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Guys, my wife Kogasa and I are having a baby! We are so excited!
Kogasa, in an effort to make herself useful, tries to create threads about how cute she is and how wonderful of a wife she'd be, in hopes that by doing so it'll make people genuinlely think she's a useful umbrella and want to be with her.

Sadly, only Kogasa will post and read in this thread...
Bro I'm not Kogasa
Do not ever talk about me or my wife Kogasa ever again
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I want to kiss you, Kogasa!
i would love to bully kogasa.
I want to stomp on her umbrella while she watches.
imagine how hard she’d cry. hitting you and trying to push you away, to no avail
An experienced karakasa-obake always keeps a brick of lead in her umbrella!
Is it true that some guys get boners when they are sufficiently scared?
Maybe she should test that theory herself? You know, hands on work as it were.
I don't think Kogasa would like me very much. You see I can't be scared of something that happens futher away, so If Kogasa were to jump of a tree a few meters away screaming at the top of her lunge then I wouldn't be scared at all because I would still feel safe due to the distance. However If she were to do that same thing closer up, where the safety I feel due to that distance would dissappear, then I would indeed be scared. The problem with that is however that whenever I feel scared the first thing I do instinctively is kick or punch in the direction of whatever frightened me.

So Kogasa will either go disappointed whenever she tries to scare me or will get a kick to the stomach or a punch in the face. A lose-lose situation
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>Hey, Anon.
>It’s going to be raining soon, so I made sure to get here as quick as possible.
>To prove how useful I am.
>Unless you want to get soaked from head to toe, you’ll need my help.
>Now, come on!
>The markets aren’t going to stay open for much longer!
I wasn't even planning on going outside today, you dumbrella!
[X] Hug Umbrella
I think I'd be overwhelmed with happiness that she even thought about me.
Buy a mail-order bride.
Who are you quoting?
Walk off a 30floor building onto the concrete below. Also never post on this board again kudasai
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Do I have to tell the story,
Of a thousand rainy days since we first met,
It's a big enough umbrella,
But it's always me that ends up getting wet
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Well first, you have to make a snowball!
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June 11th is Umbrella day! Perfect time to have a Kogasa thread
That's something Kogasa would say
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Did you know?
Pic related is Kogasa.
The girl is just a construct it uses to communicate and attract humans.
No, both are Kogasa. Or is your face just a construct to communicate and repel humans?
Kogasa is Kogasa, umbrella and girl.
Why are you screaming!?
I like the face analogy, reminds me of the idiom "to put a human face on" which is exactly what Kogasa is doing to itself.
Yeah do this. Instant Kogasa gf.
Is kogasa merely the avatar? Can she get pregnant? Is her personality the umbrellas and thus 'real'?
Hell just satisfy the first two and I'll be in, I'll fall in love with a literal umbrella if it has a pretty enough transformation/second body. Sign me up, now.
>Can she get pregnant?
Yes but after you cum inside the girl you see the umbrella start to swell up.
Except you can't take your fucking face off, can you?
Both are as Kogasa as they can be. There's no difference between the umbrella and the girl other than they exist at different spaces.
Shave, cut your hair, get >>>/out/ mass replying faggot
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happy 'brella day
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>Guess what day it is today, Anon.
>That’s right!
>It’s my day!
>Now you better prepare yourself.
>I’m going to pay you back for all your sly little comments tenfold!
I'm going to do the only thing a human like me can do in the face of such a youkai hellbent on getting revenge

Grovel at her feet and beg her to have mercy, and that I'll do anything if she'll spare my life.
Who are you quoting?
Kogasa, clearly. She is done with your bullshit Anon, she is in charge now
And we love them both!
She probably should just keep a bit extra lead just incase
Not exclusively fear, but the combination of fear and arousel. Fearousel
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>Page 10
>Why did you let me reach page 10, Anon?
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This dumb umbrella is about to learn why she shouldn't try to scare humans.
I will tell the dumbrella I'm scared of girls.
Umbrella legs!
paizuri in the rain
Who are you quoting?
How would Kogasa react if you taught her about the Romans and their view on the colour purple?

"One of the most difficult and costly colours to produce in ancient Rome was purple, more specifically, Tyrian purple, which was a vibrant and striking purple."
"In ancient Rome, purple colour was associated with royalty, power and wealth. Only the aristocrats wore clothes dyed in this colour. In Roman Colours symbolism, Purple colour was also known as Tyrian purple or Imperial purple."
she is the umbrella
She would be delighted that they understand the greatness of the colour purple, likely to the point that it would go to her head.
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What are the drawbacks of making her useful? (Other than being chased by the Hakurei Inquisition)
Would she cease to exist as a youkai if someone started using her umbrella for it's original purpose meaningfully. Or has that ship sailed?
This is why you'd instead lock her in your basement and rape her everyday, everyone wins!
Haha rape! Wow anon, VERY epic! ;)
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I always knew that.
Probably sailed because it drifted into Gensokyo and has a girl attached to it now.
If she becomes complacent she could go back to being an umbrella, regardless, she would grieve your death and become a youkai again once your time passes
My wife Kogasa!!
you can't scare me Kogasa, I know who you are
I am conflicted on Kogasa because on one hand I love going for long walks on rainy days under an umbrella but on the other I am easily startled and hate that.
Well Kogasa would love you for being easily startled.
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She could be like a dog in my neighborhood that always barks when I pass by. I know it's there and I know it's going to bark, yet I still jump every time. I would be able to see Kogasa's blue among the bushes and know she is going to jump out when I get closer and it would still scare me as intensely as if it were a genuine surprise.
Try it and Report back to us on your findings anon
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Well I've never popped a boner out of fear and I've been in some scary situations.
Why are you such a wimp, anon?
I want to be a stone cold killer but my heart won't let me...
The big scary youkai is going to eat you
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Kogasa is tiny. It's in her name.
That's debatable.
>Umbrella start to swell up
...W-Will we have little umbrellas running, or in this case, hopping around the house?
Is being jumpscared the only nourishment they need other than love?
They will look like those retractable umbrellas.
Would she be happy that her kids won't be forgotten?
Well how can you be so sure you won't this time?
I think I just came a little
Hehe, Kogasa gaming
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Public displays of affection with Kogasa-chan!
Kogasa's bubbly butt.
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I scream and uppercut her before running away!
I molest her in self-defense.
I wrap the tongue around my head and kiss her as a reflex.
I ask her to please not do that again, it's not good for my heart when she pops up like that
She's just going to tease you after hearing something like that. Imagine her going "ehehe, do I excite your heart anon?"
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Could I, hypothetically, take Kogasa home and keep her all for myself?
Will she let you?
Kogasa's consent is irrelevant.
All she wants is to be useful
Gasa cute.
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I'd just like to share this extremely cute Kogasa I saw today
Though all Kogasas are cute this one just melted my heart
I think one of my favorite Kogasa moments was when she was begging Reimu not to let any other youkai know that she actually made and/or repaired her needles for fear of getting killed.
It really solidified her to me as an actual character that cares about stuffs
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youakai of melons
Begging to be groped in public.
What game is she playing
That is NOT Kogasa!
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That's Kogasa's twin sister, Daigasa.
Here's the real Kogasa.
i cant post pictures on this nigger website but i wont let kogasa thread die
Literally why is she so perfect? I smile and my heart skips a beat when I see this qt umbrella. I love her so much I ordered her fumo the second it was up for preorders.
But how come she simply just inspires so much happiness and love? My life would be simply complete with someone like Kogasa by my side
She's a wholesome example of a youkai. She doesn't want to kill or eat anyone, she just wants to spook them. She's also a hard worker with a legitimate job unlike most other youkai who seemingly just laze around all day.
Why do people always post that flesh puppet instead of the real Kogasa
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Because you can have sex with the flesh puppet.
I myself always try to make sure I post both, because I love her and they are both Kogasa.
Because people want to abandon the real Kogasa for the Kogasa they want
The two are usually together, and I’m pretty sure they’re the same being anyway.
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She's simply so perfect
Great with children!
My cutr wife Kogasa
umbrella blowjob
Anon... she's only their baby sitter so she can scare them. Therefore no one would hire her, she's useless...
She can probably do stuff with the umbrella too.
And there’s nothing scarier to a kid than an evil stepmom
umbrella is fine too
When you want to mate with her do you just stick her up your ass or use the mouth?
Wonder if the tongue would be good for fellatio...
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My wife Kogasa is literally perfect
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Better version
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Kogasa obviously.
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My wife the Kogasa
MY wife Kogasa-chan.
You're wife is my paizuri slave, dude.
That simply isn't true, you should check the serial code on your Kogasa. Mine ends with 558.
Yeah, can you ascend my +10 Halberd down the Lightning path?
youre not alone in this regard
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My Kogasa isn't mass produced, she is handmade.
The most adorable pumpkin monster.
I can't believe Kogasa has covid!

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