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I look like that
Built for BBC (Big Balkan Cock)
bat paizuri
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built for doing her math homework by Monday.
Skin paizuri!
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You are fooling no one with the ton of perfume you use, i can smell your putrid, decomposing body from here
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why isn't her leg disintegrating?
Eirin's shady new suncream
water isn't like acid to her; it just drains her powers and leaves her extremely weak
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Moving Water, who just happen to be a purifing agent in shinto
What exactly attracts people to Remilia's child body?
Bold of you to assume she just doesn't get Sakuya to do it for her
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the fearsome beast, conquered, offering her soft underbelly as a sign of surrender
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Is she taking differential geometry?
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brushing her tiny teeth
aren't her little teeth razor-sharp? i'd wear thick gloves if I had to handle her
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brush brush until her tiny mouth is full of white foam
Made for manhandling
If she's going to cheat, she'll at least want to get some right answers.
Yeah she gets Patche to do it for her, get your facts straight >>47095727
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Imagine the smell of her 500 year unwashed vampire feet mixing with the smell of her fully loaded diaper.
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Good taste (pedophilia)
She's a 500 years old vampire hag.
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Do you think I could convince her that zoomer slang is actually really refined and intellectual? I want to make Sakuya scream in frustrated agony...
The Mistress is a very silly person
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Well being a shut-in NEET tends to make you strange.
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A 500-year-old hag who looks like a 10-year-old kid.
Where is this from? Dont remember this exchange
Probably SWR since that'd be the only time they would have unique dialogue in the same game, unless HST has some.
Aya's scenario in SWR
That's pretty cute of Remi
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You think you can manhandle the literal final boss?
get murdered
Anon, please be kind to our lungs. Mine are burning and bleeding now.
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is Remilia Scarlet but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^… im 500+ years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my indentured servant maid (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

love and waffles,

t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m
Is Remilia the cutest and funniest final boss in gaming history?
Remilia is a very human like youkai isn't she?
Remi would actually post like this.
I like how she played along

Very likeable
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remilia is a western civ major, she isn't taking upper division maths lol
Remi a cutie.
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I did an oopsie
That baby ain't coming out healthy
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Good news! Remilia II came out alright
>mokele mbembe
remi is a nigger...
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she sicilian
Cute babu.
I don't see no wings on them
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canon remi is whiter than your bones
Time to change this babu!
Its a Dhampir anon.
Does that mean she's going to be moody and angsty and wants "revenger" against her mother, and is coincidentally named after her mother backwards, being "Ailimer"?
Give it time, they will grow. Baby is just a late bloomer.
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Fixed your Remi
yes, and takes Bulling advice form aunt flandre
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How adorable, I bet remi would love raising a calf like a pet. Cows can be really cute when they think you're a friend.
Remilia is very talented!
Knowing Remi she'd be dissapointed if her child didn't try to kill her in a climatic final battle at least twice.
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Remila makes a great bench rest.
Fastest way to not hear anymore
If I worked at the SDM I'd want it to be in charge of taking care of Remi's pets. Nobody at the mansion currently could probably be trusted and I'd get to spend all my time working with animals!
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She got out again and took her shoes off!
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She's a vampire, she'll recover. Just give her an ice pack.
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Her lack of teenage angst is TEARING this family apart, when Remilia was her age she had attempted to kill ther mother thrice already, and the third time she succeeded!
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Who is Sakuya taking out right now
Meiling, who else?
She's gonna lose her foot
I don’t know what’s better here: Remilia’s panicked face in the wrong panel or Sakuya’s quietly annoyed expression in the correct panel.
be nice to sicily
I hate feetfags
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Such a bizarre thing to fixate on when her delicious armpits are up higher.
I'm coughing up blood again. Gorgeous.
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Could you track down Tupai if he, for whatever reason, ran away again?
I love feetfags
Cute remis
What else can she do
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She looked cool and mature up until the striped leggings. Who the fuck wears those after 12?
Stupid bratpire, giving the game away before it's even started...
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I wonder if Remi has known Sayuka and Patchu since they were babies.
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I wonder what they smell like. Or taste like. Sakuya probably knows. Lucky bitch.
>what they smell like
Her diapers? Incredible. Heavenly.
She learned bad habits from that armpit miko. Remilia's an armpit whore
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Come and get it then
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*sniff* *inhale*
how does she smell?
Like she hasn't washed in centuries, especially her feet!
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with her nose

Remi is clean
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Her diet seem to consist of mostly tea and wine. I like to think the tea gives her a kind of earthy smell and the wine adds a slightly sweet twang to it.
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doesn't she need to bite mortals to live?
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I thought the lore was Sakuya mixes blood in with her and Flan's food to fill their vampire needs.

Or you can go the doujin route where they abduct a human man, bring him to the rape dungeon in the SDM and drain his balls before draining him of all his blood. GIWTWM.
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i hope it doesn't hurt
She's called the Scarlet Devil because she spills 90% of the blood she tries to directly drink, right?
For the first time in a long time, I had an erotic thought about Remilia. This was the sordid result.
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suffocated by Remi thigh
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unexpectedly plumpy
God I wish that was me she was feeding her milk to
Like a very well groomed dead child.
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Sakuya and I are not so different.
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Patchy is NOT that short
She is, she's been shrinking overtime and her frail bones are failing her....
i dont see the difference besides she still italian
Pachi is over 100 years old! A tiny, shriveled, little old lady!
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truth is, they're both hot.
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Remilia and her pussy
vampiric pussy
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Remi would never !
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Twintails Remi!
eeeh, i dont know... maybe it's the lack of her funny cap, but i cant see it working.
Double bun fits Remi much better (she gets to wear TWO caps)
Probably a mix of red wine and rosehip tea.
Is there more?
Did she get bitten by a Kasen?
my wife is so cute bros...
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get used to it.
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Why is /jp/ suddenly full of pedos?
im ugly
Granny stuck in a childs body
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I am going to headpat this adorkable breadpire creature.
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remilia my beloved
Your beloved is a dork
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Remy is too cute to be scary.
We love dorkpires.
I will keep that in mind as I bang all her friends.
>Including her sister?
Including her sister.
>banging anything
Lol, lmao even
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Say, "Ahh"
The problem with monsters and undead is that they need to feed on people to live, but I wouldn't want them eating another man. The only flesh I'd want them consuming is my own, which is a huge conundrum as even Sakuya will run through two liters of my blood quickly if she eats three times a day plus sweets

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