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Useful links:
- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1m0KiLcbTwbcg_WyN_eH4aye2fTo
- https://kigguide.com/ (biased)
- Art: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://www.findtubes.com/search/kigurumi
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ

Image Source: https://twitter.com/oNicoo_/status/1803444190648607246

Previous Thread: >>46976557
Why would anyone want to conjure up a man in a wig?
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Bobo SEX
That's a bit more than just a wig, anon.
Has anyone done an Ame-Chan/K-Angel kigu yet?
Why don't you conjure up a better joke
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Man not included
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i NEED azooba
>I will NEVER own a mask and hada like that
why live?
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Too much sex in these threads recently. Post cute.

ok retard
is it kunny or kussy?
Depends on whether they're kigging a loli or not.
not sure about ame, but here's a k-angel I'm aware of
I know where I can order the same mask, I know where I can get a custom color hada, the prints on it I can probably make do with tshirt printing places.

The only thing I don't have is that body.
Why would anyone buy an ayame in 2024
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sauce? kigu association aside. the art is super cute wtf
Don't think he ever posted it on his account but it on based.
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Why do they have pepper shakers in their cooters?
How else are you supposed to access the kigu spice?
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I am owed kigusex
Kigs owe me sex.
are they wearing chastity things? and how do they also have vaginas. im confused.
and turned on
Figure out who I am and I'll even let you choose the outfit. Hint; I'm 177cm
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Isn't Topi tall as fuck? Not a little kiglet like that.
Not him, but you're Scarlett. Sex.
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>I know where I can order the same mask
Please tell anon
NFD, it's literally on their taobao page. They made some really good demon girl/succubus masks.
Are there any discord links besides Kig Int Group?
No, my name doesn't start with either of those letters
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Are you in this photo?
What's with all the middle finger poses? Don't they have better ideas?
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that one irish nigga
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My god why can't my waist be that small
It's always good mask but terrible padding or good padding but terrible mask.
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no I'm scarlett and you can't have sex with me, sorry

why are you the same height as me
Wait til i debut anon, i think i got the padding down. Mask by nfd is also great. Now ijust gotta put in effort to make my photos actually up to par
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I know how tall you are, and you still won't give me sex? Kigs these days have impossible standards.
imagine spending all that time and money to get desirable and then being expected to stoop to fucking

as if.
hmmm im thinking this is you in the middle: >>47139236
How can we save the left one
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I want to Mari
My biggest fear is it may be a guy inside
My biggest turn-on is it absolutely is a guy inside
I wouldn't have sex with a DAME kig.
Speaking of kig heights, I never realized sofa was so small
I could pick him up and put him on a countertop
I want all these kigs to step on me and bully me while I kiss their shoes.
It's a guy inside 99% of the time, ya silly goose
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Someone has to stop this anon before he puts every single kig on an elevated surface
May? No it always is
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Which one does this fall under?
Post feet, slut.
goddamn that's hot. Got any more chastity content?
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What thread is that from?
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Anons, I am going into battle and I want your strongest :D kigs
What should you call it when every kig in a group pic is actually hot? A straight flush?
Go back
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Beware the more public a kig group tries to be the worse it always is. Some are groomer hugboxes, others will lovebomb you hoping you go along with retarded groupthink, some mislead newkigs joke tier makers, farm lolcow content from those dumb enough to engage, list of problems goes on.
Think critically when an anonymous cosplay fetish hobby tries to be more social than normalfags. Its for good reason most good kigs dont bother wasting energy in those chats leaving mostly kigs that are ugly in body, spirit or aura, like emotional vampires
Post kigs with healthy auras
I haven't seen any of this in the Based server. Why is that anon?
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Where do I find kigs that will groom me ?
The various 'cords
Are you a cute underage twink?
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/kcs/- Kigurumi Chlorinated Salientia
chlorine kills frogs get her out of there
My biggest fear is it may be a girl inside
Imagine going on a date with your kigwife, leading her around a con, taking photos of her, then finally, taking her home, laying her on the bed (softly so as to not damage the back of the mask), only to discover some sweaty, musty otaku pussy instead of kigdick
Truly horrifying
Ruru on the /ck/ 'log
Kigus are spreading
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>Russian 4chan
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Kiki needs to wear her sex maniac more often
I can't express how disappointed I would be to find out it was a girl inside.
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Sex with tall kigs
How tall is this kig actually?

Without high heels.
What a brute. Kiggenstein's monster
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Pianeko posted something lewd again and I already came three times to it.
That got posted like 45 minutes ago, anon... 3 times already?
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Nipple eyes...
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kigs in pantyhose.......
Where was it posted?
With a budget of roughly €1700, can I get good quality stuff?
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vanny SEX
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Love me a sexy demon kigu.
https://x.com/BubbleGum_Gummi/status/1804202929735307689 why did she post this again?
https://x.com/BubbleGum_Gummi/status/1805030428094374030 also, isn't Miku like 16?
miku is both 16 and not,
shes meant as a blank slate to use for songs but her standard age has been said to be 16

also lexie says shes better and then goes and posts the pic that caused controversy
there is also the fucking latex mall pics she reposted again
Who cares, the Evangelion girls are 14 but I'd suck any one of their dicks in a second.

Good, capitulating to the kind of dramawhores that started that shit will only make them attack you more because they smell blood. She never did anything wrong so her only mistake was apologizing in the first place.
i think she apologized to save face. or she's just dumb. but the people who don't like her have blocked her, only simps see her shit now
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do NOT lust after adult males wearing kigs of underage characters, you sick fucks
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Hundreds of years old dragons are fine though, right?
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Kigger offers fried chicken
Do you accept?
Need a kigu lap pillow while they feed me Kigurumi Fried Chicken
You sound like that Jews Abbyssal right now my guy.
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breeding sex with this selfmade kigu
Source on this kig? no luck with reverse image search
KIG is the popular place
Then you have the retard box with The Animegao Circle, the place where you can't post kig pics that you don't own and is ran like a business by an absolute retard on benefits
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Intercourse is very bad for the costumes and the people who dawn them. According to medical research, contact with an average Human Male's semen can potentially stun/lock people inside their outfits! What, do you want that? Do you WANT people getting forcefully stuck as provocative, exotic eye candy? Gross...
oh no.. anyway
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>According to medical research, contact with an average Human Male's semen can potentially stun/lock people inside their outfits!
Do you ejaculate glue or something?
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>Put a small camera in your mask
>Put a speaker behind it's mouth
>Feed the image from the camera to your pc, use AI image recognition software
>Feed the output from the recognition software into another AI model, set up a character and make it speak through the speaker
>Also make the AI tell you how the act and output it into your headphones
We have the technology, we can make that real
Don't mind anon, he's just indulging in his semen-activated kigufication TF fantasy
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And that's why the best material to use is latex, so your waifu is water resistant and easy to clean!
Are there any known kigs from brazil?
Like one
PLEASE kig to brazil
Mid kig ngl.
Sure, but they seem to be the only active kig in that part of South America besides that one Argentinian nazi kigger
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Fat kigboobs
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YasuharaNozomi is so fucking leggy.
i'm 6'3" what character should i get a mask of?
lucoa from meidoragon
or a generic succubus
2hu: Yuugi
Gacha: one of the boats
Misc: demon, please ensure your mask has black sclera so anons can cum to you without any issues
Moroboshi Kirari
Don't let your height limit you in the opposite direction, lean into it, and awaken something in other fans of your beloved character when their brain has to reconcile a 195cm version of their typically smol waifu.
how can i reach this physique....
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There's an entire group of them https://x.com/Dolltsune/status/1790554258422526134
scrolled through their feed and this kigu seems very mentally unwell
A mentally unwell kig? How unique!
Holy shit this kig is nightmare fuel. If you're kig is less than 300% anime just fucking throw it in a volcano. That's some BRATZ tier shit. BYE BYE.
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Where can I buy a doll mask like this?
gurglelove has them
How long is his neck?
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Mascots, BJD masks, female masking, animegao furries (and furry kigs in general)
They're not quite proper kig, but are they welcome?
That's one of Kingmask generic masks and bad news, they don't make this model anymore.

Imagine wasting money for this piece of dogshit.
What the fuck is even that hairstyle
Inb4 some retard with zero fucking taste coming out and saying this is not a bad mask.
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Need more kigu ass in the thread
it does look good. weaboo dame haters just hate dame based on principle. kys
There it is. A mf with no standard.

Just because DAME masks are among the better looking in the West (which is not a very high bar) doesn't mean they mean jackshit on a global scale. DAME masks are simple inferior.
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300 calorie diet and estrogen.
Any tip for cutting my leg short?
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Why does it look so w i d e? Is it the eyes? I can’t put my finger on it
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I think it's because the absence of an actual head inside "flattens" it. Since the face seems thicker than the rest of the suit, it should be the most rigid part, and therefore, when it's not worn, the face pulls the hood into a flatter shape.

also these are sexy as fuck. I've always wanted to fuck a demon girl, and this looks like a much better option for this than full body makeup (which sounds like a major pain in the ass to put on and remove).
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Smash or Pass?
pose better and be less fat
This. Pass but fixable.
Better photo and a better pose, and very much smash. Kigu needs to get light sources out of the photo and not photograph their shoulders straight on. Presence of an autographed and framed jersey suggests that the kig could hang out and talk about sports after kigusex activities, which is a big plus.
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>They don't make this model anymore
Se acabó...
>tfw no kigf to watch Copa America with
Why live?
One of those demon kigs is not sex
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What about now?
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My mask finished.
Hmm I was wrong, changing the sclera to black can't save this kig. Still looks like shit.
That mask needs way more fixing than just the sclera color
step on me, perchance?
PLEASE don't be fat
Are you that femanon who talked about ordering from heyao last year?
Now there can be three im@s kigs.
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Please don't do this.
Yo who's that?

Link? plz
>actual femanons on 4chan
>in the kig thread
the chance of any femanon not having or previously having a dick under these circumstances is practically zero, dw bro
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This mask just lacks the appeal other demon kigs have. I can't really put my finger on it but when I look at it I just can't see it as a demon girl, even with black sclera and horns. Maybe the expression is just too boring, like someone's trying to fake a smile for camera but barely puts any effort into making it look less fake. Maybe it's just the shitty artstyle of Vanron.

There are 2-3 other red demon kigs and all of them look way better than the shit Vanron has.
That's the thing with Vanron. He can't draw expressions worth a shit, all of his characters look like they're sloppily faking it.
>Maybe it's just the shitty artstyle of Vanron
It's his art style. I don't know how someone could be drawing for so long and still be shit at it. The eyes have zero details, the mouth is a half-ass attempt at being smug, and he didn't even try with the eye shapes. The fuck is that expression trying to convey.
Seriously, try to imitate that expression in front of a mirror and see how retarded it looks.
Huh? Kig masks are hard solid pieces, they don't flex. There's a few that have latex or fabric hood parts, but the face is still rigid.
This looks fantastic, the two weirdos complaining about it need their eyes replaced.
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If you think Vanron's kig looks fantastic when there're other infinitely better ones out theer, you need your brain checked.

Or did Vanron ask you to come defend him?
I don't know Vanron, but the existence of better kigs doesn't make a kig bad

When there are morbidly obese kigs, cheap rubber masks, and unkempt rats nest wigs, calling someone like Vanron bad seems like some weird personal vendetta or pretentious clique behavior

Get over yourself
The existence of worse kigs doesn't make his mask a good one either lmao.
You just have low standards
I don't know what you're thinking, but the existence of trash kigs doesn't make Vanron's kig a good one

When there are trevor, shrimp, johnny and dozens other amazing demon kigs. calling someone like Vanron fantastic seems like trash taste or personal obsession

Get over yourself
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Of course it doesn't, it just means that you have bizarre standards if you're calling someone like that "bad"
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I want to go to Japan and fuck Johnny, or better yet, let him fuck me.
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Kinda mid kig
You're simping over a shit kig, if anything you're the one with bizarre standards.
It's fun to rip on vanron only because he gets asshurt and samefags as his own fans. Kinda weird. His demon is mid but not outright bad.
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Why is my hadatai taking so long I want to look cute and have doll sex with other cute kigs!
It's just odd to me that vannys art style hasn't improved after all these years. It's like they have a perma debuff preventing them leveling further
Welcome to kig where 60% of the hobby is waiting for stuff to ship from Asia.
Queue for Chinese hada makers is absolutely fucked rn. I ordered mine back in May and have to wait until September.
Usually its not a problem its just the hada thats killing me right now...
Fuck I ordered mine in may too.
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Who is the middest kig?
The kigu reading this (who should probably lose a few pounds)
Thanks anon you inspired me to skip lunch.
I think it's the face in general. It just seems too flat/smooth and I have to double-take everytime I see it to see if it actually has a nose.

Sadly, unlike the sclera issue, that's not something that can be solved by swapping the eyes out
Show feet, you slut.
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I just noticed that not only do most demon kigs have black sclera, they also have no lighting effect in their eyes. Looks slightly better if you remove it.
eventually, this thread will simply overhaul Vanron into Shrimp with different horns (which I prefer to Shrimp's smooth red horns)
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I mean trevor's demon kig has both white sclera and lighting effect in its eyes. In the end it all comes down to Vanron's garbage art and his inability to draw a expressive faces.

The only fix that can save him is just ditch the current mask and get an actually competent artist to draw him a character. Also get his head outta his ass and accept that he can't draw for shit and improve on it.
Shrimp's can get a new pair of horns, Vanron can't get a better face.
>and get an actually competent artist to draw him a character
no need, just throw it into AI
AI deadass improved the facial expressions lmao.
I don't understand

He's so egoistic and thinks his art is oh so great that he used it as reference to commission a mask.

But at the same time he also doesn't have any respect for his art and feeds it to AI?
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I was worried kigfriends wouldn't like their kigs being kissed/ licked and then I see this shit. LOL.
Are you serious comparing clean tap water with your disgusting smelly saliva?
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My breath and saliva are nice and clean! ;_;
um excuse me why are you wearing your underwear in the shower

ok fag
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I masturbated to this picture.
me (im doing my best)
Tfw no kigwife
wich kigu wuld u wife?
Theres only one corect choice
Will they add fingernails and toenails in the next balance patch?
Fingernails are already becoming more and more common.
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Nails have been creeping their way into the meta for a while now
id get hada gloves aswell and some nails but fuck if i know where
cantilon doesnt seem to have that option
Cute, but doko da fuck are the toenails?
Does Bisko have good wife skills?
Ayame offers gloves with their hada for like an extra 20 bucks or something
disclaimer I was not talking about me
Where did henners go
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Well, do you?
No, but I want to cuddle an anon who does!
Do not let the "I want to the Chinese girl" transformation threads get too close to /kcs/. Down that route lies horniness.
These threads are without question the horniest threads on /jp/ anon
Goodness, we wouldn't want anything to happen to /kcs/'s purity.
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This thread wastes color ink to print off pictures in order to cum on them. Sometimes someone wastes color ink to print off the cummed-on print off in order to cum on that too.
Oh God, this is so hot.
>crotch show no sign of tucking
I'm super confused, aren't all kiggs "piloted" by men? Or are those two just really good at padding to make it look like very puffy vulva?
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What’s the latest drama Kigurumi Caustic Social-media?
nails look so bad on kigs
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Is THIS what she meant
Mask kinda bad.
>crotch show no sign of tucking
Anon don't you realize these are "inverted chastity cages"? don't you see them? that kind of cage is specially common among dick shrinking fetishists from Asia.
If you know nothing about these cages then I'll guess you are not too much into the crossdressing, sissy or femboy culture.
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I don't know about you anons but I'm starting to get the feeling that this whole "kigging" stuff is on the homosexual end of the spectrum
I just have a severe case of enclosure fetishism and a moderate case of crossdressing.
zero (0) desire for stinky poopoo homosex
How so? They're anime girls anon, GIRLS
How much of Kig'ing is sex? Being an IRL anime girl looks like a lot of fun, but I don’t even like casual sex with women, much less anime women*.
Mind you, I’m not gonna sperg out on people acting horny, I just wouldn’t wanna participate myself. Would that make me a “wet blanket” or piss people off?
>inb4 “kigsex” was just a meme and I outed myself as a tard
There are kiggers who do it for primarily aesthetic reasons or as a creative outlet, and then there are kiggers who do it primarily to fuck around- same as any other cosplay subculture. Of course, many have a splash of both.
Nonsexual kigs are underrepresented in this thread because this place is disastrously horny (I have gathered the same is true of the discords), but they're around. Getting to photograph a non-horny kigu would be great.
Anyone who judges you for not wanting to fuck isn't worth hanging out with to begin with.
Last big big kig meet I was at I just played board games with 4-5 others while a bunch of kigs were rubbing rods in a different room.
Probably referring to me, still warmly waiting. Ecstatic from what they've sent so far and cant wait for the other mask I've been expecting
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Why ARE the chinese so obsessed with cock chastity torture salt shaker cages?
That shit looks so painful, but 90% of chinese kigs that wear lewd attire seem to have at least one picture with those things
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Other people's webms are titillating, but reality isn't porn and I have like no desire to have sex with people I hardly know, nevermind gay sex. If I ever got my shit together enough to be presentable in public, I'd be one of the retards playing board games with >>47215749, take some pictures, and go home to jerk off in the privacy of my own home.
If western kigs lack the mental fortitude to compress their cocks inside a flat metal cage, they will NEVER reach the level of spiritual enlightenment the Eastern kigmasters have
Love kig feet
Love kig footjobs
> I'd be one of the retards playing board games with >>47215749, take some pictures, and go home to jerk off in the privacy of my own home.
This is me, everytime. Doing normal things with friends (in kig) is great.
Sometimes I feel like the odd one out.
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I really don't get what's so bad about this. Probably a case of pic related.
My thoughts exactly.
In this case the worse cake is half baked, the cream isn't even spread evenly and the flour probably expired a month ago.
And the guy who made the worse cake keeps insisting that it's good and his fans who have zero taste claim it tastes even better than the better cake.
Based. Cracking a few beers and playing board games with a bunch of anime girls is more my speed.
Just wanted to know what I’m getting into before I drop a grand or two on a new hobby-- thanks for the answers, frens

Couple dumb questions I couldn’t find in the guidebook or the last few threads:
- What’s the normal height range for kigs in the US? I’m ~195cm, so I’m guessing I should lean into that with my character unless I wanna stand out? For example, going for an onee-san type over something “smol and cute”.
- How well can you see out of kigmasks without some VR setup? If we need glasses (can’t wear contacts), do we need to account for that when we commission a mask?

>no kigs, not only in my state, but any adjacent states either.
Kinda figured that would be the case, but it's still disappointing.
Leaning into it looks better in my opinion but it's also not really a requirement.
As for glasses in masks it really varies a lot from mask to mask. I have a GKO and there's no way I would fit my glasses inside, but others who also got GKOs do wear glasses inside with no issues.
Owner had chimpout after someone criticized his kig a few threads ago so now it's funny to make fun of it
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I don't know bros, I'd eat this cake
Just don't hang out with retards who don't understand consent. Also I get a sick satisfaction out of denying horny kigus access to ravaging me at meetups. Being a tease is dare I say more fun than actual kig sex.
tfw no conceited kig wife who will give me sex in exchange for fake compliments on their stagnant art skills
tfw no devilish kig wife who blueballs me constantly and gets off to my frustration
Ah yes the classic kiger with bad mask who resorts to post tits and ass as saving grace.
Honestly, stop posting that shit bait. Enough is enough, I'm sick of seeing Varon's drama and his army of simps crying over critism.
Suckable kig toes!
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Vanron is reading this thread. Please post a titfuck with the demon. We would all love you for it.
>someone took the time to make this
Ignore the haters vanny, Beatrix is peak and I've busted countless nuts to your art on patreon
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I think people are complaining exclusively about the mask. Nobody is saying that Vanny isn't hot.
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I’m not dead, I just haven’t kigged much lately
How can we forget about the shit mask when you keep posting it?
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miosha sex
Bad mask and bad art.
laffey from azur lane
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Does wally have an ura?
>2 posters over 6'X" in the last day
Why are kigus so tall? Is this an autism thing?
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The fuck does height have to do with autism?
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They used to have a fantia but stopped
Need more hot kiguart
>2 posters over 6'X" in the last day
Good, finally some good fucking food.
I don't care as long as I get more tall anime wives, I love tall kigers, the only truly tall American kigu I know is Topi, I need more tall American kigs to simp for, Europeans have it so easy.
I could see that tall tard being autistic as fuck yea
I'm 6'3" and will kig a tall character once I've finished getting my body where I want it to be. This I promise to the horny anons of /kcs/.
there are a bunch of 6'+ american kigs, what are you smoking
Lies, give me a list of 6'3+ American kigs now!
Sexy tall ladies…
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