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All of your 2hu characters kill and eat humans. How does that make you feel.
All your mother eats is semen. How does that make you feel.
Nah, the only thing she needs is black dicks, nothing else.
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forgot pic
Not all of them eat people. The canon people eater that surprised me is Yuyuko
Two eyed, one ghost, flying purple people eater, you might say?
Sounds pretty strange to me.
My fave 2hu does not do that at all. Taoism forbids all consumption of meat.
Kill yourself, tourist.
I would hope so. Their monstrous natures are part of their appeal.
posting zounose as part of your evil youkai argument should be grounds for an instant ban
sekibanki doesn't even eat humans, and kagerou's never really had much indication of it
Gensoukyou needs an actual Youkai Slayer
nuke bird should kill everyone in Gensokyo, it'd be cute
bejitabro btw
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>>47084895 (OP)
That won't stop me, nigga. It doesn't matter if I lose an arm or two, I won't stop until my dick is inside the Nue. And yes, it doesn't matter if she wants it too or not, it is going inside her.
Posting Zounose should be a bannable offense.
Bumping Zounose threads should be a bannable offense.
She's a slut who seduces human men just to kill them!
Oh, you're telling me that evil exists?
Well, that makes me feel a pit of burning fury. Yea you know what? That makes me mad! In fact, I'd say evil is the one thing worth getting in a huff about!
You know what? I'm gonna go pray, a lot, and I'll ask God exactly what to do about the fact that evil exists in this world.
Will come back with results later!
Back from prayer early. God told me that the correct action to seeing a Youkai stalking you in the dead of night is to turn around, look them dead in the eye, and run at them directly yelling. For Youkai are the vagueness in men's hearts given form, the thing that fills the gap's in our understanding, since we cannot hope to understand all, so they exist that our spirit does not crumble. Therefore, they do not need to live on fear and flesh, for wherever there is a venturous person who cannot understand all that's before them will there be a youkai that has it's fill.
Rumia is too retarded for that thankfully
>Eiki, Komachi, Keine, Aunn, Youmu
Way to go, retard.
You guys are the NTRcucks of the not-porn Touhou.
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No those are the grimsokyo niggers
There is nothing cuckish about wanting to conquer powerful evil women
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Anon, I got bad news for you...
Hypocrite that you are, for you also partake in killing and eating living beings for your own sustenance
Unfortunately for you youkai pussi >>> femoid flaps so I'm a race traitor, now get in the pot
youmu probably has back channels for that stuff
she probably gets orin to pick up a fresh corpse whenever a new spirit winds up in the netherworld so she can prepare it
ZUN's got brain damage at this point, no other explanation.
No doubt.
Probably hasn't eaten any but has surely killed plenty both directly on her pursuit for eternal youth and indirectly with her aiding and enabling of youkai.

I'm not going to pretend that I wouldn't at least give it a try if I had the opportunity to sample human meat.
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>Unfortunately for you youkai pussi >>> femoid flaps so I'm a race traitor, now get in the pot
The story of every /jp/sy. We all wish they were real so that we could date them and marry them.
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Nah, most Touhou don’t eat people… that would be too merciful. Instead they trap you in a village, strip you of your rights, rip you off for every dime you have, kill you if try to run away, and squash every single ounce of resistance you can muster to perpetually torment your miserable existence until you die and the Yama sends you to eternal suffering in Hell because they closed Heaven off and there’s nowhere else to put you.

Worst part is, unlike Zounose… that’s all actually canon.
This, Zounose is cutesokyo. At least his 2hus can be compassionate sometimes, ZUN haven't taught them mercy.
Humans are the bad ones for always wanting to organize and enact total youkai death instead of living in peace and harmony like now
Maybe the youkai need to stop kidnapping and eating people? Just a thought.
Wakasagihime (canonically not an enemy of humans) does not permit her friends to eat humans.
Villagers are pretty safe, they are protected and most of them can take most youkai in 1v1
Every single point you've made has been contradicted.
God, I hate the "new info supersedes old" crap, such a lame rule.
The only thing Aya is controlling is how unappealing she is, if she keeps behaving this way she will remain a virgin forever unlike her fellow tengus.
I don't understand why that would be weird, Reimu is a chosen one prophecy child, but Marisa became super strong by literally just reading books so other humans should be able to at least fend off some weaker youkai
Considering how often new info gets contradicted in the same entry it's introduced in, I find it's better to just follow whatever is the most consistent. Nothing has contradicted the note that the villagers are descendants of monster hunters, and from what we've seen they should still have the raw ability to actually contend with youkai if they weren't so domesticated.
If you can't bring yourself to use a weapon, you might as well be unarmed. The villagers are not safe.
And what makes you think she actually killed someone instead of using some non descript animal shes too stupid to know the name about? Id even argue that the reason she doesnt talk about it its because she killed a youkai since Yuyuko showed interest on it.
I swear to God the grimshitters are retared fucks sometimes
we don't even know if they are that domesticated, since we only know what we see (I.E farmers and regular villagers)
there's presumably some sort of guard force, and I'm pretty sure there's nothing explicitly disconfirming other youkai exterminators, we just only follow the ones who are the most capable
a place like the village doesn't get built without some form of governance, and aya's rambling doesn't change that. the youkai aren't worried about there being people in charge in the village, they're worried about the vampire incident happening again where a single particularly charismatic person (a human this time instead of a youkai) riles everyone up and gets them started on a crusade
Isn't Yuyuko originally a human? Why is she eating other humans?
Accurate, they always inject their retarded heacanons into every thread they enter and annoy everyone involved.
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Marisa ain’t even that strong, the entirety of FDS is just getting passed around the youkai/gods like the town bicycle and literally getting her ass beaten by Reisen. Her Dream self entire obsession is wanting to become a youkai and abandon her humanity because of her deep insecurity about being weak… and she’s probably gonna get clapped by Reimu for it at worst if she does.

Gensokyo ain’t made for humans succeed, if Marisa ever actually became a threat, she’d be annihilated without a thought and Reimu wouldn’t even care that much.
Where is that canon?
One of those pictures is just Marisa being drunk.
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Like that’s not even a joke, Reimu in canon doesn’t care or feel anything for anyone but herself. She desires peace only in that she likes to be lazy and sit around all day. She’ll do anything to maintain balance

Zounose’s Reimu at least shows mild sympathy for people getting hurt, and is does seem to care for her friends.
Yeah, Reimu sees her friend having a drunk nightmare so she dumps her ass in the cold. She ain’t that sentimental over Marisa like the shipfags would have you believe.
When you take away the obscene elements of Zounouse's work, what you get is a message of complacency with cruelty.
Rainfall explicitly shows the abstract cruelty of nature, the source of the downpour having no apparent source supernatural or no, and the characters reaction to it. Keine doesn't eat history because that would take away the meaning of human death and thus life, Yukari only saves Akyu because she needs her and even scolds Reimu that she'll never save everyone and that someone will eventually 'spill over'.
I find the messaging interesting, but I still think it's far from the truth. Trying to defeat a cruel, overwhelming system by confronting it head-on is futile, but accepting cruelty, which is what the characters often do, is never right.
As for the comparison with cannon works, I believe 99% of youkai cruelty wank is just posturing because they believe they need to do that in order to not disappear. It's all one huge facade. Most people will look at all the imagery of festivals and people happily drinking, playing music, and making merry with one another, and get a sense of dissonance, either this is all just fake to hide that they're bloodthirsty monsters or the murderous youkai are just playing pretend. I think however you resolve that dissonance says much about your psychology.
>dumps her ass in the cold
she lets marisa sleep in her bedroom and goes to sleep in the main shrine by herself
also marisa mysteriously has her usual clothes in the morning despite reimu finding her in the village wearing an entirely different set meaning reimu already had a set of marisa's clothes
>Most people will look at all the imagery of festivals and people happily drinking, playing music, and making merry with one another, and get a sense of dissonance, either this is all just fake to hide that they're bloodthirsty monsters or the murderous youkai are just playing pretend.
Or you could just go with the most realistic approach and coin that to nepotism, you know, like it would happen in real life.
This got me thinking. Which yokai race would be the best for food?
I don't know, maybe a kappa or ushi-oni would taste funny?
ushi-oni steamed boobs
Hmmmm~ imagine the taste.
Sakuya canonically wanted to kill and cook the Shimmy, maybe sopa do inchling is uma delicia.
my favourite grimfag trait is their complete inability to understand both jokes or sarcasm. DDC is the same game where Sakuya talks about how she does wolf woman impressions at the mansion and you think she wasn't just making an edgy joke about cooking shinmyoumaru? She says that wakasagihime seems like she'd make good tempura and that she'll make it so seija never existed. Edgy jokes like these are a sakuya trait.
I want to hear Sakuya howling randomly while cleaning.
Nta but I think he means this.
>In any case, this dish is the fruit of various efforts from Youmu. I'm sorry for making you cook even though you are the gardener. She didn't tell me what kind of meat she used, but it was really delicious. The steamy, warm rice with the meat accented by wasabi feels like you could never get tired of it. I ate it up all in one go. Since it was so delicious, I'd like to try it with "that" meat next time. Youmu, could you do that? You know, "that" meat? I'll leave it in your utmost care.
>so she dumps her ass in the cold
I think the scene shows Reimu fucking off to a different room than her picking up Marisa and dumping her outside.
Would Shimmy get mad at me if I took her to my trampo? My marmitex with feijoada could keep her very safe.
In Yuyuko's case it's probably purely because she wants to know what it tastes like. It's not like the youkai who get sustenance from it; Yuyuko's just a gourmand and wants to experience all the different flavors.
...Whether that's better or worse is up to you.
>and there’s nowhere else to put you.
When did that get retconned?
Oni probably have similar texture to a bovine, except it's so concentrated with alcohol that you can't completely get rid of.
Rainfall I think is a lot more literal, like it was an actual experience the author faced.
I say this because I felt it myself when my country had an endless downpour. When they describe it in Ro3K as
>Like the Yangtze river fell from the sky
It's a very literal feeling.

The rain falls and falls, the dams burst, the streets flood, people are washed away yet it doesn't stop.
You reach the point of desperation where you're praying to anything to stop it but it just keeps falling

>Most people will look at all the imagery of festivals and people happily drinking, playing music, and making merry with one another, and get a sense of dissonance, either this is all just fake to hide that they're bloodthirsty monsters or the murderous youkai are just playing pretend
Spirits/yokai/supernatural in Asian media are often depicted like that
Take Saiyuki (1978) for example. While Tripitaka the human is always compassionate and feeling, the three spirits with him often don't understand that. When a person dies they stand around joking with each other, and when Tripitaka admonishes them they complain how he's always like that.
Their sense of morals is off and a way different from hours, but that doesn't mean they don't enjoy parties or have feelings.
It just tastes like pig but worse. Chewier because humans are usually older, gamier because humans eat way more bad shit, and often much fattier too. I wouldn't recommend eating human again.
Human meat is called "long pork" for a reason.
>>"like pig, but worse"
Yep. And if the taste or the idea of it doesn't turn your stomach, the prions will make sure you don't keep it up long.
>Rainfall I think is a lot more literal, like it was an actual experience the author faced.
I definitely agree. It's just that reading that work is what caused me to understand why I so strongly reject some of Zounouse's work beyond them having obscene elements. Where accepting what happened in Rainfall was serenity, I think the acceptance of evil in their other works was corrupted wisdom, where the characters are unable to see the situation for what it is and accept a dichotomy that's handed to them. I believe it sort or relates to the eastern idea of harmony, which I see as a false idea that longevity can be earned through effort, but I'm no educated enough to speak to that.
>Spirits/yokai/supernatural in Asian media are often depicted like that
>Their sense of morals is off and a way different from ours, but that doesn't mean they don't enjoy parties or have feelings.
Touche. Although with the example you gave, I can't help but think about how live leak videos of steel factory disasters or car crashes get a lot of laughs.
What I mean overall is that most of the darker aspects of Touhou always seem vaguely implied, but rarely shown, while there's a lot more scenes of merriment. I'd almost equate it to getting angry at a car for someone dying in a car crash.
Why don't waifufags admit that their youkai wife probably will feed them human meat like in that Sanae Zounose doujin?

I think you're talking to an actual cannibal or larper.
>Why don't waifufags admit that their youkai wife probably will feed them human meat like in that Sanae Zounose doujin?

Speak for yourself, I'd be the first between us to suggest human meat for dinner.
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Anon, she could outright say she's going to kill me for fun and I'd still marry her.
There's just no saving people like me, I literally do not give a single fuck so long as I can get the faintest glimpse of life with youkai wife.
I'm gonna coerce youkai into veganism
How the fuck do people still give Zounose any credence when the hack can't even write an internally consistent story? He'll bin any and all established plot points at the drop of a hat whenever he feels like hitting you with another oh-so-shocking gore panel. Fuck that. I'll stick to Tohonifun brand edge instead. At least those have integrity.
Because grimfags are chuuni obsessed edgelords who want to shove their headcanon down the throats of everyone else, the flat earthers of touhou if you will.
Are you the Sekibanki guy?
I-is there someone so in sekibanki that he is 'the guy'?
Wow anon, you've completely flanderized the most fleshed out character of the series. The one character whose character we know the most, who we know is a dutiful girl with strict morals yet a genuine sense of compassion for those she cares about.
This isn't about Aunn, Anon.
"I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it."-Reimu
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Being evil is badass
she'd be constantly screaming “ATIVIDADE!!” at you.
Where the fuck is that pic from? Yandex is not giving me answers.
Those kinds of archives don't deal well with cropped images, but it's from a Yuuka hentai doujin.
>To put it simply, I don't get the sense that most youkai would enjoy murdering people. Simply that the act of murder holds no weight to them. Humans are delicious, and they are hungry. Their reasons for killing are no more or less complex than that. It's why you can bribe them with livestock. I also don't get the sense most Youkai, to again bring it back to Zounose, would ever feel the need to justify their actions. To a Youkai anything they do is justified by the simple fact they can do it. The very idea of morality is inherently alien to them.
Going to be honest with you anon, thats even worse.
That's just real life, and I mean it in the worst sense possible.
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Evil is a frame of mind
>He'll bin any and all established plot points at the drop of a hat
Sounds like Touhou to me.
Canon Touhou is not grim at al- ACK!!!
I'm pretty sure no one said that pre-modern gensokyo wasn't grim
that's the whole point of the spell card rules, that modern touhou isn't like it was back then
I want to eat Ibaraki Douji.
I want to feel my teeth skin into her skin, the blood seep around my teeth, the flesh tough and stringy resisting my bite, and I want to tear back and forth like a wolf mauling a rabbit.
And I know what you're gonna say "She's an Oni! Her skin is like bark and her flesh is like stone!" Well, I don't care. See, it doesn't matter how strong you are, what techniques you wield, what magic powers you can weave, it all gives way to one good bite to the jugular. And I'm not gonna stop at that, no, once I've torn off a piece, I'm spitting it out and going right back to the wound so I can get at the REAL juicy stuff. I'm talkin' prime-grade Oni Kobe right next to the bone.
She can break every bone in my body, but there's nothing stopping me from getting a piece of that, and that's a FACT.
It is, but in a different way. It's why youkai behavior seems so odd to fans. Why they have trouble accepting that Youkai are both unrepentant sociopaths and can go to parties in the human village.
Pre modern Gensokyo was better since human villagers could actually fight.
Her diet is 100% people and alcohol so she probably tastes like crap.
I'm not even *a* Sekibanki guy, but I agree that Zounose's Sekibanki doujin was peak retardation.
What is the plot? Seki eats human villagers?
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She does Youkai stuff since she's a youkai
Sekibody (singular) goes around looking for its (multiple) heads. Hijinks ensue. Several heads are shown to be outright destroyed without much ado, as they are infinite and disposable, as opposed to the singular body.

In the last few pages Zounose suffers an aneurysm, states that it's the body that's disposable and interchangeable despite the entire rest of the book focusing on the body being the singular and important part. Cue gore panel because Zounose.
They can still do that, just learn how to danmaku retard
They can't since literally none of them are shown as doing such.
Imagine having Seki murder a girl you have a crush on and take over her body to seduce you.
Imagine the Bank controlling a bunch of bodies to seduce you. A Harem Bank.
I would be very flattered by the gesture.
Don't you mean Banki?
I don't think Banki is a bank?
And here I was thinking he was alluding to some form of Hebrew trickery.
Because they either don't want to or don't have the imagination/willpower/whatever needed, named villagers like Akyuu or Kosuzu have their profiles state danmaku skill as "Unconfirmed/Unidentified", not "Unable"
In a meta-sense, this corresponds to ZUN enjoying games with difficulty akin to soulslikes
Are Touhou games really THAT difficult? Compared to other bullet hells they are very easy, I always thought that I was just bad at them.
>youkai wife probably will feed them human meat
Probably trying to turn you into a Youkai
Grimfags are mentally retarded autistic kids, touhou conversations are mostly banter and only mentally ill faggots wouldn't catch the obvious sarcasm
I was gonna say the opposite, honestly.
It really depends on the specific game and co but if there are rpg elements you might break games pretty hard and as long as there are i-frames you can pull a lot of shit off.
I think it's just STGs being mostly hard games.
I don't know what soulslikes have to do with this but I guess room temperature IQ is something most fiction kinda falls in, whenever it's isekai loser breaks the system in whatever new world a case or your lv1 ass fixing stuff in your rpg world which for some reason no one else is doing.
I guess people with le epic passive income would be a bit the same with wagies telling them to just get rich.
But it always bugs me how in almost all fiction armies are useless and people just accept living with monsters without any dam reason.
In Touhou it all feels odd but villagers themselves feel odd.
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Sakuya having a really poor sense of humour is one of her defnining traits as well.
She's more than a little strange in many ways.
(Leveling up in an RPG can make the player character way stronger than anything else, but there's nothing like that in most shooting games.)
>ZUN: Man, I hate that. I find RPGs to be so boring, unless you deliberately avoid leveling up too much as you play. I have the most fun fighting enemies where I'm not sure whether I can beat them or not, but I'm still worrying, "oh no, I'm gonna get beaten! I'm gonna lose!". That sort of thing, where you may as well take the plunge and lose rather than win by a hair, is the ideal for me. An RPG where you fight for 10 minutes, and you're in real danger of losing. It's moments like that when you feel a newfound affection for a boss, or respect, perhaps. It's really dull when a character talks like they're strong in dialogue, but then you beat them ridiculously easily.
I can get where he is coming from, I guess Im biased since I tend to play games where leveling its not a get out of jail free card.
what do we think about this twitterfag's writeup of mystia? seemed like a lot of headcanon and pinning together details until they fit a desired story to me
Why would anyone here care about what some fag nobody on twitter thinks
because mystia is a character often considered to be in the evil category and I'm curious if this changes anyone's mind
Wait what? Is she? I always considered her a bit on the Rumia/Nitori side of things, not blatantly evil.
in her PoFV scenario she's looking for humans to kidnap and presumably eat, she says humans should be fried in spices
Yeah, like Rumia.
Rumia is too lazy to eat people. Aya complains about this.
Shes not lazy, shes bad at it, but she has the full intention to eat people, and so do the other youkai.
Sakuya is a canonical victim of Reisens from 8
Thing is, a lot of Touhous worldbuilding is based around jokes and weird comments made by the characters, the line between whats a stupid joke and whats a stupid joke with lore relevance is so thin that I wouldnt blame the grimfags for taking everything the characters say seriously.
I love autistic /jp/sies. I remember that one anon who took a comical page from one of the printworks where marisa was being buried and said it was evidence that Reimu didn't give a shit about Marisa.
same as that anon who kept posting this picture from CDS and saying that it was canonical proof that Sanae wanted to execute Marisa.
I mean, coomers do grossly exaggerate how much Reimu and Marisa actually like each other.
All of your human males kill and eat beasts, how does that make you feel beast yokai?
Would a fox youkai automatically hate me for wearing a foxfur coat? Or would that encourage her to wear a human skin coat next time we meet?
youkai would understand the circle of life better than any mortal would, though their blue orange morality would but a fucky twist on it
They're supernatural ambush predators, not estrogen huffing hippies
I think it's probably overthinking things. I want to believe ZUN gave her this complex character arc, but more likely he just liked using her a lot and that caused her to come across as far more three dimensional than she actually was. I also think that, again, most fans just misunderstand the way Youkai operate and think. Still, it's cute and I like Mystia because of her three dimensional-ness, even if it is by accident.

Eh, not really. Like I said, a lot of it just that people don't seem to "Get" Youkai.

Everybody exaggerates how much anything means to suit their end for Touhou. Grimsokyo fans are no more or less guilty of that than anybody else.
>youkai would understand the circle of life better than any mortal would
No, not at all. It's always played for laughs because of how psychotically and blatantly self interested it is. It literally never goes any deeper than "I don't want to be eaten, so eating this particular meat is bad".
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How evil is your favorite Tohu, /jp/? Is she a harmless cuddly critter or a purple people eater that would trick you into becoming her dinner?
In spite of her being substantially hotter if she did kill and eat people, she's under "Doesn't kill or eat people".
Okina has the moral high ground over hermits confirmed
Miji is a good girl
she wouldn't snack on me
I imagine the list just doesn't account for it but kasen's in a weird position because we know that oni kasen's personality is different to hermit kasen and arm-chan
so it's oni kasen who got her skelebro army, and arm-chan is directly stated to have killed people while her seal was coming undone in the outside world (how that works, I have no idea) but there's nothing stating that hermit kasen has killed anyone aside from the vengeful spirits that she explodes since her arm was cut off
what is wrong with you
Not sure if Yukari or Yuuka enjoyer.
Found the vore fetishist
Fucked up fetishes.

Tsukasa, actually.

You got me.
Doremy could maybe do that for you if she can fully control your dreams
He's right. Being irredeemably evil makes any 2hu a lot hotter.
I really have to question Yukari and Ran not being in the kills/eats people area, since Yukari definitely eats people and she almost certainly tasks Ran with the preparation. For that matter, taotie legends are very unambiguous that they eat people. Mokou also spent a while insane and killed everyone she met, though she's a bit better now. And Tsukasa's a tube fox, who do feed off people though normally without killing them (see WaHH).
Does Yukari eat people? You says she definitely eats people so I'm assuming we have some confirmation somewhere, but I thought she just fed outsiders to youkai.
What do you think she keeps a meat locker for?
Yukari has a meat locker?
>Grimsokyo fans are no more or less guilty of that than anybody else.
I can fix her, Anon
She's an oni, of course she kills and eats people or at least has at some point in the past. That's one of her charm points.
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>Feeds off people
She can feed off me all she wants because I will be fixing her and turning her into my wife and the mother of my children.
Playful, not evil.
>youkai would understand the circle of life better than any mortal would
Yes. Mainly because of them basically being immortal
Ah, found the estrogen huffing hippy. Le yokai baaaad because of le broad generalizations and I have a hate boner for all yokai characters even if they don't act like what I assume to be a typical yokai.
Mokou should be moved to her own category since she has canonically killed people. Yukari is also strongly implied to eat people going by PCB and Sakuya is implied to feed people to her master.

Her dialogue in PCB implies as much.
>Le yokai baaaad because of le broad generalizations and I have a hate boner for all yokai characters even if they don't act like what I assume to be a typical yokai.
Name a example of a Youkai showing any understanding of the circle of life and not just blindingly defending their own interest.

Youkai live only for themselves. That is their defining trait.
There are humans, gods, and other deific beings that have no hunger for human flesh in Gensokyo.
Eiki is one of the most harmless inhuman creatures you can possibly meet.
>Her dialogue in PCB implies as much.
Implies as much? You mean her making a joke at Sakuya's expense?
How is it at the expense of Sakuya? It COULD be a joke, Sakuya doesn't seem to think so but she's kind of a dummy and Yukari is a attention whore, but I don't really get how it's at her expense.
>Sakuya is implied to feed people to her master.
Remilia, CONSUMES BLOOD, what do you mean "implied", where do you think that blood comes from.
I think he means Blood and FLESH anon.
I may be misremembering things, but I dont remember anyone at the mansion ever mentioning flesh, only blood, I remember people using that loophole to justify that nobody actually dies there and Remilia just uses humans as cows.
Well, I've heard people argue the people are just let go afterwards since Remilia technically doesn't need to kill people. I don't buy it personally, but it is a thing.
The only real hint for Flesh is Meiling's presence. The thing is though, it's pretty unlikely Meiling needs human flesh to survive and I tend to assume she doesn't eat people despite her comments to Reimu.
it is a thing that remilia is a light eater and her feeding victims are just left anaemic, and flan's food is given to her in cake form
it is also a thing that meiling thought that reimu was okay to eat and PMiSS points out that meiling's meals are provided by the mansion, so they're getting food for her from somewhere
patchouli doesn't need to eat as a magician but is shown eating oden in sangetsusei, koakuma will never be acknowledged, and sakuya probably just eats regular food
My poor choice of words, but I don't see how Yukari making a joke about humans washing up at her house is proof she kills and eats humans.
>it is also a thing that meiling thought that reimu was okay to eat
While I usually dislike the "it's just bants" argument, that was probably just bants. Especially considering Reimu is VERY far removed from a human they are allowed to eat.

> and PMiSS points out that meiling's meals are provided by the mansion
Not to dicksuck Meiling too much, though I do tend to assume she's mostly innocent, but in the context of PMISS that can be taken pretty differently from because PMISS makes it pretty clear Youkai don't need to eat humans. It's more along the lines of "She's not hungry and therefore won't attack" than anything.

Again though, I don't discount the possibility that Meiling does eat people. Which would go some way towards explaining why people are killed.

PMISS support the idea. Mentioning that Yukari might attack humans from the outside world, as well as that it's pretty common practice for youkai to use humans as entertainment before eating them. Both of which seem to support the idea that she wasn't just joking.

I think it was more a attempt to get a rise out of Sakuya than a joke anyway.
Id argue that Meiling doesnt eat anyone, knowing shes a chinese Youkai and knowing how revered dragons are there (assuming she is indeed a dragon) I would assume she doesnt need to eat anyone, and I am in the same camp as the other anon and just like to think that nobody actually dies in the mansion, since no hints have been given as to Sakuya being a cannibal one can assume that if Meiling doesnt eat the blood infested cakes Flandre eats, she eats just regular food like Sakuya.
The quote from PMiSS is Akyuu speculating about what Yukari does during her winterly hibernations, not a statement of fact.
I want to think so as well, the issue is that according to PMISS they are given people that are easily missed or suicidal l. I find it hard to believe they would do that if they expect them to survive.

At the same time, I'm willing to be somewhat flexible here. It would VERY much change the way you would have to view characters like Sakuya or Meiling.

>since no hints have been given as to Sakuya being a cannibal
Does it count if you don't eat humans but do use their blood in cooking?
I'm aware. My point is a lot of it seems to hint to her dialogue in PCB not just being bant.

Could it still be bant? Eh, possibly.
>according to PMISS they are given people that are easily missed or suicidal l. I find it hard to believe they would do that if they expect them to survive.
The terms of the vampire incident agreement are never clear and are pretty left to interpretation, it wouldnt be far fetched to assume that they milk the humans and the leave them to die from anemia or eaten by other youkai, but they never kill them directly. Also, I thought that the whole "suicidal or forgetable humans" thing was a thing only for those that end up spiriting away and as direct food for youkai, not for the humans that Sakuya uses.
>Does it count if you don't eat humans but do use their blood in cooking?
Does Sakuya even eats the shit she makes for the youkai at the mansion? Do we know if she just doesnt prepare something for herself specifically when she stops time?
For one thing we know she spends her time hibernating poking around the dream world since Doromey comments on it.
So it's unlikely she's attacking humans during the winter when she hibernates.
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>yukari hibernates during winter
Thats fucking hilarious, like shes a fucking bear and its so lazy and fatass that she just doesnt want to move herself around during winter.
For some reason this canon tidbit is my new favorite one.
I already have plenty of troubles taking Yukari seriously, this just adds on.
>The terms of the vampire incident agreement are never clear
>The details of this contract are that the youkai will offer them humans from which to feed (*3); in return, the vampires will not attack humans living in Gensokyo.
>3: It is said these are humans from the outside world or those whose deaths are of no consequence (suicidal, etc.).
This is the closest we ever got and it does seem to imply the worst.

>Does Sakuya even eats the shit she makes for the youkai at the mansion?
No. But I guess she would have to taste test it.
Eh, I guess that makes sense, from drinking blood to eating meat there isnt too much distance.
I mean she canonically doesn’t or at least isn’t as mushy as people pretend she is towards Marisa as pointed out here >>47103778
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Reimu's just very reserved with her feelings toward people. The best you get is her feeling relieved when Kasen shows up to lecture her in the WaHH epilogue, or her saying that if Marisa was going to wait around the shrine at the end of SSiB, she could have at least cleaned up a little. She's not the type for overt displays of affection. The fact that Marisa is allowed to come to the Shrine to hang out and drink tea as often as she does is proof of their friendship.
Yeah, it's odd anons don't get this because I imagine many of us are also a little reserved and not quick to show people we care about affection.
That being said, I would hike out to the Hakurei Shrine every week to deliver her snacks and take naps.
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Her being reserved and even enjoying Marisa’s company doesn’t really change the fact she’s also very cold and matter of fact about her position though. Reimu isn’t a particularly nice person even at her nicest and while she has her moments, she’s still someone who will ruthlessly kill someone for daring to defy the rules.

Hell this page in FS probably subtlety hints of a conflict with Marisa (someone who wants to become a youkai) and how Reimu would respond to that. Reimu above all wants peace and stability by any means necessary. Her attachments to others only go so far.
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>Not killing people
they love talking about exterminating humanity, but they never actually tried to do it until the alternative was all of them dying instead
not that it makes them defendable, but they're a talk big kind of faction
Man, what a buzzkill, hating on humans for having the audacity want to transcend their feeble forms.
Nah she doesn’t care about that, only if it’s a villager or someone who would break the natural order of Gensokyo. If you’re a human turned youkai from the outside world you’re fine. She’s a nazi prison guard shooting the Jews for trying to escape the concentration camp.
Kaguya doesn't kill or eat people I'm fine
Mystia is proven in IN to be in the "is food" tier as well
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Nazrin does eat people
>Nazrin's mice
Nazrin is mice, idiot
Kogasa is cute and deserves happiness! I'd gladly let her feed off me!
She will ruin you
I would gladly let Yukarin ruin me.
You fucking what?
it's implied as she gaps people for food
Maybe he's going the angle that Yukari just claims she does to seem more menacing and spooky
However it doesn't expain why she wouldn't just do it
Being a yook, she has no compulsion against eating people
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Kogasa attacks humans all the time
Why do youkai rape people so often?
It's how they blow off steam without breaking the taboo.
she doesn't seem so evil to me despite all of the stuff she tried to do...
I'm not sure if it's the canon Hermit manga, the Kasen mangas, or the zounose doujins that have ruined Touhou lore for me.

Which is funny because fangames like Touhou-A-Live and Touhou Mother don't do that to me.
What did the hermit and Kasen manga ruin for you in particular?
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"Anything that exists without my knowledge, exists without my consent." -Judge Yakumo
Some of you fools want Touhou to be grimdark so badly for no particular reason.
Reimu being an hardcore rule sticker suddenly as she decide to kill the hermit.
Kasen being that evil minded. Well, not her but you know who.
Japanese youkai folklore is "grim" as fuck by nature, you're just outraged and offended by it because you're a filthy baka gaijin not familiar with it. JapGODS don't have this retarded cutesokyo/grimsokyo rivalry, just sayin'.
WaHH, SoPM and FS.
The shit that ruined Touhou.
It's hotter this way. Trust the process.
I just don't see why cute and grim can't exist in the same setting.
just finished this book and now i see a reference to it on the jaypee for the first time ever
Don't you call me a fool, you imbecile.
I want to get vored by attractive youkai.
>accepting the cruelty is never right
incorrect. life and morality is about weighing multiple cruelties and choosing the lesser of them. Everything that we see as cruel and evil is quite literally necessary in order to keep every youkai within the fantasy nature preserve that is gensokyo alive. If there are no sacrifices any everyone gets along happily, then the whole thing would literally fall apart, the youkai and gods would die from lack of belief and fear or be forgotten about. You would condemn the world you love for the sake of saving a few humans that you know nothing about simply because you dislike how uncaring the system is towards humans that it wasn't made for. People who get mad at Zounouse's works are quite literally immature children who lack experience and wisdom and act purely on their current emotional state.
Yeah, pretty much this. Touhou is a dark comedy filled with a drunkard's opinions about current things. A classic parody that shouldn't be taken that seriously.
Still better than cutesokyo worse than lewdsokyo.
Dark lewdsokyo where you get kidnapped and sexed by powerful, amoral beings who are going to put you on the platter is best.
>You would condemn the world you love for the sake of saving a few humans that you know nothing about simply because you dislike how uncaring the system is towards humans that it wasn't made for.
But I don't love the world. The world is a chimera of cruel and evil circumstances that changes like the weather, it deserves contempt, not love.
>Everything that we see as cruel and evil is quite literally necessary in order to keep every youkai within the fantasy nature preserve that is gensokyo alive.
Is that really the case though? Do people need to live in fear, suffer, and die to keep youkai alive? can we not reject the premise "youkai need to be feared in order to exist" entirely? When you accept cruelty, you accept the underlying understanding and perceived reality, which could very well be false.

If you want to grasp the truth, it starts with not letting evil into your heart, even if you're powerless to change a sinful world.
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My man-
>put you on the platter is best.
Never mind.
Everyone knows when a Yokai female lays with a human man the only way it ends is when the man inevitably fails at some cryptic, esoteric test his new waifu puts for him or when he spies her transforming into her more bestial form.
Only human women get raped and/or eaten.
I should be more clear and say I like the threat of ending up on the menu, to make me behave until she decides she likes keeping me around.
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To this day the best way I have seen Touhou get described as is as a dark comedy similar to Rick and Morty, after reading that my mind has been at peace and I started treating Touhou like I would treat Rick and Morty.
If there is a classification of Gensokyo that I would like to be more well known is darkcomedysokyo, its the closest one to what Gensokyo actually is for me.
Might need to come up with a more marketable name though, that one is too long.
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>If there are no sacrifices any everyone gets along happily, then the whole thing would literally fall apart, the youkai and gods would die from lack of belief and fear or be forgotten about.
If the gods and youkai can only exist through the suffering of man, then maybe man shouldn’t allow the gods/youkai to exist.
>To this day the best way I have seen Touhou get described as is as a dark comedy similar to Rick and Morty
That might've been me. Been defending this stance for a while now.
Anyways, the term I like to use is Jerksokyo. A land less filled with terrible monsters and more with bratty, prideful beings doing whatever silly thing comes to mind.
The irony here is that the GEOM helped create a dysfunctional and self-destructive human empire that is slowly but surely eating itself while its mounting enemies crowd around and close in on them. And he also wound up being worshipped as a god himself despite his best attempts otherwise and against his wishes.
Although I agree about gods and youkai being a problem as well.
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I mean, in the end, I’d rather be the one dueling out the suffering then being on the receiving end of it. Youkai scum should be the ones living in fear.
>What do you mean you don't want to go out drinking? I let you live in my home, the least you can do is accompany me on my pub crawls! If you aren't gonna act like a proper man, maybe I should just cut this whole deal short and just eat you whole! Oh, don't give me that pathetic expression, I know that you knew that was a possibility! Hey, is the reason your exhausted because you've been drinking with another Oni? It better not be, infidelity is an instant death penalty! Your not? Your liver's just weak? Liar! You just wanted to date an Oni because you thought it would be thrilling didn't you?! How'd I end up with such a fickle guy anyway? I bet you wouldn't even be delicious!
That's the problem - shit's not funny.
Cutesokyo meanwhile had actual potential to be an interesting and unique setting that got buried because no one saw or wanted to see it, including most cutefags.
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>A ruler emerging from within the human village
I was actually thinking about Mayohiga earlier. It's a completely abandoned village within Gensokyo and now it's merely home to wild cats.
I never really thought about the fact that there's a whole extra village that humans once populated within Gensokyo. My theory is related to its name, or rather the fact it has one. The "Human Village" has no name because it has no ruler, but perhaps Mayohiga was an earlier iteration of the Human Village and there were no restrictions about rulers, but things got out of hand as the humans rose up since they could organize themselves, forcing Yukari to have Mayohiga eradicated and trying again, this time with a firmer fist and making absolute sure there's never a ruler among the humans.
Fair enough although it feels like trading one set of anti-human nastiness for another beast(s). A real lesser of two evils justification and all. Although I wholeheartedly agree on your last point again and I think we’ve spoken at length too about Doom stuff and how it would fair in Touhou.
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If that’s true it just shows that Gensokyo can never be the youkai paradise it wants to be. Humans will naturally want to move away from the confides of the village, and will rebel away from the youkai. Youkai will naturally want to fight for control and don’t like anything that isn’t them. You basically have to force everyone in line at all times or it’s all gonna fall apart.

And yeah, abandoned areas of Gensokyo that were once populated by humans before the youkai had them “dissapear”
Is common
What happened to all those men? On an unrelated note, where did all those Tengu children come from?
Gensokyo is truly a land filled with questions...
They got to know the worldly attachment of the Tengussy
Those thighs are like clamps.
that was oddly fun to read
>What happened to all those men?
From my scant knowledge of Tengu lore, they primarily bully Buddhists into straying from the path to enlightenment. So they might torture those they capture to sway them away, but there were other methods like teaching them magic to gain a false enlightenment.
Of course, this is Touhou and there's some modernity mixed in, so I wouldn't be surprised if they put the kidnaped humans to work in the office or things like that.
Also if the chain of events are: Human men are kidnapped, time passes, Tengu children playing at place previously inhabited by human men, then you can probably read between the lines...
Eh... I got into Touhou for the edge but I never wanted it to be grimdark in the same way 40K is. It should be something like a shounen anime in content if it is going to try and be serious.

While I agree in theory, I think the problem I have with that is that I don't find most of the print works all that funny.
>Touhou mother
What I find interesting about that game is that it's actual premise actually holds up pretty well as a premise for a Touhou fangame on it's own even outside of it's connection to Mother. Just doing the Tazmily corruption plot but in Gensokyo is a neat idea, but it's also one that really only works if you go with the assumption of Gensokyo as a paradise(Something that was even more popular back when Touhou mother came out).

Granted, apparently, the second game does go down a more deconstructive angle. But I never played that one, or watched a lets play, so I can't really judge.
Remember, "japanese "humor"" is a meme for a reason.
The second game focuses more on the characters and how the were affected by the whole thing more than in the actual thing itself, so its more "feels" heavy, and by that I mean that its even more more fanficky than the first game, and thats something not everyone is willing to endure.
I did, but I can see why others wouldnt.
I honestly would like Touhou more if it actually went full "Japanese humor".

I kind of still want to play the second game sometimes despite the story apparently featuring some pretty questionable elements compared to the first game.
Thing is, it probably would be something like Family Guy where its a lot of shitty dark "humor", because we know ZUN just like his light grimdark shit, so it wouldnt be just silly stupid fun. Honestly I prefer it this way, this way although there is some grim shit sprinkled all over the place you can still find some charm and genuinely funny stuff from time to time, but thats a me thing.
>I kind of still want to play the second game sometimes despite the story apparently featuring some pretty questionable elements compared to the first game.
Do go ahead, the way I see it and I like to think about it its that the first game has better story and the second game has better gameplay, and mind you, the game being more of a cheesy fanfic than the first one doesnt mean its "bad", there still some of the stuff and cringy references the first game had, its just more spaced out.
And it has a full Castlevania themed scenario even bigger than the first game, so I cant be mad at it
Kill yourselves out of /jp/ fuckers. You aint any kinda touhou fan.
>Remember, "japanese "humor"" is a meme for a reason.

This, I never once laughed at the entire Touhou M1 "comedy" skits. Not even a smile, not even the fake canned laughter helped.
Your southern drawl won't stop me from disdaining a sinful world and loving those who live in it.
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>and kagerou's never really had much indication of it
Kagerou is just lonely and insecure so Rinnosuke taught her to play werewolf! Be nice to her, she's a good girl! Really!
I guess? I kind of want it to be something like Fawlty Tower. That would work for me.

Sounds pretty cool, should try it sometimes. Probably after replaying Earthbound/Mother 3 though.
The majority of my favorite 2hus are coincidentally non-youkais so I dont care
If she'seating me why am I the one pecking her all over?
Buddy the Gods/Celestials ain’t gonna be any better, if anything they’re worse. Half of them are con artists at best, stealing faith and money from suckers with no remorse, and the other half just want to enslave/genocide all life to begin with. They literally closed Heaven/Nirvana so humans are literally fucked forever in Hell.
Who is she talking to? That chair is empty...
Similarities are a good point for nurturing a relationship.
>Verification not required.
I mean it’s not 40k or Elden Ring levels of hell, but the series clearly has a lot of dark undertones and cynicism that is spread throughout. ZUN wouldn’t make a point to show Reimus only confirmed Youkai kill be a dude who just wanted to stop being oppressed without reason.
Elden Ring is unironically more optimistic and hopeful than Touhou. You wouldn't get something like the Age of Order ending in Touhou.
Funnily enough yeah, at least in Elden Ring there’s generally nice people just trying to survive and do what they deem is right. I genuinely don’t know a Touhou character that either isn’t good out of convenience for themselves at best, eldritch abomination at worst. It’s surprisingly nihilistically hopeless for anyone that ain’t a main character
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>eldritch abomination at worst
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Listen man, that Gap Hag got some lovecraftian thighs is all I’m saying.
Thats what she wants you to think retard, her track records is being a jobber
She fucks kids up
Both meanings of the word.
She’s merely pretending to be retarded, plays life in hard mode. She’s be a force to reckon with if she got off her fat white ass and applied herself
>I genuinely don’t know a Touhou character that either isn’t good out of convenience for themselves at best
Define good, because there are a bunch of characters who could be considered good people by most.
Like? Marisa is a hard anti hero by the standards of most other fiction.
Ironically the only one that has no baggage is like… Rinnosuke, and he’s the only non dead dude in the series

What did ZUN mean by this?
Women cause all the problems in the world while the men just want to grill.
Just like real life, huh?
Well, for one you have the characters who mind their own business, say Kourin, Miyoi, Kosuzu, almost everyone from formel hell nowadays.
Then you have the fairies who are like childred, more mischivious than evil.
Most of the gods just want faith. Okina and Hecatia are the only "evil" ones.
But I can see what you want is a straight up lawful good character, in that case, you'd be surprised by the answer if you don't know it. The Watatsuki sisters are hands down the most morally righteous ones in the whole series. You have them, instead of utterly destroying invaders of their land, agreeing to play their games and let them go with a slap on the wrist. You have Toyo hiding, protecting and taking care of a man who wandered into the moon, going against Eirin's advice to kill him. They're so good in fact that their main conflict in SSiB is that they are worried the Lunar Capital would think them traitors(which they are since they refuse to kill Eirin).
It's funny that the most good people in the series come from the tyranical city, shame that KKHTA gave such a bad rep to them.
Got me there he's actually a pretty nice guy
Literally manipulates people while their drunk and can implant fake memories or hallucinations into them against their will.
Filthy traitor to the youkai and is will probably become one, one day if the ending of FS is anything to go by (she's actually pretty alright)
A lot of them do actively attack humans even if they are bad at it, and in lore they've done some shady stuff to humans and their pranks can go to far.
Most of them are, again, con artists who manipulate poor people with charms or other trinkets in return for belief in them, while also being at best ambivalent to the struggles or people, to outright exploiting their suffering or even wishing all life to be outright exterminated. Like even the big 2 faith gods like Kanako and Suwako aren't exactly entirely friendly or charitable at the best of times, even to other gods.
>But I can see what you want is a straight up lawful good character
I actually just meant a character that you wouldn't mind having a beer with without having this nagging feeling you're one bit of annoyance away from them kicking your ass.

They actively abuse their rabbit servants and use them as cannon fodder to accomplish their goals, are extremely xenophobic and racist, and by Reisens own words daily think about genociding the entire human race because of their impurity. Literally a passtime of theirs.
>you wouldn't mind having a beer with without having this nagging feeling you're one bit of annoyance away from them kicking your ass.
Never go to scotland
The Scottish are sexy evil demons, this we agree on.
Yeah, a lot of my examples weren't that good but that's because I wanted to build up the Watatsuki argument, so I concede a lot.
I do disagree a bit about gods and fairies as I don't see what they do as malicious. Fairies are like children so their concept of good and evil isn't really developed and gods nees faith to survive so I can't blame them for their schemes.
That said, I specifically mentioned how unlike the average Lunarian the sisters are multiple times as I knew a lot of people have preconcived notions about the moonies due to them being moonies.
>They actively abuse their rabbit servants and use them as cannon fodder to accomplish their goals
The sisters have never been shown to abuse rabbits, Rei'sen seems pretty happy being their pet and it would seem out of character for them to hurt them.
>are extremely xenophobic and racist
Now why would racist and xenophobic people protect someone they're supposed to be prejudiced against?
>think about genociding the entire human race because of their impurity.
Other Lunarians maybe. The sisters could have deleted the main cast when they decided to invade but didn't.
And again, this is not me grasping at straws, it is established in the story how different they are from other Lunarians.
>I actually just meant a character that you wouldn't mind having a beer with without having this nagging feeling you're one bit of annoyance away from them kicking your ass.
Funnily enough, you probably couldn't get a drink with the moonies so my point is moot by this standard.
Gods are absolutely malicious at times, hell a lot of the Lunarians ARE gods and they outright despise all life on a conceptual level. Even the ones that we see are nice are much more mythological in their nature, being very greedy and kinda shitty humans that look down upon everything that isn't them. Understandable, but they clearly aren't very nice guys.
>The sisters have never been shown to abuse rabbits, Rei'sen seems pretty happy being their pet and it would seem out of character for them to hurt them.
The real Reisen was the former pet of the Watatsuki sisters and the way she described her time with them ain't exactly pleasant, including the newer FDS chapters have her admitting to putting her fellow rabbits in torture chambers to punish them for misbehaving, I assume directly under the sisters control.
>Now why would racist and xenophobic people protect someone they're supposed to be prejudiced against?
Toyohime says it herself, she believes that the humans themselves are sinners for merely existing, at their punishment should be to suffer and die on the earth while they live in paradise. They literally indulge in the suffering of humanity and see it as something we all deserve. Not exactly "lawful good"
I have nothing to worry about, except the Komeijis and Nitori I guess but I doubt they'd kill without a justified reason
>I actually just meant a character that you wouldn't mind having a beer with without having this nagging feeling you're one bit of annoyance away from them kicking your ass.
Mokou, Eiki, Youmu, Komachi, Satori, Meiling.
There arent that many "lawful good" characters, but there are quite a few you could have some booze with.
Pretty sure reimu and marisa don't eat people, pretty sure that's a youkai thing, not a cannibalism thing.
Canonically killed a shit load of people and has a short fuse
Would nag you the entire time you’re drinking and probably call you can alcoholic. Also canonically sends dead children to burn alongside the sanzu river
Retarded, and is stated to cut down phantoms and other people for fun
Yeah she’s pretty cool honestly, surprisingly the most straight forward nice character in the series.
Smug asshole who reads your inner most thoughts and would absolutely use it against you if you pissed her off
>and other people for fun
When did she do that?
I like the Chinese.
>Canonically killed a shit load of people and has a short fuse
She has a short fuse when dealing with Sumireko, and honestly if you are as cancer as that bitch then you deserve to be killed. Also she doesnt kill people anymore and actively helps people to leave the bamboo forest when they are lost. If you are a normal individual, such as me, then having a drink with her would be no problem.
>Would nag you the entire time you’re drinking and probably call you can alcoholic.
Under this scenario, Eiki accepts to have a drink with you, why would she do that if shes also drinking?
>Retarded, and is stated to cut down phantoms and other people for fun
That doesnt mean you cant drink with her, and as long you arent a threat to Yuyuko shes harmless, if otherwise the villagers would know by now, same way they know about the other youkai.
>Smug asshole who reads your inner most thoughts and would absolutely use it against you if you pissed her off
Going by the retcon of CDS she has to turn on that, so you could tell her to not do it.
>She has a short fuse when dealing with Sumireko, and honestly if you are as cancer as that bitch then you deserve to be killed. Also she doesnt kill people anymore and actively helps people to leave the bamboo forest when they are lost. If you are a normal individual, such as me, then having a drink with her would be no problem.
She literally wanted to incinerate Sumireko for shits and giggles before she had spoken a word to her just because she saw her as mildly arrogant.

Also buddy you’re not a normal person, you’re on /jp/. You’re a goner

>Under this scenario, Eiki accepts to have a drink with you, why would she do that if shes also drinking?
That actually sounds exactly like scenario she would trick you in just as an excuse to nag you. I means it’s liberally her favorite hobby when she’s off duty

>That doesnt mean you cant drink with her, and as long you arent a threat to Yuyuko shes harmless, if otherwise the villagers would know by now, same way they know about the other youkai.
Youmu doesn’t harm villagers because it’s against the rules of Gensokyo to harm villagers and if you do it you’re likely to end up obliterated. You aren’t a villager, therefore you don’t get special protection. Youmu literally has to be told by Eiki to stop randomly testing her blade on random phantoms because of how commonly she does it. You annoy her a little and your gonzo.

>Going by the retcon of CDS she has to turn on that, so you could tell her to not do it.
Going by how she acts in said manga and the games, there’s no reason to believe she would do it to someone she doesn’t like or respect. Remember you’re just some dude getting a drink, not someone important.
>She literally wanted to incinerate Sumireko for shits and giggles before she had spoken a word to her just because she saw her as mildly arrogant.
Then why isnt the bamboo forest filled with burnt corpses? Why isnt neither Akyuu or Aya spreading that shit out knowing how much they get off of spreading misinformation? Mokou is only said to ignore you or knock you out until youre out of the forest if you annoy her, if she was really this short fused she would still be killing people left and right, and the people she helps are outside the village, so they have zero diplomatic protection.
>Youmu literally has to be told by Eiki to stop randomly testing her blade on random phantoms because of how commonly she does it.
Because her sword was made for that, its what she was trained for, not killing humans, when has Youmu attacked humans for no reason? (and I mean LITERALLY no reason, the times she attacks unprovoked its always because she is under Yuyukos orders, again, if youre no threat to Yuyuko, shes harmless)
>Then why isnt the bamboo forest filled with burnt corpses? Why isnt neither Akyuu or Aya spreading that shit out knowing how much they get off of spreading misinformation? Mokou is only said to ignore you or knock you out until youre out of the forest if you annoy her, if she was really this short fused she would still be killing people left and right, and the people she helps are outside the village, so they have zero diplomatic protection.
i mean the prompt was how you wouldn't want to hangout with people who would kick your ass at slight annoyance... and you just admitted that she knocks fuckers out if she is slightly annoyed with them. Also if Mokou wanted to actively kill you, there wouldn't be a corpse left to populate the forest.
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I dont know anon, as I said before, I am not an actively annoying individual and in addition to that, I am optimistic about things, so I like to think that I am capable of having a drink with her, both because Im not annoying and because I choose to believe shes not as short fused as you think her to be.
>I actually just meant a character that you wouldn't mind having a beer with without having this nagging feeling you're one bit of annoyance away from them kicking your ass.
youkai are like that, they are a chaotic bunch.
from how they act in the manga i highly doubt marisa and reimu (and the more humanlike characters) would beat up a regular person over something minor, everyone is aggressive in the games but that's because they are in "fight mode" during an incident. in everyday life they are much more relaxed, normally reimu isn't constantly threatening extermination to everyone she meets
I liked it, helps that I was just playing her game.
Yes and no. She is merely pretending, but she is genuinly a fuck up at the end of the day. Like, her fake personality is just to cover up the bitter school shooter underneath.
I see it's 'grimfag takes everything said in game 100% seriously' hours agIn

Eh... we don't know enough yet.

Her first reaction to learning her life was a lie and all of her family was livestock for malevolent monsters was "Sign me the fuck up".

>Then you have the fairies who are like childred, more mischivious than evil.
Eh... kind of? I don't know, I think Sundowner puts it best.
>"Kids are cruel. All people are by nature, they just lose touch with it as they get older."

>Most of the gods just want faith. Okina
That's a hardly a inherently good cause considering, depending on the character, that can be anywhere between "genuine altruism" to "Protection racket".

>The Watatsuki sisters are hands down the most morally righteous ones in the whole series.
Eh... I get what you are saying but I still find it hard to call them lawful good just because of how bad their society. It's kind of like, to bring it back to actual Grimdark, the Ultramarines or Salamanders lawful good. It's not... wrong, I guess? It's just... questionable.
What is this? Darkstalkers?

Complicated, very complicated. I would certainly write her down as one of the nicer people, but she is still a tortured anti hero with a short fuse.

She's very much lawful neutral. She follows the rules, regardless of if they are correct or not.

Honestly too stupid to really have morality. She would probably murder you at the drop of her hat if Yuyuko ordered you to, but otherwise she's alright.

Maybe? Kind of in the same boat as Eiki, but more affable.

Somewhat of a racist jerk, but I suppose she isn't murderous.

Hard to say considering who she works for. Still, seems like a decent person going by most of the print works.
Nah. If I did it would be genuine 100% grimdark.

As is, I take things as serious assuming it makes sense for them to be taken seriously.
Sorry bros, I just can't see Gensokyo as a grim and horrible place.
Always feel a sense of dissonance when I see you lads talking like that.
>verification not required
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I mean i don't think Marisa or Reimu would just kill a random person for shits and giggles... but Marisa would absolutely rob you blind or exploit you if she thought it would benefit her. Reimu ain't much better

I mean hell, in the WAHH manga, both of them contemplate extortion, kidnapping, and skinning rare animals for profit. They're not exactly nice chaps you meet the pub.

Yeah, Reimu was joking around when she knocked off the Fortune Teller, merely pretending to kill him.
To be fair, I think Marisa would be reluctant to rob villagers. That's about all I can say about her. Like I said, hard anti heroes in any other setting. Including actual grimdark ones.
Were assuming you aren’t a villager, just a bloke getting a drink.
every single time there is a proper touhou discussion, the cutesokyofags drop in with their nonsense

yuukai eats humans, some keep their habits hidden, if you are out of the human village you are fair game
>proper touhou discussion
See >>47084895. This is a shitposting thread.
>I just can't see Gensokyo as a grim and horrible place.
This, canon Touhou hasn't been real Touhou for ages.
I personally see it as a fairly dangerous place, but not necessarily 'grim'. Yes, there are threats, but there are threats in the real world too, go into a forest and you might spot a bear. Go to somewhere icy and find a polar bear. It's a little bit like a dark comedy, and I believe there's supposed to be two sides to the Gensokyo coin; yin and yang
> poisons the well by calling OP a shit post thread
> quotes random cutefag and his headcanon
> uses it to justify that canon isn’t “real” anymore

Are cutesokyofags this retarded?
Thanks for proving my point.
Yeah that sounds about right. As long as you don't go wandering deep into the wilderness unprepared you'd probably be in no more danger just walking around than you would be in real life. Real life has plenty of murderers and serial killers lurking about too and you have presumably never been harmed by one. Hell, it's probably safer than a lot of big cities right now and I for one would rather walk around a youkai populated countryside than somewhere like Philadelphia or Baltimore.
>hell a lot of the Lunarians ARE gods and they outright despise all life on a conceptual level.
How can they when they are life themselves? They only dislike impurity and organic beings can have a degree of purity depending on their magic or if they purify themselves. Purity is pretty important to shinto faith.
Yeah the difference is that a random burglar in Boston doesn’t eat you while you’re alive and then drag your soul to hell to burn up in a nuclear power plant. Or in the case of the gods, torment you with a curse for all eternity because you mildly insulted them.
>Yeah the difference is that a random burglar in Boston doesn’t eat you while you’re alive
I don't know, modern junkies are a different breed.
You haven't dealt with ferals, have you
Junkies can’t eat a chocolate bar without losing 8 teeth, the impact on your skin will hit their gums like the Oklahoma City Bombing.
>Or in the case of the gods, torment you with a curse for all eternity because you mildly insulted them.
That's the thing though, you are highly unlikely to meet such beings at all unless you actively seek them out. Think of your city's mayor. Have you ever met them in person or even seen them from a distance? Unless you happen to have a job at city hall or something the answer is likely no. The case is probably similar with any sufficiently high level entity in Gensokyo.
That doesn’t make any sense, Gensokyo is literally a paradise FOR Gods and Youkai. It’s literally CRAWLING with higher beings, to a point Reimu literally flies in one direction every game and runs into like 5 of them on accident. Not running into one of them, that’s like walking into a bear cave and expecting not to see claws.

Also, a lot of Gods in Gensokyo have built in magic surveillance equipment for anyone that talks shit or goes against the grain. So unless you live in China, that’s kind of a scary omnipresence a mayor of Atlanta ain’t gonna use to turn you into a frog.
What the fuck is the Yang?

>Hell, it's probably safer than a lot of big cities right now
I'll tell you a city it's not safer than: Every single major city in Japan.
Oh, absolutely. I never felt as though I were in any danger no matter where I was or what time of day I was there in Japan. If we're comparing to that then Gensokyo is a dangerous hellhole.
>I'll tell you a city it's not safer than: Every single major city in Japan.
Well… unless you’re a chick, then you gotta take a separate train line so you do t get molested.
Not to say that being groped is fun, but it's hardly the same thing as being murdered.

Also, there is zero reason to assume girls in the human village wouldn't be at risk of getting molested outside of the fact that canon Gensokyo is sexless.
Yeah, everyone knows it’s the guys who get raped in Gensokyo. Just ask the tengu.
To be fair the tengu are more equal opportunity rapists, but they do normally prefer carrying away men who can get them pregnant. Tengu sexuality is more revolving around dominating anyone weaker or from a lower caste/species to them.

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