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How the hell do I look up Byakuren on Kemono?
聖 is treated as a single symbol and their search engine requires two symbols
and no, 白蓮 is out of the question because japs call her Hijiri most of the time.
that's the neat thing, you don't!
聖 東方?
>聖 東方
Not enough since they also don't mention Toho all the time
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This is now a Byakuren's tits thread. Not her. Her tits.
paizuri slut
hijiri byakuren
byakuren hijiri
This is pretty much the best way you'll find it anon. If there's only 1 character and they stick with just one part of her name then you use the series as a second keyword, the only other thing I can think of doing is using a period and praying that picks up every URL linked in it, but that also requires the post ripped by Kemono to have a link in it in the first place.
I bet she gets really smelly and sweaty in that jumpsuit. Imagine if she buried your face in there and only agreed to let you breathe when you had licked it all clean haha
haha yeah...imagine...
my wives
I want byakuren to hit me with her motorcycle and then imprison me in her room under the excuse of nursing me back to health
Real. Important. Question.
Do Byakuren's udders have milk?
they aren't "udders", they're important mana storing reservoirs
but yes her massive sloshing tiddies are full of milk
I took a deep breath and looked to Shou before knocking on the door "Remember, caring, but firm." I told her before gently tapping on the door three times. The passageway opened to a truly humble abode, out of which flowed the scent of cinnamon and herbal teas. Standing in the doorway stood an average man with pale skin and a surprised look on his face.
"Well hello!" He said kindly. "To what do I owe the visit to you and yours in this lonely neck of the woods." He asked, scanning us both from head to toe, a mix of curiosity and surprise crossing his face.
"Good afternoon, I'm Hijiri leader of the Myouren temple and this is Shou, avatar of Bishamonten. Our temple is just a bit down the road and we wanted to come by to say hello." I told him.
"I see, pray, I haven't been a poor neighbor have I? I know I haven't come by to introduce myself..." He apologized.
"No, no, not at all, we just happened to be around and thought we'd pay you a visit. May we come in?" I asked, stepping a little closer.
One might call this intimidation and inviting oneself in, but the prudent Buddhist doesn't allow fowl seeds to take root. Put simply, if we didn't knock on his door, the Taoist just might! That, or possibly worse. this house wasn't so far away from the village for Youkai to be brazen, but it also wasn't so close that some of the more tactful among them couldn't see the value in it as an outpost to pray on Myouren patrons. Whatever the case, we were more then justified in having a little cordial visit!
"Of course, you've come all this way after all! Just, uhm, I don't have any cushions or the like so-" He began.
"We can make do." I said, walking in with Shou in tow, permission having been given.
It was obvious that the house had been 'adopted' not too long ago. Boards we stepped upon creaked, fresher, rough cut beams of new wood contrasted heavily with the rest of the older supports, and decorations were sparse. Yet, it was clear much work had been done to make the space livable, cozy even.
"Buddhists should be well used to humble dwellings I think, you've nothing to be ashamed of." Shou said proudly as we took a seat beside an old table, even though I had caught her drinking not one week ago. But I'd let that slide for now.
"Ah, then would it be wrong to serve you these cookies I've prepared? The tea I've been brewing is from local flora and is frugal enough I hope."
"W-we... would not deny your courtesy." Shou said, her face slightly wincing at the wafts of cinnamon that filled the home. When we returned to the temple I'd have to make sure she understands that it's important to do the RIGHT things for the RIGHT reasons.
From that point, the visit proved cordial, we were served tea and the biscuits, both being surprisingly delicious, talked about how the scents of the forest had recently changed with the season, and discussed how prevalent fog had been this year, until the matter of the purpose of our visit came up.
"We wanted to invite you to visit our temple." I said with as kind an expression as I could. "It must be quite lonely and difficult, living here on the outskirts by your lonesome, and it's rather worrisome for us. If you come by every now and again, it would put everyone's mind at ease, don't you agree?"
Here it is, an offer of courtesy that he had no reason to refuse, unless he was indeed up to something nefarious, which would either come to light now or later as he frequented our temple. The safety of a human living so close to us was also a concern, if something bad happened and word got out, our reputation wouldn't survive the Tengu slander...
"That would be a measure of safety I suppose, It's just, I'm afraid I'd be a bit of a bother? The whole reason I'm out here is because I'm not good with crowds." He said, rubbing his arm.
"You can come by on the lighter days then! It's a light load after the start of the week." Shou said, looking at me for approval. Good Tiger, kind, but firm.
"Well, were it only the crowds, but uhm..." He started, rubbing his neck.
I clenched my fists slightly as he began to remain poised. It was the 'Youkai Temple Meat Factory' rumors wasn't it? People still really believed we trap humans and eat them? This, despite the obvious rise in meat prices in the village not CLEARLY showing that the more docile youkai at the temple were filling their bellies, to my dismay mind you, with beef, poultry, and fish?
"...Isn't it a nunnery? I'm a man so I'd feel out of place."
Shou opened her mouth to speak and closed it again. At the innocent and surprising remark my hands loosened and I almost sighed in relief. "You needn't worry about that so long as you remain a gentlemen. My girls are more then capable of asserting themselves." I explained.
"Be that as it may, some of the dress is too tempting." He said, through some embarrassment. "Forgive me if this sounds selfish, I just worry for my own sake."
I looked at Shou who looked at me and we both scanned our respective outfits. There was nothing lewd about either of our wares, far as I could tell, so we both returned to him a skeptical look. "What exactly is tempting about our dress?" I asked, smelling an excuse.
He paused, rubbing his face before answering "Well, I saw one of your disciples walking with bare legs, your um, much of your neck and a bit too much of your chest is visible..." He said to Shou, who, in a reactionary fashion tried to hide some of her collar.
Did he refer to Murasa or Nue with that leg comment? I'd have to check later.
"...and Miss your chest and outfit, along with that hair of yours, it's a little much."
'Oh good' I idly thought 'I've still got it', before shaking off such arrogant musings. What was I doing? This was an interrogat- I mean, fact finding mission! And being too embarrassed by girls to visit a temple? Who'd buy such an excuse?! No, there must be a deeper reason.
"I wouldn't impose you to visit my temple if it would stoke your desires, but is that truly the real reason your rejecting my offer?" I asked, leaning into the table a bit. "Modesty is something that can be improved upon, things left unsaid can never be rectified though, we've come out all this way, so you wouldn't want to waste our time would you?" I asked with a smile.
He took on a struggled expression, before exhaling and turning to one of the few ornaments that hung in his house, a simple decoration of two boards nailed together. "I'm Catholic, Christian that is. So I can't just visit a Buddhist temple."
"Another religion?" I asked, squinting ever so slightly.
"Yes, but I don't mean to convert anyone or make a statement!" He blurted. "It's part of the reason I'm living here, just so I can practice in peace without bothering anyone."
I could see Shou bite her lip and I shared the frustration. The man seemed earnest, however the threat of another practice in Genskyou was a terrifying prospect and so close to home as well. And yet, to the enlightened who needn't fear, a possible opportunity?
"How about an exchange then? Surly there could be nothing wrong with us sharing the details with our practice with one another?" I offered.
"You wouldn't find it offensive? The first rule of Christianity is that we only worship one true God and were quite inflexible about that."
One God? I'd like to know how someone could monopolize faith so heavily! Even the stoutest and most jealous of Buddhist deities are want to lose a follower or two to a rival in ill times. "You have no reason to fear, Buddhism teaches tolerance for all." I said.
"That's all fine and good, but the second rule is uh, absolutely no Idols." He said, averting his eyes from Shou.
Now it was the Tiger's turn to squint at the man, this 'Christian' who just denied her entire existence. But, with a gentle hand on her arm I cautioned her to temper her anger. After all, this man had made no move to threaten us, and even though his mere existence could be seen as a danger I could sense that his erasure would do greater damage.
I recited our slogan: "So long as you act with virtue you have nothing to fear at the Myouren Temple. Now, when can we expect your visit?"
It wasn't fair to him, that I will admit. The table was set such that Shou and I sat between him and his door, barring any escape. Shou was eyeing the man who had offended her with some ire still, but my hand remained on her, a sign of comfort, but what should happen if I were to lift it? And even if he should refuse our offer, the fact that he knew that we knew of him would linger, so, should he hear a cracking branch in the middle of the night, or his door open when he was sure he'd shut it tight, or any number of phenomenon occurred, who could say it was happenstance? Surly I would never send anyone to harass a neighbor, but the implication would linger, until he accepted our courtesy.
"I can visit tomorrow afternoon if you aren't too busy." He said meekly.
"Splendid." I said, clapping my hands. "I'll tell Kyouko to expect you! She's usually who we have watching the gates."
"Right, I'll look for her then." The man murmured, his gaze swapping between Shou and myself.
We left without incident shortly thereafter.
Forgive me for this self-indulgence. I like the manipulative, but all-tolerant monk with a huge chest quite a lot.
Are you ok!?
You won't be forgiven unless you finish the story Anon.
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All writefagging is welcomed, I love seeing anon's interpretations of world building. Its also anything better than what these threads usually devolve to.
post the pasta
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Well alright Anon, since you wanted the pasta that badly...
not funny
i laughed
Hijiri pasta...
That's some quality pasta
I don't blame Shou here desu for wanting it, looks like good pasta
>"I'm Catholic, Christian that is"
I don't waste time with words, I don't hesitate. I believe. I put both hands on each side of his face in a mock gesture of intimacy. I pull upwards and squeeze.
enlightenment lies in Hijiri's cleavage.
"So that's the temple, what did you think Christian?" Ichirin asked, concluding the tour.
"It's rather grand, I especially liked seeing the bell that I've heard in the distance so often. Reminds me of church bells." He replied.
"If you come by on New Years, we ring it 108 times to purge each worldly desire so visitors can walk forward with a clear consciousness!"
Sowing the seeds of future visits, I've taught you well Ichirin!
"Perhaps I will, ah." He said, leaning over.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
"Yes, it's just, I'm a little fatigued is all..." He said, as he nodded off to sleep.
I caught him before he fell and waved to Unzan, who had been following us from a distance. The pink cloud gingerly took the man and carried him along with us to the guest room.
"Have these looked over and cleaned." I said, handing the folded clothes Christian had been wearing. "And get someone else to go out to his house to look it over tonight." I added.
Ichirin took the clothes but frowned.
"Is something wrong?" I asked her.
"Hijiri, is this right? Taking him into the temple, knocking him out, rifling through his clothes, and snooping on his residence... I feel like we're going down a strange path." She commented.
"My dear Ichirin..." I began, smiling to the girl. "We haven't done anything so barbaric. I only casted a few spells on him so that'd he'd relax and be able to properly enjoy his visit! If he falls asleep, then it only means he's been overworked and stressed, should we ignore the suffering of our neighbor so?"
"I suppose not, but snooping around his domicile is..." She started, before a lightning strike in the distance cut her off.
"Merely a precaution! If he awakes tomorrow his first concern would be the home he neglected while asleep. It's only right that we go and make sure nothing is amiss, shut the windows so rain doesn't get in, lock the door to prevent theft, things of that nature. And, while we do so, we may as well see to it that he's not being harassed or cursed by anything local right?" I explained.
"But you told me he has that strange faith right? And he's human so won't we get in trouble with the Shrine Maiden or the Taoists if they find out?"
"Ichirin." I said, placing a hand on her arm. "Don't you trust me?"
"I do, but this all seems so strange. Running this place takes more then prayer and faith alone, I know, but I just can't understand your reasons for doing any of this."
I sighed and gave her arm a light squeeze. "Ichirin, there's not a soul in this world that can survive on their own. Were we to ignore this man, he'd surly die an awful death or worse, be exploited by evil forces in his hour of need. I would not ignore those who're within my power to save, especially when there is nobody else to save them. Do you understand?" I say with a smile.
"I think so." She nods.
"Good! And please, do make sure to take proper note of his homestead so that we may tell him if any detail is out of place!"
That's right, this was nothing malicious about what we were doing, we only wanted to help a lost soul after all! And, if he happens to be a danger to the local Youkai or other residents of Gensokyo, then there wouldn't the temple be the best place to rehabilitate him?
That self serving "nun" shall not deceive a pius Christian man like anon
How does Bijiri balance her reputation as a devoted monk while being built like a slut?
I want to drink Byakuren'smilk straight up from the source.
Quality writefagging, keep posting, please.
She's still a virgin, waiting for the right man (me)
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She's LARPing as a buddhist, but is in reality just a filthy slut.
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I want to make Hijiri give birth to my children
"A tree fell on it?!" Christian asked, surprised.
"Yes, it's quite unfortunate, but it appears lightning struck one of the large pines and it fell squarely on your house, completely flattening it. It's quite fortunate you stayed here instead!" I told him.
"Oh, yeah..." He said, staring off to the side, no doubt contemplating his own mortality. "Thank you again for letting me stay the night, I haven't been so tired in awhile. But I'll have to repay the favor later, I'll need to go see what's salvageable." he said, making to leave.
"Don't go just yet." I said, grabbing his hand with a delicate, but firm grip. "It may not have been happenstance that fell that tree after all."
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Well, it's possible you could have been targeted, that land you lived on is a little remote after all, you might be in danger if you return." I shook my head. "You should remain here for awhile, so we can be sure it was a fluke of nature."
"Forgive me Miss Hijiri, but I couldn't possibly impose on you like that! Staying the night is one thing, but for me to stay here and, if I am being hunted, risk endangering you all, that's simply too much!" He complained.
"Please, we can more then protect ourselves and we'd all lament your passing when it was in our power to prevent it. I insist you stay." I said, with a squeeze of my hand.
Over the following days the man became accustomed to the temple's practices very quickly. Waking early for morning chores, responding to prayer summons, going to bed at the appointed hour, and staying out of any trouble, as far as I could tell. What's more, his presence made the youkai that might be erring in their practice more apparent which was a welcome boon. It was still a small worry to me, that he might be too tempting to one of my disciples, and so I always had him watched by one of my more studious students and had him continue to reside in the guest house, which was secretly guarded by those selfsame disciples.
Shou was a little perturbed by his presence at first, but over time grew more comfortable. When I asked whether or not she was receiving faith from the man she looked a little confused and shrugged. "It doesn't seem he has any?" she told me. This was most unusual, since every creature I've met from Heaven to Maikai had a smidgen of faith! I wondered if it went somewhere else? To that "one true God" he spoke of? But surely Bishamonten would take offense to that and Shou would feel such in kind...
"Do you perhaps offer faith to that God you worship?" I chose to ask him.
He looked at me quizzically for a moment and rubbed his chin. "Perhaps it's a fluke of language, but we don't refer to 'faith' as something that can be taken or given, rather it's the belief that something is true or not."
"So then you believe that your one true God exists and Bishamonten does not?" I asked.
"No, surely Bishamonten exists, Miss Shou would be proof of that."
"Then you believe in Bishamonten?" I continued. Something was amiss, to recognize the existence of a deity, yet not offer faith onto him, and still be in his good graces? Was this possible?
He crossed his arms. "I'm not quite sure. When God sent his one son to Earth, he wasn't a militant, at least, not in the physical sense. With regards to the spiritual though, he fought many fierce battles. I suppose that's what you practice here at this temple? Scrolls, study, and meditation aren't exactly spears and armor after all. Unless you have a hidden armory laying around." He laughed.
We did in fact have a locked storeroom hidden under one of the floor mats in the main building, but I merely chuckled instead. Hopefully, we'd never have to uncover that particular place ever again.
"So then you see an aspect of your God within Lord Bishamonten?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, but if He created all there is then surly He created Lord Bishamonten, unless-" He began
"Oy! Christian! It's your turn to prepare dinner!" Ichirin said, pulling him off by the collar.
I smiled and waved as she dragged him off to the kitchen, happy though I was they were getting along, his answers continued to puzzle me. He didn't offer faith to his 'God', he simply believed in him, the son of that 'God' was a spiritual warrior, but not a militant leader, and somehow Bishamonten didn't take umbrage with him? I felt it was all connected somehow, but some parts where missing, what was it that he left unsaid?
"Spiritual Warfare..." I thought looking out at the temple grounds, before a horrid idea struck me like lightning. Youkai were spiritual beings, the son of this 'God' was a spiritual warrior, and this 'God' didn't seem to require faith to exist. Could it be that his religion was one that combated Youkai and like creatures specifically? Completely ignoring their superior physical prowess to attack them at their weakest aspect? And was Lord Bishamonten perhaps studying him to learn this strength?
I would have to watch him more carefully from now on.
She can stay in her super muscle magic form so your children are god tier.
I like possessive Byakuren, keep anon, it is good.
no Byakutits thread is dying on my watch
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What are Byakuren's 108 earthly temptations?
Byakuren alone is 108,000 Earthly Temptations.
107 different types of cock plus Miko's flat chest
post it
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More like Miko's penis.
Why looking at this monk give me painful boners so hard than its ripped my underwear?
Aura of a kind grandma paired with a sexy body, nice clothes and hair. Or maybe you're secretly in need of having a mentor...
Hmmmmmmm... You may be right about the religious mentor.
'kyuren is a slute
The biggest in Gensokyo.
big nun tits
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Did Byakuren originally have huge tits or did she magic them big?
I don't know your background anon, but there is quite an interesting topic which you may want to look into for writefagging on this story. There was an entire generation of Catholic priests stranded in Japan when the Tokugawa Shogunate began its inquisition against Japanese Christians. The priests could publicly renounce their faith if the priests did not wish to be martyred (or oftentimes to prevent the execution of the faithful Japanese Christians). These former Catholic priests were taken into Buddhist (often Shingon) monasteries and made a living by analyzing all artifacts imported by the Dutch to determine whether or not there were any hidden Christian elements in them.

In light of this, I recommend the movie Silence, if you are a faithful Catholic. It is an extremely painful film to watch, but the screenplay on which it was based was written by a Japanese man, it is not slander so to speak.

I'm autistic enough that I wonder how Byakuren would view the Japanese Christian martyrs: victims persecuted for their religion? Pawns in a larger geopolitical game? A dangerous threat to the faithful?

My laptop is about to die so pretend I attached a relevant image of Byakuren lest I lose this post
>pretend I attached a relevant image of Byakuren lest I lose this post
Holy crap! What's a nun doing with a rack like that?!
It's funnier if she did magic them in.
/jp/ I love Byakuren so much, she’s my favorite character. I have this water bottle that has this skinny opening, so when i get needy and lonely i start sucking on it and pretend that I’m getting some creamy and luscious milk from Byakuren’s beautiful breasts while she comforts and smothers me with her motherly love, slowly bringing me into a state of eternal bliss. Is there any hope?
Silence is on my list, although I'd like to read the book first. As for Cristóvão Ferreira, that's definitely something I could the Buddhists doing.
I think Hijiri would probably be interested in the idea of ultimate forgiveness, given that Paul the Apostle used to be Saul of Tarsus it stands to reason that anyone can be redeemed, but would have reservations about the gift of salvation versus enlightenment, since it would seem that one is easily achieved if accepted and not a result of hard work(more to dig into there certainly), and probably wouldn't understand The Devil. Pride being the root of all evil may also go over her head.
nursing handjob

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