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hatless marisa
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hateless marisa
She took a pregnancy test and it turned out positive

That's why she's cheerful
Marisaless hat
Combing Marisa's hair!
Anyone else like hatless Marisa more than hat Marisa?
hatted marisa
Undefined fantastic object
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ham marisa
Is she for sex?
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hogtied marisa
hungry marisa
easy marisa
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horny marisa
hong, marisa
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h-cup marisa
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i read a yukkuri abuse doujin before bed yesterday and i slept really well
huge marisa
hang marisa
half marisa
(the other) half marisa
hurt marisa
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Marisa(no hat) is at least 20% hotter
I didn't really realise until the first time I saw this picture how much better Marisa looks with short hair. There's plenty of long-haired blondehus but for some reason Marisa just carries the short hair off amazingly.
do NOT hang marisa
Thats AI though.
witch paizuri
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i made eggs for the first time in a few months its alright
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daddy issues marisa
The left hand looks like a foot and the buttons on the vest arent put correctly.
Napping Marisa
marisa with extra hat
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i tried out ready or not it kinda sucks
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Hatless Clownpiece
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No one cares what you think.
/jp/ is not your blog.
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my thread buddy it is my blog
Now kiss
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heartless marisa
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Photo shy Marisa
Aliceless Marisa
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HANG marisa
hopeless marisa
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happy marisa
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trying to play warzone and i downloaded the game but it only downloads the launcher and not the full game itself so u need to wait another couple hours after ur done downloading 80 gigs modern gaming is great
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This thread was made for filenames like mine.
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people who name their files and dont spam numbers or keep them as is are insane
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I would argue, but the voice in my head is telling me that you might be right.
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Don't you want your files to be easy to find?
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youre supposed to instinctually remember where each individual file is whenever you need it
if your computer is not a maze youre doing it wrong brother
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But how, then, would I be able to find the appropriate crying Marisa for the occasion?
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how about you dont save crying marisas you sick fuck
Those eyes are fucked.
Post your penis
Post your penis OP
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They grow up so fast
not marisa kirisame from touhou
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i hate holidays that let fast food employees go free cause i cant get milkshakes
yeah, by me.
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she's for naizuri retard
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huge marisa
Post your penis
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cant be bothered to order food
Kissing marisa
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stop giving reimu red eyes
blue eyed reimu is the most rare but the best reimu
Groping marisa
She's getting into it...
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Wet Marisa
Fluffy Marisa...
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Droopy Marisa
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blue reimu is the best reimu
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Trauma Marisa
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da ba dee
>needing 88 Niggabytes and 14 megabytes to play some shitty game from an even shittier game studio who's parent company is somehow eve shittier (Microsoft) which is more or less the Anti Christ of the tech world, a game that wants your phone number and is ran by a company prone to censorship
Just play something else dude, I wouldn't even be surprised if three quarters of the file size is DRM and spyware related. The universe is giving you a sign to, IT SAYS STOP.
Microsoft and Blizzard hate your guts, don't reward them for their shitty behavior by breathing life and micro trans-actions into their game.
People who aren't downloading cheese pizza don't worry about those things.
Maybe I wanna play games other than COD, maybe I have a large back log of torrented anime and old classic films that I like to continue to seed because I'm not a selfish little prick, maybe I do video and photo editing in gimp and kdenlive occasionally, maybe I don't want to buy a new hard drive to comply with the shitty new standards since my old one is still kicking just fine, maybe I've just come to the rational conclusion that shitty companies don't deserve my time and money.
Maybe maybe maybe~ You'd come to the same conclusion if you gave it some thought.
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he seeds torrents should i laugh or salute
>i don't care about my privacy because i'm not doing anything illegal
Good boy, the state will be happy with you
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seems pretty good just gonna learn how to use this instead of reinstalling sony vegas for the 30th time
I only name actually important files, otherwise it's keyboard spam
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Bullying Marisa
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she's just having breakfast dumbass
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How can anyone find Marisa hot.
Shes basically a bro that has no dick, you dont fuck one of the bros, you hang around together, get drunk together and battle each other to death together, you dont fuck together.
teasing marisa
wait youre not supposed to fuck your bros
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I'd love to fuck a bro that has a cunny and looks like this.
God I want to lick her armpit
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kill all twitter filenames
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3 am showers are nice
Post your penis
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melon is so much better than watermelon
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Yeah watermelon is terrible... It doesn't even taste like anything except water. Just eat a cantaloupe or something instead!
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>doesn't even taste like anything except water
im gonna give your taste buds the benefit of the doubt and just say something is very wrong with the watermelon you get over there
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It's just how they're grown. Hothouse watermelons taste like nothing. What you want are watermelons grown in actual soil and in season, and they like hot and dry weather. Then you get nice sweet melons. A small sprinkling of salt can work wonders too and is especially good on cantaloupe. Also don't automatically grab the largest melon you see in the market, more often than not the smaller ones are more flavorful.
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What would dating Marisa be like? Do you think it'd be everyday adventures outside collecting mushrooms and drinking and helping Reimu, or would she keep you indoors and be ultra protective of you?
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>A small sprinkling of salt can work wonders
this sounds weird ill give it a try and if it sucks ill wish you bad dreams
cold and distant cause she'd spend much more time with her dumb magician shit over you
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Sad but true, magicians in toeho are real examples that magic users are all major autismos
>cold and distant cause she'd spend much more time with her dumb magician shit over you
She'd be the best girlfriend ever if you show interest in her magic. She'd be constantly telling you about it and super excited to share her passion with you
>if you show interest in her magic
only cute girls are allowed to seriously dabble in magic in gensokyo though so you'd be showing forced interest at most and that wouldn't be good long-term
>super excited to share her passion with you
i doubt it she has fellow magic autists to talk to about that its not like she's desperate
u'd probably be rejected cause she knows she'd have too much on her hands with you
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forgot image
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hung marisa

That's what Hydrus is for.
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>There's plenty of long-haired blondehus but for some reason Marisa just carries the short hair off amazingly.
It runs on pretty much anything even older shitty integrated graphics, the polar opposite of Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere Pro which is great if your PC is a toaster or a powerful beast because it will run much faster. I like it anyway.

What kind of watermelons are you eating? The giant oval shaped ones don't taste like much but the smaller organic ones in season taste very sweet and juicy especially when you cut them open and the center is semi crystalized.
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hang marisa
Anon I think you've spent enough time in the Closet
>she has fellow magic autists to talk to about that its not like she's desperate
Alice only cares about doll magic, Patchouli doesn't want to talk to her, and Reimu does not give a single shit. I'll listen to her.
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Post your penis you whore OP
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>There's plenty of long-haired blondehus but for some reason Marisa just carries the short hair off amazingly.
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ya i used it for a couple things already feels much less of a headache than vegas even on a strong pc, cheers
but itd probably be mostly boring mumbo jumbo and u wouldnt have anything to say back so it wouldnt be anything that new to her
maybe it'd be novel to her for a short period but yea are u gonna carry a relationship off that lol
God I really hope you never get a girlfriend who's passionate about a hobby. poor girl
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you're under the impression that we get girlfriends here bud
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I like when artists draw Marisa with an absurdly large hat (i.e the brim has a radius of >1 foot)
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i like waw zombies best
Sticking my dick inside Marisa's love box.
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You should pity any girl who gets a person who uses 4chan as a boyfriend anon.

All things considered, having a girlfriend who does real magic actually sounds fun as hell.
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Also sex
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That furnace ain't for dicks to stick into
Yes but can I skip the feminization part?
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Don't worry she already has a cute maid. Protect yourself however.

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