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Youmu. Actually, she's cool.
said noone
Yes :)
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She was my protagonist on ds2!
I liked her until I played PCB and had to fight her. She's a bitch and I hate her now.
no one says this
Falling snow victim.
But that's when she's at her coolest.
She's Rhea at home
>I liked her until I played PCB
Same but TD and WBaWC made me love her again
She looks too sweaty to be cool.
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Hidden costume from LostWord.
A sharp blade that cuts through hesitation, and is great for gardening too.
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Phantom loadout ready to dish out phantom pain.
Cringe LARPer.
Why is she so fucking retarded? Does she also have half the intelligence of a human?
She's not retarded, need not to think, just need to slash
very cool, would garden with her
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Using your head is boring.
Cutting people down is fun
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ZUN flanderized her to the point of unfunnyness.
Just look at the games, Youmu used to be impulsive, straightfoward, loyal, brave against everything but ghosts and a bit dumb.
Now shes just dumb, fuck, shes as dumb as fucking UTSUHO for fucks sake, I hate the modern printworks so fucking much, CDS being the main culprit here.
People called me a secondary for only playing the mainline games and not reading the printworks.
Look who's laughing now.
She doesn't want to think about complicated things, she only wants to slash with her sword
Don't know what you're talking about. Youmu hasn't changed a bit since her second appearance.
This, idiots forget she was already an idiot in fs. Truly retards made for each other.
It's almost like the manga are written from the pov of the protag, and that people are different depending on who views them. So in practice Satori and Reimu(fs) think she's an idiot, only in the games do we see her laid bare without the whole unreliable narrator gimmick. Turns out that when you take a sheltered girl that isn't the smartest and surround her with smart people everyone thinks she's dumb.
She has no formal education and lives a simple life; she cook for Yuyuko and cuts things, mostly plants in Yuyu's garden.
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A cute retard
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I like her as the dumb but earnest, swordtistic gardener and phasmaphobic half-phantom and wouldn't change her for anything.
Post her retard moment from the manga where she is drawn like a shoujo manga character. I saw it in a thread a while back but did not save it.
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Remorseless rapist Youmu-chan.
You have no idea what you're talking about. How can it be rape if the guy never said "no"?
WOW A Youmu thread!

I love Youmu so much <3
you can't rape the willing
You can't be willing when out cold. Youmu is an extra cruel rapist for not waking him up.
There's a difference with having a character & being somewhat foolish as one of many aspects, and then having being a retard being basically your sole character trait.

Youmu in the games is a gardener & swordswoman who is overly loyal and is socially awkward despite trying to appear serious much of the time. Youmu in the printworks is nothing but a braindead buttmonkey with no character let alone character development ever, not even her personality is consistent there. Just try and name a single time she's ever been fighting, gardening or training in the printworks, or hell even discussed doing those things. You know, her main activities & interests?

Whether how unintelligent you think Youmu is, it's not mutually exclusive with actually having a character and being used & fleshed out even a bit. Printworks Youmu is prime example of flanderization.

and you can't let yourself beheld back by common sense in Gensokyo
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>>Youmu is dumb

My two favorite characters are Youmu and Sanae.

I guess that means I like dumb girls?
The "Reimu is so dumb" thing about her higher self (kon) being the phantom and her lower self (paku) being the girl.
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>You know, her main activities & interests?

Bro, you just described printworks youmu to a tee... just put through the lense of girls smarter than her and used as a pawn.
You ask when she was shown doing youmu stuff? SSib, where she was also a retard(according to Reimu)
Yeah, when she was the only main/protagonist character to NOT have a fight scene in the story, ignoring Sanae who didn't exist yet? It was also the one time where she had some super shy and embarrassed personality which had never been seen anywhere else, what was up with that?
>"Where's your motivation?"
Youmu in the games has a chance to show her cool side. Youmu in the printworks is useless because we're yet to have a printwork about gardening, or a danmaku-focused show, neither a printwork where she is a major character. That's not flanderization, that's lack of appearances and protagonism.
To pick a random example, Youmu was entirely uninterestwd in the vengeful spirit in CDS. That's because beside its effects in Yuyuko, it didn't really threaten or concern Youmu at all. Now obviously if she could have protected her master ahead of time she'd have taken a greater interest, but given the situation it was no surprise that she didn't try to grasp it fully. If she were to be called to help deal with Mimi, I'm sure she could have shown her cool side better.
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Youmu pretty much caused the Perfect Cherry Blossom incident
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Youmu pretty much caused the Perfect erection incident
There has been plenty of opportunities for zun to add or change a bit of things for Youmu to do literally anything. in SSiB she could have been shown attempting to fight the sisters, or at least defeat one or two random rabbit soldiers if she were to be spotted or something. In CDS her Hakurouken could have been brought up & used to try finding Mizuchi, since it's as if it's exactly what Hakurouken was made for all along. In the fairy mangas there could have been a chapter about trying to rob something from Hakugyokurou while Youmu is focused on the garden around it. I could go on.

Instead, ZUN goes out of his way to write the stories so that Youmu is "coincidentally" the target & buttmonkey of the "test of courage". Also "coincidentally" the target & buttmonkey of Clownpiece's insanity ability. Even in CiLR when it was looking like the story was going to focus on Youmu's character for a bit, instead the "highlight" is Youmu being le stupid xd and bad at stealth, and literally nothing is achieved or learned in the end. A complete waste of time.
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Welcome abroad brother, here, in the Club of Characters with Potential to do Anything that ZUN Insists of Beating Down (CCPAZIBD) you will feel at home, please take a sit, theres a free one in the table where the Keinefags, the Alicefags and the Kasenfags are lamenting.
Sounds like a skill issue
I mean, considering that Youmu is at least in the playable character rotation, she still has it good compared to the truly ignored characters
From her early CDS appearance?
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My bot filters sometimes collapse when I open threads, so I had to F5 and the thread went from like 17 new replies to 4 :/
Till Wh....
kek basically every one of my favourite touhou characters have very quickly become my least favourite once i play their game

mokou, ran, and satori specifically (she's a shit pet owner, and her cat is the bane of my existence and the worst stage 5 boss i remember)

patchouli's fight was fun though
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Really? The main reason I liked Youmu the way I did its because she kicked my ass in PCB and was the first boss that forced me to actually get good at the game, her fight is very fucking cool, her spellcards look awesome and Till When kicks ass.
Shes far from being the worst stage 5 boss and Id argue that Chen is far more annoying than Youmu.
>no character development ever
Thats every character
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Shit taste, Satorin is great.
>her cat is [...] the worst stage 5 boss
I completely agree with you there.
Fuck Orin.
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Might be. I am unsure what it was from but Satori was in it reading her mind and seeing that it had nothing in it.
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There's a faint scent of urine left in Youmu's striped panties...!

I will cherish it!
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when it comes to Yuyuko ....
slow sex with youmu! enjoying her feet! getting her pregnant!
Can't believe this image is over 20 years old
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None of you retards itt could beat youmu in a match of army wrestling.
That's because she's hot.
I suppose this means you could convince her to let you sex the pink haired lady even if you are committed to the white haired girl by feeding her some bullshit about taking care of her or that someone else will take advantage of her if she doesn't let you, or anything else of the sort. That anon is right, youmu is dumb.
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Youmu is thicc!!!!!

If you word it like that I suppose you could but why? I love Youmu not Yuyuko. I would instead say something like 'If you let me pamper you, worship you and sex you then you'll have more energy to protect Yuyuko'.
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>None of you retards itt could beat youmu in a match of army wrestling.

Probably not but I bet I could trick her into letting me get her pregnant.

"I'll arm wrestle you Youmu! ... but the loser has to buy dinner and has to have sex with the winner'.

She'll think she's getting two things for free.

No, it just means you like sluts.
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Why is she practicing the sword again?
That is a good question, knowing that Youki was also her fencing instructor it begs the question as to why Yuyuko was "interested" in learning swordsmanship when shes clearly not into it.
Maybe it was a placeholder position, althought, in that case then why wouldn't 'gardener' be the placeholder position.
Well it's not like it ever got expanded upon
Maybe its a bloodline thing? The Konpaku are supposed to be the retainers of the Saigyouji, maybe Yuyukos family was actually interested on it but when Yuyuko became the head of the family and got the Konpaku she just wasnt into it.

Wow, that's my skeb comission xDD

the lewd version is better though
Because she is the bodyguard of the Saigyouji family, more specifically Yuyuko. Youmu is Youki Konpaku's student, and successor as gardener of Hakugyokurou.

It's never mentioned why Youki left or where he went. Youmu being Youmu assumes he left as part of some kind of life lesson / teaching.
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Elden Lord Youmu

Katana and Wakizashi and the closest thing I could find to a green outfit. I wish there was a hair ribbon though.
Isnt that game on PC? Surely there has to be TH mode floating around.
Is that Malenia's sword?

I did a quick search and all I could find was a Koishi mod and (surprisingly) a Tokiko mod.
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The gardens that my lawn mower, forged by Atco, cannot trim are next to none
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This is why you should feed yourself before killing yourself. If you go to hakugyokuro on an empty stomach, you will spend an eternity feeling hungry and eating everything in sight, and then some.
I want a gardening focused manga where Youmu is the protagonist and she goes to Kourindou to get gardening tools and Rinnosuke gives her a machete and a fucking lawn mower, that would be very fucking funny.
There should be a few chapters where Yuuka decides to hire Youmu as a help and it encourages some of the other characters to do that, and a series of chapters where Youmu brings her lawn mower to get upgraded by the Kappa or the Yamawaro
Damn, the idea just keeps getting better and better.
The idea itself has quite a bit of potential, with the possible explorations of plant youkai or how different realms affect the compositions of the ground, in addition to the more humorous elements, maybe there could also be a storyline of Youmu actually learning stealth techniques or learning a variety of weapons (for gardening)
>Is that Malenia's sword?

I am Youmu, Blade of Yuyuko
>Youmu goes to Kourindou to get gardening tools and Rinnosuke gives her a fucking lawn mower

Then she takes it to Nitori and now it's a riding lawn mower

...with a Ì·hÌ·eÌ·lÌ·lÌ·cÌ·aÌ·tÌ· Kawashiro crate engine that can also water crops and plant seeds
You forgot Yuyuko and Yuyuko again
She probably tries to hold it on purpose as part of her "training" to strengthen her body.
>bäkëñëkö engine
where get 98 octane in G'sokyo
Ask Yuuma.

Youkai Mountain

The Tengu have that forbidden portal thing that connects to the outside world.
gardener paizuri
I can't trust anyone that doesn't illustrate her as a 90 degree turbo flat
Oh right, new idea, she gets hired by Luna Child of the fairies to create a coffee plantation for her and then has to figure out a bunch of stuff on how coffee grows
It does strengthen that muscle of yours, i don't remember what it's called but it also gets worked when you do kegels (aka ass clenches) for men this means a more powerful shot of the white stuff, and less problems down the line when you get old trying to hold it in.
That's what eirin told me in my dreams though but you can look it up.
I think you mean /k/ringe LARper.
I shriek "RAPE!!!" and yell for Yuyuko to come control her servant!
You should probably throw in something relating to Yuyuko in there to get her to extra agree anon
I'm no strategist but I'm sure I could command an army to defeat hers with.
Why would you do to Youmu?
Cuddle her.
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Unfortunately for you, it runs in the family.
Is it over for Youmu?
What do you mean?
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Can also garden an Oni
German Youmu
Someone post that pleasure of coming inside pic I forgot to save it
>"nothing has happened IRL that will allow me to show off the autistic skills I developed autistically, so people think I'm dumb, but I'm like really cool and shit"
incidentally, this is also what I say to myself.
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I am the complete opposite. I have had several opportunities to show off my completely niche habilities while almost never having any public fuck ups.
Nevermind, I found it.
Good stuff
The voices are taking over Yuyuko's head its over...
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Why phantom so horney?
Why yumu rapes ojisans so often
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It's a learned behavior. She needs therapy!
Who is teaching her it? Surely Yuyuko would never...
That doujin and its sequel are very hot.
youmu when I throw a flirty compliment her way
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Why are you like this anon?
That's a no from me anon. I'm only a pedo ironically and for 2d girls.
those new kappa tools sure are useful
My name is Konpaku Youmu. I'm 64 years old. My master's house is in the northeast section of the Netherworld, where all the dead are, and I am not married. I work as an gardener for Lady Yuyuko, and I am home at all times to protect my master. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink when my master insists. I'm in bed by 9 PM, and make sure I get seven hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a cup of tea and doing two hundred sword swings before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life serving Lady Yuyuko. I take care of any enemies if need be, losing would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. When I do fight I won't lose to anyone.
Where does this pasta comes from?
Pretty sure this is just the Yoshikage Kira pasta from JoJo Part 4.
Yuyuko, Youki, Marisa, all the village men...
Youmu's gonna lose an arm
It'll be fiiiiine, a swordsman's bodies resists cuts
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Youmui is my beautiful wife this month too!
How can you call her your wife if its only for a month?

3d? do not want.
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If I were to have Youmu play a game, it'd surely have to be the Devil May Cry series

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