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This year is the Qn's 30th birthday...
That's right... This hag is almost at death's door!
Knowing that the Qn will die this decade, how you will celebrate?
pity reply
What are you talking about anon? The Qn is an adorable 10yo loli, just like Reimu and Marisa are always teenegers, nothing has change just like pokemon, idolmaster and the simpsons
by hugging and kissing Akyuu until she her heart is filled to the brim with my love
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AKA perfect
Akyuu's father here. I guess i'll have to make another one. Siiigh.
So she's not actually human then?
Once a human now a warrior goddess!
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Any good stories/doujins with past akyuus?
Akyuu getting deified and exiting the cycle of death and rebirth!
where pantsu?
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The kyuun is staring at you
such a heartwarming stare from such beautiful eyes, they not only devour your soul but also eat your heart, capable of captivating anyone
In the eternity...
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Is reimu a teen there or a 30-something hag?
Let me out! I'm innocent!
the kyuun's friend looks lovely...
There's Take no Hana by Kapo that uses the two previous plus current but that kinda speeds up Akyuu's reincarnation cycle for the sake of plot so that the MC can do the reincarnation romance thing.
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Road to divinity!
akyyu stains her panties
I got Akyuu's domain, now i only need to build the webpage https://hiedanoakyuu.com/
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Make sure to post her obituary!
It's coming soon, after all.
take your meds
Akyuu is such a party pooper

All I wanted to do is cover myself in barbecue sauce and walk around nude in the youkai forest during the night. After hearing of my plan, she imitatively call the gaurds, had them throw me in a prison and now are I have to talk to this weird blond outsider who calls herslef a "Major in Relative Psychology" everyday.
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It is now a timer to her birthday, i'm not sure what i should add for when that happens, but i guess i have some days to see

Not sure why getting her domain would warrant to take my meds, but i won't
soon I will be able to get my youkai wife
Akyuu will do anything to avoid more paperwork
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Updated Akyuu's Story
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Akyuu thinks that AIshit should be a bannable offence in /jp/!
Can she hook me up with her hotter librarian friend?
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No, you'll have to ask her directly.
Be warned however, she's a bit of a weirdo.
How old is Kosuzu?
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Akyuu is pretty hot as well
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And there she goes again. Trying to save her ass with indecent acts!
Your sins will not be overlooked!

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