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This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>46889822
>Aster censored its pantsu with black voids
>already confirmed to be a financial disappointment and will probably be dead before the end of the year
But people told me censoring pantsu would save mobage and prevent EoS!
Nah, many anons play this popular game.
>Compassanon is many anons
Compasschizo is getting really annoying.
We're only getting MagiReco OP now? The last thread has been open for almost 1 month.
A while back we had a thread that lasted a full month.
Most games that people would talk about either have their own threads on /vg/ or /vmg/. Aside from the one dude who likes Compass everything else that would be talked about here is either EoS'd, dying or way too niche to have much of an active discussion to speed up the thread.
That's because JP mobage are old and busted. CN and KR mobage are the new hotness.
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JP idolges are still king
I think the problem(?) is a lack of eos bait or new games in general. If SP:BYI came out, the general would count the days until eos.
I don't get why everyone is dooming #COMPASS
We're just making fun of Compassanon, we don't actually dislike Compass itself.
Why don't they just officially cancel Shine Post if they've given up on it?
Probably some contract thing they want to avoid paying out.
They'll do a Lapis and suddenly release the game when no one expects it.
What is dead may never die
But does it have the MagiReco girls?
Does anyone know what caused gacha to start calling the most common units/cards/whatever as "rare"? Was it mental illness?
brainrot power creep
shite post was silently cancelled, they never go out of their way to say so. Audience is expected to forget.
But that's what this thread enjoys discussing the most, games dying. Either that or pantsu.
rarity creep
That doesn't make sense though, most games do not introduce any new higher rarities beyond the ones that are there on launch, and they still start with fucking rare=common nonsense.
I always figured it was framing.
"You got good stuff, but you could get better stuff!" is more encouraging that "You got absolute garbage, but you could get something that doesn't suck!"
Granted, you're gonna think the latter either way, especially once you're into the game. But by that point it doesn't matter anyway.
Also, some games use those lower rarities for stuff like your dirt-common freebie drops. So for those it serves as a separator between that and stuff you've spent gacha currency on.
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Why are Japanese mobage so incapable of making something original?
This is NetEase, from China.
This one is an actual JP dev
The EOSbowl between this and Highspeed Etoile is on.
the compass killer… https://x.com/festibattle/status/1803352269246935287
As a #COMPASSer, I'm excited to play this new game rather than feel any tribalism. These types of games are rare and I hope it encourages more good JP mobage. Maybe it'll even get MS and Shironeko players to try #COMPASS.
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
We are finally trending in top 10 on X!
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But they said they're moving to Donuts.
The project is. Who knows what will happen to the app...
I just hope it keeps being yuri.

moment of truth
Beginning of the end
>Budokan live next year
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Bad. This sort of thing happens when the game isn't making any more money, so they give it to another company that will keep it on maintenance mode until EoS.
At least 5 more years then.
Who knows. DONUTS killed their FPS gacha game really fast but they still keep Tokyo 7th Sisters alive
Highspeed Etoile won
That's just a mobage without gameplay.
Donuts pantsu?
Donuts lesbian pantsu? Even Lapis Re:LiGHTs had them.
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Yep, Im thinking it is a big victory.
>no towels
Majofuro killer
Ok but how many -killers actually lived up to the title besides Dragaliakiller?
Beautiful bird.
Etoile pantsu?
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Oh yes birthday of characters we never get to know.
There is still literally nothing to play...
I am dropping games this month
Should I play outerplane?
Think of it as your typical turn-based gacha. Now, does the characters appeal to you? Also, do note that it's a KR game so don't confuse that it's a JP game.
idoly pride 3rd anniversary eos keklmao
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Summary of the Compass stream from earlier today:

July's season will be themed on Justice

Starting off with costumes, the next batch of summer costumes are for Blaze Dragon, Nanigashi, Cu Sith and Al. They will be available throughout July along with previous years' costumes.

As for the new hero, Onigashiki Ura is a tank who will be added to the game after maintenance tomorrow - she is indeed a lady and boast high attack and health values.
Her hero action is an AoE attack that can be charged up to three times - each charge increases the range of the attack and damage dealt. Enemies hit will be sent flying regardless of the charge level. It also appears to be blocked by terrain.
Her hero ability adds a launch effect to AoE cards so they will send anyone who gets hit flying.
Her hero skill does an AoE attack immediately in front of her, sending out a shockwave that covers a wide radius, breaks shields and launches enemies. Enemies directly in front of her will receive fatal damage - the damage drops off the further away an enemy is.

Her normal attacks aren't the fastest and will struggle against heroes with high defence, so she really is just meant to be played with AoE cards.

Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw3pQul0ScE

That's all for now!
I thought it was CN. Their powercreep can get crazy.
Did you even watch the trailer?
Considering the massive 3rd anniversary update (thanks to the massive revenue from Gakumas), it's not going away anytime soon.

Also you forget that the game is actually an idle game, and games of this type have absurdly long shelf lives. They can have zero content for years and still remain alive.
They'll have to keep pumping new cards or cosmetics to make money. Being a 3D game is also more expensive than your usual jpeg collector.
Thanks Compassbro.
>the game is actually an idle game, and games of this type have absurdly long shelf lives
Need a 100% confirm/proof on that gender. I'm not falling into any traps.
If the purpose is to make money, yes. If the purpose is just to stay alive, no.

Lapis wasn'tan idle game. UnfortunatM4Mely.
It was mentioned during the stream that she's a handsome female and not a bloke in disguise
>Uma Musume got an English version before Shine Post came out
Didn't they ban all gaijins off their jp servers recently? I wouldn't touch that game.
You never know. They've been working on it for years so it could come out at anytime now.
Will it be more yuri than GakuMas?
How do you all like the new #COMPASS hero?
>canon male P
Anon, I..
check this
Clearly made by anon. Keep parking until they pay you off.
Lots of cool content was added in Idoly Pride. Idolychads...we won
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Compass has updated and Ura is now available - the usual slew of rate ups/login bonuses will be available until the 7th

As for hero balancing:
>Normal attack damage increased by 1%
>Normal attack range increased by 1m
>Hero action range increased by 1m
>Defence modifier increased from 1.05 to 1.15
>Hero action HP recovery increased from 12% to 15% per tick
>Normal attack speed increased by 17%
>Hero action HP recovery increased from 3.6% to 4.8% per tick
>Hero ability defence modifier max bonus increased from 2.5 to 2.7
>Hero ability activation range increased by 1m
>Long range card activation speed is 5% faster
>Close range card activation speed is 7% faster
>AoE card activation speed is 4% faster
>Normal attack range increased by 10%
>Dash attack range increased by 10%
>Attack modifier increased from 1.15 to 1.20
>Health modifier increased from 1.15 to 1.20
>Hero skill now deals 10 hits over 2 seconds vs 5 hits over 1 second
>Reduced initial Mapiya damage by 4%
>Hero skill requires 7% less to charge
>Hero action damage increased by 7%
>Hero ability bonus increased by 40%
>Normal attack damage increased by 1%
>Defence modifier increased from 1.25 to 1.35
>Normal attack range increased by 10%
>Dash attack range increased by 10%
>Normal attack follow-up damage decreased by 1%
>Hero action vortex strength increased by 6%
>Hero action lifesteal increased from 15% to 17%
>Hero ability lifesteal increased from 300% to 400%
>Health modifier reduced from 0.45 to 0.40
>Hero skill now deals piercing damage
>Health modifier increased from 1.00 to 1.05
>Movement speed increased by 1%
>Hero ability lifesteal increased from 110% to 120%
>Hero action range increased by 2m
>Hero skill requires 19% less to charge
>Hero skill movement speed increased by 10%
>Hero skill damage during charge increased by 99999%
>Normal attack speed increased by 22%
>Dash attack range increased by 13%
>Adjusted the camera to improve visibility for dash attacks
>Defence modifier reduced from 0.85 to 0.80
>Health modifier reduced from 0.85 to 0.80

Surprised they buffed Blanche, shame she still dies to a gust of wind and her normal attacks are the most useless thing in the world

Eh. It's fun sending people flying but she really lacks survivability for a tank. Plus she's not cute
Like what?
dunno anon. it uses the same naming scheme as Taiwan and Korea's accounts and there's that anniv live event next month.
that's my hopium in this
Why not just make a Compass general in /vmg/ if you want to talk about Compass so badly?
/mbgg/ should migrate to /vmg/
/vmg/ should migrate to /mbgg/
Who would keep /mbgg/ alive?
I guess that would be fine. Same traffic but more visible to a mobage-minded crowd.
That would ruin the sactity of /mbgg/
Those are some huge buffs for Rockman and Denji. Multiple instakill shots for Rockman. Instakill dash during a long HS for Denji plus he gets more HA range.
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Festibattle beta soon and I'm in it. Jp mobage is saved!
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Irrelevant to non purityfags.
sucks and wish she would stop taking a spot from a better character. buffs doko
What happened to Shine Post anyway?
It's good that they're self-publishing but do people even care about Umas in the west? Not mention being 3 years behind on content will be rough.
they will pay a few ecelebs and vtubers to play it for an hour and then the wallets will start thinking
Generals are officially not allowed there. At the very least you'll have to remove the /mbgg/ handle. Either stay here or move back to /vg/.
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Coincidentally, CyberAgent (Cygame's parent company) announced today that they established a new AI localization center where they're going to use AI to translate manga and other works for overseas release.

I bet they're going to use AI to translate for uma musume global.
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is compassanon in?
The "everything" killer
It's over
Yes. I got Lovey but straight.
That's just #COMPASS but more drawn out.
Worked for me
Damn they really are starting to bypass western localizers.
Good for them but I'm never playing a game made by cygames again
I can't wait to try AI Musume!
I've heard AI translation became a meme in Korea thanks to it translating one of the lines from BA anime into "There's nothing else to do but SEX"
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Auto translating Asian languages in general often results in mistakes. Context is often hard to get right.
They take FOMO too far
Not him but elaborate
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Is it too late to drop this and go back to Idoly Pride?
I dunno but you can also come back to #COMPASS
>go back
You've lost like a month of idle progress compared to your group peers.
It's over.
every mode is alright except for escort where I get stun locked and it’s one sided every time
No clue but how do I quit mobages?
waste all gems get nothing and move on
Stop launching them?
Will we get Lapis Re:LiGHTs info from the Kadokawa dump?
How long do you think EN musume will actually last? I can't give it more than 2 years. Umas are not popular overseas and idol raisers are even less popular
Kadokawa dump?
It's self published so I can see it lasting.
As long as the JP version stays afloat reasonably well they'll keep it going for a while.
It is never late to return home, white man. Gakumas sucks and the girls are worse, typical good idea poor execution.
But Idoly doesn't have as big a yuri fanbase as Gakumas
Why does Gakumas suck?
Good, yuri is shit.
They want you to play it too much and there's no auto. I got bored already and all I do are the dailies now.
I think #COMPASS should self-publish to EN. Would have a sizeable playerbase.
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Anniversary is on right now. They timed it perfectly for Gakumas fatigue.
Waiting for the action pantsu NTF game next month, and Madoka's new game depending on what it looks like.
>The hags are actually in yuri
>the mobage will have an original story on their past
Picked up and added to the list.
Wait that's having a mobage? But why? What makes they think it will succeed?
It's free cash. It'll close after 1 year of milking.
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>Not pantsu
Yeah I wasn't expecting anything from JP devs anyway and even less from a manga IP.
bro your lying eyes...
Bro those are safety shorts. The type worn by idols and shit.
shorts are longer and have even hem.
pic related were pantsu.
Check again bro. They go until the upper thigh. Those are the type of safety shorts worn by idols when they wear very short skirts and shit.
If you want to see what safety shorts actually look like, check out the new Idolmaster
They are short safety shorts, which is a given with how short that skirt is. You won't find something that short in idolmaster.
Today is Momo's birthday
8 Beat Story dies after 8 Years of Service.

10 Years out from 2034.

AIslop won.
T7S and D4DJ next.
At least we still got #COMPASS
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This but D4DJ

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