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Let's be slightly mean to the girls! Accidentally knock over Eika's rocks! Call Yukari ma'am! Tell Remilia something she thinks is cool is lame! Ignore Tenshi and Alice! Call Kogasa a cute! Do unfair transactions in front of Chimata!
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Pic is Fatchouli by the way.
I am mean to Marisa by always calling her shorty and making all our mutual friends call her that by repetition.
Invite Remilia out for a walk in the park!
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Fuck you Alice, you mean bitch made this thread
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yum sign - mustard spark~!
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I'm gonna canonically be full mean
Are those condoms or what are they supposed to be?
small jumping toys called "eye poppers"
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Does anyone have the other one of stealing Patchy's hat?
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Kaguya is my wife, I can't pull the lever
pull the lever at the right time for some sick multi track drifting!
Why are her nipples hard?
In terror of being discovered, the tiny rat that controls her by pulling her hairs mistakingly pulled the one that makes her nipples hard.
Bless you anon.
Eye poppers. You turn them inside out and they’ll launch themselves on their own or if you press on the center. The joke here is that for Shinmy they’re like land mines.
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Is this mean enough?
I don't get it
>mfw this was the first touhou related picture i had ever seen
I always imagine what if this was good hot english mustard and feel bad for Alice.
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dumbrella thinks it isn't here on the whims of humans and thinks it gets to have wants
I don't think they'll even mad at you for that.

That's just straight up cool
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Post Alice abuse!
more like this?
I don't think you understand the meaning of "slightly"
Please be nice
They don't deserve this
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This is just sad! It should be more like this.
Maybe I will snuggle Alice and hold her tightly...
She would like that…
How bad can she be anyway?
I'll cuddle her to sleep every night from now on!
She's vulnerable! Now what?
I want to serve an oni non alcoholic beer without telling her but I have a feeling that will result in getting my head smashed in.
I can fix her
I want to do the opposite. Which 2hu is the lightest drinker?
Nonstop smooches and reassuring headpats until she cries into my chest
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You shouldn't be mean to Touhous. How would you like it if they bullied you?
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I want to be bullied by cute girls
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But what if they want to be bullied?
How many drinks in do you think she could get while you praise her alcohol tolerance before realizing it's non-alcoholic?
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need you even ask?
"I'm sorry sir, we're out of aspirin. might I interest you in herbal tea instead?" The rabbit said politely.
Of course she was, always conveniently running out of medicine when I needed it "You know what, it's true what they say about you." Reisen's ears perk up "Just a stupid bunny who's only good quality is her sex appeal."
At this, her expression jerks and her eyes and scrunch scrunch as something snapped within her. The rabbit, with one forceful motion, pushed me down through my door way and shut the entry behind her.
"Hey! What's the big idea!" I say, trying to raise myself back up only to find the rabbit at my legs.
"I don't know, I'm just a stupid bunny after all!" She says mockingly before tearing off my pants.
"You, you can't do this! Your a youkai the shrine maiden will-"
"-I don't care anymore!" She yells, tearing open her shirt to reveal her lingerie "Stupid bunny this, sexy body that, all because I'm a little low on aspirin? Rabbits have feelings to you know? what about my stress relief?!" She screams into my face.
"I'm sorry, please don't hurt me." I plead, trying to back away.
"It's too late for that! Let's see how you like it when someone only see's you for your body huh!? Let's put it to good use!"
After that Reisen used me over and over again, dragged my unconscious body back to Eientei, drugged me up, and continued to use me. Eventually the shrine maiden was called to the rescue, but by that time it was far too late, Reisen was pregnant with at least triplets. When it became apparent that Reisen intended to keep the children Eirin decided to give me a job organizing and checking prescriptions, so at the very least I get all the free aspirin I need, which was a lot these days.

"Always be kind to others alright?" I'd take to say softly to my kids. You never know how close someone might be to the edge...
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haha fatty fox hahahaha
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how much bullying do you think she could handle
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Depends on your charisma.
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Be sure to cuddle your new wife and pamper her lots, she deserves it after all
Yukaris fat hag saggers
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Requesting more strong 2hu being bullied
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Yukari abusing Ran is a bit more than slightly bullying. Slight bullying would be, “sudo make me a sandwich.”
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Bully old women.
They said be slightly mean not brutally mean...
Bash her face repeatedly into the floor when she steps out of line.
She doesn't deserve it, but she sure as hell needs it.
I want to deck Kogasa on reflex when she scares me because I am very easily startled! It sounds mean but I think it drops back down to slightly mean because she still gets the power she needs from the scare so it probably won't even hurt.
Anon, just because someone gives you a meal doesn't mean it won't hurt if they hit you with a haymaker right after.
What does getting scares actually do for her? Is it a stomach filling effect like having eaten or does it actually make her stronger, however temporary the boost is?
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Giving Marisa a lift!
The 'gasa is a yook, she probably will shrug off a good punch unless you've got magic or super strength or whatnot behind it. She might just find it funny.
It's straight-up consumption of a person's spiritual energy, which, the way Kogasa describes it, is more like food than a power boost.
Imagine being stalked daily by Kogasa because she knows you're an easy source of energy. Knowing you're going to be spooked at least 3 times and day but not knowing when.
please no I have ptsd and jump at every loud noise I will make her watch me shoot myself if she pulls that
Surprising Kogasa by committing suicide right in front of her very eyes!
Leaving her with PTSD and scared of ever driving someone to that point again!
Kogasa becoming sickly and thin and refusing to scare people anymore due to the guilt!
Kogasa starving to death and spooking you again when she shows up in the afterlife!
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This stupid image gave me an honest giggle.
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That Rumia
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speaking of rumba
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That's just Tuesday night fun for onis, Yuugi's not being mean, they're playing!
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Also, I don't have Rin getting bullied, but I have Rin AFTER it.
On a particular sunny day I was taking a nap after finishing some work organizing a truckload of pills the Inaba had mixed up when one of our children tried to rouse me.
"Papa, papa, wake up, Mama wants you." She said, pushing me.
"Ghmmm" I murmured, but refused to be roused. If she wanted me for something, she could get me herself.
After a while she gave up and returned later with Reisen, "See Mama? He's sleeping and won't get up."
Whatever, it was probably something silly like what color should we paint the children rooms or what diner we should go to this weekend, maybe even-
"Oh Gods!" Reisen yelled. "Little one, go get Eirin, NOW! Quickly!"
Eh? Was she messing with me? Whatever it was it could probably wait-
"No, no, no, this can't be happening, why? Why would you do such a thing, please wake up, please wake up!" She yelled shaking me.
"What is it?" I finally said, not caring for the harassment only to be answered with a firm slap.
"WHAT DID YOU TAKE? WHAT DOSAGE? TELL ME NOW!" She yelled, pointing to some pill capsules on the couch beside me.
"What are you talking about? I was just taking a nap..." I said, rubbing my eyes.
"Don't lie to me! Why would you do something like this? What would happen to our children if you... if you..." She said, picking up one of the empty pill capsules and realization dawns on her face. "You, you didn't drug yourself?" Reisen asked, as tears welled in her eyes. "Oh, thank God!" She screamed before shoving her face into my chest and throwing her arms around my neck.
"I thought you got tired of us and decided to end it all! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!! Please tell me if something's w-wrong! I won't hate you, just, just don't leave us please! I beg you!" Reisen pleaded and sobbed into my chest, clinging to me like a tick.
At some point Eirin poked her head through the door and found me holding the weeping bunny in my arms on the couch with one my children peering on as well, holding the doctors leg. I waved the both of them off and she retreated, but not before pulling out a positive pregnancy test, pointing to it and then back to Reisen.
Please Gods, let it be a single child this time.
I like this story of the dumb bnnuy and her hapless human mate.
Asprin's a blood thinner, if he was dealing with chronic pains and taking asprin daily to cope he was probably critically low on iron.
Being very sleepy and low energy is also a symptom of have low iron.
Either way he should probably start taking iron supplements and introduce some more iron in his diet before it becomes a bigger issue than it already is.
Other than that, Reisen's panicking seems like partially projection or paranoia due to her feeling guilty for her mistreatment of her husband.
Thank you for the analysis, Eirin. Since you're here, would you like to bully some of the Lunar Emmisaries that were sent after Kaguya? Assuming there's any you left alive, that is.
Did the sequel ever get translated?
Eirin would never leave a witness, that's why she killed Kaguya's foster parents too. Trust me, don't ever try and be mean to Eirin or she might just decide that you're a 'threat' to Kaguya as well
I feel like being mean to Kaguya herself is a much faster way to get arrowed, if that's your goal.
Eirin's crocodile tears are so kyute!
Oh you don't have to worry about them, I took good care of them of course.
But nowadays bully people is what I have my patients for, why just yesterday the Yama had some... lower parts troubles that were wonderful to sort out.
...which part of the lower parts exactly?
it would be rude to say, but Eiki isn't as pure as she claims to be.
In fact she's quite the pervert.
she left an anal vibrator in for too long again, didn't she?
I'd rather not discuss such matters in public miss Komachi, leave an anal vibrator in by accident for several hundred years can cause a number of unpleasant medical problems.
But anyways, shouldn't you be working?
Oh my fucking god, so there WAS a stick up her ass this entire time!
This explains everything!
Needs snuggling correction, complete with smooch barrage until the ptsd goes away
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That's way more than slightly mean.
Now that's just evil. Good thing Renko writes all her documents with pen and paper.
Thank you for reminding me how much i hate this "artist"
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It's so funny how many people are still mad at gaoo for drawing amusing bullying scenarios.
Imaginary bullying is thougthcrime!
Why though?
Even more amusing when they show up in actual bullying threads.
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Yes, even a kappa can drown.
That's so funny...
These touhous are psychos!
did you just now notice anon
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My guy, he put Chen on a grill and made Ran listen to her screams for help.
And Chen was fine afterwards and treated the whole thing like he just drew on her face while she was asleep.
I don't think that's slightly mean anon
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brat fairies need kappa correction, let's test to see if fairies have shirikodama!
I want Nitori to look at me like this.
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She smells like a wet dog.
>my guy
That's exactly why kappa get bullied though, it's their weird anal fixation.
frankly if you look at that Yuuka and think 'granny' then you deserve it
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This little shit needs more than a slap however
I like lonely Yuuka stories
>people don't like being near you
>kids think you'll kill them
>actually sitting at home and crying out of loneliness
>you just want someone to talk to
She's a fairy, she'll respawn and be fine. Probably won't even learn her lesson.
Implying you don't belong to me.
What're you gonna do, skin her alive again?
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However, if you look at her and think 'I want to make her a mommy', then you are my kind of guy.
My competition that is, hands off her!
need to put several buns in that oven
like, 50 or so
Stop, leave Shimmy alone, you freak.
That is so far beyond “slightly mean.”
Lately the weather's been nice so Reisen thought it would be a good idea to have a picnic with the kids, which really meant wrangling our four munchkins to a grassy knoll, with her pregnant in tow, and me doing most of the work, at least I was feeling a little better of Eirin prescribed me some Iron pills.
Eh, who am I kidding, watching them scurry around in the sun was actually a relief compared to spending all day sorting pills, and like clockwork they all went out like a light after eating.
"Eheheh, so cute." Reisen said, poking the cheek of one of our kids that was sandwiched between us.
I was informed that rabbit youkai needed to be loved on frequently while young or they'll become needy and neurotic when they're older, so there was nary a moment one of these little sacks of joy wasn't on my lap or being carried. I guess Reisen didn't get the same treatment while she was young.
"Hey hey, who do you like more, Mama or Papa?" Reisen asked on of our sleepy daughters.
"Ehh? I like Papa." she sleepily said.
At this Reisen's ears shot up and her expression became shocked. "But you like Mama too right? Isn't Mama, who always feeds you and tucks you in good as well?" she asked.
"Papa's warmer." She said, snuggling a little closer to me.
"Oh, I see..." Reisen said, her ears drooping back down and her expression growing dim. Gods, this woman...
"Now, now, you have to like to your mother too, she has her good points after all." And like a chemical reaction her ears shot right back up.
"After all your Mama's body is softer." I said, reaching over and lightly poking at her breast.
"Oh yeah! Mama's pillows!" The little one said, turning over to put her face firmly in her Mother's chest.
"So, it's about my body again..." Reisen said, wanting to be upset, but far too Hormonal to be angry while one of our kids was snuggling up to her.
Later as we walked home, me carrying two kids and Reisen carrying what I prayed to be only three, she pulled on my shirt and asked me a question "I'm not getting fat am I? You'd tell me if that were the case wouldn't you?"
I looked at her. The second pregnancy had certainly had an effect, making her more of a mother, but she'll probably take that the wrong way.
Ah, to Hell with it.
"It's all gone to your chest and rear so I don't care." I told her.
She didn't speak to me for the rest of the day, only pinching my cheek whenever I asked her what she was angry about.
If you want to bully Renko you can just tell her she is flat and has two useless abilities, but don't mess with her thesis, you know she worked hard on it
Hina really do be like: >:3
This is making me feel old fusu art kinda feels
Another solid addition. Fat bnnuy mum.
It's only a threat. Just Reimu's way of reminding her if she ever causes another incident then next time she presses the button.
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She can still grab her laptop before the thing to really recycle it shows up is she stupid?
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Edible inchlings
What's with this shitty frog and bullying people smaller than her!
When you're the height of an actual child you build up a lot of suppressed height wrath you can't wait to take out on people smaller than you.
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It's time to feed the ghost!
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This is the end for the bullies!
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What happened to jetto, anyway?
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I don't know why OP even bothered saying 'slightly'.
I need more of this in my veins
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The story of my life.
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I never knew I wanted to see a Shanghai doll smoking a cigarette.
Bah! Who needs friends?
"Hehehe, four kids already and another batch on the way? Rabbit Youkai stock is doing good!" Tewi said as she bounced one of my daughters in her arms.
It was strange, seeing the infamous Inaba prankster act as nanny, but I wasn't going to look this gift horse in the mouth as I had two more kids sleeping on my lap and the last one in my arms, nibbling at my robe.
"It's gonna be a lot more work you know." I tell her.
"Well that's all fine and good, since the number of rabbits will increase after all? Say, do you think four might've been a small batch for Riesen? Maybe she'll have five or seven this time? I can't wait!" She smiled. "Maybe I've been going about it all wrong with that whole rabbit pet fad..."
Ah, I remember that. All the sudden it seemed like everyone got a rabbit pet overnight and of course, attrition took it's toll and many of them were released. Guess this was her doing to bolster rabbit Youkai numbers.
"What? Why're you looking at me like that?" Tewi asked, suspicious.
"It's nothing, I just couldn't imagine putting my children in harm's way like that." I say, pulling a blanket over the two small rabbits napping on my lap.
"Oh, judging me are you? Well I'll have you know most Youkai aren't those strong, cool types that make a big show in the sky! There's many of us down on the ground you know, lots of us who're so weak on our own that our only option is to swell our numbers. You don't how bad it is, outside the village and Eintei-" Tewi ranting, before receiving a small slap in the face.
"Bad auntie! Don't bully Papa!" My child cried, ineffectively hitting the rabbit's cheek.
"Ugh, fine, fine, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Tewi said, rubbing her cheek against the girls to calm her down.
"I don't mean to judge you, or Reisen for that matter, for either of your circumstances. I just don't with my heart can take more then 3 more bundles of joy." I said, eye twitching.
"Ha, so three's the minimum now huh? Papa sure is greedy!" Tewi said, plopping herself next to me on the couch.
Just then, the door slid open and Reisen walked in, returned from her appointment. "What are you two doing sitting so close?" She asked, looking a little haunted.
"Nothing, nothing! I was just explaining rabbit survival strategies to Papa, here Reisen, take your little punisher and my seat!" Tewi said, sliding to make space for her and offering back the child, both of which Reisen readily took.
"I'll be off on duties! Let me know if you two need a babysitter later!"
As the rabbit made her leave Reisen whispered to me "I know she's helping us out, but I don't like her getting so close to you, it makes me feel weird."
"It's just Inaba skinship, you told me you used to wake up with three of five of them huddled up to you right? It's not that different." I said, leaning my head against her ears.
"You've woken up to Tewi in your bed?"
I nuzzled her head. "When have I not slept with you since I came here?" Seriously, this rabbit was too forgetful.
"Oh, I guess your right. Uh, the ultrasound results also came back and... six." She murmured.
Covering my mouth, I think about what an arduous task it was coming up with four rabbit names that weren't taken.
Six would assuredly break me.
Mature acting aunt tewi is a nice change if pace from her usual fan depictions
Also 6 more children what a lucky guy
He sure is a "lucky" man, I wonder if a certain Inaba has anything to do with this.
why would they pour good food into such a dusty box
I love that art style so much
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How do you think different Touhous would react to me poking them to be mildly annoying because I am bored?
but why did he do it? did marisa do something to him?
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Probably stole something, this is just a negotiating method to get it back. Likely one learned from Sakuya to recover stolen goods from the SDM.
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Fuck, I think I might be broken. I got a boner while looking at this picture.
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- soldier tf2
The fiend
There's no way he stops at one hat
Throw the inchling brat in there too and then it's a 10/10 for me
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Mistya is fucking scum though, she deserves being exterminated
You say that about every serial killer who eats people.
Mystia doesn't deserve that at all
Where on earth is this from
>use saucenow summerfag
nothing showed up
Myourenji Enikki Matome
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She gets enough as it is from Yuyuko
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Poor Shion.
Technically they're both poor, it's just that Joon don't look it.
Joon is welfare poor, Shion is poor poor.
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Looks like Marisa abuse is back on the menu
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Oh no! Marisa is going to get uncool grandma sweaters! (they're quite warm and comfy)
I think Marisa herself is on the menu there
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I don't get it
Joke's on Sakuya, all paper money is fake
Someone put fake money into the donation box, so Reimu dunks on Sakuya’s pads. Yukari joins in on the ragging, so Sakuya dunks on her age.
>Do unfair transactions in front of Chimata!
that's not slightly mean that's suicidal
Yeah, she cares more about market manipulation than the actual market does.
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It's a Charitable donation to the poor
Why can't someone do this to Koishi? Chen doesn't deserve cruelty
rent free
Post the one where Ran was forced to listen to her screams next time, it's better.
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Doesn't compare with deleting Renko's thesis. That one was just evil.
>Meiling appears
>”Nice one, Sakuya! You’re dirty when you withhold your grace. I like it.”
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This is bullying right
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this pic makes me wonder about what happens to a magician's internal bodies when they complete the rituals. do their organs just stop and stay there as decoration? do they have a heartbeat? do they still need to breathe despite no longer needing food? what about their blood? and what about other "transhumans" like hermits, celestials, and lunarians?
Page 10? Not on my watch.
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Some of these are funny and others just make me really sad
Don't be. They all deserve this and more.
No they deserve to be cuddled and kept warm and safe
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we do know that their bodies remain mortal, and everything that can hurt one can hurt them as well, but isn't Patchouli's health problems (which are exaggerated by many parts of the fandom) stated to be caused by mainly lack of exercise, vitamin C deficiencies, and asthma? Not the first time a 2hu is an unreliable source

Maybe magicians bodies do requiere maintenance after all, despite not needing to eat to survive
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This isn't exactly "light"
Anon... This is a step too far.
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I wonder if Reimu would sell me that witch, i have need of one.
*racks shotgun with malicious intent* WHO DID THIS TO BEST GIRL?
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This reminds me of a doctor House episode where House put a thermometer inside a cop's anus and left it there.
Wouldn't it be funny if Eirin did that to Eiki?
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I remember there were more like this one, could you post them, please?
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There was also one with Yamame where anon crushes a spider but that's too far for me so I don't have it.
And one with a weakanon agreeing to fuck the centipede.
A murder is going to occur once who did this to her is found...
I wanna see the ones with Marisa
I know this one is supposed to be mean but it's just funny, Aya's crying panel looks so awful

Post the one where Shimmy offers to do anything for anon and he puts her in a blender, it's the most gutwrenching empathy-involking Touhou image I've ever seen and it's not even detailed gore
Translate this, weeb
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Seija, you overly sexy abrasive harpy, stop this instant and let her go NOW.
Nonononono, she’ll make herself bigger and stuff YOU in there.

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