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Yuyuko's ten desires:

1: To eat Mystia
2: To eat shark fin soup
3: To eat caviar
4: To eat sushi
5: To eat pizza
6: To eat meatbuns
7: To eat Kuroge Wagyuu beef
8: To eat Hakata Ramen
9: To eat pizza pie
10: To "eat" Youki
Yuyuko, breadhu.
Is there anything that she wouldn't eat besides anything pertaining to anon's dick?
Why is that young ghost so hungry?!
Yuyuko, the slophu
All the slop she consumes on the regular goes to her tits and ass, so it's okay
I'm pretty sure it goes nowhere, her digestive system is now dirt beneath the Saigyou Ayakashi. She can eat as much as she wants and never get fat in any way.
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No, no, all the stuff is converted into milk.
The one of 4 official vorehus
Yuyuko...eats peplo;_; ??
shes dead so she can eat basically anything and no effect because what can happen to her? die again?
With strange enough meals even the dead can die
Achieving Nirvanah by eating too much KFC!
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Cute ghost.
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Cute ghost with cute ghost feet.
I want to pet the yuyu.
I love anime Yuyu so much
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Yes. She more than made up for the fact the the prismrivers were a jpg.

"In her house at Hakugyoukuro, dead Yuyu keeps eating."

Ïa, Ïa, Yuyuko mukbang!
What does Yuyuko's milk taste like?
Ghosts apparently are difficult to differentiate from the living, but I’m still not convinced that her milk wouldn’t be spoiled.
I love this image so much
Ghost udders
gimmie borgar
Definitively not spoiled, but it's cold, flow like water and perfectly sweet.
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Reimu is a wage slave now?

How sad...
Her milk would be so spoiled that it no longer even resembles anything milk like
I don't think yuyukos breasts even work
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Sex ghost.
What the fuck does "even work" mean?
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Aged like wine, you say?
i think under her dress there is nothing, no boobs just white ectoplasma and shit
yuyukado avocado
gotta keep the shrine going
to eat youmo pie
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