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/jp/ related OC here, art, music, videos, and game dev
Do you guys suppose something to this standard is about ready for release
I still have to fix velocity in a few parts
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More crossovers
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Today's two sketches
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Some pc98 Yukarin with some color test, tried to do a bit of DiPP coloring with the yellow-red hairs.
I think that for flat surfaces like the tabard it just feels off while it's better for folds or an entire surface/thing like in >>47051314 (cool pic btw)
Pretty calming. Not sure what standards you aim to meet for release, but it sounds finished without any parts standing out in a bad way. Is it an original composition?
Feels pretty cozy despite the overall cold colors, maybe it's because of Marisa or the pov being from the inside.
>Is it an original composition?
It's meant to be an arrange on PCB stage 1. Maybe it went a bit too far out of the way to be recognizable as doujin music.
I'm the OR of this drawing
I GREATLY appreciate the addition of pubic hair even though I didn't ask for it in the original request. a pleasent surprise. great thighs, great hips. if you don't mind, can you shrink the breast size so that moreof her torso is visible? something like the breasts in >>47065446 would be a good size. still it's a great drawing overall. thanks in advance
Hey, this is pretty cute. I like your futo.

She needs to go on a diet.

I like this picture so much, I think I will print it out and hang it on my wall. Good picture.
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my first touhou drawing
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the motivation is barely there anymore... I should not have wasted nearly a hundred hours on games and other stuff just because I can just "finish it later"
I've reached the point where I actually prefer to draw over gaming or watching stuff. This took over a decade though of me drawing on and off and wasting a lot of time giving up on art and procrastinating. I sort of latched onto the feeling of not feeling good enough at drawing and turned it into something positive; I hyperfocus on it so I can continue improving because I still feel like my drawings are very inadequate and far from where I actually want them.
I will listen to my SEB collection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHQ71ajIZXI or a nonverbal speedrun of some game I would like to play after I finish drawing
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finally dealt with, i was sick of seeing it on the screen. time to find something else to draw and definitely not get sidetracked and open up games or watch some shit
that's one way of doing it huh... i probably shouldn't wait a decade to try and reach that point too.
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I got a little busy there for a few days but here's a little Patchy I had started (and wanted to finish, oops) on her special day last Sunday. I wish I gave myself more room so it could be a bit more dynamic but I'm gonna be switching to a different sketchpad for future drawings I gotta tackle anyways (this one smears the graphite too easily...).

>>47060312 >>47064948 >>47065446
It's good to see y'all again! Trying not to stare too hard at the Keine pic lol o///o, but I also wanted to say to the Reisen/Mayumi artist that you seem to be in a much better place stylistically than the start of the last OC thread. It really can be just the little changes sometimes but it's cool seeing your improvements with things like lighting and small texture stuff in real time ^^

Personally I'd go with the second from the top-left in terms of overall accuracy and the ones on the right for both rows for color appeal. I'm torn between the purple and reddish shading cause they're both appealing in their own ways, great test sprites regardless though.

she go "pew"

Motivation absolutely is a bitch sometimes but it sounds like you found a good amount of resolve within yourself to hold on to for the time being (the aforementioned potential "watching shit" aside). That other anon (>>47070846) summed things up well and the more you find yourself leaning into those more "positive" ways of looking at artistic improvement then hopefully the easier it can be for those low-periods to overall recede in some way. Either way, it's a process and that's still some really high-quality work to produce in the face of these kinds of issues. Never have I been more terrified of a gang of wild usagi, even if Tewi is still adorable. Great job with the rendering!
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It's all fun and games until she go "pew" at you.
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>>47078244 I stg I'm gonna make a funny response to this later sometime after I pass out but I need to post the following first and finally fulfill my duty:

Been at this for the past few hours and I wanted to say way earlier I like how This anon from the last thread (>>47042977) thinks. Got the Nue out of my system at least but I know I'm inevitably gonna do a standalone one for her at some point...Such is the way
Tried to draw someone other than Renko to moderate success.
I was thinking that it was somehow familiar but I wasn't sure if it was just my imagination. But yes, I think you could just label it as "PCB inspired" or original with barely anyone complaining or noticing.
Nice to see a terror Tewi for a change especially such a good quality one.
>finally dealt with, i was sick of seeing it on the screen.
I guess having WIPs visible helps a bit with motivation. I tend to just tell me that I'll draw first and then play games or whatever but that's probably not enough by itself.
>I wish I gave myself more room so it could be a bit more dynamic
You can always make a second pic of her to inaugurate your new sketchpad, you still managed to capture Patche's gloomy wizard aura pretty nicely.
>Personally I'd go with the second from the top-left in terms of overall accuracy and the ones on the right for both rows for color appeal.
I had the feeling that those looked the best and that one being the most accurate, I'm glad to have a second opinion on that.
>my first touhou drawing
Pretty good for a first one, also nice to see the continuations showing Renko being a menace.
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Eiki have been occupying my mind a lot recently...
WIP that I will probably never finish
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Thanks, I'm glad you like them, they're very fun to draw!
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Once again posting my stupid 2hu Minecraft garbage.
I do free requests sometimes depending on the "Do I feel like it?" factor.
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I should've asked the Gripper enthusiasts over at /ic/ for guidance, but oh well, it's too late now...
>sounds like you found a good amount of resolve within yourself to hold on to for the time being
It's probably just a temporary thing to be honest, i'll give it a week or two before the draw adrenaline wears off and I'm back to shooting heads at Counter-Strike instead of drawing.
>I guess having WIPs visible helps a bit with motivation. I tend to just tell me that I'll draw first and then play games
Based on my personal experience, this is a giant procrastination landmine waiting to be stepped on. If I see a WIP i just think "oh i can just do it 20 minutes later" then 20 minutes turn into 2 hours, 2 hours to 1 day, 1day to 5days and so on...
The only method i can currently think of to deal with it is to hold your balls by a mouse trap (metaphorically) and force yourself to draw until you burn out for good.
Those are made in Blender or just raw minecraft?
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Pic rel is art I made for an Umineko mashup.
Mashup in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v34u0rOtiWM
I'm working on a Touhou project right now and expect to have it done sometime in July.
Blockbench. It's the same software Mojang uses internally.
I made them in the .CPM format. It's for a mod that allows for custom player models.
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Benben's feet...
Your Reimu looks a bit odd, like as in her being a bit weird, but it somehow fits, not sure if it is because of the highlights being only in the pupils, which is something you don't see much.
Also >>47016308 seems to be mocking me a bit since I can't identify any kanji aside from 円. Can you please tell me what they are?
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This will probably be my last drawing for a while.
Drew up some okuu BE >>>/d/11036666
Dragon monke and gaost
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Can't figure the how to eyes again, bottom right looked right at some point but it now looks awful, not sure if to do clothes highlights or some dithering another time and just move to another character.
When will this madness be stopped!? Oh nevermind the Jizou's Terror has stopped her assault and is happy with her cap(lol at that ribbon). I'm sure she isn't planning any mischief for the future...
Pretty nice work on notYatsuhashi, feet look weird having that much detail imo but I guess that's the whole point of the drawing.
>Based on my personal experience, this is a giant procrastination landmine waiting to be stepped on.
Well fug, still might try it one time and drop it if it doesn't work
Very cozy, good to see Eiki smiling every now and then in fanarts.
Lovely, really got the Umineko smugness, been looking at it for a while and Beatrice's left eyelashes look a bit blurry which is the only thing that looks off imo, pretty solid piece overall and nice mashup.
lol at that (^ ^ face and the completely unamused bun.
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my Reimus are only going to get weirder.
as for the the kanji in the ofuda i tried (poorly) to copy this
Nevermind that.

Merry told her to go on a walk in the forrest. It didn't go as planned.
Now, Merry has to find another way to help her friend manage her autism maybe she'll tell her to draw pictures of me in paint.net
She had to put all her plans on hold until she recovers the Usami family heirloom from that auspicious miscreant.
Redrew and colored the mokopai I did earlier https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQX7-CQXYAA1C1_?format=jpg&name=large
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Well guys, I guess that's it. I don't usually do colors so that's my limit, though I think it turned out not that bad
Looks nice, only jank thing is Mystias face, but besides that, pretty good.
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Drew Aya and Youmu
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What are these supposed to be? OCs?
Looks like cookie to me
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What if Yukari took up flamenco dancing?
I like the anthro Ran, she's very cute and chen is silly
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I've been practicing figure drawing to try and let me get over my fear of drawing whole bodies, this one is a sketch I tried to fill in lineart for. Not entirely satisfied, but I feel like I've been making relatively quick progress at least. Now I just need an anatomy book...
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She got her hat back
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Mystia turned out to be even harder than I expected. Wanted to put at first with red shadows on the hair and then use pink + light purple for Yuyuko but maybe I use it for both. Also the rightmost has a subtle difference of something new I'm trying (because nothing is better than experimenting when your struggling I guess)
Surprised I haven't seen this fusion earlier, a bit funny how static the gohei looks while the scarf and hair look dinamic but I guess offscreen fans tend to be aimed to the upper body.
Ended up pretty nice imo, I like how you did the lightning. I thought the wood plaques(?) on the wip made more sense than the blackboard to keep track of the orders but maybe the joke is that it's all just eel and I'm missing the point.
If you draw the them they might draw you back... It's worth the risk tho.
Wanted to say that I hope Renko has mercy but considering the importance of the hat I might directly ask for the Yama to have mercy whoever is substituting Eiki that is
That Ran seems very familiar... This feels like the parody of a cartoon scene but my memory isn't helping. Guess I didn't notice until now how Yukari's dress has a flamenco like skirt.
Huh, I guess the pose is a bit odd since it can be done standing but she feels like sitting and leaning on a wall, but it also feels lke she's standing. The hair and face are pretty good tho, which I guess was your main focus until now.
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Eiki did go on a vacation after the incident. Thankfully, there was someone to fill in for her.
Yeah the pose was a bit odd in hindsight, but the main aim was just to do a whole body without totally messing up.
Over time I kind of realized it and modified the hair somewhat, making it so she's leaning to the side.
After I practice more and take it more seriously I'll try and fix things from the onset when I draw.
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Needs some suku themed sea shanties.
cute nitori
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Okay, now draw her doing a flip
Thanks. I drew ran from a memory of Disney Robin Hood movie.
I think she's duck hunting but.
the creature
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WIP pragtice
Colored a previous Tamamo, since fate is /jp/ related
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the misty lake in 360 panorama view
Nice. Is that Reimu's swimsuit from SSiB?
that's right, but I changed the hairstyle
Ah okay, it's Yasukuni shrine. Writting kanji is a bit tough sometimes and in drawings they add a lot of lines in small places so they're a bit messy sometimes
>my Reimus are only going to get weirder.
Glad to hear that, I like when she's a bit out there.

I like the perspective work of these.

I don't think claiming mental illness is gonna be enough to get out of assaulting a judge ho.

I think the arms should bend the other way for a sword slash.
Lewd boobie wolf who paizuri's unsuspecting men
Kagerou sexxxxx
Redrew my earlier patcho as well
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Dunno if she's competent but she sure looks happy on the job.
Very cute, but he fur coloring making a straight line between tail and body looks a bit odd though.
>Disney Robin Hood movie.
Well fug, dunno how that got buried under my memories but more nostalgia for me to drown in.
Pretty nice, my dumb ass was wondering if it was Seija at the right before reading panorama view...
Like Chimata's summer dress.
It's understandable that they keep their head ornaments to be recognizable but it still is a bit comical, especially with the strongest swimsuit.
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Poorly done trackpad doodle of Win98-tan (real hardware)
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>Ended up pretty nice imo, I like how you did the lightning
> I thought the wood plaques(?) on the wip made more sense than the blackboard to keep track of the orders but maybe the joke is that it's all just eel and I'm missing the point.
It's supposed to be a menu, so I thought that blackboard makes more sense than whatever that was on wip
lovely Mystia
Nice judge!
What's a good way to view this? It looks like it'd be awesome.
there are more 360 viewer sites on the web
It's even better than I thought it'd be. It's like I'm really at the Misty Lake with everyone.
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I wanted to fill it with more 2hus but then I thought it was going to be a clusterfuck
How do you go about making one of these?
photoshop has a feature for panorama images
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Forgive me for I can't draw people at all.
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anyone here likes gartic? how bout we play some today? it will be fun
wtf this is amazing. I gotta learn how to make these.
Careful Kosuzu, that wall wasn't made right. Its destined to fall!
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Actual Keine. Gray lineart is weird.
Nice, drawing in trackpad sure is... an experience.
Glad to see another nice Eiki, not sure if the Yama is being silly or if the ministry's budget is just getting worse.
>Forgive me for I can't draw people at all.
Nah, it's decent for the level of detail of the pic, no need to go full anatomy (unless you want of course)
Gorgeous Yuuka. Not sure if it's due to the stripe pattern but the clothes seem to have even more depth than usual. Also puffy socks are puffy.
nice car
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Surprise cacodemon.
>Very cute, but he fur coloring making a straight line between tail and body looks a bit odd though.
Thanks for tip, i will keep that in mind. Also very nice Keine.
Nice Kage, but a bit too small.
Very cool idea.
I love that funny creature.
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1 minute da-ze
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that's all my doo doo art
Were these also 1 minute or just the Marisa? Either way, they're charming
They were for the most part, but I added a few details after so that's why I don't consider them timed, especially on the remi
I don't think this is the place to ask that
Kutulu is far better

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