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Why do otakus always portray westerners as evil and dismissive of Japanese or Asian culture
Because they mostly are.
Because you are evil and dismissive of Japanese culture, as shown in your thread.
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>Why do otakus always portray westerners as evil
I've been reading media created for Otaku from the 1980s to mid-2000s. The Japanese either worship westerners, hoping the artists and creators they respect and plagiarised will acknowledge their work, or they jump towards soft power like image attached.

I've only really seen westerners depicted as evil in non-Otaku media since non-Otaku don't worship American or European artists and creators, and instead still bear a hatred over the fact the United States basically owns their country after the war.
The west only destroys (not only other cultures, but its own too)
Are you implying that most normie JP content is imperialist anon? There is a movie or piece of media that actually portraits any westerner in bad light? Probably the real question is whetever historically is accurate to have that take. I see all depictions of Matthew Perry in anime to be negative.
Depictions of Matthew Perry tend towards comedic rather than outright negative
>instead still bear a hatred over the fact the United States basically owns their country after the war.
Funny because they lost the war, fucked around and found out.
A rather accurate portrayal.
Cause we probably are, by their standards
I feel like most normal Japanese people probably don’t care either way, they just focus on their own countries issues and only think about western shit when it becomes relevant or when our media/tech is in their lives

Like my dad loves Sony equipment and owns a Toyota, but he couldn’t tell you jack shit about anything Japanese to save his life. Japan might as well be East China for all he cares.
I don't think it's that universal. For example the gaijin girl in Zom100 was shown to care more about japanese culture than any of the natives. Sure it is a comedy and that was the joke, but it still depicted a westerner who respects the culture.
Japanese people are reserve for the most part, specially when it comes to foreigners, so their lack of opinion on anything can be taken by Americans as an embracement of any type of idea, kinda like when some random western influencer doesnt speak about a recent event and people start to think that person doesnt say anything because it support/rejects it.
Yeah, like I know there’s plenty of average Japanese guys that think otaku shit is cringe and they just consume stuff normally, but because we see the big tourist traps and random clips of niche anime shops and animations we assume everybody’s like that. Same way they’d think that Times Square or random game shows are what most of what Americans enjoy.
What anime character is this?
Anon, anon, ANON.
Her name is right there below.
But if you still cant guess her name is Iowa from KanColle, best girl btw
Why is she getting bullied?
I don't know I've read and watched a lot of untranslated japanese media (mostly otaku stuff) and western characters are usually just westerners for the sake of character 設定 and they usually like to make fun of stereotypes and depict culture shock, I don't think I've ever seen a piece of media take an opinionated pro or anti western stance a single time
I think is because she doesnt like natto and she happens to be a gaijin, does natto taste that bad?
I can save her.
Because she is a baka gaijin who can't appreciate a good nipslop.
Natto is shit though.
Can Iowa be saved from Evil America?
I think it's supposed to smell bad but taste okay.
Then why do Female otakus date white guys?
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Japs have a culture? Last time I checked they were spending all their time on work, getting shit faced, only to come home and draw lolicon because it's not like they are going to have children of their own anyway.
>spending all their time on work,
like westoids
>getting shit faced,
like westoids
>it's not like they are going to have children of their own anyway
like westoids
They don't.
because they know that westerners have been trying to destroy Japanese culture
it makes me mad knowing that they are slowly but surely achieving it by flooding the place with 3rd worlders and pushing faggot propaganda to the younger generations
in a decade from now it will be a shithole identical to US
Its never to late to change things, anon.
They date black dudes, what are you talking about?
westoids also draw "lolicon" but with cartoon female characters.
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They do
What is there to be done about it? The best thing we could do for Japan is to literally not go there, or at least for an extended amount of time. Westerners consider Japan to be nothing but an aesthetic or a place to get laid and it shows with how they are acting there.
You got to marry their leftovers women.
America will fall to the hordes of unwashed shitskins without a single shot fired.
good riddance.
What the fuck am I looking at?
Asian women fawning over white men
I don't know why you're trying to make it seem otaku hates Americans. There's a subgroup of Otakus that watch American Anime like Smiling friends and loving it.
Why do they always fear that western men will take away their women.
Since when did american cartoons captivate japanese women?
These days Japan is littered with instagram and tik tok bloggers tourists
Saucenao actually works for this, its an advertisement for wot
Thanks. Kind of weird for a commercial.
It got your attention, so thats that
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Cultural asspain.
Love this manga honestly
What's the name?
Sengoku Komachi Kuroutan: Noukou Giga

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