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Discussion of the online games found on DMM/Fanza and Nutaku.

Previous Thread: >>46901464

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)
DMM/Fanza (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)
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Is there a way to beat floor10/11 fast? I just Koharuko'd it but it takes forever with the damage cut.
Red Moon so easy now even the PR's team can beat it.

Power creep op
I just bought Shiny Claudia with konpeto. Trivializes Red Moon in addition to everything else, and you effectively get a discount if you pulled her star pieces from the box gacha event.
I had to roll way more for Satella than I expected
Here's to hoping the Brides this year aren't anyone I like
Twinkle still hasn't fixed this stupid sound effect bug in the event viewer
>copy pasting coding anon's work from last thread

Anyone still on the region block for browser try this cookie method for creating mustard gas?

open game page
get region block page
open browser's console with F12 or ctrl+shift+J
paste the following and press enter

document.cookie="ckcy_remedied_check=ec_mrnhbtk; expires=Sat, 24 May 2025 02:51:01 UTC; domain=.dmm.co.jp; path=/";

(change dmm.co.jp to dmm.com if on all-ages side)
close the region block page/tab (don't refresh with F5)
open game page again
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I laughed at this joke from the last part of the legeclo event.
AoE and multi-hitting high damage skills.
Pretty much the last 4 elemental buffers we got.

I just did it with Dawn Towa and Maple looping.
Lu Bu was name dropped in the maid event, surely that means this month will be her engagement.
Is Black iris/Elyse still worth raising at all? My other healer options right now are like Rinne and assorted plats
That's what nips said and expecting her wedding version, but here we are
Works for me, I'm terribly buttfucked after (not) getting michael's maid cafe
>Jeanne d arc

She's probably going to be in summer.
Nope. If you're that guy from earlier with Kagome, especially nope as she already has enough defense.
I leveled Erlang instead of Kagome because she's hotter, whoops
Although I guess their uses aren't exactly the same because Kagome has block and Erlang doesn't
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Wonder how many games just gave out a nice chunk of gems for free.
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Twinkle winning the ranking out of nowhere.
Guess all the other game's Anniversaries are over?
what happened that they are both doing a 10 yen pack?
A bunch of games are doing it for the next 2 weeks
probably because the deadline for the free DMM points from the previous event are expiring soon.
coincidentally I have exactly 10 free points remaining. too bad the game I'm playing doesn't have a 10 point pack.
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Wow, they're already giving Remie a new alt.
Probably the quickest chara that wasn't at release of the game.
claudia is pretty quick too and she came with new gimmick as well
Claudia was about 7 months apart.
Remika's 3 months.
This works out well, 35 points left and monmusu, legeclo, and twinkle are all doing this, the only three games I play on the list.
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>Meshiya giving exchange tickets for 1.5 anniversary as login bonus
>Count about ~20 outfits among my favorites that I'm missing
>Double check screenshot I took
>First day gives 100, remainder builds up to second 100
>It's 100 tickets per exchange
I have yet to roll anything from dailies or tickets either.
>New TanTan in exchange with tokens given from their last ditch effort to introduce a new ranking gameplay mode to encourage whaling
>pvp league ends and I raise a rank and it gives a heap ton
>Still 500 short of exchanging
I hate everything.

If anons are short, make sure you do daily missions if possible. Amassing enough for 10 points shouldn't take long and you can double up from all-ages side too.
That butt bump on the hotpants wew lad.
They need to give Koharuko another broken unit after carrying light for 90% of the games lifespan
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still no Uzume SSR...
I'm going to guess Remika's Fire Healer and Meluel's to be the Fire ver buffer like JB Fiona.
Elaina got voiced in the June Bride event so either she or Charlane might be teased as the 3rd idol for a part 3.
Wonder if Rina's going to show up. lol
>Angelic Link PiZR banner
>naizuri is included
fuck off Asscross
>Wedding event is a 2 parter
>Just after I rolled Gabriel
Finally, I'll be able to quit this game after my free stash is dray and Lu Bu is coming right after this.
Am I retarded or is Gabriel's kit not good? She has a bit of defense down which is close to worthless, and the only good stuff is the soldier master class in her talent and the 1CT 2x dmg skill. I don't care about Jeanne or Caesar, especially since they are saint/sorc, so I didn't even read their kits.
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thanks god she came early
Meruel and Remika are basically fire version of the loli guardian angels
Welp time to buy 500 star pieces again
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Cute Style Remika is a Fire Valentine Setsuna. (Those butt jiggle physics...)
EX 1: can cut her CT in half but she has to be in Overheal to Note pull ally to the left of her by 7.
EX 2:
-Buff Atk
-Applies new status onto target: Charm
(Charmed enemies will freeze in place and any enemies to the left and right that reach the same Note position while that target is Charmed will also be be hit with Charm status)
-Overheal state: All Allies CT -15%
-Full Overheal: Note pull all allies by 6

Idol Meluel is a Fire Almo-tan
EX 1: Same as Almo-tan but does EX Drain instead of damage taken increase debuff onto enemies
EX 2: Same as Almo-tan but does more damage and gets bonus Crit Damage up if enemy is Charmed
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We can obtain old event freebie characters and equips now. Equips restock every month. Not characters.
I just noticed the only good thunder healer is regular Remika
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remika+dupe og claudia in 30 and meruel at 171 were my only 3star pulls. my luck is in the shitter lately, at least this time i didnt have to go to the exchange.
dont have Flan nor Namiel so my fire team takes longer to start looping
If Jeanne had re-act on her talent, she'd be broken. Sorc Beethoven, except her cooldown reduction is at the start of the turn with enough hp and her two skills are 3 turn cooldown 6x6s.
Probably not as special in the sea of aoe users, but she should still be pretty up there throwing out a 7x7 every turn.
Gonna skip and fail to get Lu Bu/Nero anyways
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cherlene 3star alt when
She says she's from Kyurios and is related to the Netherworld's Overlord but that's secretly a lie. Maple is also from Kyurios but her family are vassals to the overlord.
Maybe we'll get an event with these 2 interacting someday.
Are there any particularly good ones?
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Man, why am I logging into Detariki again? These gems are just gonna get zeroed out in 6 months anyway.
>Helena and Koharuko voiced
Is Helena going to be limited banner for Anniversary again?
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I'd place my bets on Apollo because the main story arc is ending
Remika's Charm Status is really funny to use on the Red Moon golems. Has like negative synergy with Bride Namiel tho
I feel so stupid for rolling when I'm not even prepared to go all the way to the guarantee (3000x15 pts for 3600 pieces). Still missing 6* for Eve despite 120 rolls.
I'm a fucking retard who just keeps falling for the fomo when you can't save for them
Is there a good DMM gacha that was released this year?
All flops so far.
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inventory in twinkle has so much garbage
If you mean within 1 year, twinkle star knights. If you mean in 2024, then no.
No. Everything has either been trash or AI slop.
I don't know if I want to roll just for the charm.
on one side, there anniv/colab is coming soon and on the other side, charm might be future meta against enemies that are immune to knockback/teleport
Jeanne's kit actually looks pretty good to me. I don't think any other AoE character has a 1.25x damage skill. I just don't care about Jeanne or Caesar at all as characters, so I might just wait until the next anniversary to roll for Gabriel in a pick gacha. Also I'm still over a month away from finishing Demon Origin's fragments with Maid Mika/Andromeda still unfarmed. This further incentivizes me not to roll.
Give it a moment. They'll add resistance to Charm eventually. Also they can just make those bosses passively remove all debuffs and status effects anyway.
Claudia (Dusk) barrier break is still very valuable tho
Don't forget she also basically has perma uptime on her self buff because of her CT talent
This is actually the only negative about her kit for me. The team aura and CT reduction are really good, you can just keep alternating between the 0.9x AoE and 1.25x AoE. The self buff move takes away one stack of buffs applied by other characters like support skills, which makes it a little awkward.
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Had to pull for the energy drain scene and got the collab unit from the guaranteed SSR on the 50th pull plus I wasted 44 tickets before that, but more importantly I finally got Pirimu. I spent 111 SSR tickets trying to get her for the damage event and never ended up getting her.
bless meruel titties bringing in free gems
Summer campaign has started

I managed to get a roll in
>get a new 3-star
>An off banner common 3-star
>no paizuri scene
I really hate this game.

You shouldn't bother with a game if they can't release something you want to roll within six months. Though considering how brutal the rates are, six months is bullshit.
The limit shouldn't be there but it's 'better' than the rash of garbage that came out a number of years ago that released with sub-2-month time limits and storage limits on free rolls.
Losing childhood friend winning for once
>own thousands of Skill Report A, B, D and E but only 20 C

fix it during anniversary KMS
use your daily quest coins
KMS: "Buy the Skill leveling packs, brokeboi"
>didnt get the welfare bride to core lv3
my account status: bricked
>removed all dmm points unless you use your phone
fucked up
you don't have thousands of A reports
the only important unlock is 5 stars; you get a free accessory.
Sister currency is important too.
It's a total dripfeed after the first time it was released.
>removed all dmm points unless you use your phone
>fucked up
Yeah, pretty shit. Combined with the region lock, I think I'll just stop caring about it. I guess I should be happy with less chores to do daily. They've been nerfing the rewards anyway for the past few game fes and there's not enough DMM point to matter for me. Paid gems can expire and I can never hoard enough off it to become usable for paid gacha. Also, AGA (the only game that I play that don't expire the gems) raised it's cheapest pack to 480 points due to some Applel shit and 90% of the time the reward from game fest won't even reach that, unless I get really lucky with the fucking Roulette.
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So I need to use phone to get points?
sort of, but all of them are pretty bad except for mahamut. getting a +100% attack boost for matching element really isn't going to do anything meaningful for your teams. they added 80 a week to the missions and we're probably going to get a bunch from anniversary.
grats on the luck shitting
80 a month*
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Fanza doujins
It's over
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I've been saving diamonds in case more super-tits girls show up, so I'm pretty happy that I haven't had a lot of characters that I really REALLY wanted to roll for in a good long while.
The pincers keep closing for us gaijins...
They're finally doing it, Twinks.
We'll get to level up our EX Skills multiple levels at once.
Why the fuck did it take so long?
That is nice to hear. Nearly all my girls aren't leveled because of that.
How exactly do the popularity contest gachas work in Aigis? Is the chance to get the banner units much more likely or is it just a normal gacha?
>Edens Ritter introduces a collab magical girl a week after the original event
>110 rolls to get her
>Forget the month, they reveal the two sisters getting Bride outfits
>Luck out getting both in 50
>Think I'm in the clear
>No, Darkside Molfa Bride now
I feel targeted.
>Neither waffle game has a 10yen pack
send help
-Box Gacha Event (Probably new Anyuras from story)
-Main Story Final Chapter Part 1

-Twinkle Crusaders Collab Re-run
-Pre-Pre-Anni Special Missions

-Level Boss: Misa Re-run with lvl 100
-100 free standard pulls
-Pre-1st Anniversary Boss Rush
-Pre-Anni Special Missions


-1st Anniversary
-Final Battle(Temp name)
(New type of event. I'm guessing the Multi-team wave boss battle? Suppose to be out on 6/21 but I don't see it anywhere on this schedule.)
-Main Story

QoL stuff, Certain Login Bonus updates, multiple Skill Lvl ups at a time, and more coming too.
If you just click the button to show odds you'll see only the on banner blacks appear in the black list. So yes, this is one of the very best times to roll if you are actually wanting to not get spooked. However it's still probably more worthwhile to save for heroes or seasonals.
I just want Tilt, so I'm assuming this is better than waiting for her to be on White Empire rate up if that's the case. Hoping for the best.
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been playing Lily Ange for around a week, whaled for one character after the JP wiki listed something interesting about that character. i didn't realize i got some pretty strong URs on the way there though which is a nice plus

comparing it to Midnight Girls R: while it's not a high bar at all, I think overall Lily Ange is a bit better? I mean at least I don't have to sit through every screen loading on me for 3 fucking seconds if anything

gameplay is mediocre, which honestly is still a step up from the company's other games. I was fumbling around the later stages of the story and the daily farm quests up until I realized how certain characters actually interact with the rest of your team. even before that i could plan my formation well enough to get 3-star clears on stages I probably was underpowered for, so at least there's a bit of gameplay in there.

i really hope big rewards aren't going to be arena gated. I haven't played MGR very much so I don't know if that was the case for the Arena there, but knowing the company's aggressiveness in pulling in whales.... yeah i wouldn't be surprised

i was contemplating pulling for the last pickup characters; Prism is cute and I want to pet Blower's mouse ears, but I'm kind of looking forward to some of the Lilians in the story that aren't playable yet; the assassin girl from Chapter 4 in particular might be my brand of cool so I'm gonna try and save up a pity's worth of stones for her.
Is Chonosia worth getting if I'm already pretty stacked on units?
>QoL stuff
One button skip all dailies please
Follow-up: She showed up in 90 rolls. I need to stop forgetting to run events, because I think the remainder after I posted was running the current events.
>There seems to be zero differences between R18 artwork and the all-ages artwork
I suppose all-ages dmm doesn't give a shit since it's not on any of the normal app stores.

Is that loli Lilum from Midnight Girls?
Do they list artists for girls? Got a name for Bloom? Kinda looks like BLADE, or at least an adjacent but it's probably just angel Sasha's artist, which isn't detailed in-game. But while sharpening my memory of BLADE's artstyle, I realized their paygrade is probably a bit too high for a company that somehow has a new girl available every week.
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Not that anon
Yeah both games are currently collabing with eachother.
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Glad I got Tilt, she's insanely good. My White Empire team feels more or less complete, pretty happy with it. Very fun to use.
As a guy who's uber stacked with units, I've personally never found real room to put her in my teams. If her attack speed buff were more ambient/permanent, maybe, but as 20 second duration tokens, I don't end up using them and her DPS/range/Cost don't outcompete Swimsuit Tytto who already takes my magic DPS slot.
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It's Lilum alright. We were pleasantly surprised that they actually lolified a character instead of just picking an already existing one from there; makes us very hopeful for any possible future collabs actually lol

Yep they do list the artist in the character dex page. Bloom's artist is ししょー https://www.pixiv.net/users/5910442

Yeah I'd be surprised if Blade appeared in this game given how higher profile they are lol.
Is Midnight Girls full femdom? They're giving me currencies that I can only use in that game but I really don't like femdom
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The game introduces one of the heroines by having her rape you within the first 3 milliseconds.
I figured, but I was wondering if it's like 70% or absolute 100%. I still wouldn't like it if it's 70% of the content so I guess I won't be trying it out either way
The first letter is M for a reason, but there's a lot of good girls too. Just... don't expect to be the one on top for any reason, ever.

I'm not a big fan of femdom either but man I really wanna get Succubus Lumina just because I kinda like her in Lily Ange lol, from the gacha preview she's definitely doing something similar to Mr.
like 99%, there are a few where the girl is lovey dovey (but still dominant).
I think Lilum might already have a limited loli variant in midnight girls. The other two main (flat) girls have busty variants.

Usually. Even if the scene content seems benign, the girl is usually some combination of condescending or threatening, though there are some mom-types and しようがない tsunderes.
Rates are trash, and rateup only works if there's a futa available. Literally rolled a bunch of SSR tickets the other week and after dupes, the only new ones were futa. Gacha at least describes what the scenes entail if you can into moonrunes.

Anyway, seems like there are tokens given that will turn into something you can use in LilyAnge. Though I did not really check what the tasks entailed. This would be the only reason to bother if you like LilyAnge.
Hadn't checked out Deep One Memoria in a while, did they give up on threesomes? The current event one just gives individual h-scenes for each girl.
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Tried grinding the 3-cost accessory crystals to daily completion this week and went a bit overboard on the event after gacha tickets gave the new Image.

They gave a memoria SR ticket and a 10roll ticket a bit ago, but I didn't follow up on the reason, past maybe given as anniversary gifts. But these new event ones being two separate scenes is unfortunate, not sure how that's any simpler to do when a handful of the new memoria occasionally still had one girl of the pair go ignored. I'm assuming this two separate scene thing is how they're going to use event memoria, though it doesn't seem like they're dropping event units yet.
Kinda been a while since they did a random memoria in the middle of anything too.
I think it's just for f2p memorias. Notice that the gibs of them are weaker too.
I don't think they've done a gacha memoria since at least the last 2 f2p ones to tell.
That's a shame but I can see how 20 seconds really isn't a game changer. I'm glad I got Ikol back on their banner as she's really useful with her damage cut and reflect.
For this GC event, I didn't use any pots or get the rate-up image, and still I had a ton of shop currency left over after clearing the shop. I hope they make future events this easy to complete, too.
>though there are some mom-types
Is that only a small minority? That's the kind of "femdom" I like but from your description it seems to be mostly condescending.
Guess no Floor 15 for Red Moon. Would be announced by now.
For context, this is my uber stacked team. Chronosia has very strong buffs, but I just have too many buffers already. I have one spare squad slot to work a 0 deploy benefit into and it can go to Adelaide, Erlang Shen, Horteus, Shiro, or Koharu. Actually playing around with Chronosia to see why I didn't use her instead of one of the more pure buffers. It's because her buff overlaps too much with Renata who takes 0 deploy and ranged spots are usually more premium.
They tend to have a very obvious look to them, but the scenes can still go/start anywhere since the premise is still raping/mindbreaking/reminding the reluctant shota MC.

Really, I don't think it's a good game at all. It'd be like if I started LilyAnge for the oppai loli but they're rare enough that I'd just be dealing with bullshit and still probably get fucked by rngesus. You should endure it for the rewards in LilyAnge but wouldn't get too attached to it past that.

This is what I'm doing, actually.

tbf I did try Midnight Girls R way before Lily Ange though because of a certain artist posting work they did for it, but I was already playing Flower Knight Girl in the time, which isn't even a great game by today's standards but I quickly understood MGR's quality is just... yyyyeah.

Then I started Mist Train Girls so I ended up forgetting about MGR completely up until the Lily Ange collab lol; I only logged back in to MGR to complete the Lily Ange currency missions
>MGR's quality is just... yyyyeah
I have no complaints for what the game actually is, but yeah, there are some things that are definitely not as polished as other games. MGR still managed to get a neat book though
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Just made an account and only had to roll once. I am pleased because she looks better this way

Congrats! She's most likely going to be a limited character that might not ever come back too.

Power-wise I think Lilum is actually one of the better Striker types in the game right now; her default Luna Force inflicts Attract, double Pursuit, increases her attack for each ally alive, increases all ally's evasion, and to top it all off it's an AoE _and_ hits behind the enemy line instead of in front.

You can line her up to target enemy shooters while also doing decent extra damage to the defenders blocking the other lanes. If you happen to hit a Magician with Attract too you're extremely having a good time. The only thing Lilum can't do that other Strikers might be expected to is melt Defenders with Poison or Burn or Ignore Barrier, but since she's hitting the backrow you're not expecting her to hit Defenders in the first place anyway.
>increases her attack for each ally alive, increases all ally's evasion
This much is par for the course for her in MGR, but it's good to see that our heroine also became strong here.
Who is the unit in the bottom left with the bird? And who is the one on the far right?
Leora is on the left and Morfessa is on the right.
>start lily ange
>you get fucked back to life
this is the exact opposite of my fetish
anyone still playing flower knight? latest story has me super excited for the next main story-related update

i don't know what it is but did fanza games have an agreement to release loli-related content in this period? a lot of recent new content across multiple games relates to loli characters in some way it's actually kinda bizarre
>get shredded by a bear
>dying, bleeding profusely from an open stomach
>a random little girl cries, strips naked and starts riding you
That's a start
So it wasn't just me, I play the game extremely casually so I can't even clear Super Extreme stages but I cleared most of the shop this time
>Try artwhirl out of curiosity
>A fuckton of H-scenes + limited stuff being hardlocked entirely behind premium currency
>Lags and constant loading

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>ranged spots are usually more premium
Yea they are. I have Vidya, Lanche, and Ivril that I field in all my teams along with both the black chefs that I switch depending on if I'm using a ranged focused or melee focused team. She would likely be a decent buffer but I feel like I would be better served just hoping I get spooked by her when aiming for something else.
I still have years of battle 3 to 10 to clear though so it's not like I'm struggling for funds to spend on her or later heroes/seasonals so maybe it wouldn't hurt to try one pity.
I'm still a bit salty that I accidentally did a pity on Aigis Shrine instead of Eth*Eith because I wasn't paying attention.
Can I get some 2AW path recommendations for the below:
Risley (Not Hot Springs)
Jin-Guang Sheng-Pu
I assume for any risley, you'd want both
One path for the extra lower cost (tower), the joker path because of the min maxed effects
If you really only want to raise one path, then either mismatch it with her HS version, or just take the one with the better effects
Erlang is also good for either, I use Apex for regular (it's also the art of her I see in most videos, so I assume that's what people pick for her) and Sacred Beast for swimsuit, with the perma duration skill
For cost reduction in Aigis is there any situaton where you'd want to cost reduce a high cost unit before a low cost unit (With spirits)
Aran is also one of those units you build both paths of, if only just for tower. For general use, I prefer the 2 block one though because 2 block.
Chronosia is a toss-up between 30 range or small stopping on her attacks, but I feel like it doesn't make a real impact either way as she isn't a real DPS, but generally range is better.
I see no point to Zhuzi's first path which gives evasion and revenge multiplier instead of taking her obviously better second path which gives her higher base attack and lets her attack accumulation stack higher.
Ikol's a tough one as it's between +30 range or her debuff strength. In extreme content where the counter damage actually matters, you want the debuffs to be as strong as possible even more, but the extra range gives better debuff coverage.

Generally your cheap units, but the reason why isn't because of the ratio. You should cost reduce the units you deploy first.
Mathematically speaking, you only get the benefit of your cost reductions when the units are actually deployed, so the relative benefit of 2 cost off a 30 cost unit versus 2 cost off a 10 cost unit doesn't actually matter, just whatever unit you deploy first as that's when you save the 2 cost regardless. If for some reason you deploy a 30 cost unit first then that unit should have cost reduction priority, this however probably isn't the case. It might be the case for the something like the 4th-6th unit though, so think about your deployment order when considering cost reduction priority.
In Aigis, do similar buffs from different sources stack if the class is different?
For example, Rearguard Tactician, Chronosia and Risley? Or is it just bigger wins
Are there good cope replacement options for Lanche?
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Its generally better to roll popularity than to wait for Summer right?
I'd want Summer Tytto, but I chances are I would get off bannered
All passive buffs, meaning buffs either coming from being in the squad or just deployed, stack unless it is the exact same ability/unit's buff. They stack additively and separately to the squad buff multiplier or deployment buff multiplier respectively. If it is not the effect of a skill itself, then it is a passive.

Active buffs(as in when a skill is activated including infinite skills) are more tricky and where only highest takes effect is applied. However there are 3 different type of active buffs. Universal buffs(all allies on field), area buffs(within a skill range), and conditionals(for a certain type of unit). These all stack multiplicatively. There is a 4th type, weird exceptions, which the wiki has found NY Rozette's to be, but if there are more, I have no clue.

Skill cooldown reduction never stacks and is purely highest effect.

She'll never be outdone in sheer performance of tanking+DPS. However, generally it doesn't matter what tank you use just for tanking as long as they also have good MR on top of high HP+Def. Also being able to kill everything they're blocking is mainly just for tower solos and in normal content your DPS should be killing things first.
Assuming the 3% black rate is split between half on-banner, half off-banner and most banners have at least 2 units on them then a banner with Swimsuit Tytto would be 0.75% chance or 1 in 4 on pity while a popularity banner is 1% or 1 in 3 for each black on the banner.

Assuming you have none of the 3 blacks on a popularity banner and want all 3 it's fantastic, but in terms of comparative want, you'd want Summer Tytto over nearly any unit on the popularity banners.
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I'd say its tough for any popularity banner to be fantastic, because that label seems mostly reserved for Heroes and select seasonal units.

I'm gonna be aiming for the Chronosia banner since I don't have anyone there, but frankly I don't feel like anyone of them is overly spectacular

I suppose I should value a guaranteed thing over the discretion of Aigis
I rolled and got both Altair and Aran so it worked for me
Lily Ange is extremely tedious to play, holy shit. No materials to level anyone up. Have to go through a bunch of story missions to even unlock the level up materials quests. Can only 2 star these missions since the low rarity healers have bad healing patterns, so going to need to go back and run them again after unlocking the level up materials quest. And the battles take forever even on the fast animation mode. I am definitely not continuing this after getting all the MGR rewards.
Who's the brown girl supposed to be?
Dieselmine make a concerted effort to continue being Dieselmine.

I would guess Shajar or Falua.
That is, indeed, Horteus.

Resource gathering is kinda dreadful, yeah. Even worse, for people who only come for the H-scenes, there is no Daily quest for Affection items; only for Exp, Skills, Equips, and Stellar.
was it not the case that aigis bond quests used to give bond.cost fairies?
yes, and they still do
where the fuck are they going then because it aint my inventory
No idea. I did a bond quest just to be sure and got a cost fairy just like usual. Obviously you only get it for the first time you 3 star it.
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How hard is the new demon girl to get?
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She got a new voice actor. Same as Kaya's.
Finally a Dark attacker equal to Ixi.
EX 1:
-Buffs own Atk
-Sets own Note position at the end of the turn to Unison to the next character.
Basically reverse Crossing Cosmos.

EX 2:
-16 hits x 210% with equip and while in Unison
-10 CT of Forced Stun on target
-If target is Light, target Sealed status for 40 CT
-If target is Dark, target EX Gain greatly decreased status 40 CT
didnt notice Anyuras at all haha
Aw. I prefer the previous VA
I liked her lower and softer pitch of voice.
Oh...you spell her name as Annulus

Is there a rip of the cards behind all the characters that we can view somewhere?
Just realized spamming her EX 1 can allow her to move every CT if the Note puller she's Unisoned with bring the next character to Note Position 0.
>Twinkle Star Knights namedrop
>DetarikiZ: Celebrating 55万 players
>Sweet Home Maid: Reached 85万 players
>Taimainin RPGx: 250万人
Any other games mention milestones recently? Most usually stop at some point or never bother mentioning it to hide their own popularity/health.
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Got her on the 3rd 10 roll, but it's still not going to be enough to get me to play. Bought out the affection items from the event shop and it only gets her to like 10. I didn't use them, but what is the affection level required for both scenes?
Rank 10 gets you both scenes
I wonder how absurd her damage can get with Wisteria
oh finally, taking a page out of what they did with legeclo and just adding limited characters in regular rateups
World Imitator events are always easy to max out after the rework. Though the one before this one I somehow can't empty the shop with only natural AP/BP regen even though I have event Image. I'm guessing they forgot to adjust currency drop after adding new item to the shop.
>Twinkle loading screens slower than that piece of shit withering waves

Chinko indeed.
I only noticed that they have names on the cards after seeing Mia because she's so flat
thanks. guess that means I'm done.
I have a serious problem with Midnight Girls R team-making.
I refuse to put any characters that don't have extra-large tits on my teams, but this also means I don't have any Sword characters on my teams at all. What can I do to deal with this, I wonder....
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>The outfit box is not a pick box, instead it's completely random
>The pick box is only available after exchanging the random outfit box
>Mission event ends today at 480 tokens
>Initial box to unlock the other is 450 tokens
>Only way to get anymore tokens is to paypig for them
I only want one of these but I would be really dumb to try it. Instead I really should get the jewel pick box and get another Drai for UR+ or another Noin for SSR+

>What can I do to deal with lack of monster tit swords
Nothing, because it doesn't matter outside of class-limited challenge stages that will beat your ass anyway.
For Arena, you'll want to take notice to an Angel that seems to be on every team that clobbers you no matter how weak it looks.
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So why couldn't they get the paizuri guy to draw Augusta her AW2?
not this shit again, KMS.
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crisis averted
>Nothing, because it doesn't matter outside of class-limited challenge stages that will beat your ass anyway
It's only the sword ones that beat my ass, I can fumble my away through it pretty easily if I can use Defenders or Scouts even with my garbage builds
>an Angel that seems to be on every team that clobbers you no matter how weak it looks
Thinking about it, I have never once beaten a similar-powered team that had Aloe on it, and that used to be true for Civet as well
Restarting my phone fixed it. My S22 was loading humongous chinkslop gachashit without any problems but was taking forever loading menus in Twinkle for some bizarre reason.
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I haven't seen a class-limited challenge quest recently, not that I pay attention. Did they put one up?
>They put one up
I suppose that's an issue then. There should be quite a few common sword oppais but I'm not sure where on the scale you mean between Luluna and "would expect a paizuri scene"

I forget which Aloe is the monster (Halloween?) but the angel I'm mentioning is first release Angelos, the one that shows up in story. She lets the party snowball if they defeat an opponent. Her newer variants are probably just as annoying but I couldn't roll any of them. Pretty easy way to pick a loss at least.
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Angelos teams can be huge trouble, I've never once thought of her base character as looking weak.
>I'm not sure where on the scale you mean between Luluna and "would expect a paizuri scene"
Anyone on that scale below Gala or Grace (Grace being the reason I picked up MGR at all, Serito being one of the reasons I stayed). I've made exceptions before for characters like Katori or Eve or Civet, because cute. I think it's time for me to evolve and focus on true victory, but it's painful....
didnt notice they added imouto orbs to a weekly quest in Twinkle. 20 per week means 2 imoutos per year.
>Legendary Chef
>+34 HP/s, 3400 cap, +15 atk+def/s, 1650 cap
>110 seconds to cap
>Dark Cuisine
>+23 HP/s, 3550 cap, +12 atk+def/s, 1850 cap
>154 seconds to cap
>Dark Cuisine has higher base stats all around
>chef skills already boost gain rate
For what reason would you ever go the first path.
You don't really need sword or any specific weapons since every weapon type is pretty much the same.
The good Aloes are the base one and the adult one. Base one has the same +gauge on kill as Angelos. Adult has -Light Res every turn.
I usually get my shit kicked in early in a stage rather than late so I'd imagine the first one isn't that bad for Majins that generally go fast.
Not that I do high difficulty Majins
I'll just hoard for now until they start releasing imouto powercreep
To add to this, it comes off as a "bad on paper, good in practice" kind of deal to me. Chef buffs are already good but take time to ramp up, yet you can visibly cut down on the ramp time (especially when considering how much you get from the early skill double ramp) with the first path while getting a less pronounced boost to the final stats with the second one. Obviously it's easy to say that more stats = better, but the first path offers a bigger change than second one.

Not sure about Valentine Augusta though. Her buff is already so small that you're really hurting for the extra stats from the second path. Then again I guess she ramps up even slower.
wouldn't that just fuck up the rateup, it's been 70x for so many years
I'm relatively low on rolls so unless the yokai is busted, I'm skipping, but doesn't renata not look as good as regular renata as a party buffer? Was gonna skip her reprint anyways, but yea
I never, ever fight teams with base Aloe on them....
Wait, I thought the simulants with the non jewel names were numbers in German (eins, zwei, drei, vier etc.).
They actually called S by his name this time. Hope they make him playable someday. He can have his H scene with girl Cloto kek
With the way things resolved I have a hunch on who the big evil god is.
Also my suspicions of who Venus is seem to be pretty good.
>her base character as looking weak.
I mean the rest of her team and the advertised team power.

They are, but I'm not going to look up the spelling each time. I looked it up once to realize f = v but forgot everything else after that.
kamipro rateup has never been true anyways
I was trying this current majin map on Aigis that requires you to have both of the current maps at level 11 minimum
Did pretty well until they both went super saiyan at the end and instant wiped anyone
what's the trick?
>Twinkle on android throttling loading times unless you're on a Japanese IP

It's faster on a vpn?
Has Tenkei Paradox added scenes for Macaron yet? I'm aware of the blue one but can we fuck the pink one yet? Maybe a threesome?
I haven't had any speed issue with twinkle star knights - monmusu td is a different story though
Usually a perma stealth setup. If you dont have Kurama+Yashima+HSRisley, then stop spam. I beat the first stage pretty easy, but level 2 makes all undead instantly regenerate meaning you need assassination.

Recently, I had trouble loading any DMM games at all despite being able to get to the page until I turned on a VPN. It turned out it was just my IP shitting the bed that day and being unable to route a working network pathway to the actual game servers as well as a lot of other sites randomly.
It's only sometimes, but I've been getting retarded loading times on PC as well
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MGR players, don't be like me.
Remember to give your Grace a Guardian Dress.
not seeing any difference on the iOS app
Man her scenes versus her regular portrait are very different. Suddenly growing tits. I hate it
fuck this pityless gacha
Yeah, Blew threw 50k gems and didn't get so I dropped the game
I uploaded her scenes in the hentai thread.

>is she a meta unit

its Tenkei Assery so it doesnt matter. As long as you have at least Seraph Sophia and Nadira you can clear most of the content.
do you also upload their non-h scene?
>Extended maintenance in MGR
Damn, how long has it been since the last time this happened?
Last time I can remember was when they tried to implement the tower defense mode into the game. They never got it to work and eventually put the house function in instead. It would be funny if it was the same mode that caused the maintenance extension.
Even now, it seems like they're planning something with chat, which I find pretty interesting. I guess something about it was fucked and they're still hurrying themselves figuring it out
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>Not even enough for a whole 10-roll
Stingy fucks
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i cant believe that this game did actually spit out what i wanted in first 10 pulls
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>get blindsided by Serito alt
>have 83000 diamonds
>spend 83000 diamonds
>no Serito
I got the other one, but I don't CARE about the other one.
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Nice, 5 10 pulls for me. Wishing luck to the megamilk anon.
I'm sitting on 240/300 pity medals and desperately trying to stay in top 100 in arena now that I've lost everything. I am grateful for your prayers
No spark? The last time I played it there's at least a spark system even for limited characters.
No, 5 rolls 10 gets you 5 tickets for that same banner, 10 gets you another 5, 15 gets you 10. For a total of 2 more 10 rolls with no guarantee. Repeat after that.
this is their 3rd gacha without spark which is a thing since anniversary 2 fucking months ago.
we might have limited june bride gacha too in few days (but this should be a sparkable limited banner tho)
Anyone remember which characters have wide-scale buff removal in MGR?
>The answer was nobody
Debuff removal and powering through with stat stacking as usual then.
I don't think this exists. There are debuff cleansers like https://midnightgirlsr.wikiru.jp/?巳薫のオルテガ if that's what you mean.
I default to Eva because I don't have her but yeah.
Any guides or tips for Twinkle in English? Really enjoying the game.
The character spreadsheet in the rentry seems to be outdated
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>POV: You wanted to click on the auto-party button
Please tell me this isn't just me
Doubt anyone made one, just google translate twinklestarknights.wikiru.jp
Hope they fix the accessory exchange in Twinkle by 1st anni, it's a pain in the ass looking for things in there
Wonder if Twinkle will make collab cosplays for the Crusaders re-run.
only if I've had the game open for like 8 hours or played ~40 arenas
>OtoFro doesn't do 10-yen sales
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Gacha did not serve me well. But the power of money did.
I haven’t played Eden’s Ritter since forgetting to roll for the newest Resofear, what did I miss and what’s currently going on? Also Erolabs picked up Kamihime Project? I thought it was dead in the west.
damn, had a whole arena left before the end of the banner. could have got the ranking bonus again plus the G5 bonuses from the next one as well. at least you got her.
All I really care about is staying in top 100, which is easy to do. The high scores ever since late last year have simply been too fucking high for me to want to even TRY to compete with.
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uh oh
>Ruriel applies stealth to her right
>Misa gains 40 extra EX
>Ria's buff decreases from 200% to 100%

nothing happened
Funny they made art of Luluka cosplaying Macaroon but did nothing with it and decided to make Maple instead.
>Ria's buff decreases from 200% to 100%
I think you mean they increased Ria's EX 2 buff for Light teams.
They made the best chara of the 3 even better
looks like I didnt read it properly as I was assuming they were doing everything to nerf light team.
Girls Creation finally got an option to multi use Images for levelling.
>Need to max out Ruriel's core level for more rewards while the Kishidou box event's still going on

Not this shit again.
Are you in A rank? Top 100 for me is ~16800 arena points and ~6440 mazo points.
She's already 4 stars from last time, don't think this is an issue.
>event stages don't give box gacha tickets again
this is bullshit, fuck off
What I saw in the last arena before the score reset, the top spot exceeded 100000 arena points.
so it's bride Gilles, Okita, Solomon and I want to say Tsukuyomi next?
Did they fuck up? You don't get box gacha from event quests in twinkle
They said it was intended but since everyone hated it, they're giving everyone 1000 pts of Stamina, 20 Stamina Drinks, and 1500 jewels. It's in the gift box now.
Mine is already 5 with a handful of extras, it'll be easy to core lv3.
Mine was 5 stars with enough for core lvl 1 before they gave compensation stamina
Is Luriel's accessory in the mission rewards somewhere? If not, it would be a MASSIVE dick move to make us spend 10k medals for it to complete the limited mission. I know the last free unit had her accessory as a mission reward.
ahhh i already bought mine, but your post reminded me that last event there was an accessory for the event girl in event quests. would make sense if it was the case this event too.
Have to buy it to clear the 2 missions but, like, do you really need those hammers?
>Final closing out story for meshiya gives an asston of tickets
>There is one remaining girl I want out of it.
>300 rolls later, 10 dupes
1000 rolls since eos announcement, getting 25 dupes and six new. Of those, maybe only two that I anticipated.

The Tantan I was complaining about earlier was a free reward, so good thing I had to wait. Have 3 trade-ins I can do, but the scene list on the wiki is kinda incomplete and there happens to not be a sad panda gallery either. Only a little over a day left to record.
getting to skip until nero is good, but I still won't have enough to spark if I have to
>attacker with 1000 base atk on max
>awful damage multiplier on skill
>gives gimmicks that aren't useful
The event Luriel is beyond garbage huh
>event quests involve raising her
Thanks devs
Angel Team can allow one wildcard so she's good for clearing quicker with Patel
damn, gilles' kit is insanely good for buffing/debuffing. people are probably saying she is trash though since she doesn't have a second turn. haven't read the other two kits yet, but I'm really not interested in any of the characters they chose. also need to go read through the engagement for NY okita, if it got added.
okita seems like an ok AoE soldier, but who would roll for that? solomon seems like a pretty good AoE rider. maybe I'll put together a gab/gilles banner during the next anniversary. what I really need for my account are support units that boost allies/debuff enemies for magic damage.
I don't know why they didn't just make her a Healer type like Lolotte.
it just doesn't seem as stacked as other assassins, mainly I assume mansa and devil origin
I'd say solomon's the winner here, but I'm good skipping for another month
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fuck... I love daoyun but I dont want to spend money
racial battle needs to be permanent
I really need to be more consistent with recording scenes before an eos announcement. I should know by now that none of these games prepare offline archives and rippers seem to be inconsistent.
Didn't help that the meshiya scenes were trying to make you press that finish button, only to continue another 10minutes.

Got lucky rolling both in 50. Naturally Raisa showed up first.
I haven't rolled anything new since Diamond, who was 200 rolls ago.
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Service has Ended
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It was a game with long scenes yet short-lived.
It was a game that went into extended hiatus/maintenance because it was so disappointing the first time around
hoping Elpis has a solo banner in MGR if they make her strong again or give her an energy drain scene.
>she is mediocre and no energy drain
my gems are safe
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Weird, got shorted 500 gems unless I missed part of the story somehow. There was a third achievement for clearing all of the collab quest stories.
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Also these rewards in the nightmare version of the challenge quest are incredibly good. Can't believe they had this medal as a reward. Better than everything else in the anniversary rewards.
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Any Mist Train Girls players here who have everything cleared?

I think I've gotten far enough in the game, but for the life of me I just cannot clear Iwato 4 and 5, even with Elemental Bursts and stuff I'm not really getting very far.

Here's all the SS layers I have. I really think I can get through those 2 stages now with the right sets, I'm just not understanding something probably
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Arena top ten... I'm finally home.....
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Macarons alt/early designs
Iwato 4 is a true tank and spank. You need a lot of piercing resistance on a tank, a lot of healing, and a lot of damage. You want both piercing resistance on the armor and on your gems as well as one of the auto healers. Tower Messina is particularly recommended. Phase 2 has a 90% damage move proceeded by a normal attack that needs to be planned around. A level 100 tank is recommended for the HP boost. Phase 3 is fortunately a victory lap.

Iwato 5 I haven't even beaten yet, but I have one of the working parties for it. Iwato 5 second phase gives reverse healing debuff. Making an auto healer suicide. However, it is possible to get enough damage resistance to be fully invulnerable or close. Immortal resistance, armor that grants damage resistance to element stack, and some specific units. It however involves speed adjustment as the armor works by giving damage resistance to enemies that have an element stacked on them, not the element that they're dealing damage with. So you'd want the armor enchantment that gives damage resistance to wind element stacks if you're giving him wind element stacks from attacking him wind element attacks instead of the dark element the boss attacks with. The real kicker is from 50% to 30% HP, he has a move that one-shots your party. So you need to time a massive burst to get him as far into that range as possible then a trance burst to get him out of that range before he uses it. Phase 2 has 70 million HP, so that's from 21 to 35 million HP.
Girls looks cute
Is it worth starting Mist train today or am I way too late to join the party?
Girls are cute, free gems are plentiful (but too many regular/limited banners), rates are relatively good, lots of beginner catchup events. As long as you don't plan on going deep into the game right away it'll be fine, but harder content requires a lot of different units.
Mist Train both constantly powercreeps as well as frequently releases limited pick banners of old units including anniversary limited. Very easy to get into as the game also has training tickets that let you skip units to high stat growth. It is also extremely easy to get a massive gem hoard early on as the game has a main story skip feature that auto clears 2 chapters by beating the bosses on very hard, so you can just get a few sparks worth of gems. If you're going to start, do it now to grab Maitetsu collab limiteds. Particularly Maka-nee the older sister looking girl. She has one of the most powerful ability types in the game.

In regards to gameplay it's a party builder extremely focused on synergies. It's a type of game where you get satisfaction from seeing big numbers. Game is lightweight in terms of time as it has offline auto.
Damn my philosophy with mist train has been "is this girl hot?"
And I'm getting demolished on a tower floor with a boss that autoheals every turn and seems to have a shield, but I can't remember anyone that disables that. Probably just need to manual it and nuke it in one turn.
Its gimmick is you need to break its shield with special skills. Just remember to have 5 units that all have special skills that actually do damage.
damn, nice. most I've ever gone for was top 100 one time, and that ended up being something like 22000 arena points.
It had been difficult for me because by the time I could make time to grind, I was already way too late. It's been a while since I was at top 1, too.
I'm probably (definitely) going to be pushed down to top 50 by the time this week is out
Kamihime being gay and throwing 403s and failing to load assets in the middle of gameplay unless vpn's on at all times
If Koihime girls aren't rollable I'm not touching Kamihime because it sucks
the Koihime collab train has already passed
multiple times

Oh man I've been mostly ignoring type resistance gear and gems because nothing else in the game really necessiates it, so I've only been farming Offense and Speed Up/Down gears and gems, guess I'll need to change a bit for this one.

Doesn't Iwato 4 enemy have an all unit AoE? Do I need to put Pierce resist not just on the Defender, but on everyone?

By auto-heal will auto-heal Link Skills not be enough? I just checked Messina and noticed that she doesn't have a Heal outside of SP Skill and the ability, but manual healing is pretty garbage anyway so I guess this will have to be it. If I do use her do I just fully focus her on healing and keep doing SP Charges instead of attacking?

I haven't gotten to Phase 2, but does Phase 2 not have an AoE attack, if so can I just then use one Defender with Provoke and/or Hate-Up equips with piercing? What about that 90% damage move plan thing, what exactly should be the preparation for it?

On Iwato 5:

That's strange on the reverse heal, does the damage from it actually count as damage from the enemy and thus immortal resistance actually resists it?

What does "grants damage resistance to element stack" mean? Do the enemies actually do elemental bursts on you here (holy crap) or am I just being stupid on something

Is that one-shot thing absolute one-shot? I'm guessing you can't cheese it with that 10% Damage null gem thing lol, and even then it'll probably keep using that move so long as it's in that 30-50% HP range is it?

There's also probably some kouryaku sites and articles for Iwato 4 and 5 so I'll check those out, for now I'll try preparing units and equips for Iwato 4, thanks.

(moving off-topic)
I guess I don't really need to worry about clearing everything here right now since I'm mostly looking forward to the the anniv event (my first anniv event for the game; I started due to the Flower Knight collab), I'm hoping they actually make the dragons playable sometime lol


This is one of the most generous and kindest Fanza games I've tried so far. (I haven't tried Twinkle yet) Rates are great where 3% is the absolute lowest but regularly goes higher for revivals/golden week/anniversary etc, lots of free gems to go around, regular event stages are easy ways to level up units especially with the AFK Offline auto battle.

The gameplay is also engaging. Aside from team synergy you actually kind of play it like an actual turn-based RPG instead of your usual auto-battler if you want to clear the harder stages.

H-scenes are all animated. A (1-star) and S (2-star) units have 1 H-scene while SS (3-star) units have 2, and outside of special cases every Base (character) will always have 1 Layer (character variation) of each rank, meaning you can expect to have at least 4 scenes even if your favorite character is a non-popular one.

There's a lot of character variety too, and from the characters I've raised up so far you can tell that most of them have love poured into them in their creation, from every 3-star layer having an animated portrait to the game's default anime-style artist making portrait art for every single character that counts as their story dialogue and A-Layer (1-star) portrait, etc. My only (very personal) complaint is that it's not cute and funny enough for me but they've thankfully been changing that recently.

I haven't read the story at all actually, used the Story-skip function to clear me all first 3 chapters, but I do want to catch up on it eventually. I wasn't expecting to really get into this game, but during the Flower Knight collab I saw clearly just how big the difference between the two games are, and now I'm mellowing out of Flower Knight a bit (still waiting for the next story character though, I, uh, kinda want her) and moved my gacha spending to Mist Train instead.

Speaking of paid currency; the usual pity ceiling for the game is 150 rolls at 3000 jewels per 10-roll, so 45000 jewels, but buying jewels at **4 times the rate** is the norm here, so it makes it easier to spend on this game on top of the generous rates too. There are paid-jewel only characters however but it's honestly not a big hindrance given it's usually just collab characters and how much other resources and opportunities the game gives you to get good 3-star units. To offset this however almost every new character is actually a limited banner, where they do regular revivals with the increased rate months down the line, or you can also buy the monthly Order Pack item from the shop which gives you 4x different kinds of 50 of an item that will allow you to summon a character you want when you have 250 of them.

During most of this Maitetsu collab period the game has actually stayed around Top 5 in the Fanza rankings, consistently getting Top 3 after the Hinai Paulette, and after playing it for a while I think they really deserve this attention.

A bunch of the Maitetsu characters are useful in some way! (except maybe Kisaki lol)

Hibiki isn't bad, having a Tier-2 skill you can use infinitely is always nice. You can also train up her S-class (or was it A-class) layer to get a skill with a different element.

Paulette has dual-element skills which is great to have.

Nagi also has one but it's tied to her A-Layer skills. Her being a Trickster type means she also has some extra use with debuffs too. Plus she's the cutest and funniest of the 6 in the current collab

I haven't explore Fukami much but one of my friends really likes her from when he played Maitetsu so I'm keeping her around + she's friends with Nagi

And of course like the guy said, Makura, has one of the best support abilities in the game. She synergizes well with the little sister Hibiki to form a standard Fire+Water duo.


...but I'm still mad we're not getting a revival of the first collab characters; I really want Reina and Hachiroku :/
holy text breaks batman
Call for me at your local Wal-Mart whenever it comes back
ah yea, I mixed up the tiers. top 100 = ~16800 and top 50 = ~22000
Yes, Iwato 4 has AoE, every unit having pierce resist is recommended. Though phase 2 is more ST focused.
>By auto-heal will auto-heal Link Skills not be enough?
I meant exactly that you rely on her auto heal and use her special to manual heal if necessary. Messina has a cure skill on one of her limited layers, but I don't have it, so I managed without it. Messina, School Vivian, and Shuri are the 3 big auto healers and some people reportedly use 2 of them in their Iwato 4 clears. I don't recall how much AoE phase 2 had, but the big main issue is keeping your tank alive due to the 90% attack. It's on a set turn order, but I don't recall the schedule. A tank that has a special skill that goes invulnerable helps, but ideally you have a tank that can survive a hit even at 10% HP. The match is won when you can consistently get to second phase and figure out how to deal with with the 90% damage turns. The boss goes sicko mode if he does kill your tank. Once phase 3 hits, it no longer throws any curveballs nor scales meaningfully, so it's considered won if you beat second phase.

For Iwato 5, the damage resistance is so you take no damage at all so you don't need to heal. The reverse healing basically pushes out Messina, Vivian, and Shuri and forces you to use a healer that only heals manually. Which actually still counts Messina if you only rely on her special.

By grants damage resistance to element stack, I mean the stacks you, the player, with your units, inflict on it, the boss. On the most recent armors that drop from story mode, there are enchantments that give resistance to enemies which have stacks of an element applied to them. For example, if you use a unit's fire skill on an enemy weak to it to give it a fire element stack, then the armor that applies to damage resistance to fire element stacks would give damage resistance against that enemy. But if you element burst that enemy and remove that stack before it attacks, the damage resistance will no longer apply. This damage resistance has no bearing on how the enemy attacks at all, just what element stacks your own units have given it. This also results in having to manage the speed of your units and using the armor of the element of the unit that attacks right before the boss attacks.

It might be cheesable, I'm only working off what I learned reading the JP wiki.
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It has been a good anniversary.
It's a massive pain in the ass to collect SSR stones because I have to roll SSRs....

Iwato 5:

I just cheked the wiki, and wow you're right, the Cosmo armor actually have that ability, that's interesting. I can see why it would be useless outside of this very specific fight, but looks like I'll have to farm 5 of these for this fight. So would something like Element Grant + Speed Down gems be good for this? I have 5 of the Damage Trade: Speed gems thanks to the recent Boss Rush event, and maybe also use a formation that increases defense (maybe Sanctuary?) and maybe also decreases speed as a bonus. But I guess the problem with too much defense is the one-shot attack. OK I'm kinda getting the picture now. Huge thanks for this. I'll also check the JP wiki's comments and see if anything people are using could work for me.
Even rolling SSRs it's a huge pain. You only get one stone unless it's the rateup unit. You are only going to keep rolling on a banner if the unit you want shares a banner with a unit you don't want. So you would only get a surplus of stones if you got luckily unlucky and pulled copies of the character you didn't want. I've pulled on the "one unit you don't own" 10k gems banners both times since they gave x10 stones of every element. The maseki medal from the nightmare challenge mission can be exchanged for 30 SSR stones.
christ, are nightmare levels 3 and 10 supposed to be so aids or am i so weak? it took me a ton of retries to finally clear them
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Mist Train maintenance is over and I rushed over to get Miyako and Salekhard!

But desire sensor trolled me like hard though, I wanted Salekhard more and didn't mind not-rolling for Miyako if I ever got Salekhard first. So the game decides to fucking give me 2 Miyakos on my second roll, and then on the very last roll to get enough points does Salekhard only normally appear.

Of course getting her normally without using the spark points is better since now I can use those points for something else, but it just feels insulting when you're like "well guess I'll be sparking her then" and then it happens lol

I'm probably wasting my jewels though seeing as anniversary is close (it's September right?), but... I couldn't resist getting Salekhard + I can afford buying all 4 Mission passes per month so I think I should still be okay... maybe? Miyako has a variation of Element Grant so that's nice.
No wonder. I've been bringing Futamata from anniversary as my lazy auto content team, and her special buffs the team.
>Shield and heal spam just goes back up after 5 turns
I know I'm not supposed to take that long but I don't seem to have the right healer built up for this task either.
At least the Meshiya girls will live on as LINE emoji

If it's the one with the bird boss, I think you're best off unga-bunga'ing it really, in fact one of it's star objectives is a 5-turn clear or something right? Or you probably don't have characters strengthened that far yet
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This isn't Donatello.
>Her skills still take off a chunk of her own health
Is the expectation to just orbit her with a healer? Pass through only heals 1200.

Yeah, the one with phoenix themed skills.
Sometimes I've come back to Karakawa tanking and poking at bosses (not this one), while the rest are taking a nap, so there's definitely some imbalance in my team comps.
Do bosses even change every month? I feel like I got further than this previously.
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I had to spark donna, not a single Rembrandt though, good I was ready for it
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>slid to 10th place while I was sleeping
>I'm out of arena drinks
Aren't these perma, they already hinted at summer units so it's probably going to be 3 straight banners of limiteds
I want to not care like I should've not cared about the recent Vermeer when Rodin showed up early instead, but this scene is a lot more lewd compared to Vermeer's. Except I need to be prepared for Gogh's dress next month, so I shouldn't attempt past the half-off roll and the login tickets.
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Alright sold. I will play it later evening once I arrive at home
Maitetsu collab is perfect too. I finished Maitetsu LR last year and i fucking loved it. Peak lolige masterpiece
I saw someone say they had over 1000 sodas in the chat the other day. I don't doubt them since I could get 1200 if I wanted to.
I guess I should give a rundown on basic mechanics.

>link skills
The reason this game is about synergies. Most units have skills which activate bonus effects if 2 or more other units that fulfill certain conditions also use their skills. Like 2 other fire element skills or 2 other gun skills or 2 other all target magic skills. They usually come in a pattern of a unit's most expensive skill giving a permanent buff on link and a large damage boost on their medium skill links. All units also get a cheap skill which very rarely if ever have a link, but can still be used to activate other units link effects. The game did not actually launch with this, but it became the game's core mechanic, so there are a load of base game units that are completely terrible due to not having link skills at all.

>element burst
Whereas link skills are the base mechanic, element burst is your goal. The game is heavily focused on hitting enemy elemental weaknesses. When an enemy is hit with an element they are not resistant against, they receive a stack of that element. If they are then hit with a different element they are also not resistant against, then that stack will be used up for element burst to deal bonus damage. For far more damage than what the actual skills do. You can also repeatedly stack elements before the burst, so an enemy with say 5 water stacks will receive extreme bonus damage when element burst is activated.
Most units have hybrid skills that deal their damage type or their element type depending on which one is more effective. Like link skills, element burst was also not a thing at launch, rather its a mechanic that went through a couple of revamps. Due to this, launch units are doubly terrible due to not having elements on their skills.

Skills cost SP to use. Each unit starts with 10 when battle starts unless they have a passive that gives them more. They recover 3 additional SP each turn. Skills at max upgrade use 4, 6, and 10 SP for most units. So auto behavior is to use the 10 SP skill first, then alternate between not using a skill and using the 6 SP skill which is usually preferred as those are the link skills. However there are units that auto recover SP or give SP to other units so they end up casting their skills every turn. All units also have a special skill which is the fancy button in the corner. These are nearly entirely superfluous despite being the fancy supers with animations with most of them dealing unnotable damage. They are activated out of turn completely disregarding link effects and element burst. Their main use is usually when some bosses have a shield that specifically need to be hit by them like the tower boss mentioned earlier. A few other specials also have utility use, but generally you turn off special skills in auto so they go faster

Regarding units to look out for, here's a list of rare powerful mechanics.
>element grant
At the start of turn automatically give an element stack to all non-resistant enemies.
>increase element stacks
If an enemy receives a stack, give it more.
>no element amortization
Don't use up element stacks when activating element burst. It is possible to burst multiple elements at once and this results in excessive damage if planned right.
Attack when some other condition is fulfilled. There are a couple of units with full party chase that can attack up to 5 times.
>action support
Make another unit repeat its action. This is a very rare ability.
>SP recovery
Some units are self-sufficient while some fuel an engine for another unit.
>dual element
Rather than attribute+element, some units have element+element. This is not only doubly powerful in terms of granting elements, but if a unit already has elements of either stack, element burst occurs without using up the stacks and adding the additional stacks from the skill itself on top.

This is a bit far into the future though. For now, just aim for grabbing all the Maitetsu units. Getting a couple of sparks fast shouldn't be too hard. They'll form a synergistic party immediately. Two more are unfortunately paid. If you do decide to pay, go for Paulette.
Sorry if this post is overwhelming.

Are they? Are all banners without 限定 on them just perma, I actually can't tell lol; and by perma does that mean they get added to the normal Premium Gacha?

Eitherway I wanted Salkehard. RIP me I guess lol. I only started playing recently so I don't know how the usual schedule goes, I just assumed that every new SS layer was limited because over half of them are

Luckily the banner for the Migita sisters goes until July 7, so you have time to get them. The event they're mainly featured in is about to end unfortunately so no early resource farming from there (getting your first stock of infinite stamina potions in particular), but there is an ongoing Exp Camp event which runs until July 3; the enemies in this mini-event are all weak to the Maitetsu character elements (Fire-Water weak and neutral to Light) so you can use that to quickly level up their stats.

Oh you have one day left for the current Treasure event so if you can do this quickly: don't forget to also get the A and S layers from the event as fast as you can. Lower-tier layers actually serve a purpose in this game so grab them too.

For this event in particular you'll want to get "Layer Gears" for 2 layers: S Hibiki and A Paulette. When you get enough Layer Gears, you can go to Shop -> Exchange Market -> Layer-related Tab to exchange Layer Gears for new Layers.

You can get those Layer gears by:

A Paulette: clearing Event Missions; go open the event banner and clear the stages until you can clear Event 2-5, then do maybe a 50-100 clears of each 2-4 and 2-5. This should let you clear enough Event Missions to farm you points for the Mission Pass, and you need only until 120 points to get the minimum 50 gears you need to summon A Paulette.

S Hibiki: Clearing the event missions will give you event currency, clearing them with Maitetsu characters will let you farm them faster. When you have enough, go check Exchange Market -> Event tab -> Treasure tab to find a S Hibki Gear x150 being sold for 15000 of the event currency, buy that so you can summon S Hibiki from the Layer-related Tab.
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TSK Character Poll tomorrow
Wonder who will win.
Probably Sasha.
Main girl vote will be split between Venus and Meruel.
Loli vote's going to be split among Luriel, Ana, and Mahamut.
Sasha however has a stranglehold on the onee-chan vote. The question is whether that's enough to beat main girl vote split two ways.
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free 10 roll starting tomorrow jp time.
good luck
Watched a few scenes and the H-scene voice acting for Lily Ange is pretty bad, it's kind of sad. I'm surprised that it's less-than-mediocre to bad across the entire board, I haven't found one that's nice to listen. It's definitely better than a 7 second voiceclip loop like Alliance Sages, I guess.

I'm assuming it's because they can't really get the more experienced VAs for those maybe, yeah all of them have some really strange sound qualities in the H-scenes. Annoyingly enough the normal voice lines and the ASMR voices are... fine? Well they're not bad at least.

My favorite character's voice in the H-scenes is pretty decent though, but the sound quality just goes to crap when the volume starts peaking :/
>Summer Asbaal in Aigis announced alongside others including Cornelia and Solais

If it weren't for how Aigis only has a single CG for their scenes I might have been more tempted alas coupled with how they also announced a pack that includes a new 2024 summer pick ticket
as in an hour and 50 minutes from now or as in next reset?
Is there a list of special collab missions in tsk? Don't see it in the wiki, want to know what missions are worth going for
probably after maintenance (end of box event + event rerun part2)

you will naturally finish them anyway
but core 1-2 luriel gives you sister orb. still haven't unlock core 2 since I'm waiting for part 2 of the event before grinding
anniversary Apollo is all but confirmed
>Icon was different for a whole day
>Event stages only gave 20 jewels each
>Three that give 50 each
I know there was a handful in mission rewards but I'll never get over how stingy Angelic Link is.

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