understand that as an esl. And anyone who doesn't go on other boards and only exclusively uses /jp/ is probably a mentally ill coomer, I'll happily be a "crossie" to get away from this shit board filled with gay erping faggots and soulless sfw porn waifu dumps. This general is one of the last bastions of sanity and wholesomeness on /jp/ and I'd rather not have it shit up by people e-celeb worshiping people just for taking pics of fumos.
Capcha: ASSY
>sfw porn
>safe for work porn
Well I guess, if you don't have a job.
>he doesn't have safe for wank porn
how do you dust fumos?
I PO'd my first one
I use a lint roller every now and again, the point is to keep it from building up so badly that it's embedded into the fibers. I don't use the roller itself, but I pull sheets off to pad it and I can control the pressure better so I'm not taking off fibers. The other thing is that I have them in a shelf where the upper shelf is about half an inch above their head a the tallest (Ran) so it's harder for dust and shit to really get in there and cover everything. It's most noticeable on Marisa's hat where white cat hairs and flecks of dust stand out, so if it's noticeable on her I give the rest a once over whether I can see it on them or not.
Another thing is if parts are really delicate that you don't want to risk any kind of adhesive touching it, like Yuyuko's hat veil, you can use a microfiber cloth and if you can get it a good static charge it just pulls dust off.
Has she tried not being retarded?
But seriously that plush is worth hundreds lol
Be sure to inhale the Nueners fumo fumes.
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Bootleg Cirno arrived!!! However she doesn’t like sitting up and falls over a lot but she’s trying her hardest.
Bootlegs are just special needs fumos.
That doesn’t make them any less deserving of love.
im a fumo elitist and might get shit on for that but i seriously hate bootlegs and everything they represent. literally staining the fumo gene pool with their inferiority. normalfags are the ones getting them and they are ruining fumo collecting for all of us. the only acceptable bootlegs are from characters who's fumo does not exist (yet).
imagine being an unpaid shill for a company that screws you over
"I hate fanmade touhou items and everything they represent" might just be the most anti touhou thing you could ever say
statements dreamed up by the absolutely deranged
I can understand that, I can say my squire tele is much worse quality after playing a genuine fender from the 70s because bootlegs are cheap and flawed. That doesn’t make me not love the tele as I have great memories playing it and it’s comfort helped me ease my nerves when having to play on stage a couple times.
I simply don’t have the money to buy on a real one, but my Cirno is real to me and her imperfections help me feel better about myself and makes me love her even more. I’m taking her to the mountains soon and she can sit with me while I look at the beautiful views and help me fish. I’m sure a genuine $300 Cirno would be high quality and just as lovable and that’s probably why you’re an elitist about fumos, that does not stop me from loving my bootleg Cirno and finding solace in her company.
I can't believe you're letting your fumos take part in fishy activities
She has problems sitting down like a v1, but does she feel as soft as a v1?
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I love this little trend of people making traditional paintings of fumos
Make sure you take good care of her! Have a wonderful trip to the mountains! Im sure she loves you too.
honestly i agree completely. anyone coping by saying bootleg fumos are "fanmade" has 100% never bought a doujin plush or commissioned one before. there are so many plush makers, many japanese, who will sell nicer, cuter plushies than fumos (imo) yet you never see them shill for them. even unlicensed plushies can be cute and you see that shit on taobao too, so even cheaper than japanese or western creators. but they don't want that, just bootleg garbage because muh fumo aesthetic but they're entitled and broke
fumos are like $40? they just had a preorder period for cirno like 8 months ago.... more proof that none of the bootleg shills actually care about what you buy, just the fumo meme.
That's is not proof, but you're too retarded to figure out why.
if you think the only options are buying from a scalper for $300 or a bootleg for $30, then i think that's proof. did you only find out about fumos within the past 6 months or something? seriously, you could have bought real cirno back in october, and for nowhere near $300.

I'm still looking for a doll maker that takes commissions. I want one of my own OC.

This. All you have to do is get to AmiAmi before the scalpers show up. They'll still fuck you on the shipping, but it's vastly cheaper. I got my Rumia for something like $70.
based take
Any news on a pre-order date for the Nazrin fumo? I need that rat.
My fumos are all genuine, but I still think that stating someone only cares about fumos for the aesthetic or the memes, just because he didn't keep en eye on the amiami sales eight months ago, is retarded.
Respect the culture of the board.
Why buy a 300$ scalped fumo when you can buy 3 from amiami that goes around 120 to 140 buckaroos.

Sure, you may have to wait six months or so, and the shipping can be outrageous - but with how busy life can be, it'll be a nice surprise the way I see it.

Granted, I speak from the US, so I don't know what struggles the other countries goes through.
>Granted, I speak from the US, so I don't know what struggles the other countries goes through.
For Europe it's pretty much the same thing. Three fumos + shipping = 2/3 full-price console videogames.
cringe take
>when you can buy 3 from amiami
Because you should never buy "a fumo", you should only buy fumos of your favorite girls and love them properly, and years can pass before one of your favorites is listed on amiami
>you should only buy fumos of your favorite girls
...So all of them?
If you're gonna love them all properly, sure.
I'm in the same sort of boat. I'm kinda surprised that bootlegs are as accepted here as they seem to be, but these threads have been around much longer than I have, so who am I to say anything.
There are definitely people who do that, anon. I know at least one person who does plush comms, and while they're booked right now, I'm sure they could give me some names if you were looking to commission a plush. Do know that commissioning plushies from people can easily run $200-300. If you wanted cheaper, find some chinese seller on aliexpress or etsy, but you get what you pay for with those.

That's exactly what I'm looking to do. I've got the money, but I can probably only do this once. If you've got a few names, that would be great.
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You utterly deranged fool. Constant inbreeding and a small gene pool has only caused quality to decline, just look at how stiff and unsoft the current generation is. The truth is fumos like these being introduced into the breeding stock is the only way to preserve quality, but you just don't want to admit it you smooth brained troglodyte.
If someone doesn't care enough to look up fumos for the month(s) before the preorder period, the one month preorder period, and the short period after release where westerners sell their preorders for non scalped prices, and can't be assed to learn how to browse secondhand sites to see that most of them are scalped for a $20 markup not a $240 markup, then it's probably safe to say you only care about the meme
i would respect someone with these things over a bootleg fumo, if someone made this to keep it would only be out of genuine love
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preordered my first fumo, am I able to change the shipping method when its time to pay to the cheapest since they currently don't tell me shipping costs?
Assuming you ordered from Amiami, yeah, you can change the shipping method when they send you the invoice
I did, thanks
>be a kid
>always get creeped out by old lady's houses that have shittons of dolls
>the dolls scared me because they all just stare and stare and I thought they'd come to life and kill me
>old ladies always smug and happy about their doll collection
>fast forward
>I am now surrounded by various dolls and fumos to the point where it's almost a bit ridiculous
>tfw I am now the old lady with a room full of dolls
Hello Alice

Are we going to teach children about puberty with Alice?
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this is how they are created
Unfortunately, it didn't seem like she knew anybody offhand who did fumo comms. She mentioned an artist called cemetery-tan who did them, but believes they might have stopped by now. Regardless, looking through various plushie tags on twitter shows a fair few doing custom plushes, and while I can't vouch for any of them, I'd recommend looking around there for someone either with comms open or simply just to ask them if they know people.
While she doesn't do fumos, the person I was talking to was plushgarden. I believe her comms are closed until November, but she does great work and I'd recommend ordering something from her if can wait a while. Hell, you could probably just ask her to do fumo eyes if you do comm her.
I want to hug this fumo
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You guys should look into making your own custom Fumos. That's what I did here, and I'm a complete nitwit. You don't even need to know that much about sewing, at this point there's enough good bootlegs out there you can use as a base, that you have a lot of options to start from. Just whip up some designs, learn how to hand sew a bit, buy decent materials, and have a lot of patience and we'll get there eventually. Plus it's pretty fun!
was the face done by hand or was it cannibalized from a bootleg?
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It's bootleg. Just an Aya I stripped down and built on top of.

Ah, I see. I mean, I'll search around, but I can wait until November if I absolutely have to. I'm in no hurry. The plush I'm looking to make doesn't actually have eyes visible, though, so I'm just sort of counting on the rest of the doll looking correct. I was actually looking at Cherr(ies), but she said she's not going to be open for a while. She's also the one who made the Madotsuki I posted a few days back, though, so if I can get her, I will.
She looks sick, her skin is greenish
That's just my bad lighting. You can see in the WIP pic her skin is pretty normal.
she has jaundice, if she is not careful she will turn into a zombie like Reimu did
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Worth the 8 bucks
I want an Iku fumo
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I got medium Remi for under $200 shipping including on Buyee and it got here in only six days
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teh wemy
is this real?
The current Cirno fumos are not the original 1.0 Cirno which is the most popular one. Bootleg Cirnos are based on 1.0

And then there's the case of Inu Sakuya, the real ones being rare and brutally expensive.
Do medium fumos deserve only medium amounts of love?
If you only give small fumos a small amount of love, then yeah
I'd assume it'd scale upwards. Like, normal Fumos get a normal amount of love, mediums get even more, and the Deka's get the most of them all.
anyone here make their own funo-style plushy? it seems like it would be relatively cheap and easy. hardest part would be the embroidered eyes.
Every fumo deserves maximum love.
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Finally, after looking for a new V1 for almost three years
Cute gap hag.
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I have. I'm the same guy who posted the other custom Fumo above. I made a Mimi-chan. I've posted her before. I think she turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself!
I still have never purchased a fumo.

Always time to change that.
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wow, I've never seen a Chen sell for so much.
Yeah but you're clearly one of the biggest touhou fans on this thread. Remaking PC-98 screenshots with Fumos. You know more about Touhou than most of us.
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Oh, uh, thanks? lol. I wouldn't say all that. I've always just liked making stuff and there's lots of cool designs that haven't gotten a plush or anything, and it's a fun challenge to try and see how things turn out. Like my next guy here.
>Deka fumo Satori and Koishi are 49500 JPY each
>that is 1189.60 in my shithole's coin
>minimum wage is 1025
I am never getting those big plushies.
That material makes it look like an official vintage 1980s plush.
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Decided to take Junko for a walk after losing the fear of taking the fumos out a bit.

Finished and cleared extra stage of games 6 to 9, currently clearing PC98 games
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Finally bought shelfs for my plush frens
Need to rehydrate my Yukari Fumo after moving to a new place
that is dehydrating her shes going to die
-Seija fumo
-Futon fumo
-Junko fumo
-Kasen fumo
-Yuuka fumo
-Koishi fumo
One day I will own one of each of these fumos, it might take years before that happens but I certainly will.
Most of these pairings are really good and make sense. But I have to ask about why Cirno in a Santa suit is sitting with Suika
mate, kasen, yuuka and koishi soon
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>no crownpiece fumo
why don't they exist
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The PC-98 gals should be releasing this month via AmiAmi right? So any one of these days? I had to cancel all my preorders early in the year for financial reasons, but I'm doing better now and I really want those two in particular. I'm hoping AmiAmi puts up some extra stock when they release so I can snag them....
What gave you the fear of taking them out?

Also, has bootleg Marisa been out for a ride lately?
Getting them dirty or losing them. I placed Junko around in the garden but her butt stayed clean so thats reassuring. I still wouldnt take them out often, but I might bring one along in long travels.
I just paid for a preorder. If they are set to release this month, you can expect amiami to send you an email any moment now
Yes, they are due this month. Haven't gotten a payment request for them yet though.
They've started sending the payment requests, got mine 12 hours ago.
Who are you quoting?
Also, with junko and hecatia already out she's probably coming very soon, I'd estimate before the second half of next year.
What does one even do with the points AmiAmi gives you?
offset shipping costs
You're offered to use them when paying, for a discount (1 point = 1 yen)
My prediction, based on nothing but whatever godforsaken knowledge was passed on to me in a dream: sometime in 2025, fairies will have a set all to themselves: regular size Clownpiece, Star Sapphire, Sunny Milk, Luna Child, Lily White + rerelease of medium Cirno of both varieties
been wanting to do that (especially since i've taken them outside for pictures)
When I choose to change the shipping method on a pre-order I need to wait for them to process the price for it again before paying, right? I got the payment request earlier today but decided to change what I had chosen for shipping and the option to pay for it is no longer there and since it's the first time I'm pre-ordering from AmiAmi I confess I'm kinda wary of having problems paying before the due date
>I need to wait for them to process the price for it again before paying, right?
Yes, it can take a couple more days
If you are not using the santa suit it might be best to remove it. Red material can stain figures so i expect it may stain other material like a Cirno.
The most soulful Alt Youmu
It seems like Saya will be a regular here now
that's cool
dumbass payment processing page hangs up and won't let me pay for my purple reimu. anyone else?
Had no problems on my end. Did you try refreshing or contacting their customer service?
I was just randomly on their site browsing and I got that "too many visitors blah blah" site traffic error, so maybe it's that?
Yeah, I get that too at times.
I would say just keep trying until hopefully you get a connection on that. I think it isn't due until the 27th, so you got some time.
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What's the scale size of fumo?

Maybe 5 or 6 inches tall? Not that big.
>got sick
>rested in bed cuddling bootleg cirno while authentic flandre sat next to me
nice life
artificial scarcity will never be excusable
they're 20cm, so maybe 1:8
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memories of the time I ordered a bootleg

I ordered a Tsukasa recently. She's a little deflated looking compared to Rumia, but otherwise she's pretty good.
>Package Fell into Ocean
KEK I wasn't expecting that.

Gooboo was too powerful for them.
Good thing fumos can swim

Hi. Sorry to dredge this back up, but which plush tags should I be looking through? I'd imagine there's a fair number. I'd assume there are basic ones like #plush or #fumo, but is there specific wording I should be aware of?
So do they refund you for that or do they just say "haha fuck you" and take the money?
They toss you into the ocean too if you complain too much
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made it through by using Firefox. actually, the issue was Chromium, so the page froze on Opera, Chrome and Edge, both web and mobile. fucking google.
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why do you have so many browsers installed
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Futo Fumo
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i don't, I only use opera at home. my PC at work has chrome and edge which didn't work either (yes, I was window shopping for fumos instead of working). then I figured chromium was the issue, so I installed mozilla
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Pie and
Is Yumemey a good custom maker? Is their stuff good quality? I'm thinking I might just try to get their attention.
Admittedly, I can't really help you with that. I found out about plushgarden through /a/ and I've never really looked into the stuff past that for myself. Perhaps find someone who makes custom plush works and look to see who they follow to see if you can catch anyone else? I don't really know too much about twitter so I don't know if there are any real ways to search the site besides tags and accounts. Hopefully you can find someone, and if I happen to come across and account that could help you, I'll let you know here
That pie looks unnecessarily wet, brother

Good thinking.
What is she thinking about?
Applesauce brother
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She yearns for the flame
some 1 yen starting price auctions if you want to try

Sanae: https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/1141701418
Aya: https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/m1141701328
Maidmaster: https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/n1141705826

Meiling: https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/w1141715924
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Took these in April right after I got Cirno but never uploaded them here.
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Top of Algonquin Peak!
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She seems really high energy in this photo
I would be excited too if I scaled a mountain
I'm sure it was fun for her. Shame no sitting shots, since I had to hold her tight for the photo or else she would've been blown away.
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Got her at the same time as Tanned Cirno too
>taking fumo pictures shirtless
I am very proud of my gainz
>I find this product satisfying. Mr. White, Mr. Pinkman, we will be rebranding our marketing strategy. Your blue meth can no longer compete in the market with these fumos. Therefore, I have made the decision to rename our company Los Fumos Hermanos. Mr. Ehrmantraut, please direct Mr. White and Mr. Pinkman to the sewing machines. We will be teaching them the basics of fumo creation.
>They're not girly dolls, you junkie. Now sit down and read the guide.
>Jesse, wake the fuck up! Bootlegs get sold because they're not only cheap, but because fans respect the bootlegs and the real fumo manufacturers don't bother selling more of their shit, resulting in these goddamn retailers marking up the prices. If we make fumos that are 99.1% similar to the real deal, we can own the fumo market. We can sell our god damn fumos for the same price as an actual fumo and rake in more money than if we continued to make meth.
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meth would be a cheaper hobby
Coincidentally I am eyeing a bkub fumo which is incredibly overpriced.
Will these things ever get made again?
extremely doubtful
It's nice to have one you are looking for. it keeps you invested and will make her that just more of a favorite when you find her
One in every 10 fumo purchases has the chance to win a rare Finger fumo
i fap to your fumo
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Hell yeah, brother. We are all gonna make it
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The fumo fumo pizza.
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More non-2hu Fumos…
I still don’t like the gradient eyes. Bleh.
They'd rather sell that shit instead of actual toehoe fumos.
I wonder what they were talking about at this pizza party.
Comfy and cozy topics of converation I'm sure.
A little question lads, where can I buy sukusukus and yukkuris cheaply?
Nippon itself. I saw a couple of Marisa yukkuris for about 800 yen, and then at a GiGo in Sapporo they even had Marisa and Reimu yukkuris as a price at the crane game lmao (200 yen a game tho)
Irl I have no idea
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The plush looks very cute. If only the game was any good.
When the FUCK is the Nazrin pre-order?
Next year.
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Cute purple hair girls.
hmmm gas prices
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No good
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come on amiami, let me pay for my Koishi fumo already!
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fumos shaping our economical situation
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I'm not sure you should let her into your bed Reimu she might cause an incident
A rather meaty incident, if you will.

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