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The flood of pointless threads continues, so let's try to contain some of them!

If you have a question about Touhou lore/games/etc, please ask it here!
Why is Renko stuck with such a dead weight friend?
What do you think Reimu does in her spare time? What kind of person do you think she'd be if she didn't have to be the Hakurei Shrine Maiden?
>What do you think Reimu does in her spare time?
She borrows a lot of books and stays up too late reading them. She also brews her own alcohol, pickles her own food, and does a ton of other little tasks that they used to do. Finally you can expect to find her hanging out with friends often.
>What kind of person do you think she'd be if she didn't have to be the Hakurei Shrine Maiden?
Casual, easygoing, low maintenance girl who just wants a simple housewife experience with no trouble. Basically how she is already, but without having to drop everything to beat off youkai.
Which 2hu is the most likely to give you a paizuri?
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who is the god that reimu enshrined again? will zun ever reveal their identity?
Does Sanae have any other family still in the outside world?
This, I thought the other thread was quite nice and had a lot of fun in it, but these dogs need to lie. This thread's up now so nothing one can do about it but if there's literally always going to be a thread whenever something stupid is on the jay, it's going to become a general rather than an actual place for discussion. So OP, please don't do this again.
What is relative psychology?
We don't know, Reimu doesn't even know. As for if Zun will reveal who it is, doubtful. But who knows, we learned relatively recently who made Reimu's yin yang orbs and Mizuchi is, though I haven't caught up in CDS, supposedly going to have some Hakurei Shrine lore to her.

It's not stated so you're entering fanon/speculation, but it's logical to think so as opposed to her spontaneously manifesting. Suwako is also her blood-family too. Your choice whether she was an orphan who was adopted by the Moriya's (unlikely as she's shown to have a high school education), had parents but died later on, or she had a family and they either accepted her passing into the realm of fantasy (unlikely but not entirely impossible depending on if her parents were involved in the work of the shrine in the outside world and knew of the gods there on a personal level) or if she just disappeared and possibly was forgotten too by the outside world.

Sanae's family life is an area that's popular for fanworks to touch on for obvious reasons.

Considering the recent flood of threads from newfags or dumbasses baiting, having one containment thread to mitigate it even slightly is welcome, especially when the last thread hit bump limit pretty quickly and showed the interest in such a thread. Whining about "muh general" is just being a retarded sperg, you wouldn't whine about a character thread being a general for obvious reasons. You don't even understand the problems of generals if you're bitching about a thread like this being one.

ZUN refuses to explain shit about 2hu powers because definition weakens and limits their powers because of specification. Exactly how science absolutely destroyed them causing gensokyo to be made in the first place.
The time where everything was explained with subtle relations and open ended analogies is what gave youkai and magic their oomph.
So what exactly do the peaches from heaven do? If I for example for to eat one then what would happen?
If you manage to form a genuinen romantic reletionship with them and they have the necessary assets, then I guess all of them
That's not even speculation, that's just how things really work.

Eating the peaches grants immortality equivalent to somewhere around 1000 years/peach, and with the invulnerability it comes with for the duration. That's why the monkey king caught such a reaction-he ate the entire orchard and almost caused them all to become powerless mortals. I mean, I don't blame him because of how he was treated, but if you go trying to snatch one of Tenshi's hat peaches you're gonna meet the full force of all of heaven coming down on your ass.
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>1000 years/peach
I see, so Tenshi has at least another two thousand years to go before she becomes a mortal
how old is Reimu?
Eternal 15-17 yo
>Still a bad person but in a very mundane kind of way
She's a teenage girl with silly ideals, of course she's a bad person. Rare is the human that can unironically be considered good before they grow up
>About 20, I think.
In universe? Still a teen, she hasn't aged at all, and ZUN will never acknowledge the passage of time.
Does Lily White have a whole wardrobe of dresses in every colour, not just white and black?
Anon, you realize shrine maidens have usually been young teens. Its literally in the name 'maiden'
Women and nonvirgins serving as shrine maidens happened of course, but they wore inverted color schemes to denote this.
Reimu is forever a teen as far as age goes, and for good reason.
she's always struck me as late teens (like 19ish) to early 20s (21 at the latest)
then again Tenshi struck me as late teens in SWR too and every depiction since has just made her shorter and more bratty like a young teen instead
>then again Tenshi struck me as late teens in SWR too and every depiction since has just made her shorter and more bratty like a young teen instead
Î dont know about that. Tenshi in WaHH does look like teen around 16 to 17ish to me
>Assuming they would hand a task that vital to a sixteen year old is silly.
Yes, it is silly. That was why they gave it to here at 8 years old and had no backup plans if she died or got kidnapped(like what happened in ssib)
This is touhou anon, leave your common sense behind
>The people in charge of Gensokyo are quirky, not stupid.
Yukari's existence proves otherwise.
Ah yea, the backup plan of 'fuck, quick. Find someone else who can store the Hakurei in the balls!' very effective.

Anon, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Yukari isn't some all knowing mastermind. Okina isn't doing much more than flexing every now and then. Kasen barely involved herself with the shrine and knew nothing about gensokyo's basic functions till recently in WaHH.
There is veery little oversight from we see, and from we don't see it all implies that like any Yukari plan; its held together by smoke, mirrors, and gaslighting.
man, that Aya line is doing so much heavy lifting for attempts to understand Hakurei lore
it's always seemed to be like she's just going 'well guess we gotta find someone new now' in the same way you'd go 'well guess I'd better find a new job' or something
like it's not 'we have a plan to carry out' and more like 'we'll probably have to do something about that'
so I don't think there was a plan in place or anything, Aya was just lazily speculating on what they'd do if Reimu really didn't come back, which is why she says that she wishes it was someone who'd make a lot of news for her paper
>Yukari is, at worst, low wisdom high intelligence.
That's still being way too generous. All her knowledge is piggybacking off of a poor understanding of stuff Renko told her about, and her CiLR dialogue to Ran shows she can't even handle programming Shikigami.
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Are power-ups in 2hu diagetic? If Reimu went up to a fairy and punched her in the face would a power-up drop out?
Doesn't it depend on the subject too?
But where does that leave Merry? She's certainly not the smartest but is she even in the top 10? Is she at least smarter that Yuyuko?
Fairy biology is a mystery. They seem to have no issues procuring the tools and supplies they need to operate market stalls, so maybe?
It could also just be that fairies, as creatures that manifest directly from nature and don't even require sustenance, just spawn clothes out of nowhere without thinking about it, so Lily and the other fairies just suddenly wear black just because they *believe* they should match with the Yama. It's just common sense to them.
It would also explain why Cirno's ribbon occasionally changes color; she simply forgot what it was supposed to be and figures it was always like this.
No, the fairies have a sugar daddy. Me.
The only issue is that none of the fairies remember exactly who is my daughter, so they just all come around to be spoiled
>they just spawn clothes out of nowhere
that'd be great if we hadn't seen them wearing so many different outfits in the manga, including getting dressed in SDM maid outfits and having their own nightwear
I believe that ZUN said that the 2hus (human ones specifically) are as old as they look. So Reimu should be around 17 to 19 in my opinion, this fluctuates depending on who draws the officel art
Whose to say they don't spawn those, too? Y'know, a fairy makes their home somewhere and there's suddenly a nightgown in a closet somewhere.
Fairy homes are as mysterious as the fairies themselves, being easily noticed by fairies but impossible to find for humans normally, and seemingly being much bigger on the inside. They're just inherently magical and not prone to expensive planning, acting mostly on their whims.
All their outfits are convenient fairy-sized, too. I have a hard time believing that they could've gotten those exploration helmets from the human village somewhere.

Though personally I'm always bothered by how fairy maids are typically drawn much taller than regular fairies, even though Akyuu states that basically all fairies range from palm-sized to about the height of a ten-year old, with very few exceptions.
If there was an entire group of fairies that are all (young) adult sized gathered in one location, Akyuu's comment wouldn't make much sense.
>Whose to say they don't spawn those, too?
Because they don't, remember in fairy manga when they had to actually, physically move places by taking all their shit and putting it in their new home? You say the new house initially empty, they clearly actually have to physically find or make their items. Just like how they to actually find or steal the food and sake they consume
Can I get a list of 2hus and their superpowers please
>If there was an entire group of fairies that are all (young) adult sized gathered in one location, Akyuu's comment wouldn't make much sense.
Maybe the fairy maids aren't really fairies at all. Who knows what Patchouli can summon?
I have a question about Renko.
In Dateless bar Old Adam she appears to be very comfortable being there and it even says "apparently Renko believed nearly everyone's stories". Why would someone as scientifically minded as Renko hang out in such a place?
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Reposting a question from a dead Wriggle thread.
Are these harvest mites even real? I can't find anything on them.
This is the bug!
Absolutely not. Yuyuko is an unfair comparison though because for as much as she acts like a ditz, she's genuinely one of the most perceptive and careful individuals in the series.
How does a human become a youkai?
Having sex with a youkai

This has to be fake, who would touch Yukari?
Yuyuko is obviously not stupid, but if she is as smart as you claim why does she let herself be led by some incompetent girl with a degree in talking to people, if even that?
I'm not sure what you mean by 'being led.' If you talk about something like SSiB, that was her bailing her friend's ass out of the fireplace, since Yukari's plan ran a real risk of getting Gensokyo as a whole destroyed.
I imagine it's similar to how the native american tribes became skin walkers and wendigo, as a possible method.
Perhaps, or like in balkan legends of people becoming various types of vampire. I'm sure Merry is well acquainted with those.
You should reread ssib and note that her actions were one of a concerned friend rather than an accomplice or pawn
There are various ways. People tend to focus on the intentional ones, like the Fortune Teller chapter, but the narrative shows you can become a youkai if you keep doing too much "youkai-like stuff", eventually losing your humanity before you even realize it. See Ichirin's case:
>After this, her life completely changed. She didn't need to fear youkai anymore, and was hated by humans at times. After going though a tempestuous life, before she knew it, she had become a youkai.
Mamizou warns Marisa about it in AoCF:
>Magic is a wicked thing, kid.
>If you're gonna keep usin' it as a human, then watch yourself.
The same way you'd become any kind of monster - depends on the monster.
rather have this than 3dp garbage
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The fairy maids are just lesser devils cosplaying
Play the games
Read the Manga
Or kill yourself
If a human collective were to start thinking you might be a youkai, then you would become one
The further you go back in folklore in a lot of places, the distinction between "devil/demon" and "fairy/nature spirit" becomes ambiguous. And in a lot of places, "fairies" are classified as the souls of dead or unborn children.

So...maybe. Maybe.
Are moon rabbits youkai? And if not, what are they?
Technically, no. They're legitimately a secret third thing.
No, technically not. They aren't beings bound by superstition nor affected by the mental layer, presumably. They're probably specifically made to be slaves by the moonies and thus couldn't be youkai if they live on the moon.
They're something else, likely an entire stable race like lunarians themselves technically are. So after the moon wars the questions of what happened to all the cute moon bnnuy is obvious, pilfered by the Americans cause canologically most moon rabbits have 0 loyalty and Reisen is unironically an exception, but only after Eirin took the role as her master
Aren't they just humans/low class lunarian dressed as rabbits?
No, they clearly are rabbits and have rabbits form as seen in the prints. But they aren't technically youkai
Reisen was able to become an earth rabbit so no.
She's still a moon rabbit, just that she lives on earth now. She's still able to communicate with her fellows on the moon and she could go back physically, legally she'd probably be arrested, but whatever.
Ironically, despite all the slack she gets, Reisen is probably the best her species has to offer.
In LoLK she started calling herself an earth rabbit and in 15.5 she is called an ex-moon rabbit. I assume she's still a moon rabbit but no longer pure of something, since she still has the moon rabbit abilities.
Why is ZUN so reluctant to use his new characters? Characters from the EoSD-IN area were prominently featured in mainlines, fighting games and printworks released around the same time, but we’ve only just reached a point where SA and above characters are being given attention and being expanded upon in CDS, 17.5 and UDoALG. Why is ZUN like this?
Maybe they are too forgettable?

I have played every single game to the end and I honestly can't remember the name of most characters past LoLK.
How does Shizuha paint all those gazillions of leafs? Can she manipulate spacetime or clone herself?
the reason for that is because they have not been given the attention that the old characters were given, and also you probably just don't care as much
they're forgettable because ZUN isn't using them and because the doujin scene shrunk, so the new doujins are pretty much only on those characters that the artist decided they like 15 years ago.
There's no reason Mike couldn't be Nitori-level in relevance since she's a merchant and could have a fairly similar amount of appearances, but ZUN doesn't seem to feel the need to use her, so it continues to be Nitori.
Sannyo's the only character who escaped this by filling a previously unused gambling house niche and therefore getting regular appearances. I guess Tsukasa also snuck through by virtue of being in two mainline games, but she's not really relevant outside of that.
Maybe? At least in SSiB Reisen 2 refences shape shifting so they're spiritual entities at least.
I think that's less a change in nature, and more a change in culture. She probably calls herself an e rabbit because she lives among them and they're her family now.
More symbolic, like you adopting your host nations culture as your primary
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Are the Siddham letters in Kongara's boss fight of any significance? Are they even proper letters, or just ZUN making shit up? I've been on an autistic research mission and I can't figure this out at all, doesn't seem like any is a seed syllable of the original or of Acala's

Who's Who in 2016 calls Udonge a Moon Rabbit, but later in the 2020 rerelease categorizes all of them (her, Seiran, Ringo, Reisen2) under a "Beast Youkai" umbrella
That said I just today had a small stroke when I read that it also calls Keiki a divine spirit despite the earlier definition that it's someone who achieved godhood, not was born as one
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Be 100% honest with me lads, is it even possible to date and fuck a yokai like Nue or it is a lost cause?
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Haven't seen anyone go further in the meaning than picrel. Not sure if they would make something if put together.
Her relation to Buddhism makes me wonder if Konngara comes to punish Reimu in the Hell route for causing a ruckus in hell or something.
> Keiki a divine spirit despite the earlier definition that it's someone who achieved godhood, not was born as one
I think the divine spirit might not been put there by ZUN.
Really? To me it sound more like wardrove changes, checked the chapter2 in Japanese and she doesn't seem to hint to shapeshifting imo.
Rabbits are also on a strange place since no one would really fear rabbits so they aren't like your typical Touhou youkai, but I guess people believing in rabbits giving luck preserves their existance?
I think moon rabbits and youkai rabbits kind of share their ancestor or something but they might as well be the same with the main difference being purity.
>a yokai like Nue
A Nue, not very likely, but plenty of youkai do have sexual encounters and even marriage and childbirth present in their myths.
Fun facts indeed! I wonder how many of those are out there and what the previous 11 are...
What about the gods? I know that it's believed that the imperial lineage of Japan descended from Amaterasu. But I don't know if it was regarded that the imperial lineage were literally not human?
The imperial line are direct descendants of the Watatsukis in particular, actually.
I kinda realized my question was a bit dumb because I remembered that the person Sanae is based on is from some family that claims lineage to a deity. So apparently gods getting it on with humans was a thing?
Japanese myth is filled with humans fucking non-humans. A good chunk of their famous heroes were demi-gods or half-youkai. Just as frequent is those gods and youkai immediately leaving their partners when their true forms are seen, and not even making a token effort to talk it over.

TL;DR: 99% of interspecies relationships in Japanese Myth fail because non-humans underestimate how willing humans are to fuck other things.
Are there any actual stories of yokai x human relationship where the human isn't some half god or some turbo special retard but instead some normal person and by that I mean a 100% normal person? And where the story isn't some yokai forcing his way with human woman? I don't want to believe it is only us, the human males, getting cucked.
>INB4 they exist
Link them please. I want to read them.
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They come from a PC98 english patch pack, the translation team added a bunch of trivia, although in pick rel stuff like the Fallen Temple girl being from another PC98 game wasn't known so they just assumed it was Reimu or Shinki (Although I guess ZUN could have just picked the sprite and say "Looks like Reimu" or something like that).

Also have to say that I find the ball sprites odd in Sariel's fight, like coudn't ZUN have used that Reimu sprite for the title screen? Also are those sprites available anywhere without being deformed into a sphere?
Look up pretty much anything to do with Kitsune or the Yuki-Onna and you'll find that it's mainly just average Joes getting caught up in some trouble and then meeting a girl of his dreams that, thanks to retarded social structures of ancient Japan and total lack of the concept of communication between men and women being possible for them, the man either gets killed, stuck with the kids after the wife runs off, the wife dies due to "reasons, lol", or some horrible affliction happens because the ancient Japanese hated the idea of a happy ending. There are a very, very select few where they get a "good" ending, like the one tale of the Kitsune woman that had kids with a farmer, the farmer finds out and she bolts, and then he yells at the fox basically "fuck the rules and norms, I love you, you're the mother of my children, you're always welcome, and I want you to stay". The story ends with her being a fox by day and then slipping back into the house at night as a woman to be with her family. And that's....that's pretty much it from the top of my head.
There is another fox tale where she has some sort of curse and they keep going back and forth about "you should use me as you see fit". "No, that's fucking retarded and I would never do that." "Then you should make me your wife". "There's no way I could be a good husband to an amazing woman like you." "Then what should I do to show thanks?" "Whatever you feel is right, because I think I'm a piece of shit." Then she spontaneously goes through a massive amount of enlightenment, becomes a God out of nowhere, ascends to the heavens and then grants him and/or his descendants a bunch of blessings.
Why are foxes so god damn slutty holy fuck it's not bad enough they keep breeding among their kind they have to fuck human men too (thus cucking a human woman out of a happy family life)
So cute, I love romances with happy endings. Especially human/supernatural romances
Welcome back, Akyuu, having any luck finding a partner to continue your bloodline before you kick the bucket?
Does anyone have a link to Shady Trial (https://www.dlsite.com/home/work/=/product_id/RJ244256.html)

Apparently one anon posted a link back in 2020 (https://warosu.org/jp/image/sIlR+uqKR3UGSzZJqyKOcg) but that link is long dead and I can't find it anywhere else.
>Just as frequent is those gods and youkai immediately leaving their partners when their true forms are seen, and not even making a token effort to talk it over
So they just assume that the human won't like it and skedadle?
So are you saying that any anon with semi decent communication skills has a chance with a youkai?
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Question ; what do you guys think about hijab touhous?

I think it's a really creative and amusing way to portray the girls. Plus, it respects them. A lot of touhou artists try to race each other to the bottom of the gutter -- you can't believe what smut I've seen these pigs make. When an artist gives a Touhou a hijab, it's like he places her in a place of honor. You see a hijabi Touhou, you just want to say, "damn! She's holy!"
As someone who loves all the ladies of the mansion and holds them in high regard, that image looks like she has a busted parboiled egg on her head. But she looks so happy....
Eggs are tasty. It's like a pocket snack.
Renko is skeptical of the scientific world of her time, and she is right to be so, the science and technology of their time is in decline.
I don't know why she believes everyone's stories though.
Wasn't there a post on /jp/ that theorized the Makai route is essentially the true ending and that you're supposed to play Hell->Makai? I'd have to dig it up.
funnily enough, I was just going to ask if arabic 2hu fans exist
How old are Maribel, Renko and Sumireko?
Merry and Renko are university students, so 18 at the bare minimum, probably higher at 20-22.
Sumirekos ULiL omake mentions her going to prep-school where she started her own club, so i assume she finished high-school, although that isn't necessary. If she is still in highschool, that would put her between 16 and 18. If she was at the prep-school full time 18 or 19, maybe 20.
Holy shit I'm about to fucking nut, that's exactly what I needed
May your Yin-Yang Orbs never be full and your gohei forever moist

Sumireko is 100% still a high-schooler at the time of TH18 (since that's when the last reference to it happened in Kourin's sidestory) AND she definitely was a minor before VD, eith the same source
Merry and Renko are a bit more blurry to me, they definitely are university students and I'm 99% sure they're adults, but I have something in the back of my head about how in their age university is like high school for us in terms of age
>but I have something in the back of my head about how in their age university is like high school for us in terms of age
You're mixing them up with Yumemi and Chiyuri
Is the "Eastern style Western magician" and "Western style Eastern magician" thing that Patchouli and Marisa have going on ever expanded on any of the print works? I think those are very fun concepts that ZUN came up with.
well that was embarrassing of me, have a strawberry on me
In that case let's roll with the "ZUN wouldn't endorse underage drinking" excuse and since they did get sloshed, call them 18+
>but I have something in the back of my head about how in their age university is like high school for us in terms of age
You're probably thinking of Dim. Dream, where Yumemi is a professor at age 18 and Chiyuri is a post-graduate at age 15, and in their world people graduate from college at age 11.
Running with that line of logic, we can get a slightly better lower bound: The (current) drinking age in Japan is 20
Marisa is native to Gensokyo but makes potions, flys on a broom and what not. Patchouli, as her name suggests, is a westerner but her magic is based on chinese five phases.
We can kind of make a timeline with this:
They were 18 in GFC, 19 by Restrospective, 19-20 in MA, 20-21 in DBOA and now are 21.
So THAT'S the world of 2512.
So who's going to freeze themselves to meet the strawberry?
If someone has the ability to negate other abilities, such as flight or time stope, then are they allowed to incorporate said ability into their spellcards?

I can't think of a single rule that goes against it but it seems rather unfair doesn't it? Then again Sakuya's ability is pretty unfair too
Spellcard Rules seem to be based 90% on mutual agreement. Rather than strict, hard and fast rules, they're flexible. A negation Ability would probably be fine in most circumstances since it's largely just a defensive Ability.
At the end of GFC, Renko says "Never mind that, Merry, why don't we go see the entrance at the Hakurei Shrine?"
Is there a Hakurei Shrine in the outside world.
A world where a 15-year old is a christmas cake, and an 18-year old is an old spinster with no hopes of getting married.
Yes. The shrine itself is sorta between the two worlds, and is a gateway between them, hence why people who end up in Gensokyo head there to return to the Outside World.
I like hair, but i can't see it if Flandre or any other 2hu decides to wear a hijab. Therefore, i don't like hijab at all.
How does that work? Who maintains the shrine in the Outside World? Surely they know that it's some kind of a weird portal? Is there some grand conspiracy to cover up the existence of a weird youkai portal shrine?
no one maintains it; the outside world version is abandoned
Ah, of course, makes sense.
This post >>47078956 made me wonder where exactly the SDM gets their funding to buy stuff

I can understand Eientei having a lot money considering the shit load of tresures and luna technology Kaguya owns alongside the fact that they sell medicine to the Villigers and act as a hospital but the SDM? I can't think of anything they do that gives them an income.

Same thing with other characters such as Marisa, Alice or Yuuka, where exactly do they get thier money from?
Just make all the 2hus dressed as buddhist nuns. Their headwear is kind of similar to a hijab anyway.
Ichirin already got that covered!
the others are kind of fair (though I would assume Yuuka would have an easy gig as a florist or a farmer), but really? You're asking how a kleptomaniac comes into possession of... anything?
For the SDM and Yuuka, remember these youkai are pretty old. When you're dealing with timespans of hundreds of years, they have far more unique opportunities to build up obscene wealth. They all existed before Gensokyo and likely had a very sizable nest egg built up before coming here. Also you know Marisa actually owns a store right?
>Also you know Marisa actually owns a store right?
It's in the middle of a forest nobody ever visits. I doubt she gets any more costumers then Rinnosuke does.
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Is renko and reimu the same person?
Unlikely, they have pretty different abilities and personalities. But there are some people who theorize that Renko was the original Hakurei shrine maiden, or at least her ancestor.
>But there are some people who theorize that Renko was the original Hakurei shrine maiden, or at least her ancestor
That's what I thought too, maybe the reimu's ability is just renko's GPS ability taken to the extreme?
That theory still doesn't make any real sense compared to the much more direct explanation that Renko got murked by moonies.
>reimu's ability is just renko's GPS ability taken to the extreme?
There is literally zero connection between the two. While Abilities aren't exactly hereditary in most cases from what we know, trying to connect the two is literally just Renmerry shippers coping.
>Renko got murked by moonies
How would that happen?
It's far from unthinkable that they could take a trip the the moon, or the lunar capital directly. Maribel already used the same trick as Yukari when it comes to the reflection of the moon on the water, and most importantly, it explains Yukari's obsessive grudge against the Lunar Capital, something she's willing to risk the continued existence of Gensokyo over.
There's this post explaining how a narrative like this would work. He also combines other theories like Renko being Chang'e, the creator of moon rabbits and Reimu's ancestor. >>47012529
There's still way too many issues with this theory honestly. Especially considering the anon that posted that one ignores the fact that Hou'yi wasn't Chang'e's husband, he was Junko's, who murdered his own child just to get moon pussy and eternal life.
>Hou'yi wasn't Chang'e's husband, he was Junko's

>There is a certain person in the Lunar Capital that Junko detests.
>The reason for this is quite complicated, but...
>That person is the wife of Junko's husband.
He's both's. It's not explained further, but Hou Yi was definitely married to both Junko and Chang'e, in some way or another.

Not that this does anything to prove this dumb schizo theory, but the Hou Yi thing isn't a contradiction.
>the SDM
Remi threw a tantrum, nearly destroyed Gensokyo, and now all the other youkai have to provide food for the mansion
also they were probably rich in the outside world too
>the Hou Yi thing isn't a contradiction.
Less that it's a contradiction, more that referring to him specifically as Chang'e's husband would largely indicate a lack of familiarity with the original myth, which is in many cases necessary to understand the context of many things in Touhou, as it assumes the audience is aware of it.
NTA, but I thought that Anon was implying Houyi killed Junko's son so that he could then marry Chang'e.
Which doesn't seem very like something Renko would want him doing or approve of.
That was part of what I was suggesting, since that is essentially how the original myth goes. Yukari may have her differences from Maribel, but they're fundamentally the same person, just at different points in her life. For Renko to do all that feels extremely out of character for her. Junko's son wasn't a Jizo statue, after all.
To me the Renko = Maribel theory only really serves to give Yukari more of a motive against the Lunarians.
But compared to other people who have a particular hatred for them, I think she falls short. Okina, Junko, and Hecetia all seem pretty dead set on hating everything moony, but Yukari is fine with working with them if she thinks it'll protect Gensokyo.
I've seen people also cite it as a possible reason why Yukari didn't intervene in LoLk, a question the game does raise in Marisa's ending. But I don't think it works and being able to solve questions a good theory does not make.
A theory is good when it has lot of evidence, but if it only serves to answer questions and doesn't have a lot of evidence it's more fanon/headcanon.
I've never once heard of Okina having any particular issue with the Lunarians, and Junko hating the Lunarians is pure fanon. She only cares about Chang'e. Of course, in Yukari's case, going against the Lunarians by itself contradicts her desire to keep Gensokyo existing, so it's already strange that she'd do so. Considering the other time we see her go to such lengths for anything else has to do with preventing Yuyuko from discovering her corpse and passing on for good, I'd say there's plenty of reason to believe a comparable grudge would come from Renko's absence having to do with the Capital.

And in fairness, these theories are headcanon at best regardless until we get a clear answer, and I don't think that'll come around until ZUN decides he's done with Touhou as a whole, if even then.
>I've never once heard of Okina having any particular issue with the Lunarians
Okina mentions having a dislike of the moon in Grimoire of Usami, when commenting on Hecatia's spell card and is one of the ones invited alongside clown piece.
> Junko hating the Lunarians is pure fanon. She only cares about Chang'e.
I always thought she disliked them, although that's probably Hecatia's dislike for them on a whole bleeding into Junko's characterization in my mind.
For LoLK, the strange thing is Yukari not helping them or the protagonists against Junko since the Lunarians being put under threat is causing them to, in turn threaten Gensokyo.
>And in fairness, these theories are headcanon at best regardless until we get a clear answer, and I don't think that'll come around until ZUN decides he's done with Touhou as a whole, if even then.
I don't think you should be fair here, just calling everything headcanon is dismissive of well constructed theories and gives too much credit to more wild ones ones like Renko being Chang'e.
Forgot pic, sorry.
That's why I said "at best." The wild 'theories' are just fanon, but the actual well-constructed ones are still technically headcanon until confirmed, even if, as in cases like Maribel becoming Yukari, it's practically confirmed by canon material and ZUN himself.
>Okina mentions having a dislike of the moon in Grimoire of Usami
I guess I'll have to read through the spell card books at some point. That is interesting.
>For LoLK, the strange thing is Yukari not helping them
I can chalk this one up to the same sort of nonsense with Yukari's complete absence in ULiL, which more comes down to ZUN-writing than anything else, unless you argue Yukari didn't want to interfere for fear of paradoxing herself out of existence, but that raises its own questions of why she didn't intervene when a handful of youkai might've actually hurt or killed Sumi.
No. Touhou is a series about female characters being cute and funny and strong. Making them wear hijab is the opposite of that. It’s a series with strong women without being pretentious about it like western leftists but sure, make them cover up with a headscarf from a religion known for its violent and demeaning treatment of them. Don’t push Islamshit into them.
If you're interested, this is the next page.
Indicating she'd the one who invited Hecatia, presumably though Clownpiece, in hopes of seeing power.
Although I don't think it's clear if she means Junko in particular, or power in general.
>Yukari may have her differences from Maribel, but they're fundamentally the same person
Do you think Maribel is fundamentally the kind of person who would condemn humans to live in ignorance and fear in order to sustain her little menagerie?
>Junko hating the Lunarians is pure fanon

>Junko hates Chang'e.
>Consequently, she also hates the Lunarians, to whom Chang'e belongs to.
She does hate the Lunarians as a whole for sheltering Chang'e. They make themselves complicit by siding with her against Junko instead of just giving her up for justice.
>...that said, though, her hatred of Chang'e is mostly due to Junko's influence anyway.
Hecatia dislikes the Lunarians for her own reasons, but as per her profile her hatred of Chang'e seems to be mostly because of Junko.
Personally, I believe that while Hecatia does think the Lunarians are shitty assholes, she wouldn't take action against them on her own, as they're ultimately really just doing their own thing (also explaining Eirin's apparent unfamiliarity with her).
However, in line with Hecate's involvement in the Rape of Persephone (one of the very few notable myths Hecate features in), and support of Demeter, Hecatia just has a weakness against mothers who are super fucking pissed about their child being taken from them, which is why she's so supportive of Junko, even when she lets go of her grudge for the time at the end of the game.
>She does hate the Lunarians as a whole for sheltering Chang'e.
That's what I mean, most people just go "Junko hates the Lunarians, period." If they gave up Chang'e, Junko wouldn't give a damn. Hecatia, on the other hand, clearly has a grudge with the moon as a whole, considering her dialogue in AFiEU.
>Do you think Maribel is fundamentally the kind of person who would condemn humans to live in ignorance and fear in order to sustain her little menagerie?
Absolutely, this is hardly even a question. Note, among other things, that the whole subjectivist nonsense Akyuu spouts in FS more likely than not originates from Maribel. Kosuzu even points out after the fact that claiming that there isn't one objective truth could be used to justify basically anything. The one convincing argument you could make in favor of Yukari's actions is just that she might understandably think that if she doesn't do things in a certain way, she might grandfather paradox herself out of existence, and unless PC-98, and specifically Yumemi and the Probability Space Hypervessel are ever acknowledged again in any meaningful capacity, we won't know for certain if that would actually be the case or not. But for the time being, you can at least argue that Yukari does what she does out of fear for her own life, in a sense.
in Changeability of Strange Dream Yukari mentions that if she could turn her nightmare(Gensokyo) into her dream(Her ideal Gensokyo), she'd prefer it over her reality.
Given that she's one of the more politically influential characters in Touhou, and probably the most active of the three Sages we've seen, and was probably one of the parties involved in the creation of the spellcard rules, so I imagine her justification is something like.
>It's okay if I do bad stuff now because I'm working towards a better future.
>t. Yukari
Except she wouldn't use t. to sign her name, she'd use whatever greeks use to sign their names.
>May your Yin-Yang Orbs never be full and your gohei forever moist
kek, thx I guess. Not sure if the 16 characters of HRtP or the 8 in Konngara figh have any meaning or if it was (probably) just ZUN thinking they looked cool considering how Siddham never reappeared in Touhou.
I think the connection people make is that Renko getting info from the sky developed into Reimu's intuition and maybe went from seeing to also manipulation time-space since that kinda covers boundaries and Fantasy Heaven.
That and the fact of Renko and Maribel still being somehow together.
I think it's unlikely, but if ZUN pulls a "Renko is the Hakurei God" or some other wild shit like Yukari actually not being Merry I'll laugh my ass off.
Although I guess Renko being related to Hakurei would somehow kinda keep their dynamic. Still doubt ZUN will ever give any definitive statements and we'll just keep making theories and crack theories never to be confirmed.
What are the specific Japanese terms for the "life energy" and "mental energy" that Okina can control?
Why doesnt Keine know about the Akyuu family history
>if it was (probably) just ZUN thinking they looked cool
My guess is the same, though interestingly her fight doesn't have both her master's (Acala) and Avalokiteśvara's, who according to one commentary is Kongara's true self:
This is getting fucky because that bodhisattva is Kanzeon/Kanon, who merged with Kikuri-hime, whom we meet as the boss directly before Kongara, and either that's deliberate or some genuinely creepy coincidence

>Teireida in charge of life energy
生命担当 の 丁礼田
>Nishida in charge of mental energy
>精神担当 の 爾子田

Official profiles also use 生命力 and 精神力 respectively
>This is getting fucky because that bodhisattva is Kanzeon/Kanon, who merged with Kikuri-hime, whom we meet as the boss directly before Kongara
What's the lore behind Kikuri-hime and Kongara?
>生命担当 の 丁礼田
>精神担当 の 爾子田
> 生命力
Thanks for the translations. These weren't quite 100% lining up with what I thought they may be, but thank you nevertheless.
Probably, it's a public record after all, but Akyuu says that the Heida records are beyond her power as they aren't a history created by her.
>What's the lore behind Kikuri-hime and Kongara?
In Touhou? Literally nothing since HRtP has no plot other than the intro end endings, and they aren't in either
IRL? Kikuri (or Kukuri)-hime-no-mikoto, barely showing up in some Nihon Shoki variants, was a mediator between Izanami and Izanagi after they had their famous falling out in the land of the dead. She's the prototypical shaman shrine maiden, and also (later on) personified Mount Haku of the Three Holy Mountains. As mentioned, during the Shinbutsu era she was equated with Kanzeon, a major Buddhist figure.

Kongara-douji (for some fucking reason the misspelling Kon*n*gara is widespread), or Kimkara in the original setting is one of the main attendants to Acala/Fudou-Myouou, the central among Five Wisdom Kings and one of the main figures in Japanese Buddhism. As attendant, serves a similar role as Okina's girltoys do - in this case, represents the compassionate half, dharma-essence and obedience, in contrast to Seitaka-douji that fills the opposite. The trio is very commonly portrayed together, though Touhou only has one - and in a very uncharacteristic place that is Hell. As mentioned, while usually only being an extension of the Immovable Wisdom King, the Servant was once passed as another facet of Kanzeon.
Why doesn't Byakuren wear one too?
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>Kikuri (or Kukuri)-hime-no-mikoto, barely showing up in some Nihon Shoki variants, was a mediator between Izanami and Izanagi after they had their famous falling out in the land of the dead. She's the prototypical shaman shrine maiden, and also (later on) personified Mount Haku of the Three Holy Mountains. As mentioned, during the Shinbutsu era she was equated with Kanzeon, a major Buddhist figure.
oh wow holy shit I didnt know ball girl had this much lore behind her
>mediator between Izanami and Izanagi after they had their famous falling out in the land of the dead
You might even call it a love consultation...
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my wife okuu is so cute!
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>In Touhou? Literally nothing since HRtP has no plot other than the intro end endings, and they aren't in either
I see.
>She's the prototypical shaman shrine maiden
That's very interesting!
>personified Mount Haku of the Three Holy Mountains
Is there a particular reason for the veneration of Mount Haku? I know mountains are often considered some type of sacred place in Japan, but I couldn't find much on the specifics.
>she was equated with Kanzeon
>Acala/Fudou-Myouou, the central among Five Wisdom Kings
I had no idea the pc98 games rolled out references to such heavy hitters of Japanese buddhism.

Fudou-Myouo is of particular interest to me due to his relevance in Shingon, which ties to Kukai, which ties to Kukai's idea of various sounds having some kind of divine/supernatural power that goes back to creation itself. ZUN has on several instances used sound-related metaphors for supernatural stuff, which might come from Kukai's ideas. The idea of sounds possessing supernatural or spiritual power would probably be very appealing to someone who is as much into music as he is.
>Okina's girltoys
Anon, as much as Okina's DNA contains male deities (and some rather virile ones at that), I'm sure there is nothing in the relationship between her and her douji's that would justify such a term!
>in a very uncharacteristic place that is Hell
Not the last time he would have divine entities in weird places.
>the Servant was once passed as another facet of Kanzeon.
This stuff gets so complex so fast. But that's part of the fun of studying this kind of stuff, too.
Most likely ZUN wanted to make her more appealing to look at, but it could be seen symbolizing that she is a fallen nun.
>oh wow holy shit I didnt know ball girl had this much lore behind her
Many such cases when it comes to the Touhou girls.
>Anon, as much as Okina's DNA contains male deities (and some rather virile ones at that), I'm sure there is nothing in the relationship between her and her douji's that would justify such a term!
Don't be so quick to jump to such denials, Anon. Okina is already the sugar daddy of half of Gensokyo.
>Okina is already the sugar daddy of half of Gensokyo
You're going to have to provide at least two cropped manga panels for such claims, Anon...
Am I the only person in the world who thinks that there is a leitmotif from Bad Apple in Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17?
>Eh... Maybe she gets cash selling dolls? As a magician she doesn't really need much of anything though.
In a winning quote with Suwako in hisou she implies as much saying frog stuffed dolls are pretty popular in the human village so mayhaps
Im more interested in where she gets those high quality materials for her dolls really
ZUN really does reuse a lot of basic harmonic and melodic ideas in his works. Once you start hearing it you will never be able to unhear it. However, in the case of these two songs it's more that they both feature similar melodies based on the pentatonic scale, but I don't think it was an intended reference.
Exactly. I don't imagine she is the type to buy particularly expensive things in the first place so people are probably happy to just give it to her for free to keep her happy and make her go away. She may be police but she strikes me as the kind of person who comes off as a bit creepy even through the good manners, especially since most people probably know who and what she is.

She would also probably offer a word about how they are too kind and give them a smile that chills them to their core. Knowing what we know of Yuuka, that effect was probably intentional too.
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Tell me why her tits so big?
>(for some fucking reason the misspelling Kon*n*gara is widespread),
Because that's how it appears in the game, probably just due to how you type "n kanas" in computers since double ん isn't really used in japanese save for that fire emblem character called ンン.
"Renko is skeptical of the scientific world of her time"
Dont you mean Merry?, Renko kind of come out as an Insuferable Fedora tipper
No, Renko is unfortunately just as bad, although in many ways it feels like she's a victim of ZUN sockpuppetry the same way Keine, Rinnosuke, and Hecatia have been. In Dr. Latency's Freak Report, there's even the line of
>To Renko Usami, Merry appeared to be a scholar of truth, who would open the eyes of all the delusion-spouting physicists.
So yeah. As mentioned, you can at least vaguely argue it's somewhat out-of-character for her compared to her more scientific perspective in the rest, but even at her best she's an enabler of her genuinely intolerable friend.
I hate the trope of "Vampires-with-compound-interest-wealth", Insane amount of wealth and assets Bring the attention of States, Bank Holders and Intelligence Agencies, once they Figure it out that you are not human, Then is open season to wage economic warfare on you, Having your assets Liquidated, Your bank account bloqued, and your properties Seized and Expropiated by Rapacious Competitors.

Now to answer the Question, Rinnosuke Explain in CoLa that Gensokyo works on the bargain system, Greater Youkai Deal with Favor and Influence. probably some Magic/Mana too.
Every time Renko talks about science, it is about things even we would talk about in the past tense. It makes sense for ZUN not to talk about scientific discoveries that haven't been made yet, but there is more to it.
In TJD Merry comments that it's tipical of Renko to try and revive an old theory.
In NToJ she is familiar with the hoax about the Izanagi objects, so she keeps up with genuine conspiracy theories.
In DBOA she is in her element in that bar, which is full of men telling weird stories. They are so weird that Maribel doesn't believe them, but Renko does. Half of them were true, in the end.
In DLFR Renko asks Maribel to add a fight scene at the end of the book because it recalls stories from the Age of Discovery.
I think you misjudged her. Renko has a genuine obsession with the past, to the point that she even chooses to write her documents by hand. She wants to prove that magic is real but the scientific community laughs at her for doing so.
My headcanon is that Renko lays the foundation for the PoDD Super Unified Theory or possibly the whole thing, but sue never really managed to prove that Magic was real.
...Until her descendant, one professor Okazaki, finds an old paper with her lifelong dream on it, and she takes it up as her own.
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What is DiPP really about? It all goes over my head
And that's whithout bringing up MA, where she says philosophy is now more important than science and is repulsed when Maribel calls her a nihilist.
Renko , far from being a fedora tipper, is someone I think I'd really enjoy the company of.
If Touhou games were playable in cabinets at arcades, which difficulty seems the most plausible to be playable (by default) - normal, hard or lunatic?
If they had to choose one and only one, then I guess Hard? Normal would be too easy to make the owners any money and Lunatic would scare away casuals.
Renko is getting really close to Yumemi, maybe in the next CD we'll get some detail about her getting laughed out of the conference she went to or trying to invent artificial magic
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Yeah but other names were changed to avoid ZUN's Engrish
We're not dealing with Huziwara no Mokou, Kokoro Hatano, Crown Peace or Etanity Larva, and there is no reason to use the double 'n'
it doesn't exist in Japanese, it's not in Chinese 矜, nor in the original from India - just in English
big pet peeve
What's the life expectancy of the average human in Gensokyo?
How many touhous are sexually interested in each other?
Canonicaly only Hisami is attracted to anyone, and it's one-sided.
Who are the most youkai like youkai, and who are the most human like youkai?
I think in HRtP nobody doubted the engrish due to there being no kana to compare, although I guess anyone that typed in nip could have noticed that it's the same input as for writing こんがら even if in this case in particular typing kongara would do the same, but I guess typing nn to get ん just to be sure and people not checking it are at fault, most English speakers are unaware how Japanese works so it isn't too weird that it happened.
Not sure if "nn" or similar is ever used in any language now that I think of it.
But the only thing to do is type Kongara or writing posts that explain from where Kongara gets her name and hope that people follow, it's hard to change what people are already used to tho.

Hard to tell, dying like before 30 like Akyuu says seems an anomaly, so probably above that. There doesn't seem to be much famine nor illness in Gensokyo which is usually what hits life expectancy hard, especially in the past but I doubt that it ZUN has thought about it if I'm being honest.

And there were none but with magic, a bit confusing and some anons have written walls of text to discuss exactly what happens there and theories.
It most likely is about 8 "honest men" probably thieves getting killed by a youkai or similar that probably is/was one of them.

I think vampires could kinda pull it in the past where info was harder to document and easier to erase and the world in general being disconnected, maybe changing identities every now and then, it still could go south but it doesn't seem to be impossible. Would be nice seeing an instance of the trope not working, or a story of a vampire's struggles to not raise suspicion over the centuries.
How is it possible for reimu to win all the matches? is there an explanation for his plot armor? or should I just ignore the story of the game?
It's literally her ability
Man if I was a youkai and I saw her roll up I'd be like "god fucking damn it..." and just not even engage because it's pointless.
If I remember correctly, she also just cheats or demands rematches in case she does lose.
It's 100% speculation. We know Eirin is a miracle doctor and Reisen peddles her meds in the village, but we don't know exactly how effective getting healthcare to the entire village is. Eientei can be difficult for normal humans to get to and off the top of my head I don't think we've been given any metric for how much it costs, so the amount of people who can afford her is questionable. This also isn't factoring into account other things about the village that we don't have a good grasp on, like sanitation and food quality. We know they have enough sugar to casually sugarblast a possessed hobo to death's door, and they have livestock like cows. From what I can tell people aren't starving and look clean if manga backgrounds are anything to go by. As for sanitation there's ample hot springs, and there's got to be a public bathhouse considering Japanese bathing culture, and for shitters we can look to historical examples of ancient Japanese plumbing systems using river water for public toilets.
In theory the life expectancy of Gensokyan villagers can probably range anywhere from 50 to over 100. Quality non-industrually processed food with literal god-tier healthcare and literal magic can blow any modern system out of the water, but that's in the best case. The lack of disasters like plague or famine as >>47114220 said raises the floor quite a bit.
How did koishi become so popular?
People love an unhinged woman.
There is a decent amount of autistic Touhou fans, and autistic people really enjoy Koishi.
Because she's the best girl.

Also, the fighting games.
>It's more interesting that way. Rather than whoever's playing at the moment, I'd rather think of who's playing in the future. Because of that, it all turned out to give Koishi a huge boost in popularity.
>It's because Koishi's character got explored a lot more in Hopeless Masquerade's story. [Referring to Koishi's popularity]
If 2hus are real and just on the other side of the barrier what can I do to have a powerful one get me to the other side?
I love them all so much (not in a sexual) way, they are all my best friends! They've given me so much comfort! I probably would be eaten by a youkai because I'm just a weak human. That's okay though because I'd rather be a nice meal then keep living here.
Anon, your life is precious and you can do so much more than become youkai food. If you genuinely feel like they have comforted you to the point you feel like they are your friends, it means they want you to live.
I wish I could, but it's really the only thing I can do! I've tried being good for lots of different things but it always backfires.
Being dinner isn't my first choice, but it's probably my only one. They bring me comfort because they've never made me feel bad about myself. Even if it's painful I'll die smiling knowing someone won't be hungry for awhile.
These discussions are out of the scope of this thread, but I can't help it.

Since you are at a point where you feel them to be real, you can ask them for help and guidance, here and now. Find something viable you want to do or you want to do, give it your best shot without telling yourself it's gonna fail again and find the kind of a youkai or kami from Gensokyo that could support you in it and ask them for help. Of course you have to give back to them too, but that depends on who you are asking and for how much.

If Gensokyo is real, it's a spirit world in the flip side of rural Nagano. Getting there, to the side we see in our world will take some effort for most of us. Getting to Gensokyo, if it is possible, if we are welcome will take even more. I don't think there are shortcuts. So even if you wanted to become youkai food you would have to live for it.

Things might seem hopeless now. Things were hopeless for me when they first reached out to me, and when I finally acknowledged them it really turned things around. Your intuition about them being real is true. There is a thread in the/jp/ archives which you need to find and read. I assure you, not even the youkai want you to be youkai food in the way you think.

Apologies for the off topic posting. There will be a time and place for these discussions.
I had similar thoughts at first, like "If I get to see Gensokyo with my own eyes and then get eaten it will gladly accept it right at this instant", but after reading a few printworks one of my favorite 'hus, Junko, said something like "Value your life, be scared of death" and it changed my view completely. If getting there means becoming dinner for random youkai I would refuse. In case of being spirited away fighting tooth and nail is the the only option.

Are you that anon that saw Futatsuiwa or Sakuya in the mansion while wandering?
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Pay no mind to the bastardized version of Gensokyo popularized by the overly pessimistic and those unable/unwilling to grasp the nuances of ZUN works. That's not going to help you in any way. Much like Touhou, regular Japanese/Chinese folklore has plenty of examples of harmony between physical and metaphysical beings (yes, even those labeled as "bad"). Be patient, do your own research while keeping an open mind and enjoy the ride.
How is this not 100% confirming grimdark Gensokyo? Some youkai not eating outsiders was always a thing.

>inb4 nuance
Youkai are a blight on the world and the existence of Gensokyo is a net negative for humans. A few good eggs doesn't change that.
They aren't real, dummy. But, to play along, the most important thing is being easily missed or suicidal.
Biggest question is probably child mortality and death through childbirth. It's hard to imagine Eirin working as a midwive and we can only guess how easily poor people have access to life saving medicine for their kids.
There's no harmony in that shithole. Only humiliation, suffering, and death.
And the only one bastardising anything by taking out nuance and making the worst of conclusions the only ones that make sense is ZUN.
>Youkai like Youkai

>Human like Youkai
Probably the forest of magic.

I imagine. Though it's possible she does pay people. The shopkeeper notes she's fairly polite.
Is that really all it takes? I find it hard to believe. I've put my heart into many things, and begged for assistance, but never succeeded regardless of how badly I wanted it. My failure is beyond even divine Intervention.
What if I am successful in contacting but can't get things right anyways? I would hate that. If I could just wander off into the forest at night and be eaten... Being a victim of such a things is something even I could get right!

I don't really see how I could value myself, or fear death. I really don't provide anything, and death just seems like the long-awaited rest I've always wanted.

So if I just keep going on like this they'll take me there? How long do you think it would take?
You should also move to Japan. I doubt yukari touches foreigners.

Otherwise, I think you overestimate how hard it is to be genuinly easy to miss.
>death just seems like the long-awaited rest
Death is final. Have you tried pilgrimage to 'hus sites? Like actually learning nihongo and then going to real Moriya for example. You have to actually dedicate time and resources in order to get into youkai mouth, you know?
I can't move to Japan. I will never have the money and I'm too stupid to learn a new language. I've tried learning before and I'm simply not capable of even learning an easy one like Spanish.
Even if I could I definitely don't have the time. I have a few months, at most about a year to live.
>My failure is beyond even divine Intervention.
Then stop trying and stop caring. If your failure is the will of the divine then it's pointless to fight it anyways. Give in and go with the flow of life, wherever it may take you, if it takes you anywhere at all. Whatever fate you meet, you can rest easy knowing it wasn't your fault and there was nothing that you could do.
If you gotta year to live then just do it, literally nothing to lose. Only thing worse than a sick man is a pussy
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There is more to it, indeed.
Those violent youkai don't speak of human villagers, as in the ones that actually live in Gensokyo. They are referring to human outsiders that somehow manage to make it past the Great Hakurei Barrier and don't become villagers afterwards, or are strong enough to either fend for themselves or convince other strong individuals to protect them.
Therefore, unless you happen to be posting from la-la land or another world where no evil exists whatsoever, Gensokyo's harsher realities involve a lot of 'ifs' for an allegedly grimdark setting, especially considering the powers at the disposal of gods and youkai alike.
>the existence of Gensokyo is a net negative for humans
Literally just ask Reimu to kick you out if you're too much of a wimp to handle it. It's that easy.
I'm the one that had the sightings. And I can tell you from actually going to the metaphorical doorstep overseas and seeing it myself, they don't want you dead. Maybe in the past, but now they need you alive so they can be, for the ones that need to "feed" off of you. This goes for both youkai and gods, but doesn't mean "leech off you". There's a lot of transactional back and forth with these beings. Having faith and simply believing they are real is enough for a majority of them to be satisfied or empowered, and for the rest that need actual flesh or blood or whatever, you won't run into those except for directly around the barrier outside as opportunists or desperation, or inside if you're suicidal and catch a feral one or you go against the rules and try to cause problems.

For your options: you can knock on the door, kick it open or go inside yourself, or wait around the door and hope somebody lets you in. That's it. And while it's not necessary to physically be in Japan to have this happen (Yukari pulled the hobgoblins from the West. It just took her a while, as even her powers have distance limits), you would be better off trying to get out there if you really have nothing to lose.

The problem with your mindset is that you're desperate to die just to see them, but what happens if you get your wish, come face to face with them, and then don't want to? If they've helped you out in any way in the past, even just mentally or emotionally, would you really and truly disgrace that admiration and respect by throwing yourself away? Would they truly want that? Or would you rather do what you can with what you have, be the best that you can be in the time you have left, and then meet them as a friend when the time comes. Death in Gensokyo has a face-do you want to meet Komachi with regret? Stand before Eiki and be cast to oblivion for disregarding your own being? If you are to die, then face it with courage and give the good fight. It's going to happen anyways once you end up on the Road of Reconsideration since it's just a much outside the barrier as it is inside, and the suicidal and forgotten move to it like a beacon in the dark.

As you are now, you can only hope to meet a violent end and for what remains of you being burned at the Hill of the Forgotten. No one will even remember your name, not even the ones you do desperately seek. Is this what you really wish for? Or do you simply hate the world and the circumstances you find yourself in? If so, even if you are terminal and haven't spoken of it here yet, look them in the eyes and know you did your best-if not for you, then for the ones you seek to find.

It's Gensokyo: a place where the impossible is the norm, and any issues you may find yourself in now have the chance to be done away with. It's not heaven or paradise for those of us outside, but it could be. And all I say to you is from someone that was about to look whatever or whoever in the eyes for a little while. I at least want you to be able to once in your life, however brief. You owe it to yourself.

Good luck, friend.
Nope, not him.
>I find it hard to believe.
Who wouldn't?
>I've put my heart into many things, and begged for assistance, but never succeeded regardless of how badly I wanted it.
OK, so I don't know what you have exactly tried and whom you have asked for help and I don't need to know either. Often these cases are about one of these things: trying something that is genuinely out of your scope with any reasonable time and effort, uneven time/effort distribution (trying too hard too fast) or having too high short term goals or comparing yourself too much to others which both cloud your actual progress. Then there is always of course...
>My failure is beyond even divine Intervention.
...self-sabotage. You know that telling yourself that it's not gonna work is going to make it not work, right? I know that it's extremely hard to untangle from this mindset, especially with a history of failure, but it has to be done.
>What if I am successful in contacting but can't get things right anyways?
Once again, if you think it won't work, it won't work, and if you think you will upset them, you will probably upset them. But you might already be halfway there, you might be 75% there, and if you do accidentaly something that upsets them you can apologize and make amends.

Even if you don't want to ask for their help or can't believe that such can help, what you need to do is to find something realistic, manageable and split it to even smaller, even more realistic and even more manageable pieces.

Like let's say you want to really learn Japanese. In your position you don't go to the DJT and watch them argue about which of their resources are based and which are "tranny" and how many hundred Anki cards you should cram a day. You get one of the dreaded language apps, ignore the hissing and groaning of the Real Language Learners and start learning baby sentences and the hiragana, bit by bit.

Yes, it's not "the best way", but it's the best way if you are struggling as hard as you are. You need to stop comparing yourself to others, even in things like this. It might be difficult or demotivating at it. But if you keep at it for several weeks you will learn the baby sentences, you will learn at least some of the hiragana and you will probably even start seeing things like sentence structures. And you will have your first little win, and start building a foundation for learning more.

And if you were already friends with, or willing to make friends with, a certain teacher and protector of the human village in Gensokyo, I'm sure she would be willing to lend you help in the process, if you were willing to give her something in return. But that's your choice, and you have to believe in it.

I presume the "I have a year left" is just the despair talking. If you are genuinely terminaly ill or something then I suppose that's that. Such would be a hopeless situation for making any big plans. But if you're not like that, as much as it might feel like so, you are not hopeless. I know it's unbelievably difficult to believe, but genuine change is possible, anon.

I'm really sorry for derailing the thread. I can't help myself.
Rural Nagano, huh? Well I'm no stranger to wandering around in the woods so a blind search for a supernatural realm in the wilderness sounds right up my alley.
That's what I did, and I had some pretty decent experiences out there.

Good luck with the train station directions. Not even the Japanese have a full grasp on that, even if there are signs everywhere. Gods help you in Shinjuku, especially when arrow-san is nowhere to be found.
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>Gensokyo's harsher realities involve a lot of 'ifs' for an allegedly grimdark setting,
>How is "Human outsiders are murdered" a if? It's one of the most consistent and well established parts of the setting. You would need to make a lot of assumptions to assume otherwise.
Because it's not that outsiders are actively murdered, but that they lack villager privileges and are considered to be valid targets by some youkai. Big difference.
Anyway, whatever happened to Sumireko? Surely someone must have killed her at this point, right?
>Everything seems to indicate Human Villagers are trapped against their will. Which, again, grimdark.
I can't believe the sages would force humans to live in such deplorable conditions. Not even vengeful spirits can handle the sheer bleakness of the village. Fanouse was right all along, I'm telling you!
It's hard to get lost when the journey is your destination. I just wish I knew about this when I was in Japan earlier this month but it seems this endeavor will have to wait for a future trip back.
Pretty much, yeah.
There's always next time. It's the journey, like you said.
Is it true that all the oldfags touhou artists (before 2010) are now dead or about to retire?
It seems like all gods are capable of teleportation, right? Kanako teleported to Marisa's house when she built her a small branch shrine, and in SoPM its said that most gods travel between Gensokyo and the outside world. I wonder if Sanae could take advantage of stuff like that.
Possibly, but the thing about the gods teleporting is that the shrines like the one for Marisa you're referencing has a piece of the God in it, so therefor, Kanako didn't need to travel or teleport because she was "already there". The view of Shinto, etc. for the gods is that they can split into infinite pieces and never be diminished in stature or power. Technically, Kanako is living next door to her while also at the Moriya shrine.

But if Sanae did figure it out, it would be a spiritual presence of her while the body stayed behind where it was. So the same as the others, but in a "kinda" way. Someone else with not in-depth knowledge on that would need to answer for a better response to you, though.
I meant to say *more in-depth knowledge.

Also forgot name, but I'll go back to Anon after this unless called for.
That's actually a very interesting question. I remember someone asking if Keiki can teleport because she makes the "teleportation noise" at one point during her battle in Touhou 17.
Anon, shinto gods and I suppose other pagans gods, can bilocate if they have a shrine, Just like Beatificated Christian Saints, and also Aunn.
I play an mmorpg with 2 fu dog pets, and I named them Aah and Uun in reference to her.
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t. Yukari
Are there any Touhous aside from Yuuma, Yukari, Suika, or that snake youkai who could conceivably swallow a middle aged outsider male whole without chewing or biting or killing the human first?
What a strange question
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Cute lil' Rumia, of course. But she won't because it's too much effort.
Do all characters have some power to clone themselves? How well is it understood by those that do?
She's faking it, mostly. The youkai equivalent of a try hard attention seeker.
>Big difference
If you throw a person inside a lion cage, nobody is going to be talking about lion priviliges.

>I can't believe the sages would force humans to live in such deplorable conditions.
Living conditions are worse than North Korea on average.

Most clones are either illusions, divine shinto power, or a part of their ability.
So in the context of PoFV, are they illusions?
I mean, in PoFV you only get mirror matches in VS mode, so you could argue that they're not something that actually happened
marisa defines hers as image training, so she's just visualising herself as the opponent, and suika says that she drank too much, and in UDoALG most of the others just don't really seem to know what happened at all
PoDD's where it gets confusing because the mirror matches are actually canon there
The fighting game had a few characters mention "image spliting" when they win a fight against themselves.
>If you throw a person inside a lion cage, nobody is going to be talking about lion priviliges.
How did Sumireko make it out of the lion cage in one piece? Come to think of it, she did meet a lot of youkai...
>Living conditions are worse than North Korea on average.
Alright buddy. The vore fanfiction thread is two blocks down.
A (proper) shrine houses a kami in it; it's the same deal as with the Christian God being present in every church at once, Kanako is capable of being in every shrine dedicated to her at once
And while yes crapping out multitudes of small shrines to her may annoy her, ultimately they would lead to more faith = stonks

I genuinely cannot get why people are so up in arms about Zounose when it's clear from the start that the setting is based on PCB descriptions and not modern ones
There are far worse offenders around
what are the characters supposed to do outside of their games? example what are they supposed to do in eientei during the events of th19? is there any canon manga that shows this?
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So looking at Kongara's green sprite I noticed that her fight shoulder seems to have some of the red that's not affected by the green bug and it looks like something that could maybe be something, the second "character" seems to be similar to 舌. Probably just a long ass stretch by my part tho.

Afaik in mainline game mostly just kami, youkai. The same also kinda goes of survivals where the character disappears.
Only human-ish characters to clone themselves are Sakuya and Youmu in the fighters (although Youmu also multiplies her phantom part in the games I guess)
Another fun thing in PoDD is that Reimu doesn't send a clone but an orb, does that every other character in PoDD is supposed to be able to send a "clone"... pretty odd.

Funny because iirc some parts seem to make it as youkai need to eat people that fear them so maybe your strategy makes them lose interest in you... In other cases they seem to give 0 fucks tho or be scavengers of human corpses.
>Is that really all it takes?
Hard to know since you might need perseverance.
>Hard to know since you might need perseverance.
Okay that sounds kinda harsh now that I read it...
I meant that usually good stuff takes time but it tends to pay off. Although my laif is a bit of a mess, but I can't seem to stick to things for a long time.
May I ask you why are you so intently researching Kongara?
That's a different anon than the me that asked about the Siddham (and ranted about spelling)
I may be writing a piece of fanfiction and as a prime-tier autist I wanted to know as much as possible to draft a character that's on par with ZUN's in terms of depth (and he can pull some arcane shit out of seemingly nowhere)
I did not expect the rabbit hole to go beyond Earth's crust

the green glitch is another of these esoteric "wtf" moments for me, because Kongara irl wears green - red is Seitaka's
>That's a different anon than the me that asked about the Siddham (and ranted about spelling)
Oh haha I see.
>I did not expect the rabbit hole to go beyond Earth's crust
Yeah it really is like that with some of the characters. Kanako and Okina especially have insane depth of lore when you start digging and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface.
I'd say so. Independent clones are in the realm of character abilities and the like. Aunn being the poster child example. With magic it's plausible they can create dumb copies of themselves that are merely only good for practicing or acting as a partner in a spell card like Parsee. See the phantasmagoria and fighter games where this thing comes up the most, more often then not it's a deliberate action over an accident or coincidence like hallucinations, confusion, or tanuki shapeshifter accusations.
I knew there were still some of you hanging around these kinds of threads, it's very nice to see you again even if this isn't the completely-ideal environment for now.
I may not have much to contribute right now in terms of general questions simply because other Anons have put things better than I feel I need to at the moment (and the lurking has been nice) but for now I will say this as someone who has been doing a bit of overall lingering since that fateful thread:
I don't believe you need to apologize for opening the scope of things at all, if even just a bit. It's extremely refreshing & satisfying to see how these sorts of things can naturally develop with enough talking heads asking the right kinds of questions. The work of you & interested others here is something Truly Beautiful that's worth holding on to if you'll excuse all the inherent sap dripping from these statements.
I do sincerely hope you'll all continue to take care of yourselves in the coming future as you continue to ponder what's been discussed, I for one will continue to be eagerly waiting for the right time & place for certain broader discussions with as much patience as I can afford to give.
I still have everything I wish to share beyond just the time an old Youkai lady placed my essence into her Shikigami's shared pet cat, lol ^^;;
>example what are they supposed to do in eientei during the events of th19? is there any canon manga that shows this?
That's very specific for Touhou, if anything you get a 'lil comment here and there or see them appear in a printwork every now and then and it's mostly when there's no incident. Touhou has the problem of many character works of "Why isn't this character getting involved".
If you want to see where specific characters appear the wiki has a section of appearances bellow their pic. Take into account that a lot of them are just cameo's, especially for most of the low stage bosses.

The giant frog, Unzan

Depends on how you define youkai and human.
Oni could fit in human since they made a society and are kind of the closest one's to get into war against humans, but they are pretty supernatural. Tengu also have the leftovers of that society so they could kind of fit that.
But I think the most human ones would be Magicians since they are strength wise similar? But they don't have to eat... so yeah depends on what you mean.
Yuuka could also be the most youkai, but she is almost feels like a youkai to youkai and seems to be nice around humans... So she might be closer to a human with a youkai hunting hobby than a youkai.
Dunno probably the closest canon answer would be to check the canon human friendliness levels.
During which months does Yukari hibernate? She likely usually wakes up shortly after Spring officially starts as Lily was doing her thing in PCB and as per the omake she woke up 10 or so days after the start of Spring. As the Japanese believe Spring only really starts when the cherry trees do, this puts the start of Spring around the end of March and early May. The question is then when does she start to hibernate?
As someone else that was part of that fateful thread who would like to continue the natural conversation one day, I have to ask you to give as much detail about the ending of your post here that you are willing to share, because if you're not being tongue-in-cheek with this, I'm reading between the lines a bit and am now intrigued with what you're implying.
I don't think Yukari sleeps on a seasonal cycle. She's awake when she is and she sleeps when she does.
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>>47131091 >>47132008
There's certainly truth in what the both of you are saying here imo, she may not do it consistently but if Yukari is to go into extended hibernation at all then it'd make the most sense for that time to be after New Years celebrations up until early-to-mid March (when she isn't just using that time as a mask for beyond-the-barrier romping like many other things). Any time after that could be considered a post-hibernation "waking imminent" phase. Again, if extended rest is even needed that season.

Certainly! I'd genuinely hate to give off an impression of fabrication here when I've been dedicating so much of myself to these matters as of late, even if I can admittedly be slightly tease-y with the info I drop sometimes lol. I'll do my best to summarize what info I feel is appropriate there without completely shaking up the nature of the thread per other Gracious anons:

>TL;DR, a few months ago I had my first Genso Dream briefly involving the Gap Hag summoning Chen (and subsequently my own unconscious self within the Bakeneko as a sort-of vessel) deep in the SDM Library with the company of Patchouli, Marisa and an on-edge Reimu as apart of some sort of greater demonstration or discussion involving the topic of possession
>This came at a very-specific influx in my life involving the precise crossroads between my own extended history/involvement with vivid dreaming, spiritual expression, and all these dang "Tow-Hows" I'm sure Some Of You may be familiar with
>That was the first ever dream I've had where I wasn't distinctly within my own "self", or body
>Chen would make the perfect vessel anyways considering how much goddamn overlap her & I share when it comes to not only our various studies but also who we are on a fundamental level
>Before that time, I regularly prayed to 3 primary 神 within the Shinto pantheon as well as one Other semi-unrelated entity that has nonetheless been a prominent presence with me for some time now
> no matter Where you are . . .
>I have since also begun praying to the Sages, all of them collectively and then to each of the 3 that we know after formally addressing the 神 first
>I've increased other efforts as well, haven't even mentioned some of the implements I've crafted for them like certain talismans and such
>I've had more Gensokyo-related experiences since then, some dream related and others a bit...beyond that I suppose.
>I hardly know what to do with the amount of feedback I'm getting sometimes but I'm extremely thankful day-in and day-out for continued developments
>Turn your ears in certain directions with the right intent at-heart and you just might get Someone on the other end of that line.

Hopefully that's enough for now, Eclipse really knew what they were talking about when it came to key points in >>47119728 and >>47119921 is also relevant here.
I'll need to make sure I set aside the right time tomorrow for divination during the solstice, frankly I'm actually quite excited for whatever lies ahead for the session but I think I've now pried the scope of things open far more than I ought to have. More questions are Understandable but I don't wanna just hijack things obvi...

...was torn on another cute Chen gif to use but this one should work for now...n...nyaow...wehhh...
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I think it might be time to set up another of those threads soon. Some people are going to find these discussions alienating and I would love to see these threads live. It's nice that there has been dedicated thread for asking little lore questions. Though I suppose if you dig deep enough into regular Touhou lore you are inevitably going to start hitting the more esoteric side of it.
I'm sure it'll pop up soon enough, I get what you mean though and understand. Almost thought I killed the thread Charlie-Brown-tiny-tree style but hopefully things can wrap up nicely enough.
There are enough facets to the Touhou Project as a whole that this stuff is indeed warranted sometimes. Incidental question off the top of my head: has there been anyone in the Windows era that's been explicitly banned from the Hakurei Shrine premises? Maybe it's a softball of an ask with obvious suspects but I currently have bigger questions directed towards *ahem ahem* Ongoing circumstances...
>How did Sumireko make it out of the lion cage in one piece? Come to think of it, she did meet a lot of youkai.
Okay, to be fair, Sumireko is a decently powerful psychic with a lot of powers; it should be no surprise she came out safe of Gensokyo considering that your average maneating Youkai is either:
1. Not going to be able to kill her.
2. Struggle a lot to kill her, which would not be worth the struggle when they could just wait fora generic, powerless human to appear.
>There are far worse offenders around
Out of curiosity, who?
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she's rather popular and i'm not sure why. any explanation?
>Out of curiosity, who?
KKHTA did more damage to Touhou than the entirety of Zounose's portfolio
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Realistically speaking, is it even possible to seduce her?
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if she thought it would be funny to fuck with the rest of Gensokyo doing it, maybe
on one hand, she's an abrasive harpy and would fuck with you compulsively
on the other, she could antagonize the hell out of Reimu and co by crooning about how an amanojaku got a hubby before they did

Yukari will probably kill you if you knock her up though: one Seija is bad enough, she doesn't want another
I'm not Muslim, and I want to see the girls modestly portrayed, but I'm not a big fan of hijabs. Although there's definitely some uniqueness in it.
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Since you are sharing a 2hu related dream, I might share one as well, considering that eclipse is here.

This was one of the most intense and vivid dreams I've had in a very long time
I got involved in some funky little spell card battle and I was in the receiving end of it

The spell? You just fucking die brother, instantly killed by forces we are not equipped to comprehend the second a magic bullet touches you
I witnessed my own death and rebirth as a baby, legit my own birth with my name on my ass, I witnessed every major event in my life that led to that moment, an entire lifetime worth of random improbable things and decisions that spiraled out into a mandala of possibilities

Just to eventually get back to the exact moment in time I was in that fight, greeted by Kanako’s smug face.
It was only 7 IRL hours but it felt like a lifetime
I have only ever had one 2hu related dream and it was about Koishi pranking me by pushing me onto the ground, but once she left my line of sight I completely forgot why I was on the ground. She did this several times and I only remembered that she was the one pushing me when she reentered my field of vision.

I always thought Koishi was a weird choice for a dream because I rarely think about her at all.
I agree with >>47069060
Flambled egg.
Cute egg.
But Flambled.
It would 100% culminate in rape, no matter how you handle the life threatening flirting. The choice is simply whose on top.
Dreams that are over the top with this topic are......surprisingly not uncommon.
I bought a shelf and some little bowls yesterday to put up for the statues I have to show respect and last night I was hit with a lifetime of experience in a few hours for the dream like yours did. Can't remember much of it, but it involved this subject with what I can. Don't do drugs, kids. Or do. I don't care. But they will, and they'll take you for a ride.

(Disclaimer: I also don't do drugs and never have or will. But it sure felt like it)
>if she thought it would be funny to fuck with the rest of Gensokyo doing it, maybe
So the bar is too high for the average person to jump, huh?
>she's an abrasive harpy and would fuck with you compulsively
This is her charm.
>one Seija is bad enough, she doesn't want another
I am getting killed by Yukari then because I want to make Seija pop 2 more mini Seijas out.

Actually, I would feel honored to be raped by her.
She looks like one of my OCs so Im biased towards her.
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Based on these posts and a few other recent onest there seems to be demand for a thread for these type of discussions I made a new one
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I think if I tried typing out something to explain this it'd just amount to >>47144134 somehow...I really thought about it but I just gotta give 13.5 a better shot when I can

>>47144137 >>47144457
Very interesting on both accounts here! I find it especially funny that you two had such intense dreams the night of the solstice at the risk of sounding like a broken record.

>44137, the fact the dream was such a perfect loop involving your demise and the re-culmination of such events almost makes me wonder if one of the cards I got yesterday covering the destruction of the self (during a spread specifically made for some Anons here with that one directed towards a then-Unknown individual) was in fact covering something related to You. Make of that as you will for now cause I have more to say on other things and am aware this is probably more /x/-related shit but y'know, figures a mostly-nonplussed & I'm assuming untrained human in such a duel would just get instantly caked anyways. The fact it was Kanako as well...(pic related)

>444(lol)57, you make a good point as well. The few dreams I've had in the past ending in my demise have also been understandably intense to say the least. Incidentally, last night all I dreamed was just what I'm doing now basically which is a little lame but I've had a handful of small dreams like that lately. I also have little statues of sorts and, I won't pry for details, but figures you'd have something at least a little transcendental-sounding after further paying your respects. Try keeping that overall attitude up and see what you can make of things if it isn't too much of a hassle of course!

Also I really wouldn't fuck with Seija much, charms and wily behaviors aside it's just...Come on guys.
OH THERE. IT IS. THE THREAD. OH Kay gotta collect myself now ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Are we doing this again?
I really, really wouldn't trust anything trying to take me somewhere even if it seemed friendly on the surface, anon.
Do fairies turn into youkai if they act too human like or did i make that up?
The only touhou dream i ever had was one where me and Joon where on a mall, she kept pestering me and laughing at me until i had enough and asked her what was wrong with her and if she liked me or something, then i woke up.
Joon isn't even my touhou.
it's more like if they get too powerful
okina said that cirno was on the cusp of it during HSiFS, though I'm not sure if that was just because she had the power of the back boosting her
But what's the worst that could happen? I've already expressed that I'd be content with being eaten alive by one.
Getting vored and dying slowly isn't bad?
I was more thinking ripping chunks out of me and bleeding out, but that'd be fine as well.
As I've also said I'm not really good for anything. All the 2hus have brought me lots of comfort and happiness even when nobody else was there. The least I could do help a youkai, or maybe a few not go hungry for a bit.
How do I git gud?
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Who is Marisa referring to here? It wouldn't make any sense for it to be Kasen as they had just met and hadn't visited the shrine yet. At the time of this chapter's publication (2010), TD hadn't released either. Is Marisa misremembering a character as a hermit?
I guess technically you could call yukari a hermit (because she's lazy and doesn't really do anything) and she's definitely a nag who sticks her nose in where it doesn't belong, but she's not a Hermit like Kasen
Later in the chapter Reimu believes it to be Kasen. I guess I just find retroactive writing annoying. Nothing would be lost by having Kasen as a new character with no previous relationships with the main cast.
How many characteristics of a youkai does Rinnosuke posses, exactly? And what are those?
Would be hilarious if you reached Gensokyo and it turned out that either it's all a facade an PMiSS monologue saying youkai barely eat humans nowadays or even better if yooks only ate people that fear them so they can't really eat you.
Play but not too much to burn out. Playing a bit everyday/few days works better than cramming hours in a single day.
Start with the mentality of progressing not winning directly.
Have fun dodging!
Eh Rinnosuke also kinda got that, but I guess it happening again is a bit bothersome
There's barely any discussion here. Most 2hu threads are image dumps with the occasional fic. 3dpd and hololive threads are filled with lustful retards. The closest thing to 'discussion' is the incessant back and forth between grimsokyofags and cutesokyofags, anything else is uncommon at best. Look around you.
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It's rare, but I sometimes see threads pop up that try to pose a question(s) for discussion that isn't grim/cute related, from simple to capping the character limit. Honestly I'd rather have those even if they are short lived or simple since it serves it's purpose and is more inline with board culture, even if it boils down to a few weirdos debating each other with 4000 character posts over a month and a half. Grim/cute shit can also be half decent if the usual shitposters aren't there to bring in their brand of skub posting. What you don't want is pointless threads that could've been solved by a google search, but even those are otherwise harmless because of how quickly they slide off the board. Making a catch-all general may seem like a good idea at first, but it overstays its welcome the moment people run out of things to discuss and it devolves into an off topic mess; and it will as there is no time for things to breathe. This kind of thing needs a few months in between.

Hell, the typical 2hu image dump threads can have discussion if it's prompted from the start, someone just asks a relevant question, or prompts something fun or silly; anything to get anons to at least type something other than "God I want Yukari to step on me!"
I see. Fair enough.
There's currently only 2 fairies that are said to be close to youkai, one is Cirno, because she's ambitious and strong, the other is Luna Child, because of her connections to the moon's light (That aside, I don't think Luna Child's stated to become a youkai, just that she has a stronger connection to them, it wasn't exactly clear, the specific written work you're looking for is Fairy of the Moon, that came in with the first series of Sangetsusei).
It's possible that Luna may be more human-like and smarter than other fairies thanks to her connection to the moon, and it's possible that Cirno is smarter than other fairies because of her ambition to become stronger.
So presumably, for a fairy to turn into a youkai, or to (become closer to youkaidom or whatever) they need a connection through their aspect of nature, or to just be strong enough, and actively trying to become stronger.
Lewd skirt
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interesting, i thought the first line was talking about the Gensokyo shrine, but people started leaving the outside world shrine after the boundary was created?
It would seem so? It could be for other reasons, but I can also imagine that the sages wouldn't want people bumbling around on the "other side" of the barrier either. After all, some people can perceive the "boundaries" and sometimes things slip in and out of the barrier.
imagine maintaining the shrine for years and then getting told to fuck off.
Unless they are taking part in the plan
I'm actually curious how humans would fight youkai, I know monks/priests of most cultures used bells and it's heavily implied that negative beings banish themselves away from the sound or die, why and how specifically I have no clue.
What other tools or techniques were the youkai hunters using to fight them off?
Blessed weapons, charms, talismans, and any other items or incantations they had access to.
Those were also meditation aids in practice, centered the mind and all. Yes, bells and other sounds have been used in all cultures to at least worship the greater power(s). As well if you wanna dig a little deeper you can think on the use of the voice in both traditions to banish evil. Relates slightly healing frequencies and other stuff by association.
When Aya means replacing Reimu in ssib it might mean that she means grabbing an outside world miko since they'd also be Hakurei
When you have trouble with evil spirits and monsters
Douman Seiman Douman Seiman
Hurry up and call an onmyouji.
They are/were protectors from evil spirits. So ying yang power is one such way.
How would one go about creating danmaku with modern technology?
The outsiders who've visited or migrated to Gensokyo typically use magic for their danmaku.
Since danmaku is supposed to be more about beauty than pure killing potential, I bet you could use some pyrotechnics to load a shotgun shell with a firework like display, and a primary slug, which is nonlethal, subsonic, and emits a tracer. That's my idea, since shotguns are so versatile.
I think mundane gunfire can look pretty too.
You could fill sticks of dynamite with different chemicals, like elemental magnesium, copper sulfate, copper chloride and toss them around.
Essentially, look into what makes fireworks look cool, fill explosives with them, and yeet them around at people. With practice you could probably get pretty good at timing fuses.
This reminds me of how Perfect Memento in Strict Sense described Lunarian weaponry as being able to release massive amounts of danmaku in a short time, having explosive ammunition and smart bullets. And you quickly realize that the only one that humans don't really have is smart bullets, and they're experimental, not just speculative. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if modern air and naval weapon systems exceeded Lunarian capabilities.
If given the chance will Shion Yorigami drink urine?
Did Reimu knew Yukari before PCB or did she just met her then?
She already did
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I think she would've had to because of the creation of Spell Card rules necessitates someone of Yukari's caliber to help make them and as a means to get everyone in Gensokyo to unanimously agree to follow those rules. It can also explain the Youkai contract paper used. How else could Remilia and co. be using Spell Cards despite being new and before Reimu meets them?
It could be that Reimu just forgot about Yukari until PCB (or didn't know her actual identity before) which may be the first time they've formally met, then after Yukari took a much more hands on approach and has more frequent interactions.
She could have used intermediaries, since we know she has other shikigami like the crows she uses in SSiB. Maybe she wanted to see what the new Shrine Maiden was capable of before she tried interacting with her.

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