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What a maniac
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Desecrating a Grave-site
Vandalism of Public Property
Public Intoxication
Breaking and Entering
Desecrating Place of Worship
Harassment towards the Mentally Ill
I can polish this gem to perfection
it's funny that it took this long for renko to do some desecration when merry was desecrating grave sites in her first appearance
These two deranged collage girls need to be stopped.

They're a clear danger to themselves and those around them
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She's never living that incident down, is she?
I can fix her
She doesn't need fixing, she needs cultivation
These two are genuine unhinged, like what the fuck is their problem?
Not enough loving
It won't stop Renko's jizo genocide but giving her a hug would make me feel better.
You know that Eiki was also once a Jizou statue, right? The judge might go after her soon.
They make Sumi seem like a well adjusted citizen.
A veri cute sociopath
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Renko in a bunny suit!
No problem, just two perfect, beatiful, smart, charming angels with big dreams!
Why does /jp/ like the Hifuus so much all of a sudden? I didn't think one album would make them this popular.
The jay has always loved Merry.
Boys love it when you bully Jizo statues
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They were always the best girls, the new album just reminded people of this fact.
There was a Narumi thread that went to limit recently. Around 309 posts of jizou love and one fucking insane sealer post.
What Narumi hears when Renko enters her forest
I think it's because they got a lot of discussion in one yandere 2hu threads and it snowballed from there
And why did they get a lot of discussion in the yandere threads? Because /jp/ loves them.
At first, it was just a way to manage her autistic rage. "It's no big deal", "I could just put it back the way it was later" she told herslef, but it was too late, she had tasted blood, now there was no going back.
Since then, whenever she saw a Jizo statue she felt an uncontrollable anger. "It's no big deal, I can control myself" she tought. Soon enough, all of Kyoto knew about her, no statue was left unturned. Every day people would put them back up and every night she would kick them again.
"Why do you keep doing this?", Merry asked. "I am here, there is no portal to open". But it was too late, the thrill had gotten to her.
One night, she had a dream of a hidden world, in a different dimension. And when the people of that world died, they were judged by... BY A JIZO STATUE!?
She woke up in a cold sweat. "Pack your bags, Merry. We have an adventure to go on."

From the esteemed Renko daterape thread.
I've always liked the cute little autists
What were those threads like?
Probably because they got a new album recently after years
I hope this DORK offspring gets sent to hell for over 10 millenia
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Renko has completely destroyed my mind. For the last few weeks, not a day has passed without me thinking about her.
Someone's got a new imaginary girlfriend!!!!
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Next time try hitting a Jizo with this one.
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don't you have a professor to abuse?
They argued that if Renko or Maribel were yanderes, they wouldn't hate each other and in fact would consider each other the only women who could be trusted near their boyfriends, and would force their boyfriends to live together with them, go on adventures, all that stuff. Notably, not a polygamous relationship, just a very strange and autistic one.
I think this is the better outcome desu
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I love seeing /u/ representation in Touhou canon!
Oh, okay! So when Miss Foreign Boobies violates every law, including physics, it's all good and gucci. But cute, innocent Renko-chan desecrates 1((一) ichi) teeny, tiny holy site, oh, call the police, the mental asylum! This girl ain't right in the noggin!
I see you all, I know how it is. Nice girls finish last as always.
She is like the anti kind woodcarver/hatgiver from the tale. Imagine if he went home to his wife and said "AND THEN I JUST STARTED FUCKING THEM UP FUCK THEM".

Jesus Fucking Christ Renko.
The Ghostly Dickhead Club.
That's a surprisingly cute turn of events. I was expecting way worse stuff.
This would actually be a good movie if Renko saw Sumi in the window of the haunted mansion.
>Miss Foreign Boobies
That's no way to talk about your best friend.
You gonna have a long redemption song Renko.
She's so happy!!
So fucking adorable, I can't....

This Renko and Maribel song is so underrated, which is a shame since it's decently popular in Japan and gets played live fairly frequently

It's so happy
Retrospective 53 Days in Prison for Vandalism
When did the slander and libel happen?
Who is better to hug, Renko or Maribel?
I laughed at this shitpost so hard than I had a stroke. Now I imagine Renko in a wrestling match vs Narumi.
By the way anons, will Renko or Maribel or both will show me thier panties?
Maribel, of course, but I'd still rather hug Renko, she's a nice girl and deserves it.
Maribel strikes me as the touchy feely type.
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But that's what could make hugging Renko fun. Her autism would make her confused and awkward about how to handle a hug. It's a strange mix of being perplexed, squirming, but also wanting more!
It was great when they wrote about both being yanderes and continuing to be like that, but also forcing the poor bastards to only be friends with each other since they could only really go with them when they went in their weird ass autistic adventures.
"What's that?"
So she gets chair'd to atone for her great-grandma's sins...
Eiki sentenced Renko confirmed.
"It's something than some men of culture like to look at mi'lady."
Eventually, when Renko is more used to them, she'll eagerly hug you on her own! Only Renko's hugs are pretty tight, she's stronger than she looks and can't control her strength.
For me, the best part was how they weren't too different from how they are in canon, although a bit exaggerated.
If they ever fell in love in canon, that's more or less how I'd expect them to act. They already are autistic and obsessive, that thread just focused their autism and obsessiveness to two anons.
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I dunno, but what color their panties have?
There is a good chance they wear bloomers anon
There are events which fundamentally change a person. They turn life from a continuous affair to two distinct parts, the before and the after. Whereas in the before is filled with blissful ignorance, the after is nothing but endless ruminations and regrets about a single moment.
Here, Renko's image, she kicked a Jizo statue.
I don't know for sure but Maribel would probably have some violet lingerie on her, while Renko would be a generic white or black.
Rib-cracking autistic hugs from Renko!
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Playing Doom with the 'ko
"PROTIP: To defeat the Yōkai, shoot at it until it dies."
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She's not beating the breast envy allegations.
Has Renko never been hugged before?
She's hugged Maribel obviously, but that's like getting hugged by your mom or grandmother. It's not the same as getting hugged by (you).
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Felt the need to draw this so I might as well post it. I don't think it captured the emotion described there but I think it's close enough.
Renko is so cute when she feels emotions she doesn't understand!
I love Maribel's Foreign Boobies
If I can't have those, why live?
>that's like getting hugged by your mom or grandmother
We found the deep lore. Yukari went back in time and had sex with a male from the Usami family and made Renko so that she could give her past (future) self a (girl)friend.
HOLY TRIPS how will Renko cope?
The next album is going to be Renko snapping going on a Jizou statue desecration spree while Mary tries to stop her.
Come on, Renko is the cutest wood plank there ever was
I thought to myself that it would be really funny if the next album started with Merry waiting for Renko to get released from lockup after getting caught kicking over that Jizo statue in TJD just like Renko waited for Merry to get released from the sanitorium in NToJ
Come on, she's got at least B cup breasts.
When Merry came out of the hospital, her powers had gotten way stronger. I wander what the prison will do for Renko's abilities.
lucky you
What will their next crime be?
That seems a bit too ambitious. It is a good end goal, but it's best to get there with small steps.
Renko is stronger than she looks. I'm sure she can manage it if she puts her mind to it.
They were born this way
The truth is even darker, she was always like this, she just stopped hiding. It was always going to happen, it was just a matter of time.
I love Renko, she is the most autistic 2hu!
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Alice has been dethroned?!

Alice does have very few friends and weird hobbies, but, unlike Alice, Renko can't even hide behind a thin veil of elegance while in other's presence, she's just too autistic!
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Who's the person holding hands with Merry and why does she have such a cool hat and why is she so cute and awesome?
First they need to overthrow the government and whip everyone into a militaristic fervor like in the time before and during WWII.
How do you know she's awesome when you don't even know who she is?

Admitted, you're only after her pretty face and sexy body!!!!
This woman is a criminal
She is a dangerous human being
She is an asshole
She'll kill you and put you in the graveyard
Then her friend will play with the tombstone to see what happens
She just looks like an amazing person, it's not my fault her awsomeness radiates thru the picture.
>you're only after her pretty face and sexy body!!!!
then why wouldn't I go after Merry?
Surely, even though you browse /jp/, you can't hate yourself that much, right?
What's that supposed to mean?
You wouldn't go so far as to subject yourself to Maribel 'That's Just Your Opinion' Hearn, right Anon?
Renko is cute! She needs to be hugged!
No, because I earnestly love Renko. But if I were to fall in love with Maribel, I would read everything Jung ever wrote twice over just for her.
This warms my heart
Were you the guy who kept rolling renko in the yanhu threads?
Yes, actually. Maybe that has something to do with it.
That's so cute. So are you two officially dating already?
So it seems.
She is just misunderstood...
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How did this become one of Renko's defining traits?
love this novel series. it's about merry and renko getting warped into gensokyo and then getting entangled in all the incidents in some way. renko always comes up with some unhinged theory for what's really happening behind every incident. whole series is here in moonrunes
definitely worth a read if you like hifuus or 2hu lore in general
Akyuu says almost all Yamas are former Jizo statues. I think Renko has bigger problems than prison.
is that 'This is the Hifuu Detective Agency?' There's a full translation either finished or just about finished on AO3
yes. nice to see someone has the energy to translate it, it's a lot of text
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Love EO
So this is all Renko had to do for people to realize she is best girl?
bnnuy renko
Oh Captain my captain.
I'm going to Renko
Yeah it is great.
It would be cool to see them graduating but I don't think ZUN will ever do that
They've already graduated out of virginity together!
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Renko rage!
I think it boils down to.

1. Don't fuck with jizo.
2. Don't fuck with Narumi.
3. Don't do something that will make Saint Peter look like a bleeding heart compared to the Yama.

Think of our beloved shrine maiden still getting rage for killing a fucking retard who did everything wrong and then started talking shit. And cats on the jay are still mad about that.
I think it's because Renko has never done something like this.
Ironically, when Maribel does weird insane stuff it slides right off her because she just does that, that's her role whereas Renko is more the one who says weird insane stuff.
I think the way it was writen also builds a certain image.
>She wasn't the kind of reserved human to just sit there lamenting her own powerlessness.
>"Maribel Hearn! How long are you going to keep thinking that discovering other worlds is your privilege alone?"
>Renko roughly knocked over a jizo statue.
So Renko knocking over a Jizou becomes a symbol of her autistic rage.
>And cats on the jay are still mad about that.
My nigga FT did nothing wrong.
Renko is exposing the Jizo mafia. Why are so many Yamas, the ones who send people to hell, former statues of the bodhisattva of hell-beings?
He dindu nuffin.
>"Maribel Hearn! How long are you going to keep thinking that discovering other worlds is your privilege alone?"
Weird how jealous Renko is of Maribel
Also, to my knowledge, this is the first time she's been to another world
What the fuck is it with this fucking family messing with the biggest sweetheart in Gensokyo?
For Renko it comes hand in hand with being the perfect woman, I don't know about Sumireko though.
Didn't they both go to the Netherworld?
Oh neat, I was looking forward to reading these
How is someone as intelligent as her so immature?
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Renko game:
lol I keep waking Merry up.
Finally won! Good God, I won't be this proud of myself when I finish collage.
Really fun game
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How useful is Renko's ability? I can't think of many uses for it but I'm sure it's good for something.
ZUN will keep every single character the exact same age until the end of time there is no hope for that
She was able to identify the Netherworld from a picture of the Moon. I think it could be useful if you are in some parallel world like that
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The most stylish 2hu of them all
What a dork!
Where is the location of the Tanabata Hill in Ibaraki prefecture(formerly Hitachi)?
There was a thread about it right after the cd came out and some Anon posted a Google maps view of the place, but I can't seem to find it. I wanna go have an autistic rage in the woods like the 'Ko one day, too!

Can anyone help out? I'll even kick over a statue for you, too! (Then profusely apologize to it while picking it back up and cleaning it off. I'm already hellbound, no need to add to it)
They said it was Hitachiōta. Here's the google maps for reference https://www.google.com/maps/@36.613602,140.4479399,3a,75y,124.16h,80.59t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1seoLkqDpEfIbwT697on_Q8w!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DeoLkqDpEfIbwT697on_Q8w%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D124.16315998924333%26pitch%3D9.414387167365405%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu
this is supposed to be the entrence, but I don't see any Jizos.
Don't worry about kicking it, Buddhism is universalist, ironically enough if Buddhism is true you'll still achieve nirvana before Jizo.
Also, remember to scream "Maribel Hearn! How long are you going to keep thinking that discovering other worlds is your privilege alone?" before kicking it.
Thank you, kind (totallynotayoukai) Anon.
And if a portal opens, just go thru. What's the worst that can happen?
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According to what happened for them, if nobody comes looking for me I'll just go home with nothing happening. I need an autistic college girl to look for me before I end up in Okina's backyard.

Also, Google maps images has a few things I'll post. 4 images stand out.
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Terrible job of translation with Google lens.
Two more pictures left to post.
>I need an autistic college girl to look for me
Don't we all?
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Who went to Jizou hospital?
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Final one.
Does this count as Jizou?

My man.
It seems they are preparing for Renko's arrival.
If the flow of time is relative and all that, then yeah they are preparing for her.
>>"Maribel, where are y-THEY JUMPIN' ME!"
Anything interesting with the recent hifuu album?
Now that's some real reversed causality right here.
All of this

Also, nothing is real except when it is because it is but it's not but it is because belief and psuedo quantum topics.

The music is really good, too.
Tinkerbell of Inequality gets a pass because it's the sound of the tracks from the train Renko is on, but it's on thin ice. The rest are great.
I don't get it, Renko got lost in the woods?
>psuedo quantum topics.
I thought it was fun because it was at least the third time ZUN has used a sound related metaphor for supernatural stuff.
It depends of what you are looking for.
Honesly, it's the most unique one so far. Marbile and Renko start off separated, Renko has a fit of autism so great that is causes a rift to open in the fabric of reality, Renko has an actual theory about magic that relates to actual physics, and she gets to go to an other world finally.
Merry found an old book from (totallynotYukari) a stranger that shows a magic hidden world, uses Renko's latest paper as proof and disappears for two weeks. Renko goes looking for her, breaks in the apartment and finds the book and her paper with all the writings on it, but is too blinded by Merry's autism to see it's supportive marks, has her own autism and jumps on a train to find her, finds the Hill, autisticly kicks a sacred statue to break a taboo and then rams her hand in its ban l back to pull Merry of of Okina's backyard. Only about 10 minutes passed for the berry but two (more, lol) weeks pass for the Raging RenkoTM. They then talk about how nothing would've happened to the MerryBerry if the K-O Renko hadn't went looking for her. Renko goes "Hey, wtf, why are you dissing my paper?" The blueberry tells her "are you autistic? I was supporting your work." They both go "Oh shit, it's all real but somehow fake but real but, ad nausem. Okina is probably sitting there the whole time with Yukari trying to figure out hour to get these damn kids off her lawn, and Narumi has a broken leg.

The end.

The music is bangin', too.
Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed the music, story, and the quantum stuff being the same as magic. I'm a sucker for that stuff. But thanks to Zuns autism and the way things get lost in translation, it ends up falling into the "pseudo" category. Which is good, because that means it'll fall off and connect to Gensokyo eventually and I can repeat the process in the future. I mean....
What do you think will happen in the next CD?
This latest one was pretty much a self-contained story but I somehow feel like the next one will continue from where this one left off.
I guess we'll find out eight years from now.
Another fun thing: I think this is the first time Renko calls Maribel by her full name
Yeah, cause she was pissed. Like a fed up parent with an adhd child.
I really wish we'd get continuation a bit sooner. It would make sense for this story arc to continue. I recently read all of the Hifuu materials and I actually really enjoyed it.
Honestly, I do have hope for this. TJD was, in my opinion, the best thing ZUN has made in a while.
There is also this:
TGA - 30/4/2012
NToJ- 11/8/2012
DLFR- 8/5/2016
DBOA- 13/8/2016
So maybe we'll get another one later this year.
That's our renko
I just hope we get more unhinged Renko, she's so cute when she's a maniac

"In Phantasmagoria of Flower View?"

"No, in real life!"
Autism attracts people to each other in strange ways
Had a dream with Renko in it. It was really weird.
Why can't sumireko be like this?
What kind of dream
There was a merchant in Gensokyo who sent his servant to market to buy provisions and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said, Master, just now when I was in the marketplace I was jostled by a woman in the crowd and when I turned I saw it was Renko that jostled me. She looked at me and made a threatening gesture, now, lend me your horse, and I will ride away from this city and avoid my fate. I will go to Hakugyokurou and there Renko will not find me. The merchant lent him his horse, and the servant mounted it, and he dug his spurs in its flanks and as fast as the horse could gallop he went. Then the merchant went down to the marketplace and he saw Renko standing in the crowd and he came to her and said, "Why did you make a threatening gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning?" "That was not a threatening gesture", she said, "it was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in the village, for I have an appointment with him tonight."

In Hakugyokurou.
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So I was on an empty train going back to collage and then suddenly I'm on a hill and me and her are sitting beneath a tree and talking about Aether theories, she was also talking about parallele worlds and black holes.
At some point the discussion moves to various religious cosmologies, she doesn't let me speak anymore. She says life is a dream, the world is seafoam and everything in the world is futile. After that she shows me a diagram that kind of looks like picrel then says something like "Now go find Maribel".
Then I woke up.

I don't know what the diagram represents. She told me but I forgot. Maybe it's some kind of buddhist diagram of the world or something, it kind of looks like a Taijitu but not really.
Another interesting part is that I know exactly where the place we were in is.
A diagram with linked nodes like that reminds me of the Tree of Life diagram from kabbalah, but it's not an exact match. Very interesting.
Now that you mention it, it does kind of look like that. And in kabbalah there is also the idea of there being multiple worlds.
Maybe the diagram has something to do with physics
This sort of looks like a bunch of Penrose diagrams stacked one on top of the other.
Guess what else is among Roger Penrose's work?
>Penrose argues that human consciousness is non-algorithmic, and thus is not capable of being modeled by a conventional Turing machine, which includes a digital computer. Penrose hypothesizes that quantum mechanics plays an essential role in the understanding of human consciousness. The collapse of the quantum wavefunction is seen as playing an important role in brain function.
So I guess she was trying to teach me physics. How nice of her!
Renko is just built different
Man, I hope you are right. I can't wait for another 4-8 years for the next story.
It's funny
It'll be funny when in two or three months /jp/ has Renko fever again
implying the current one will end
She could sense space-time warping beneath Mount Fuji without being able to look at the real moon and stars so I like to think her ability is more something like being able to sense space and time and that knowing them by looking at the moon and stars is just the way it manifests most clearly.
I want to read the CDs. Is there anything I should know about Maribel and Renko before doing so?
Their abilities are not really explained, Renko knows where she is by looking at the moon and knows the time by looking at the stars and Maribel can see boundaries and gaps. Also, don't overlook any detail in the story, a lot of the worldbuilding is done with what seems like throw away lines and also it's best to read them in order. I think that's it.
Which one of them is taller? I've seen conflicting information.
I don't think there's a canon answer to this, but just statistically speaking it's likely that Maribel would be taller. On the other hand, Renko has taller energy, and that's what really counts.
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If you rotate the cover of Dateless Bar "Old Adam", Maribel appears to be taller, but they are sitting down, it could be that Renko has longer feet.
I haven't noticed until now that they have the tree of knowledge behind them lol.
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you know what they say about european girls...
How are there two different versions of the same picture and when they are posted they get the same trips?
Renko looks cute with that hair band
She looks very merry
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merryberry's merryberries are so powerful they warp reality
Maybe Renko is jealous of more than just Marty's ability.
"In this club we disobey the laws of THERMODYNAMICS!"
It's messed up how much Miss Foreign Boobies can get away with
I think it's meant to be the correct romanization of what Renko calls Maribel
so why is translated to merry?
Renko calls her メリー
How Renko bros are gonna recover?
Cause Merry looks more normal than Maerie.
Renko's just a late bloomer
By being a japanese beauty
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I look at her cute face and the bother goes away.
Renko is not THAT flat, come on.
Tell me when you get there.
Just found out Renko doesn't wear a ribbon on her hair. How has that made up detail gotten so popular?
probably people getting their wires crossed with marisa
she only even has the bit of hair hanging over her shoulder in GFC
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Apparently it's pretty old. But early on it was red and turned white at some point.
Honestly, I think it's a good addition. It would be cool if ZUN drew Renko with the ribbon but her hair has been getting shorter and shorter so it's unlikely.
Renko is so cool bros unlike her aunt
She's balding...
You might be right. Have you seen how her hair looks on the cover of TJD?
She maybe have cancer?
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>early on it was red
Wait? Renko wear pads like Sakuya...
Renko = Sakuya confirmed?
To be fair, Renko was probably cringe too when she was Sumi's age
I guess that's where her time powers come from...
It's funny how she rotates her hat so the ribbon always faces the fourth wall
cool pic
Funnily enough, it seems to have started after CoSD, which had the Yumemi doll on the cover.
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She wants everyone to see the hat in all its glory
She looks like a good test subject now
Test subject for what exactly?
All she had to do for people to start adoring her is break the law while shouting about her pent-up frustrations.
Was it worth it, Renko?
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Merry's not that much taller and from the way they are sitting it looks like they'd be at almost the same height if they both stood up.
Renko's hair has gotten longer sometimes so there is still hope.
>shouting about her pent-up frustrations.
It was a nice scene I agree, though when she started ranting about gaijin girls "stealing all the men" and how she wouldn't just throw a guy away after a single week seemed kinda out of left field for me. I wonder what was ZUN's intention when writing it?
It weirded me out too. It's probably one of those throw away lines meant to help with the worldbuilding, but I'm not sure what it is trying to say.
What I found weird was when she recounted every time Maribel got a boyfriend. I'm still not sure what ZUN meant by that.
Clearly she has to have kids soon for the timeline to make sense, it's the only possible explanation
Reminder that Renko would daterape you if you gave her the chance

Don't give her that chance
Anon she could steal my kidneys and I'd still be happy that a woman wanted me for anything
Renko would never.
She only does this when she is ovulating.
When is Renko NOT ovulating?
Remember, after it happens you'll have no choice but to thank her. Think you'll report it to the police? Who will they believe, a Japanese national or some baka gaijin who can't recognize a good woman in front of him?

Renko isn't waiting anymore while she sees all the boys pick the big boobed foreign girl. Now, she's taking.
Renko would absolutely never do such things! This is terrible slander! You can't possibly claim that you got date raped because Renko has better alcohol tolerance than you have...
How do I avoid such a fate?
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You should marry and reproduce with Renko.
What is Renko's alcohol tolerance?
How will Maribel react when she finds out about this?
She'll react like a y good friend would, she'll be proud that Renko finally scored
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usagi renko
The cutest
Sorry there is crime without sin and sin without crime. No forgiveness Renko.
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There is still a way I can get my revenge.
Anon has just won a one way trip to TORIFUNE!
Decoy file
According to TJD Renko canonically hand writes all of her papers
This won't unrape you
Why does she have decoy files then?
To catch the people who want to delete them, obviously.
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Hot and sweaty hifuu . . .
chinese shirt Renko >>>>>> all others
Its not rape if I want it
Isn't that a bit too cruel?
shawl Renko is better
Same reason she has a decoy house(her apartment) that she monitors from her humble abode(trashcan on the side of the road).
Imagine the
Ponder the
Conceptualise the
This makes perfect sense, Renko would know all about how easy it is to break into someone's home so she would want to keep her's hidden.
Woah she's like me

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