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A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF

Previous Thread: >>46938089
Watabe is finally appearing on a non-local tv show after his return from his multipurpose toilet affairs scandal.

It's not much better than Chiba TV imho.
Whatever happened to the blog that had a synopsis and other info for upcoming seasonal dramas?
Since they've been at it for years without breaks, expect the worse after this sudden halt.
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It hasn't been updated for a while. Try using this instead for the meantime.

finally hit 10k bp on avistaz. Should I get the 250gb upload now or wait for something? idk if they ever do discounts or if I could use those bp on something better.
Might as well use them, I don't think they do Bonus Point discounts often (or ever).
The only other useful thing Bonus Points allows for is voting for subtitles.
sorry i haven't been following but whats the /jp/ approved show of the season?
Anti Hero
Tanabata no Kuni
Messou mo Nai
lovely runner
>To avoid account deletion you must login at least 1 time every 60 days, and you must download at least 1 torrent every 90 days
>must download at least 1 torrent every 90 days
im like 99% sure ive done both of those things and my account is fine.
i dont think they enforce it
Is a torrent every 3 months that big of a requirement? I feel like it's a reasonable way to make sure everyone on the platform is active.
She should fuck this Billy.
Nothing, Spring season has had nothing but sleepers. Even WOWOW productions were boring.
where can i watch kubi? cant find a torrent anywhere
avistaz, but im guessing you're not a member
its ok i found a link :)
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Patiently waiting. In the meantime, I hope 'Chime' and 'Cloud' get uploaded somewhere soon.
I've never seen GACKT play a normal role ever.
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I will now watch your movie
Her and I were both born on the exact day and year.
if you could put it into words as a viewer, why is JP media so obsessed with highschool as an environment/setting? so much anime, manga, dramas, all dedicated to highschool students, nearly every variety show has segments with celebs returning to highschool or acting out things set in classrooms. is it a nationwide nostalgia? are these years revered as vital to each citizen's nationality or individuality? as an anon from europe it strikes me as remarkable that nearly all of their media at some point ends up back in a highschool. i know exactly what JP highschools look, sound and feel like as a result despite never having set foot in one.
They're also obsessed with whatever's popular with high school girls in particular.
Isn't middle and highschool your best period of your live ever? At least that what i fell growing up in Asia. Friends, vacations, festivals, night camps, playing vidyas, watching anime, etc. Everything was so fun and genuine.
I was born on the very same day as Hashimoto
I think that's it in the case of Japan. It's usually the most stress free and light hearted time of their lives before being thrown into the soul crushing abyss that is the Japanese work force for the remainder of their lives.
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It's subbed now.
these guys all look annoying as fuck
It's a common sentiment in east asian countries.
yukie nakama's kinography
Love & Pop, TRICK and?
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>common experience
>old enough to have a sense of self
>young enough not to be sucked into salarylife
>a time in life of discovery and possibility
>JKs in skirts

The real mystery are the minds who find any of this mysterious at all.
Who Wants to Go to Japan?

Why I live in Japan (English sub)

Why did you come to Japan?

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No way I'd watch a bunch of gaijin in Japan.
I read this in Takeshi's voice.
what does takeshi think about gaijins?
checked AND based
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>It's the danger hair overweights again
Based. Is it weird that I'm a gaijin but hate seeing them in Japanese media?
I'm interested in this show. What are the must-watch episodes?
Western women are vulgar
Japanese bros...is this true?
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Planning on watching Lily Chou Chou soon. Seems like an extremely depressing movie though.
>Seems like an extremely *angsty* movie though.
Right, how stupid of me.
Good pick, it's a masterpiece. I recommend watching Iwai Shunji's entire body of work, too.
I second this. Picnic, Swallowtail Butterfly, A Bride for Rip Van Winkle. He made some of the greatest Japanese movies I've ever watched.
why are they like this?
who has the better kinography?
I mean, she’s not lying
Any summer dramas worth watching?
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1122 Ii Fuufu
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
why dont you guys use discord?
Any good recent movies?
What year?
Kubi (2023) by Kitano Takeshi
Shin Kamen Rider (2023) by Anno Hideaki
Hokage (2023) by Tsukamoto Shinya
Lumberjack the Monster (2023) by Miike Takashi
Kyrie (2023) by Iwai Shunji
Monster (2023) by Koreeda Hirokazu
I don't know. At some point there was some black guy in Takeshi gundan apparently.
>Kyrie (2023) by Iwai Shunji
Do you know when this movie is getting subbed?
I remember years ago on one of Takeshi's variety shows, he said about the floods of tourists coming to Japan that they're nuisance due to over-tourism, and that he doesn't want to see Japan's culture, such as the downtown areas or shrines or whatnot, damaged by the influx of short-term tourists. He then commented about Japan's aging population saying that as someone who has experience interacting with other cultures and countries, he thinks Japan has its own way of fixing problems, but he doesn't think that internationalization is a good thing.

No. I watched it raw.
From the ones I posted, only Kyrie is unsubbed.
>only Kyrie is unsubbed.
Bummer. That's the only movie I'm interested in.
He's not wrong. Japan should vet people visiting their country. Separate the anime tourists from people who actually respect the place.
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They put it out of its misery.
>It's real
Putting Kamaitachi as the leads was a mistake. No matter how long and active they are on tv, these two aren't suited to act like big name senpai geinins who tsukkomi their kouhais.
>Lincoln at the 100-yen shop
Surprised it lasted a year
Kamaitachi are good boys who strictly follows BPO's rule. Most of their fans are zoomer women who fantasize to Hamaie's dick.
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Kamaitachi > Chidori
Said no one ever
Yusaku Matsuda
Thanks for the heads up, but I don't know if I should trust his translation or not...
what's a good yakuza themed show? other than gokusen
Will we get a season 2? I loved that show.
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Looks interesting
Okano vs Yamazoe should've been the final, props to Komiya though. There's such a huge gap between a gambler and a 'layman'. Who else could possible make for a good challenger? The other gambling geinins like Mogura and Hiccorohee?
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Thank you based Netflix-sama for all the good shit. Another good year for dramas thanks to them.
they look like siblings
> The story is based on an actual court case in which a former female student who broke the school rules prohibiting male-female dating and was expelled, sued the school.
This setsu is well-designed. They really should turn it into a year end SP but in a grander scale.
>Who else could possible make for a good challenger?
The Mummy's Sakai and Shimofuri's Soshina.
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I love rural horror
The original manga is a masterpiece by Iwaaki Hitoshi, so they can never go wrong with his adaptation.
rainbow song is his best movie and he didn't even direct that
>somehow is racist that japanese media doesn't have english subtitles on japanese platforms
Chidori should have been the mains. And where are Saraba Seishun and Chocoplan?
Saraba is too based for TVs. They are the embodiment of what Japs actually want from their variety shows but can't because "modern" moral value.
>Hokage (2023) by Tsukamoto Shinya
Thanks for recommending this incredible movie, brutal story to say the least. Shuri is an amazing actress.
Glad you liked it. Hokage felt like it's the spiritual sequel to Fires on the Plain, and I wouldn't be surprised if it really is. In his Fires on the Plain documentary, Tsukamoto showed just how the war theme meant to him, so much that even his early-to-mid films, by his own personal interpretations, were related to the war. He said the final scene of Vital was like the beginning of Fires on the Plain, where the protagonist somehow becomes the soldier. The end of Fires on the Plain sees the protagonist finally returns home to Japan, which starts the postwar life, and that's where Hokage comes. As you said, it's really brutal, and Tsukamoto, as shown in the Fires on the Plain documentary, studied WWII extensively by interviewing former soldiers and going all the way to the Philippines, collecting dead soldiers' remains, so the the psychological tolls that came with the horrors of the war shown in Hokage were very realistic. The first half was filled with Tsukamoto's singular artistic voice - his trademark command of mood through visual language. It was incredibly haunting. One thing I particularly liked was the nameless main characters, it was just like in his early work Tetsuo.
discount komatsu nana?
Sometani Shota made the transition?
Did they axe Degashira after only one show?
That truck probably wasn't cheap to build.
Egachan is too based for terrestrial tv
Are you sure that wasn't tokuban? Probably just testing the water.
90s TV show
>They made Kiriko a woman
Kitano's next film (untitled for now) is being made for Amazon MGM Studios, and it will be starring him.


It's sad seeing him graduating from his longtime gigs in variety shows like Unbelievable in March, but on the other hand, he's taking this opportunity to filmmaking and writing novels so there's still more Takeshi content to come outside tv.
>is being made
Fucking based. He’s becoming the Akira Kurosawa of our generation.
Well yeah, they're playing teenage delinquents.
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This dude is kino
do you guys have recommendations for gory slasher horror movies?
Evil Dead Trap (1988)
Shit you not, the only thing that kept popping up in my mind while watching this was
>this shit wouldn’t fly in today’s retarded compliance
The BPO mind-broke me.
Now I regret not watching Fires on the Plain first (I only discovered it after reading your post).
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Anyone know where I can watch Nihon Touitsu?
Been looking for it for a long time, did again this month, but to no avail.
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Hokkaido arc (10 episodes) is in AvistaZ, but that's all. For a movie/drama series that has fuckloads of entries since 2013, it's not enough to just watch an arc from 2022.
its on jptv but seedless

and ofc the japanese NF
Ah, I saw that! Sadly, it doesn't have English subtitles and my Japanese is pretty weak. Thanks for helping though!
Is this like AvistaZ?
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any despair inducing movie like nobody knows?
I thought about using AvistaZ, does it have a lot of 70 and 80 stuff?
An ocean of them. Uploaded almost daily.
Man so I watched Gallileo and it was pretty good but the girl character being so constantly stupid and annoying
Why do all these jap dramas make women just both dumb AND annoying
cant we have some fantasy
This was good. Ashida Mana is /ourgirl/.
What is the consensus on Vivant? I just saw it was on netflix and wondering if its good or not. Why is a lot of it taking place in the Arab desert?
yes, she acted so good here
VIVANT was good, but too ambitious for its own good.
>Arab desert?
It was in Mongol, not an Arab country.
LOL sorry, I just saw an Arab headdress in one of the thumbnails on Netflix that's why I said Arab, also I remember watching the trailer a few months ago
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Hana-bi (1997) by Kitano Takeshi
Audition (1999) by Miike Takashi
License to Live (1998) by Kurosawa Kiyoshi
Dead Run (2005) by SABU
Undo (1994) by Iwai Shunji
Almost Transparent Blue (1979) by Murakami Ryu
Afternoon Breezes (1980) by Yazaki Hitoshi
Mirrored Mind (2005) by Ishii Gakuryu
Ritual (2000) by Anno Hideaki
Kotoko (2011) by Tsukamoto Shinya
Himizu (2011) by Sono Sion
Maborosi (1995) by Koreeda Hirokazu
>just both dumb AND annoying
Because that makes them cute.
Don't know whose list is that, but it's great.
As a casual drama watcher who only watches the most popular dramas with the Japanese citizens every season, it was good. I enjoyed reading theories or discussing them here.
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Just watched this and I was wondering if the practices of enjo kosai and teenage prostitution are popular in Japan.
I signed up a month or two ago. Absolutely amazing site. People are very kind and helpful, too.
Has everything you could possibly want.
I want to read this novel, but also want to watch its live-action adaptation
The second season got rid of her, and replaced her with someone smart who bends rules.
It was glorious.
The films were the best part, though, and the assistants were hardly in them.
when's matsumoto getting unbanned? he didn't fuck up THAT badly and is one of the best known people in japan
He's not really banned, he himself is refraining from working to focus on the trial.
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He'd tower over her if she wasn't wearing high heels.
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They’re still milking it?
I'm looking for a Japanese film my roommate showed me in like 2011 or so.
I think it's from the 2000's.
It's kinda quirky.
There is a young women, who is kinda quirky, not a diva or something, who I think lives with her mother? Maybe just an older woman.
She meets a guy who is punk, they hang out for some reason, but I don't remember if they become romantically involved.
There is an older man who I think works as a mechanic or something who makes fun of the punk guy by calling him punk.
I think there is a cat?
Barely remember the point of the movie even.
I know this is not much to go on, but if you know the film I think it should be enough.
If you can figure out this movie you are a god.
Good dramas and movies about an abusive teachers?
I can fix her
Should have been easily guessed after she removed the mouth part of the mask.
I thought it was Ano
I thought red mask was Aa~ Shiraki all along.
They should have Kawashima be on every show from now on, he's as good as Matsumoto was and he's at TBS every day anyway.
>I thought red mask was Aa~ Shiraki all along.
I predicted her identity last year >>44625125
>he's as good as Matsumoto was and he's at TBS every day anyway.
Out of all the replacements we've had since Macchan's hiatus, he felt the most natural. Also, when Kunizaki said him shaving his right eyebrow was related to Downtown, alluding Macchan's absence, Kawashima replied that he wishes his eyebrow to grow out soon. I hope these hints mean he's coming back. I see many geinins mentioning him now more than before, like Kawashima on this Monday's Ravitto.
Matsumoto said he wants to come back soon

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Seibu Keisatsu "Western Police" (TV Series)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seibu _Keisatsu


The series portrays the Western Police Headquarters Criminal Investigation Division's Sergeant Keisuke Daimon, played by Tetsuya Watari and his subordinates, dubbed the Daimon Force (Daimon Gundan), and their superior, Section Chief Kogure, played by Yujiro Ishihara, as they fight against Tokyo's underworld.

With its flashy, over-the-top explosion scenes, and car stunts, this series gained a reputation as a macho drama. It is representative of the police & detective dramas of the 1980s.

This TV series had started off in 1979 and continued until 1984.

During the 5-year course of the show, a total of 236 episodes were filmed, with roughly 4,680 vehicles of all types being destroyed during the course of filming, 4.8 tons of explosives being used as well as close to 320 buildings destroyed.
Surprisingly, no deaths were recorded, though there were six injured staff and crew members.
The average viewer rating was at 14.5% in the Kanto Area.
He's young, he's good, bright future. Not yet to replace big three or Downtown tbf, he need to expand his CV.
Is Ano too big to be on Suiyobi now?
Too vague need more details.
the older man makes fun of the younger punk guy by going
>this is X, he's punk
the movie is kinda wacky.
i swear if you saw it you would know
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any good romcoms or comedy shows in general
Minna! ESPer Dayo! (2013) by Sono Sion
I have this movie collecting dust for many years without opening it lol
now is the time, please review
How is it? I've heard that it's like the Outrage trilogy but with samurai but with a bit more comedy. Is this accurate?
>Outrage trilogy but with samurai but with a bit more comedy. Is this accurate
Ano is ugly enough to only appear in a mask on Suiyoubi.
Daitokai 'The Big City' Part III (TV Series)


Daitokai (The Big City or Metropolis) was a popular prime-time television detective series in Japan, which ran from 1976 to 1979 for a total of 132 episodes and three seasons, each with its own story arc.
The lead star was Tetsuya Watari.
That wasn’t Ano, retard.
I wrote my thoughts about Kubi in the last thread, if you want to read them
I know, but she's ugly so wearing a mask would be a good opportunity to appear on the show, maybe next time when this setsu returns.
No, she brings nothing and is just cringe, I hope she never appears on the show again.
Thanks, anon. Been waiting for it since it was just a rumour and am glad to hear that he's still got it.
He's currently filming a new work >>47143095
Nice movie, but I still prefer the story in Minami Hamabe and Takumi Kitamura's movie.
Nice. I hope that he still has it for that, too.
I've been wondering for years about why there's no effort to fansub an important series like Seibu Keisatsu and I I finally figured it out. It's almost 300 episodes long, ain't nobody got the time for that much content.
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He also said late last year that he's planning another film set in the Bubble Economy period.
holy shit seven orifices was total dog water
She has the voice of a kid with a stuffed nose on helium, a radio show for torture.
Good tearjerker
I’ve been meaning to watch it. The cast looks outstanding and the story weird.
no hyperbole, literally nothing happens in it. the only saving grace was that episodes were only around 20~ mins rather than 40 or 60.
Who is the target audience for this?
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the lady from audition is making a new kino about herself
whats this about?
Seems like it's a short film, and the last part of a trilogy
I missed out on life
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Susumu Terajima
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Rina Takeda
Takeshi Kitano’s car.
Wakako Zake?
To be fair, the fansub scene for old shows in general isn't very big.
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Man, Nihon Touitsu really does get better the further in you watch lmao. Hard to believe the quality at the beginning
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Takeshi never changes. I heard he had Rolls-Royce in the past and used to race with the late Miyaji Toshio, the former president of the electronic retailer Jonan Denki who used to appear on his variety shows and even appeared on his film Getting Any? (1995).
If Terajima isn't joking, this must be referring to the yakuza film Kitano talked about last year in the FCCJ press conference.
Where did you download it?
Abarenbo Shogun is still my favorite jidaigeki drama
The Japanese have a good taste in every category!
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Oh, I just watch it with the Amazon JP channel sub here:

For some reason they call it 'Road to King' in English on Amazon too. Captured that clip with OBS.

Speaking of Nihon Touitsu, maybe Motomiya and Yamaguchi will team up again for the next Kitano picture based on this pic from today


Fuji TV has announced that they have signed a content licensing agreement with Netflix. Starting with one drama title for the July 2024 season, the company will select new and old dramas, variety shows, and other content to distribute to 190 countries and regions around the world.
>variety shows
Interesting. Wonder which show they'll pick and if they'll bother making subtitles for it.
They will probably air the new Meguro Ren drama there.
>All those v-cinema/straight-to-video yakuza faces
Now just add Ozawa Hitoshi, Ozawa Kazuyoshi and Nakano Hideo to the mix to complete the cast.
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Banshaku no Ryugi Season 3
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Kogarashi Monjiro

Confusing narrative but the punk attitude displayed by the bands and actors was kinda cool. I really can't imagine the punk movement taking roots in a egalitarian, homogenous, uniform, conformist, non rebelious society like in Japan.
Burst City (1982) / Bakuretsu Toshi / English Subtitles

Crazy Thunder Road (1980)
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Pro Hunter

I've seen my share of punk films, but Burst City's explosive form captures more than any other narrative film of its kind. Punk rock as an exhausting, ferocious, political and social reform. Sure it's confusing, narratively and character-wise but that doesn't really matter for a film this explosive, wild and fun. it's a violent, erratic cyberpunk punk-rock musical about warring bands fighting yakuza and the police, just the right ingredients to make one gets absorbed by it. The long ass runtime with the unnecessary footage in the third act enhance the crazy punk fever dream that the film wants to show the viewer. Ishii Gakuryu created a revolutionary works with Crazy Thunder Road and Burst City, and many great creators like Otomo Katsuhiro, Sono Sion, Iwai Shunji, Miike Takashi, Kon Satoshi and Tsukamoto Shinya were influenced by his early works. He is extremely important to the Japanese indie, underground, and cyberpunk cinema scenes.
I read somwhere William Gibson(The father of cyberpunk genre) was influenced by one of these two movies.
>Fuji TV
Worst Japanese channel today in terms of contents outside anime shows and news shows.
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How to save money on AC? Fan speed "Low" and "Auto". AI analyzes AC usage
Imagine being the third friend and losing both of your friends
Every summer I read about the Japanese people's suffering from not being able to use their ACs due to high electricity costs, shitty wages and weak economy and thank God I was born in a rich country where blasting ACs all summer long 24/7 is the norm.
plan to watch Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoshi Lesson 2 (2024)
what is the MOST inappropriate teacher-student drama ever?
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This one is very trashy.
pedo show is at number 1 right now
japan, the country is a horrible country, earthquakes, rapid aging population, stagnant ecomeny, super racist sexist society,
Where are you from?
You should not come to Japan.
Atarashii Kagi, Dokkiri GP, Itazura Journey could maybe have an international audience. Or even Nepleague.
>1122's ep6 is 90 minutes long
What website is that?
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True. All those shows are shit enough to have international audience.
Well that's one way to look at it. Some clip of the school hide and seek of Atarashii Kagi got 30 million views on tiktok.
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Prejudice Against Japan Spreading on Foreign SNS
The Dark Side of French SNS
Hokage was good but why did it have to go so fast? Couldn't we have time to contemplate these characters being psycho retards since that is the point? Why only 90 minutes? I am starting to feel the Japanese are gathering hard to ADHD people now...
>target audience of most drama shit, since boomers are reading books or watchi vanity shows
>biggest period in life of most asians since college is extended vacation and work life is boring as fuck
>the japanese tend to treat teenagers as more mature individuals, unlike the west where it's basically childhood 2.0 with drugs
>Why only 90 minutes?
Probably budget and time constraints, which would explain the limited sets. Watch Tsukamoto's Fires on the Plain documentary, he explains how it is.
>all of them are old-ass directors who hit big before the 2000's (besides Koreeda, who hit big in the 2000's)
is japanese cinema just dead or something?
There are younger auteurs born in the 70s and the 80s who apparently made great films, but I've neglected them, or perhaps been ignoring them for over a decade, never giving their works a watch out of an autistic reason. But I'm sure their works are fine given the reception, so if watch them if you want and see for yourself. Japanese cinema is not dead yet, but the amount of good filmmakers and films had a sharp decreases since the 2010s.
tv is better
Junta Yamaguchi's films (written by Makoto Ueda) are pretty good. Looking forward to when he does something large.
What do good movies have to do with the directors’ ages? They could be 100 years old, but if they’re talented, they will make good movies.
This website’s dwellers have the most horrendous taste in dramas I’ve ever seen. All it takes for a drama to receive these meme scores is to have young ikemen actors (or idols) or the story being about fagshit.
NTQ but eventually these directors die and boom you have no one anymore.
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Hissatsu Shigotonin (TV Series 1979)


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