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Boobhus. Breasthus.
Give me the largest boobies you have!
No, that's too big...
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checkmate atheists
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I should really get back into the groove of art practice.
My distant dream of drawing massive-breasted 2hus is still very far but would be slightly less far now if I had not been slacking off lately for the past two months.
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I'm thankful for boobs.
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Where is Earth in this?
Earth could not be reached for comment.

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My wife is big.
I wish I had drawn more boobhus
You can start drawing big 2hus NOW, go on and make your dream come true :>
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I dunno about you, but I enjoy cold milk.
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How do you guys feel about boobhu artist 2B213?
damn, thumbnail had me thinking it was reimu
He's great because he draws shota stuff
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I like him, a lot. Easily one of my top 10 or even top 5 artists. You can certainly say his artstyle is overly sketchy, even in his more fully rendered pictures, but I think it's really unique style that makes things look kinda ghostly and ethereal, which is especially fitting for touhou in my opinion.
Looks female enough, presents as a female, I don't see an issue.
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One of the best, and his OCs are cute too
Should drop drawing his gay oc and make more bakunyuuhus
He's a Yachie and Seijafag so he's pretty alright in my book
Then commission him
With my hands
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His (ongoing?) series of Taimanin Touhou designs does things to me...
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He at one point did not one, not two, but three whole ideas I requested in his Suggestion Box! I requested a pregnant Miko, a lactating Kaguya and a Kosuzu in micro-bikini, and he did it! So needless to say I am very grateful to him.
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Oops, wrong pic, my bad.
canon Seija body proportions
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Damn, thats crazy. Did you have to word your suggestions a certain way or had to type it in japanese for them to be more likely to pick it?
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God I love fairypai
Drawing chounyuuhus https://files.catbox.moe/10kdln.png
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Uhh didn't mean to quote
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I used very simple Japanese for all of them. All of them were just "(Focus Tag)の(Character Name)。". Like for the Miko pic I just typed "妊婦の豊聡耳神子。", which just means "Pregnant Toyosatomimi no Miko."
Not that it matters much nowadays as 2B only draws suggestion box requests once in a blue moon now. Now if you want some idea you have drawn by him you gotta pay up. Which I can't even blame the guy for, it's an income. But I'm still very grateful for the free requests he did for me.
Imagine being in the middle of a snowstorm and having to dive between those mountainous titties to save yourself from frosty death.
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nah id just aislop it up
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T-the hat is bigger than her tits...
God, that's hot.
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I love chounyuuhus so much
Can't get it up anymore unless they're at least that big
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Same. BIG 2hus are the best.
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big mask
Post more Nuen, anon-san.
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Why would one of gensyoko sages dress and act like this
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Desperation. After it fails and she becomes even more desperate, she might even settle to trying to seduce shotas.
When you are the boss of this gym, you can dress however the fuck you want
Paizuri with which 2hu?
all of them.
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No, this is sag.
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Buddist cow.
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what would you do with ran-sama bra?
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The patchouli
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Take the biggest whiff ever and then fuck my fox wife while her autistic sukima owner watches us.
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tithus owe me breastfeeding nursing handjobs
its big enough to huff while using as a masturbatory aid while ran encourages you
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why are tengu like this?
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i love Kagawoo
oh my...
Fun Fact: 95% of 2hus are completely useless apart from their ability to give paizuri.
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the open shoulder look does invite the imagination
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Damn I need to draw another kagerou
Larp or not, I need to do it
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but icemilk is mugetsu's thing
do it
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Is there a 2hu you always picture to have huge breasts? Is there one you always picture to have small ones?
>Is there one you always picture to have small ones?
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I'm into B.E. so not really.
Kagerou is so fucking sexy it's no wonder she has to stay in the forest because if she came into the village she'd drive every man rabid in a breeding frenzy
>2hu you always picture to have huge breasts?
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top 5 boobhus (in no particular order)
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Sanae with Lv 6+ sized breasts >>47153871 under the impression they're still pretty small!
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it do be like that
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Huge death bags
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This artist always delivers
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>Is there a 2hu you always picture to have huge breasts? Is there one you always picture to have small ones?
Kanako and Marisa respectively.
I in general have always pictured Kanako as not only one of the largest-breasted women in Gensokyo, but also one of the tallest. So my mental image of her is her being huge in general.
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Marisa should always be big. Fairies except dai should be small.
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Are you me?
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if i'm you, then that means you enjoy ridiculously huge boobs. that would mean you are a degenerate, but also a man of taste
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I just want to grope and suckle and paizuri that borbs tits
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>liking big boobs is being degenerate
this says alot about our society
Never thought I'd see people posting manorea on here. I like him for his fat posts, but he does quite a lot of breast expansion too
I gotta wonder how Yata-sama feels about paizuri, being in that position and all.
The yatagarasu has always been dead, even before Okuu ate it.
there's a difference between big and ridiculously huge, anon
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i am an insatiable hyper fag, my idea of "huge" is beyond the scope of a normie's imagination
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whats your preferred hyper sizerange anon, on a scale of body obscuring laying on the floor to paizuri-ing a skyscraper
yukari belly...
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depends on how i'm feeling at the moment. i'd say this is a pretty nice size in general >>47131584
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i respect that kind of hyperfaggotry. i relate to it, even.
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Detailed bras are the best
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Ideal boobhu size is somewhere around here to >>47130664 here. But even bigger is good too.
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What terrifying youkai hides behind this spoiler?
ran's tits are always, invariably, without a doubt, absolutely massive. this is on the small to average end of my preferred ran tit size.
Easily the best thread on /jp/
They need to repopulate quicker and since the male tongue are fags, the females have to do this
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i agree with everything this anon says because it's exactly what i wanted to hear
once you go tithu you never go back
I never want to go back
Ran needs massive saggers to counterbalance her massive mofu mofus
so true, that size there is ideal to allow her optimal mobility while bouncing her saggers and her mofus
I'm not really an otaku so I din't visit this board, but I saw boobs on the home page, so I clicked boobs.

Is this whole board just cute girls and anime girls? I mean it makes sense, because that's what all the other board are (with some variation)
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child predator okuu.
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blowing raspberries against reimu's belly continuously until she's forced to literally fortune-teller me with her gohei to get me off of her!
Did the emo goth kaggy I drew a while ago
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You get to choose one boobhu to receive paizuri all night, who are you picking for the night?
I just love brahus.
She's not allowed in boobhu threads anymore. That's why she has her own containment thread.
bros I think she's sick
standing paizuri grandmaster
excellent taste
Forgive me for this sin but you asked, so the paizuri kot. If I end up in the cart, so be it.
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Sana-chan's P-cups...
Makes you nice and refreshed.
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Sanae's a good girl with huge boobs!
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ran yakumo or tsukasa kudamaki, depending on how terrible i want to freel about it afterwards.

sexcellent. she definitely is a titrape expert.
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Jo'on if I can afford it.
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Good old Facominn
I'd pick Sanae, but I'm not a little boy, so her heart wouldn't be in it. I'll pick Satori because I like this animation.
Breasts are directly proportional to height and apparent age. Loli's and all fairies are naturally washboards with maybe some squish on the upper end like Tewi and Kogasa. The usual protagonists vary between flat and gropeable, Reimu/Marisa/Youmu on the smaller side, Sanae and Reisen on the larger side, and Sakuya's actual size is up to imagination. The rest have some meat to them.
On the contrary I'd rather have them """managable""" sized. Big boobs are nice, but I don't want them obstructing access to her soft tummy or make it too hard to squeeze her in a hug or prevent her from using her mouth in paizuri.
Always choose Ran.
but anon, at just the right size you can have them large enough for your favehu to move around while also experiencing torso enveloping titsex that will redefine your perception of pleasure forever. besides, her mouth should be free to tease and kiss you.
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Obligatory Chanta Ran
Shoving my face into patchouli's fat saggers and drinking her boob sweat
she hits (and tits) different.
Self restraint is needed...
peak deviantart quality.
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it's a great place for 2hu fap material
so just good shit then
Thanks for the feedback
It's like she wants Reimu to abuse her tits.
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What's happening here?
They are making you one of them.
I like huge boobs but I hate these kind of images. What are they even doing?
i dont want huge tits noooo
They are rubbing their breasts against (you).
It's too late. All will become massive Boobhus.
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There need to be flatties for the world to have balance, and also for tit mogging to have any meaning.
If all boobs are super, none are...
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Tenshi's tenshis
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Boobhus aren't real they can't hurt you
false, they make my dick so hard it hurts.
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It is part of a gallery.
It's a harem pic, they are waiting in the room for the boy (A shota) to walk in. The guy who commissions these in general is always commissioning Touhou Oneshota Boobhu Harem pics and galleries.
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hag tummy
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rare case of guya being the biggest.
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Reimu's had a growth spurt...
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Asking to be groped from behind...
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fairy big
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Three Rules of Gensokyo:
1. For every boobhu, there must also be a flathu eg. Reimu is big, Marisa is small.
2. The younger sister must always be more buxom than the older sister.
3. The bigger the boobs, the more powerful the 2hu.
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those faces are awful.
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those faces are beautiful.
useless 2hus good only for groping their boobies in their sleep
Imagine being Reimu in that situation, what do you even do just seeing that appear out of nowhere?
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wise words, the world requires contrast
double sleeping paizuri
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When will we get an Omega Labyrinth inspired 2hu game? Kill enemies, absorb their omega power, get bigger boobs, and equip bras for stat boosts.
Which six characters would you choose to Omega Labyrinth Touhou version? Would come with the minigame pics with the size you choose
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okuu (already massive to begin with)
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He draws oppai Flan, so hes good.
What if there was a Boobhu incident, every 2hu got got bigger boobies, flattes became bigger and already present boobhus got even boobier, the trick being everyone involved in the incident is convinced their boobs have been made smaller?
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What would they do to try to increase their boobage back to the proper size? And what size would that be?
Obviously Eirin and Reisen would make BE potions or pills, Tewi would sell fake ones, Marisa/Patchouli would try direct magic, who else? Shinmyoumaru and her magic mallet services? Alice building Shanghais with boobs bigger than their bodies? "Augmenting" Medicine?
Ass pics + Massive sideboob.
My favorite.
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>What would they do to try to increase their boobage back to the proper size?
All the afforementioned girls would try and either fail only making them bigger for a limited time and Reimu would do her usual incident solving locating the culprit in the end and with everyone set back to their previous size normal size, only everyone is one to one and a half cup size bigger and not thinking anything is wrong and this incident will repeat every so often resulting in huge milkers for every 2hu.
Nue doesn't look like that
she's unidentifiable if she wants to so she *could* look like that
Okay but nue would be terrible lifeguard I bet she would use her powers to turn like rubber ducky in the pool into kraken and scare shit out of you while she laughs at you
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Stupidly sexy
it's okay. you can admit she catfished you with pictures from 10 years ago. i won't judge you.
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nue... take it easy with the snacking on outsiders
Here's my idea:
5 playable characters:
Miko - A cup, Marisa B cup, Alice C cup, Reimu D cup, Byakuren E cup.
The smaller your initial cup size, the weaker you are, but you gain Omega power faster. The bigger your initial size, the less power you lose on death. So, playing as Miko makes the game harder early on, but it gets easier as you go, provided you don't die lots.
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you'd think a great tengu would be more subtle
this is why hatate is the best
I forgot this blue Aya recolor existed.
>even her dolls have big boobs
oh no, multiple of my many many weaknesses
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big fairy?

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