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Forgotten by many, let's give some love to the lunarian girl !!
Post thighs
>literally Remilia 2.0
no wonder she was forgotten
we already have the superior girl
Built for pleasing human cocks.
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>Remilia 2.0
Secondaries like you shouldn't be allowed to post here, what a kuso "contribution" to the board
I will rape the 'gu
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Breedable moonie.
Disgusting, the real Sagume would never
You just have to pressure her about it until she says she won't.
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Yeah, I like Sagume.
Sleepy 'gu
Junko did nothing wrong.
Sagume looks slightly different from how I remember her... oh well
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She looks the same as always to me.
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I'm going to force her to sleep in MY bed if you know what I mean!
Sagume is the LAST person in the universe I want getting drunk!
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She drinks only in moderation.
She won't give me paizuri
It's could be pretty funny tho, especially if you like to watch the world burn.
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don't you know why the lunar capital got invaded?
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what did ZUN mean by this?
No? Did they get invaded?!
by what?
I want to make the Gu climax again and again and again and again and again!
Kishin Sagume? More like kissing Sagume!
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feet......... uwwaaaaaaa
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her skirt design
Are you the same retard who posted "Remilia for zoomers" in the Satori thread? Any other Remilia-likes we should know about?
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Sagume is a lewd girl who loves showing off her thighs. Especially to Earth men.
>Are you the same retard who posted "Remilia for zoomers" in the Satori thread?
It's good, it's very good... I like her pure white panties.
Fem Sephiroth is a good mother
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What do you guys think of Sagume's new costume in Lost Word?
WOAH MAMA, she can call me all sorts of racial slurs, spit on me, punch me so hard I can't move from the pain and I would take it as a compliment.
holy sex
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I love her.
I think than I must engage in the most brief delays the act of reproduction with that lady to appaise my carnal desires.
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I NEED her to step on me
ZUN really love legs huh?
>What do you guys think of Sagume's new costume in Lost Word?
This from lost world? I don't play Gatchaslop. It's nice looking though.
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this is how the 'gume looks at you when she's asking for it but is too scared to say anything
it will only happen in your dreams anon...
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sex with the moonie now
Is NAI's upscaler still fucked or are ALL those Japanese and western sloppers coincidentally just not upscaling properly? It's uncanny.
I don't like when new outfits don't follow the og color scheme. Should've been purple DESU.
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red fits her, it's very daring! and the color shifts to purple on the bottom
don't we all?
I always liked her one winged design, it's really cool
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do you think she shows her panties on purpose to invite men since she can't speak?
Used Sagupanties are actually part of the Moon's underground economy. By displaying her panties to a male, Sagume is essentially promising monetary compensation.
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And what is the dollar to sagupanties exchange rate?
raping sagume!
she begs for help and says she's being raped!
no one comes to help and it turns into lovey-dovey consensual sex!
Sagume deserves marriage and a bunch of kids after a performance like that
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about 10 Sagupanties per USD
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Why so cheap?
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wow... I'm gonna be a Sagumilionaire!
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Shinki Sugame
I'm gonna poke the 'gu
harassing sagume!
she doesn't know how to react because everyone on the moon respects her!
she's too scared to speak because of her ability!
she starts blushing and crying!
harassing sagume!
1. Go to the moon
2. Sneak into the lunar capital
3. Locate the 'gu
4. Poke the 'gu
5. Leave the area
6. Return to Earth

We're wasting money and time with useless space missions instead of planning this.
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why does she refuse to lock her door?
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There will be no trading of lady Sagume's panties, no poking of lady Sagume, and no raping of lady Sagume. These behaviors are all prohibited.
Says who? Sagume...?
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No, Sagume didn't say any of that, it is very clearly laid out if you look at the laws of the Lunar Capital. If you wish to showcase your fascination with lady Sagume, you should do so in a regulated and pre-approved manner.
Could I have a pre-arranged marriage with Sagume?
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If you get her own heartfelt approval a marriage could certainly be in your future, but I don't think sweet-talking the Lunarian princesses or anyone higher on the totem pole into forcing Sagume to marry you will work out.
It's time to go on a panty raid...
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Don't bully the 'gu, or you'll face punishment from the shrine maiden herself!
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she's been very horny lately, so she's been flashing her panties a lot more often leading to severe pantiflation
Does this mean eventually they'll raise the exchange rate of panties you need to USD...
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I don't know, I'm not well versed in panticonomics
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The sagupanties are highly valued, she's gotta protect them somehow!
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